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Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 1, No 01 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.999 KB)


ABSTRACTIntroduction: The Ministry of Health of Indonesia Republichas issued a policy on health operational fund (BOK) to increasethe access of service in health centers based on a decree ofthe Minister of Health Number 494/Menkes/SK/IV/2010 updatedthrough the regulation of the Minister of Health Number 210/Menkes/Per/I/2011 dated 31st January 2011 on the technicalguidelines for BOK. Ogan Ilir District has supported that policythrough a decree issued by the head of health office Number440/337/DKES/III/2011 and 440/22/DKES/III/2011, which eachregulates the forming of the management of Jamkesmas,Jampersal, and BOK as well as budget managers. This studyaimed to analyze the implementation of BOK policy in Ogan IlirDistrict.Methods: This study was an analysis of policy. The primarydata were obtained through direct observation and in-depthinterviews to 4 informants: Head of Ogan Ilir Health Office,management staff at Ogan Ilir Health Office, Head of IndralayaHealth Center and management staff at Indralaya Health Center.The secondary data were obtained through review of BOKdocuments.Results: BOK in Ogan Ilir had been implemented in 2010 throughthe social assistance and in April 2011 by co-administration bythe health office. The organizing of BOK referred to thetechnical guideline from the Ministry of Health. Financialmanagement referred to the financial management guidelinefrom the Directorate General of Nutrition and Maternal andChild Health. Disbursement of BOK began from proposing Planof Actions (POA) from health centers to health office to verifythe funds and then proposing disbursement to KPPN. The fundfor implementing program could be taken from BOK treasurer.The allocation of BOK at health centers was adjusted for thenumber of working areas, population, program coverage andgeographical conditions. BOK was prioritized for healthpromotion such as: maternal and child health, nutrition, bodymass index measurement, and communicable diseases. PerApril-June 2011, the fund for secretariat had been disbursedabout 40% used for dissemination, training and transport forhealth center treasurer. Reporting of BOK conducted fromhealth center to health office was on every date 5 thenforwarded to the province and to the Ministry of Health everymonth via online, as well as a written report to KPPN.Conclusion: The implementation of BOK in Ogan Ilir referredto the policy of the Ministry of Health and was followed upwith the policy of district health office. POA proposal is decisivedin the disbursement of BOK so it is recommended to the headof Ogan Ilir District Health Office to routinely ensuredissemination about BOK and guide all health centers inpreparation of POA for implementing policy effectively.Keywords: financing policy, health operational fund, healthcenter
Kitchen Safety Behaviour Sebagai Upaya Preventif Kebakaran di Lingkungan Rumah Tangga Lestari, Mona; Lisianti, Ani Nidia; Ainy, Asmaripa
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 11, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jurnal kesehatan.v11i2.7665


Di lingkungan rumah tangga, kejadian kebakaran banyak disebabkan oleh kegiatan masak memasak di dapur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis upaya pemenuhan aspek home safety terutama di wilayah dapur sebagai salah satu area dengan risiko terjadinya kebakaran paling besar di rumah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey kuantitatif dengan metode wawancara menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi. Sampel sejumlah 150 rumah tangga yang tersebar di kota Palembang dan diambil secara random melalui teknik proportional sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek keselamatan di dapur telah menunjukkan hasil yang baik. Masyarakat telah mampu berperilaku aman dalam melakukan kegiatan di dapur.
Determinan Keputusan Pekerja Mandiri menjadi Peserta Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Laila, Jumatra; Ainy, Asmaripa; Safriantini, Dian
Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal Vol 14, No 1 (2020): Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.824 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/dpphj.v14i1.1804


Background: National health insurance is mandatory for all Indonesians. In Ogan Ilir Regency, the lowest percentage (24,14%) of its participants in December 2016 was found in Indralaya Utara Sub-district, and self-employed participants in this sub-district were only 6,99%. This study aimed to analyze the determinants of the self-employed’s decision to become national health insurance participants in Indralaya Utara Sub-district. Method: This was a cross-sectional study. The population was self-employed in Indralaya Utara Sub-district. The sample was 108 respondents who were selected using cluster sampling and consecutive sampling techniques. Data analysis was conducted by univariate and bivariate with chi-square statistical test. Results: The results illustrated that 18,52% of respondents decided to become national health insurance participants. Variables with p-value<0,005 were: knowledge about national health insurance (p-value=0,011), trust (p-value=0.000), perception about national health insurance (p-value=0,000), attitude (p-value=0,000), income (p-value=0,002), family support (p-value=0,005). Variables with p-value≥0,005 were: education (p-value=0,234), perception about health facilities (p-value=0,162), distance to health facilities (p-value=0,355), health workers support (p-value=0,112). Conclusion:  In conclusion, percentage of self-employed who decided become national health insurance participants was still small. Associated factors to the decision of self-employed as participants were: knowledge about national health insurance, trust, perception about national health insurance, attitude, income and family support. It is suggested that the Social Security Administrative Body for Health should routinely conduct socialization on national health insurance to improve the percentage of its participation for self-employed and the benefits of national health insurance could be felt by the entire community.
Publikasi Penelitian Terapan dan Kebijakan Vol 3 No 3 (2009): Jurnal Pembangunan Manusia
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


One important aspect of the impact of decentralization policy on health sectors is that budget allocation is fully authorized by each province. Preventive program of contagious disease is one of program strategy in Indonesian health department to enhance community health status, particularly in order to eliminate contagious diseases in community. Financing is one essential factor; therefore, finding an appropriate policy model of budget allocation is urgent. As a result, budget allocation for each contagious disease is able to be balance. The research design was an observational study with combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The population is including all health officials in South Sumatera. Data were obtained using a checklist of budget allocation model and deep interview regarding supports and factors that halted in preventive programs of contagious diseases. Univariate and content analysis were utilized. The results indicated that budget proportion of preventive program of contagious diseases in each district/region is various, it depended in program that has priorities over in each region. Furthermore, program financing did not depend on number of diseases’ cases in previous year. Consequently, there were some diseases that were not handled very well due to limited budget from the health officials in each region. It might also be because of limited support from local government that has priorities on free medical treatments that need more budget than prevention activities. In summary, decentralization has not showed positive impacts on implication of communicable diseases preventive program, particularly in budget allocation. We recommend that appropriate budget allocation for this program is urgent needed to decrease numbers of communicable diseases in all district health officials in South Sumatera.
Publikasi Penelitian Terapan dan Kebijakan Vol 4 No 2 (2010): Jurnal Pembangunan Manusia
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Community Health Insurance is the government's social assistance programs for the poor. Research from the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) found out that the quality of health services for the poor through the program of community health insurance is still low. This problem can be seen from the report of implementation program JPKM ASKESKIN in 2007 and report on the implementation of public health insurance program in 2008 at Petaling Health Center that decreased the number of patient visits by 60,52%. Therefore, this study aims to determine patient satisfaction of community health insurance to quality health services at the General Out Patient Clinic Petaling Public Health Center of Bangka. This research is a quantitative study using importance-performance analysis. This sample amount of 73 patients of community health insurance taken by purposive sampling technique. Tools of data collection primary data derived from the results of questionnaires and secondary dataderived from health profiles Petaling Public Health Center. The results of this study indicated that the average value of fitness levels for all dimensions are 82.49% which the level of concordance 78.47% reliability dimension, responsiveness 80.70%, assurance 85.01%, empathy 82.68% and tangible 85, 63%. Based on the importance-performance analysis of 25 factors which are investigated there are 8 (eight) factors that are in quadrant I, 7 (seven) factors in quadrant II, 3 (three) factors in quadrant III and 7 (seven) factors in quadrant IV. Advice given to the Petaling Health Center of Bangka is to improve health worker performance in terms of reliability and responsiveness in a way to supervise the implementation of service provided and give awards to outstanding officers. In addition, health workers also need to maintain the performance of the services provided in terms of empathy, assurance and tangibles with means to evaluate the services routinely provided.
Determinan Keputusan Pekerja Mandiri menjadi Peserta Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Jumatra Laila; Asmaripa Ainy; Dian Safriantini
Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020): Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/dpphj.v14i1.1804


Background: National health insurance is mandatory for all Indonesians. In Ogan Ilir Regency, the lowest percentage (24,14%) of its participants in December 2016 was found in Indralaya Utara Sub-district, and self-employed participants in this sub-district were only 6,99%. This study aimed to analyze the determinants of the self-employed’s decision to become national health insurance participants in Indralaya Utara Sub-district. Method: This was a cross-sectional study. The population was self-employed in Indralaya Utara Sub-district. The sample was 108 respondents who were selected using cluster sampling and consecutive sampling techniques. Data analysis was conducted by univariate and bivariate with chi-square statistical test. Results: The results illustrated that 18,52% of respondents decided to become national health insurance participants. Variables with p-value<0,005 were: knowledge about national health insurance (p-value=0,011), trust (p-value=0.000), perception about national health insurance (p-value=0,000), attitude (p-value=0,000), income (p-value=0,002), family support (p-value=0,005). Variables with p-value≥0,005 were: education (p-value=0,234), perception about health facilities (p-value=0,162), distance to health facilities (p-value=0,355), health workers support (p-value=0,112). Conclusion:  In conclusion, percentage of self-employed who decided become national health insurance participants was still small. Associated factors to the decision of self-employed as participants were: knowledge about national health insurance, trust, perception about national health insurance, attitude, income and family support. It is suggested that the Social Security Administrative Body for Health should routinely conduct socialization on national health insurance to improve the percentage of its participation for self-employed and the benefits of national health insurance could be felt by the entire community.
Importance Performance Analysis Pelayanan Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan di Puskesmas Swakelola Pembina Asmaripa Ainy; Misnaniarti Misnaniarti; Nur Alam Fajar
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional Vol. 7 No. 3 Oktober 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.565 KB) | DOI: 10.21109/kesmas.v7i3.56


Kunjungan pasien Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (Jamsoskes) di puskesmas pembina selama tahun 2009 adalah 24.014 orang. Kunjungan per catur wulan memperlihatkan trend yang menurun. Jumlah pengunjung puskesmas pembina pada periode bulan Januari – April 2009 adalah 9.295 orang, pada Mei – Agustus 2009 adalah 8.162 orang, dan September – Desember 2009 adalah 6.557 orang. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh minat masyarakat yang rendah untuk menggunakan Jamsoskes. Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukan kajian kualitas pelayanan Jamsoskes menurut perspektif pasien. Penelitian dengan desain cross sectional ini menggunakan data primer yang dilakukan dengan metode wawancara terstruktur atau survei. Sampel terdiri dari 100 pasien Jamsoskes yang mendapat pelayanan di puskesmas pembina dengan metode analisis kesesuaian kinerja (importance-performance analysis/IPA). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa rata-rata tingkat kesesuaian antara kinerja dan harapan pasien pada pelayanan Jamsoskes di puskesmas pembina adalah 83,44%. Terdapat dua atribut pada dimensi kualitas pelayanan yang masih perlu ditingkatkan meliputi pemberian perhatian oleh dokter terhadap keluhan-keluhan pasien tentang penyakit serta kenyamanan dan kerapian ruang pengobatan di poli umum. Peran dokter sebagai fasilitator kesembuhan pasien perlu ditingkatkan melalui sikap empati atas berbagai keluhan penyakit pasien serta mempertimbangkan penataan ulang ruangan pelayanan untuk kenyamanan pasien.Kata kunci: Analisis kesesuaian kinerja, jamsoskes, kualitas, puskesmasAbstract The sum of social health assurance (Jamsoskes) patients in puskesmas pembina during 2009 was 24.014 people. There was a decrease in per quarter visits. The sum of patients visit in January to April 2009 was 9.295 people, May to August 2009 was 8.162 people, and September to December 2009 was 6.557 people. This can be caused by the low interest of community to utilize Jamsoskes service. Thus, it should be reviewed 105 about the quality of Jamsoskes service according to the patients’ perspective. This research was quantitative survey. The sample was 100 patients of Jamsoskes at puskesmas pembina. Data were collected through interviews using a questionnaire and analyzed by the importance-performance analysis. The average of balance level between service performance and expectation of patients was 83,44%. There were two attributes in the dimensions of service quality that need to be increased: the phycisian attention to the patients complaints about their diseases and convenience and neatness of the treatment room at the general polyclinic. The role of physician as a facilitator of healing to the patient needs to be improved through the attitude of empathy on patient complaints. Keywords: : Importance performance analysis, social health assurance, quality, primary health center
Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Center for Health Policy and Management

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.999 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jkki.v1i1.3070


ABSTRACTIntroduction: The Ministry of Health of Indonesia Republichas issued a policy on health operational fund (BOK) to increasethe access of service in health centers based on a decree ofthe Minister of Health Number 494/Menkes/SK/IV/2010 updatedthrough the regulation of the Minister of Health Number 210/Menkes/Per/I/2011 dated 31st January 2011 on the technicalguidelines for BOK. Ogan Ilir District has supported that policythrough a decree issued by the head of health office Number440/337/DKES/III/2011 and 440/22/DKES/III/2011, which eachregulates the forming of the management of Jamkesmas,Jampersal, and BOK as well as budget managers. This studyaimed to analyze the implementation of BOK policy in Ogan IlirDistrict.Methods: This study was an analysis of policy. The primarydata were obtained through direct observation and in-depthinterviews to 4 informants: Head of Ogan Ilir Health Office,management staff at Ogan Ilir Health Office, Head of IndralayaHealth Center and management staff at Indralaya Health Center.The secondary data were obtained through review of BOKdocuments.Results: BOK in Ogan Ilir had been implemented in 2010 throughthe social assistance and in April 2011 by co-administration bythe health office. The organizing of BOK referred to thetechnical guideline from the Ministry of Health. Financialmanagement referred to the financial management guidelinefrom the Directorate General of Nutrition and Maternal andChild Health. Disbursement of BOK began from proposing Planof Actions (POA) from health centers to health office to verifythe funds and then proposing disbursement to KPPN. The fundfor implementing program could be taken from BOK treasurer.The allocation of BOK at health centers was adjusted for thenumber of working areas, population, program coverage andgeographical conditions. BOK was prioritized for healthpromotion such as: maternal and child health, nutrition, bodymass index measurement, and communicable diseases. PerApril-June 2011, the fund for secretariat had been disbursedabout 40% used for dissemination, training and transport forhealth center treasurer. Reporting of BOK conducted fromhealth center to health office was on every date 5 thenforwarded to the province and to the Ministry of Health everymonth via online, as well as a written report to KPPN.Conclusion: The implementation of BOK in Ogan Ilir referredto the policy of the Ministry of Health and was followed upwith the policy of district health office. POA proposal is decisivedin the disbursement of BOK so it is recommended to the headof Ogan Ilir District Health Office to routinely ensuredissemination about BOK and guide all health centers inpreparation of POA for implementing policy effectively.Keywords: financing policy, health operational fund, healthcenter
Implementasi Program Inovasi “Payung Penting” dan “Gaya Puspaku” di Puskesmas Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman Asmaripa Ainy; Yuni Masrona
Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 10, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Center for Health Policy and Management

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkki.68519


Stunting merupakan keadaan gagal tumbuh pada balita akibat kekurangan gizi kronis yang ditandai dengan kondisi tubuh lebih pendek. Menurut data Riskesdas tahun 2018 prevalensi balita stunting di Indonesia yaitu sebesar 30.8% sedangkan target WHO yaitu 20%. Puskesmas Pakem menciptakan inovasi program “Payung Penting” dan “Gaya Puspaku” untuk penanggulangan stunting. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi program “Payung Penting” dan “Gaya Puspaku” di Puskesmas Pakem, Sleman. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan telaah dokumen. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa petugas pelaksana program merasa senang dan bersemangat dengan adanya program tersebut, petugas juga memiliki efikasi diri dan pemahaman yang baik terkait program. Program dinilai efektif karena angka stunting di Kecamatan Pakem mengalami penurunan. Akan tetapi masih terdapat kekurangan yaitu pada sarana dan prasarana yang kurang memadai, terdapat kesulitan ketika melakukan pendekatan dengan lintas sektor, serta hambatan dari masyarakat yang masih percaya akan mitos terkait imunisasi dan ASI eksklusif. Selain itu, kader mengalami kesulitan saat melakukan pendampingan karena sulit menemukan waktu yang sesuai, serta kader merasa bahwa peserta program tidak sepenuhnya menerima informasi yang diberikan oleh kader. Implementasi program “Payung Penting” dan “Gaya Puspaku” memberikan dampak positif dalam pencegahan stunting. Akan tetapi masih terdapat hambatan terkait sarana, kerja sama lintas sektor, dan pada proses pendampingan oleh kader.   
Kitchen Safety Behaviour Sebagai Upaya Preventif Kebakaran di Lingkungan Rumah Tangga Mona Lestari; Ani Nidia Lisianti; Asmaripa Ainy
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 11, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jk.v11i2.7665


Di lingkungan rumah tangga, kejadian kebakaran banyak disebabkan oleh kegiatan masak memasak di dapur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis upaya pemenuhan aspek home safety terutama di wilayah dapur sebagai salah satu area dengan risiko terjadinya kebakaran paling besar di rumah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey kuantitatif dengan metode wawancara menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi. Sampel sejumlah 150 rumah tangga yang tersebar di kota Palembang dan diambil secara random melalui teknik proportional sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek keselamatan di dapur telah menunjukkan hasil yang baik. Masyarakat telah mampu berperilaku aman dalam melakukan kegiatan di dapur.
Co-Authors Achmad Fickry Faisya Achmad Fickry Faisya, Achmad Fickry Adelina Fitri Adinda Satriavi Utami Akila Labiba Alta Fatra Alta Fatra, Alta Alvera Noviyani Amrina Rosyada Andodi Andodi, Andodi Ani Nidia Lisianti Anita Rahmiwati Annisa Rahmawaty Annisa Rahmawaty Annisa Rahmawaty Arie Kusumaningrum Asri Maharani Bambang Irawan Des Mery Des Mery, Des Desri Maulina Dian Safriantini Dian Safriantini Dian Safriantini Dian Safriantini Dian Safriantini, Dian Erliande Feswenti Erliande Feswenti, Erliande Erma Kartikasari Fajar, Nur Alam Fatmalina Febry Fatmalina Febry Feby Happy Monica Feby Happy Monica, Feby Happy Fenny Etrawati Ghita Apriani Haerawati Idris Haerawati Idris Hamzah Hasyim Herman Brawijaya Herman Brawijaya, Herman Ilham Widiati Indah Dwi Wahyuni Indah Dwi Wahyuni, Indah Dwi Irawan, Bambang Iwan Stia Budi Iwan Stia Budi Jumatra Laila Kartikasari, Erma Kaulam Miryanti Kaulam Miryanti, Kaulam Laila, Jumatra Lisianti, Ani Nidia Misnaniarti Misnaniarti Misnaniarti Misnaniarti Misnaniarti Najmah Najmah Najmah, Najmah Nur Alam Fajar Nur Alam Fajar Nur Alam Fajar Nur Alam Fajar Nurmalia Ermi Putri Widita Muharyani Resi Hartini Resi Hartini, Resi Reztia Handayani, Reztia Rini Andriani Rini Andriani Rini Mutahar Ririn Yaumil Pratiwi Ririn Yaumil Pratiwi, Ririn Yaumil Rizma Adlia Syakurah Rudy Chendra Sabri Sudirman Sartika Sartika, Dewi Siti Halimatul Munawarah Suci Destriatania Try Any Widyastuti, Try Any Vaseta Eka Pardana Vaseta Eka Pardana, Vaseta Eka Virna Widora Saputri Virna Widora Saputri Yuni Masrona Zilfadila Zilfadila