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MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 42, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v42i1.393


Abstrak: Klaim kebenaran mutlak dalam agama sering dianggap sebagai sebab konflik dan kekerasan bernuansa agama. Anggapan ini kemudian melahirkan perlunya penyebaran gagasan pluralisme agama di tengah umat beragama, khususnya umat Islam. Sebagai puncak dari tiga sikap beragama, pluralisme diyakini mampu mem-bawa umat beragama ke kehidupan yang damai dan harmonik karena meyakini adanya kebenaran dalam setiap agama dan keyakinan yang ada. Namun persebaran gagasan ini mengalami kontroversi dan penolakan dari kalangan agamawan sendiri sehingga menjadi tidak efektif dan mengalami titik balik. Tulisan ini mencoba melihat secara kritis gagasan pluralisme agama dan membangun perspektif baru bahwa untuk menjalin harmoni hidup beragama tidak harus meyakini keberadaan kebenaran pada agama dan keyakinan lain. Sikap beragama yang eksklusif juga potensial menjadi dasar hidup harmoni karena sesungguhnya agama (Islam) telah menyiapkan seperangkat doktrinal agar umatnya tetap ramah dan hidup damai bersama umat lain dengan tetap meyakini eksklusivitas kebenaran Islam.Abstract: Discourse and Critique of Religious Pluralism Theology in Indonesia. The claim of absolute truth of religions is usually considered as the cause of social conflict and violence. From this assumption, many scholars think that we need to spread a religious pluralism theology to the religious communities, especially to Muslim society. As the apex of three religious attitudes, they believe that religious pluralism could make peace and harmony interaction among religious communities. Because of pluralism theology contains a faith that every religions inherent in it equal truth. But the dissemination of religious pluralism was oppossed by religious scholars (theologians), and become controversial within society. This article propose to build a new paradigm in religions theology. This research argues that community can live harmoniously with the others, and at the same time, they believe constantly in absolute truth of their religions. I call this as a exclusive-tolerant theology. In addition, the author argues that Islam has potencies to be an exclusive-tolerant religion, since Islam have given theological basis to harmonious life with different religious groups.Kata Kunci: teologi, agama-agama, pluralisme, eksklusivisme, relativisme
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 45, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v45i2.848


Abstract: This present study discusses the boarding school-based regeneration in Persatuan Islam (PERSIS) organization formulated by KH. Endang Abdurrahman during the period of 1954-1983. Historical approach is employed in this study with qualitative descriptive model. It reveals that cadre management is culturally performed, where direct and personal relationship between teacher and students are formed. In its development, PERSIS regeneration is more organized through educational institution: Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) owned by PERSIS and courses for Muballigh or preacher. Historically, this reinforcement gained its momentum when PERSIS was led by KH. E. Abdurrahman from 1962 to1983.The system developed by Abdulrahman was yet exclusive and unintegrated with the national education system. Through such system, PERSIS was able to produce many religious scholars (muballigh and ustadz).Abstrak: Kajian ini membahas regenerasi berbasis pondok pesantren dalam organisasi Persatuan Islam (PERSIS) yang dirumuskan oleh KH. Endang Abdurrahman selama periode 1954-1983. Pendekatan historis digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan model deskriptif kualitatif. Ini mengungkapkan bahwa manajemen kader dilakukan secara budaya, di mana hubungan langsung dan pribadi antara guru dan murid terbentuk. Dalam perkembangannya, regenerasi PERSIS lebih diselenggarakan melalui lembaga pendidikan: Pesantren PERSIS dan kursus untuk Muballigh. Secara historis, penguatan ini ketika PERSIS dipimpin oleh KH. E. Abdurrahman dari tahun 1962 hingga 1983, di mana sistem pendidikan eksklusif dan tidak terintegrasi dengan sistem pendidikan nasional. Melalui sistem itu, PERSIS menghasilkan banyak ulama (mubaligh dan ustaz).Keywords: PERSIS, cadres management, PERSIS Pesantren, K.H.E. Abdurrahman
HAM ISLAM DAN DUHAM PBB: Sebuah Ikhtiar Mencari Titik Temu Izzuddin Washil; Ahmad Khoirul Fata
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 41, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v41i2.394


Abstrak: Meski secara umum memiliki kesamaan dengan Deklarasi Umum Hak Asasi Manusia (DUHAM) Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa, konsep Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) dalam Deklarasi Kairo memiliki spesifikasi tertentu yang berbeda. DUHAM bersumber dari paradigma Barat, sementara Deklarasi Kairo berbasis syariat. Dilihat dari perspektif DUHAM, ada beberapa hal spesifik dalam HAM versi Dunia Islam yang dinilai melanggar HAM. Konsep kebebasan beragama berbeda antara keduanya. Juga tentang hukuman mati, rajam, dan yang lainnya. Dengan demikian apakah HAM versi Islam tersebut harus dipertentangkan dengan DUHAM? Alih-alih mempertentangkan keduanya, tulisan ini mencoba mempertemukan keduanya dengan mencarikan alternatif jawaban. Dengan melakukan pemaknaan ulang terhadap beberapa konsep Islam, tulisan ini menemukan adanya peluang agar Deklarasi Kairo dengan DUHAM bisa berjalan beriringan. Abstract: Islamic Human Rights and the United Nations Human Rights Declaration: in Search of Compromise.  Although generally in common with the United Nations Human Rights Declaration (DUHAM), the concept of Human Rights in the Cairo Declaration has different specifications. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights comes from the Western paradigm, while the Cairo Declaration is based on the Shari'a. Viewed from the perspective of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are some specific issues in the human rights of the World Islamic version that are considered to violate human rights. The concept of freedom of religion differs between the two. It is also true in the context of death penalty, stoning, and others. Thus does the human rights of the Islamic version be contrasted with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Instead of contrasting these two aspects, this paper tries to reconcile them by finding an alternative answer. By re-enacting some Islamic concepts, this paper finds an opportunity for Cairo Declaration with the Universal Declaration to go hand in hand in harmony. Kata Kunci: hak asasi manusia, PBB, deklarasi Kairo, syariat Islam
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 38, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v38i2.65


Abstract: Persatuan umat Islam adalah aplikasi ajaran Islam tentang persaudaraan sesama Muslim (ukhuwah Islâmîyah). Pluralitas kultural umat Islam telah menjadi resistensi tersendiri bagi implementasi doktrin tersebut dalam masyarakat Muslim. Di Indonesia, keragaman mazhab, organisasi dan aliran politik telah melahirkan disintegrasi umat. Beragam konflik intern umat Islam menjadi bukti disintegrasi tersebut. Tulisan ini mengkaji gagasan KH. Hasyim Asy`ari tentang persatuan umat Islam. Penulis menemukan bahwa gagasan tentang persatuan umat Islam KH. Hasyim Asy`ari didasari oleh tauhid dan anti fanatisme dalam masyarakat Muslim. Kenyataan bahwa disintegrasi menjadi problem dunia Islam kontemporer telah membuat ide KH. Hasyim Asy`ari menjadi urgen, dan dapat menjadi solusi alternatif bagi problem umat tersebut.Abstract: The Contextualization of KH. Hasyim Asyari’s View on the Muslim Unity. The Muslim unity is a logical consequence of religious teachings concerning the Muslim brotherhood (ukhuwah Islamiyâh). The diversity of the Muslim community has become a challenge for its application. In Indonesian, the diversity of mainstream school of thoughts, organizations, and parties have given rise to disintegration of the Muslim society. The internal conflicts that come out from various reasons is an evident of that disintegration. This paper analyzes KH. Hasyim Asyari’s view concerning the Muslim unity. The authors find that the idea of the Muslim unity should be based upon faith and anti-fanatism. It reflects the concordance of faith and could be realized in anti-fanatism attitude in the Muslim society. The idea of KH Hasyim Asy`ari is perceived of utmost important, for it may become an alternative solution for the social problems.Kata Kunci: Persatuan, Ukhuwah,  KH Hasyim Asy‘ari, Nahdhatul Ulama
Optimalisasi Peran Lembaga Zakat Dalam Mewujudkan Keadilan Sosial-Ekonomi Atmo Prawiro; Ahmad Khoirul Fata
Al-Buhuts Vol. 16 No. 1 (2020): Al-Buhuts
Publisher : Institute Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (424.709 KB) | DOI: 10.30603/ab.v16i1.1356


This paper seeks to answer important questions on the role of zakat institutions in the distribution of social and economical justice in society. This paper is motivated by the concept that zakat is a sharing economy or gift economy that is believed to be able to contribute to increasing the prosperity and welfare of society. But in the Indonesian context, zakat has not been able to playfully that role. At this point zakat management institutions (amil) should be highlighted as zakat fund managers. To optimize the zakat funds, the amil zakat must pay attention to several things: zakat management must be done professionally and clearly, zakat funds must be used as entrepreneurial capital, as eternal funds, sustainable and sustainable capital, zakat institutions must have clear targets and planned, and finally Amil must be willing to collaborate and cooperate between them.
Nabi Musa Menampar Malaikat Maut: Jalan Tengah Polemik Hadis Musykil Izzuddin Washil; Ahmad Khoirul Fata
Jurnal Ilmiah AL-Jauhari: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Interdisipliner Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah AL-Jauhari
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1381.635 KB) | DOI: 10.30603/jiaj.v4i2.1076


Hadith which tells the story of the Prophet Musa slapping the angel of death invites polemic among the scholars. There is a group that can accept it with various explanations, there are also those who consider death is unacceptable even though the sanad is valid. Therefore this hadith is included as an improbable hadith. This paper tries to find a way out of the polemic. In this discussion, the author can accept opinions that reject this Hadith if the flow of understanding can be accounted for. However, the author can also accept opinions that accept it if the flow of understanding can be accounted for. An important part that must be revealed immediately in this hadith is the certainty whether or not Moses knew that what came to him was the grim reaper. If an explanation of this has been obtained, of course, we are easier to determine the attitude of accepting or rejecting this hadith. But certainty is difficult to obtain because the text of this hadith does not explicitly inform it. So what must be done now is tawaqquf.
Salat Tasbih, Sunnah atau Bid’ah? (Studi Atas Kualitas Hadith Salat Tasbih) Gultom Harahap; Ahmad Khoirul Fata
Jurnal Ilmiah AL-Jauhari: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Interdisipliner Vol. 6 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah AL-Jauhari
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30603/jiaj.v6i1.2261


This research discusses the hadith about the Tasbih prayer. The researcher focuses on the quality of the sanad and the matan of the hadiths. Based on the researcher discussion, it concluded that although there were many narrations about the sunnah of the Tasbih prayer which have weaknesses in the narrators, but the hadiths related to it were valid to be used as evidence in terms of both the sanad and the matan. Among the narrations about the Tasbih prayer was the hadith of Ibn Abbas ra. from the path of Ikrimah ra. and the Hadith of Al-Anshary from the path of Urwan bin Ruawimi. The opinion, therefore, which permitted the prayer of tasbih circumcision to be carried out, was stronger than that which prohibited it. The argument about the Tasbih prayer, whether it was sunnah or not, was the foundation of this research.
Basis Teologis Dakwah Ekologis Ahmad Khoirul Fata
Jurnal Bimas Islam Vol. 10 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Bimas Islam 2017
Publisher : Direktorat Jenderal Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37302/jbi.v10i2.28


The damage of nature is caused by human activities. That makes any disasters that falling on human. The ecological crisis must be solved by religious people to avoide human existence threat. In this point, dakwah as a attempt to make the human condition better than before, must enter to this scope. Ecological dakwah is transformation of human view on the nature, from anthropocentric paradigm to islamic paradigm. The aim of this alterationi show human can make their treatment to nature better than before. Human stop exploitation of natureand make a harmonic relation with the nature. There are three islamic doctrines to build the ecological dakwah: nature and human are creation of Allah, natureand human are signs of existence of Allah, and human are chaliph of Allah in theworld. Kerusakan alam yang terjadi akibat perilaku manusia, menyebabkan berbagai bencana alam yang menimpa manusia. Krisis ekologi tersebut harus segera ditangani kaum agamawan agar tidak mengancam eksistensi manusia. Di sinilah dakwah sebagai upaya mengubah kondisi manusia menjadi lebih baik harus segera masuk ke ruang ekologis ini. Dakwah ekologis dimaksudkan untuk mengubah paradigma manusia dari antroposentrisme menuju ke paradigma yang islami dalam menjalin hubungan dengan alam. Dengan perubahan itu diharapkan perlakuan manusia terhadap alam tidak lagi eksploitatif sehingga alam tetap terjaga kelestariannya. Ada beberapa doktrin Islam yang bisa menjadi landasan bagi dakwah model ini, yaitu: konsep alam dan manusia sebagai makhluk Allah, alam dan manusia sebagai ayat Allah, dan manusia sebagai khalifah Allah di bumi.
Madania: Jurnal Kajian Keislaman Vol 20, No 2 (2016): DECEMBER
Publisher : IAIN Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.437 KB) | DOI: 10.29300/madania.v20i2.180


Secularism and Challenges of Contemporary Islamic Thought. Renaissance in the West comes with scientific paradigm that emphasizes the ratio aspect and denies the transcendental aspect. Cartesian Newtonian paradigm resulted in progress to the West to secularistically, materialistically and positivistically, so it’s not unfriendly to the existence of religions. Religion is removed from the public and private spheres. This article examines the history, character and characteristics of Western secularism and its impact on world religions and human beings, especially Islam. This study is focused on the aspects of Western secular scientific paradigm, because behind the scientific aspects of this paradigm is the foundation of civilization. The results of this paper prove that modern Western science offered to non-Western societies is not neutral and full of values. Western science is not value-free (value free), but is full with value (value laden). Therefore,it is expected that the community of non-Western civilizations that is familiar with spiritual values, especially Islam, could be critical and wise in accepting the products of Western civilization, especially the scientific field.
Al Qalam Vol 30 No 3 (2013): September - December 2013
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service of UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten-Serang City-Indonesia

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After the death of Prophet, Muslims are faced with issues that divided and conflicted the ummah up for a long time. To defend its interests, each side try to build their own arguments. One of them is the Shi'a belief in twelve imams. They used the traditions which believed from the Apostle to legitimate their conviction. This study examine the validity of the traditions that are used by Shiites in conceptualize leadership of ummah. The approach used is to test the quality of sanad of the twelve caliphs tradition used among Shiites. keywords: Hadits, Syi'ah, khalifah, sanad, rawi