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Review Jurnal : Produksi Biofuel dari Palm Oil dengan Berbagai Metode Proses Muhammad Wafi; Agus Budianto
INSOLOGI: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/insologi.v1i4.633


Energy is one of the basic needs of all industrial and household needs in the social sphere. Along with population economic growth, regional development and development from year to year, the need for energy fulfillment in all sectors nationally is also getting bigger. The results of a study by the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources explain that Indonesia's total energy consumption per capita is increasing every year with growth of more than 5%. One type of renewable energy is biodiesel. Biodiesel is a fuel oil (BBM) as one of the supporting capacities of human life which will continue to experience an increase in demand along with the increase in population from year to year. Currently, the need for fuel for people around the world is increasing, while fossil fuel reserves are running low. This situation has resulted in scientists developing alternative energy sources which are expected to be able to overcome the energy crisis in the future. In an effort to find, develop, and extract energy sources, the main factors are energy, economy, and ecology. Making green energy in this study we review the process methods that can be used to make biofuel from Pakm Oil raw materials, process methods include the cracking method, hydrocracking method, In this research, the process method that produces the largest % yield is the hydrocracking process method using a Pd/Al2O3 catalyst of 94%.
Pengolahan Limbah Cair Sisa Analisis Laboratorium dengan Resin dan Adsorben Karbon Aktif tri wahono; agus budianto
Journal of Industrial Process and Chemical Engineering (JOICHE) Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (517.976 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.joiche.2022.v2i2.3852


As a company laboratory in East Java produces waste at levels that do not meet the standards permitted by government authorities. The main problem is the COD value, NH3-N levels and pH that are not suitable. The study was conducted to reduce COD levels of NH3-N and neutralize pH with the chosen method. This study aims to determine the effect of the amount of adsorbent and the use of anion exchanger on the pH of the wastewater, the COD concentration of the wastewater, and the total ammonia concentration of the wastewater. This research begins with drying of activated carbon and activation of Silitte MA-12 anion resin. Silitte MA-12 anion resin 100 gr by soaking into the waste and adding activated carbon of 45.5%, 50.55%, 65.72%, 80.89%, and 96.05%. The analysis was carried out after 24 hours of immersion. The Silitte MA-12 resin used causes an increase in pH from 1-2 to 6-7. The results of this study are that the greater the addition of activated carbon percent does not significantly affect the final pH of the sample, the COD value produced is getting smaller from the initial value of 1592 mg/L to 40-200 mg/L with a standard value of 200 mg/L and ammonia levels. in the sample is getting smaller from the initial value of 752 mg/L to 8-90 mg/L with a standard value of 100 mg/L.
Proses Pembuatan Biofuel dengan Metode perengakahan Menggunakan Katalis Padat Agus Budianto; Ayuni Rita Sari; Yohana Winda Monica; Erlinda Ningsih; Esthi Kusdarini
Journal of Industrial Process and Chemical Engineering (JOICHE) Vol 1, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.613 KB) | DOI: 10.31284/j.joiche.2021.v1i1.2116


The development of population growth causes of fuels need increasing. Because ofthat reason, it necessary to create alternative fuels which are friendly to theenvironment to meet the fuels need in society. Fossil fuel is a non-renewable fuel.Biofuel as an alternative fuel can be taken as a solution to solve this problem. Thereviewd aim was to determine the effect of raw materials used on yield product andthe different effects of temperature and catalysts on the yield of special materials(gasoline, diesel, kerosene) biofuel. Biofuel production started from thepreparation of raw materials, catalylic, and catalytic cracking process using afixed bed reactor. Raw materials greatly affected yield product. The highest yieldproducts were being gotten from RBDPS raw materials of 93.29%. Biofuel fromused cooking oil and concentration of red sludge catalyst of 15% produced thehighest biofuel with gasoline compound of 73.86% and kerosene compound of26.14%. Biofuel from camelina oil with ZSM-5-Zn catalyst concentration of 30%produced the highest gasoline yield of 75.65%.
Co-Authors A. Alif Mardianto A.H. Rasihan Anwar ABD. MALIK Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abubakar Tuhuloula Abubakar Tuhuloula Abubakar Tuhuloula Achmad Maulidan Syahrie Achmad Roesyadi Agung Prijo Budijono Aista Pudji Witari Akbar, Iman Andik Yulianto Ariska Asti Ningrum Aulia, Firman Axo Syamboga Ayuni Rita Sari Bagus Dwi Susanto Budihardjo A.h. Danawati Hari Prajitno Daniatus Syahr Hajj Denis Rocky Pradana Desyana Ghafarunnisa Dian Yanuarita P Dian Yanuarita Purwaningsih Dinda Aprilia RP Eka Nurdiana Eka Nurdiana Eky Novianarenti Enggar Priambodo Erlinda Ningsih Erlinda Ningsih Erlinda Ningsih Erlinda Ningsih Ningsih Erlinda Ningsih, Erlinda Fanani, Nurull Firdausi, Rizal Zubad Firman Aulia Fitrianingtyas Fitrianingtyas Fitrianingtyas, Fitrianingtyas Flaminggo Gingga Gingga, Flaminggo Hajj, Daniatus Syahr Ilhamsyah, Iwan Iman Akbar Iwan Ilhamsyah Julaika, Sofiyya Kartika Udyani Khomariyah, Nurul Kusdarini, Esthi Kusno Budhikarjono Lakon Utamakno Mangkurat, Wisnu Mardianto, A. Alif Mohammad Wafi Wafi Muhammad Wafi Musarofa, Musarofa Nashih Zuhair Dwi Santoso Ningrum, Ariska Asti Novi Andriani Novi Andriani, Novi NUR HAMIDAH Nurull Fanani Pratama Sandi Alala Ratna Ediati Rizal Zubad Firdausi Romiarto Romiarto Romiarto, Romiarto RP, Dinda Aprilia Shofiyya Julaika Siti Afifa Suhartini - Sumari Sumari Suparjo Suparjo tri wahono Utamakno, Lakon Wahyu S. Pambudi Wahyu Setyo Pambudi Wisnu Mangkurat Yohana Winda Monica Yudho Dwi Galih Cahyono Yustia Wulandari M Yustia Wulandari Mirzayanti Zuchrilah, Daril Ridho