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Jurnal HPJI Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal HPJI

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Abstract This paper presents lab works on sand sheet asphalt mixture utilizing reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) as the main material. Sand sheet asphalt mixture is dedicated for low to medium trafficked road pavement. The asphalt content of the RAP was initially extracted. A proportioned sand and rice husk ash was added to meet the aggregate grading. The asphalt used was AC 60/70, the most widely available type of asphalt in market. The asphalt content of the RAP was 6.7%. The mixture was produced in hot mix procedure with compaction of 2 x 50 Marshall Blow. The optimum asphalt content was 7.7% (including the asphalt content in the RAP). The properties of the samples were found well met the specification in Indonesia, i.e. the stability was 1501.5 kg, flow 2.96 mm, Marshall Quotient 476.31 kg/mm, VIM 4.916% , VFB 75.55%, VMA 20.10%, and retained stability 94%. Keywords: performance, sand sheet, RAP, rice husk ash  Abstrak Makalah ini mempresentasikan pekerjaan laboratorium Sand Sheet Asphalt dengan memanfaatkan perkerasan beraspal bekas (RAP) sebagai material utama. Sand Sheet Asphalt dapat digunakan untuk perkerasan jalan dengan arus lalulintas ringan hingga sedang. Langkah awalnya dengan melakukan ekstraksi asphalt content pada RAP. Kemudian secara proporsi pasir dan sekam  ditambahkan untuk mendapatkan komposisi butiran agregat. Aspal yang digunakan adalah AC 60/70 yang pada umumnya tersedia di pasaran. Kandungan aspal pada RAP sebesar 6,7%. Campuran dihasilkan dengan prosedur campuran beraspal panas dengan pemadatan 2 x 50 Marshall blows. Sedangkan kandungan optimal aspal  sebesar 7,7% (termasuk kadar aspal dalam RAP). Properti sampel ditemukan memenuhi spesifikasi yang berlaku di Indonesia, yaitu stabilitas 1501,5 kg, flow 2,96 mm, Marshall Quotient 476,31 kh/mm, VIM 4,916%, VFB 75,55%, VMA 20,10%, dan stabilitas sisa 94%. Kata-kata kunci: kekuatan, sand sheet, perkerasan aspal bekas, sekam.
Moisture Absorption and Thermal Expansion of Building Blocks Bound with Bitumen Thanaya, I Nyoman Arya
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 16, No 3 (2009)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstract. This paper described about masonry wall building blocks that incorporate waste aggregate materials, namely steel slag, crushed glass, and coal fly ash. The binder used was 50 pen bitumen. The investigation was carried out at the University of Leeds United Kingdom (UK). The samples were produced by hot mixing the waste aggregates, compacting by static compaction, then applying heat curing to the compacted samples to harden the bitumen binder. The objective of the investigation was mainly to evaluate the building blocks compressive strength and volume stability (expansion and shrinkage) due to moisture and thermal exposure. It was found that the sample’s compressive strength was comparable to concrete block commonly used in the UK. The volume stability of the sample was found largely irreversible due to moisture exposure, but highly reversible due to heat conditioning. The samples gave coefficient of thermal expansion comparable to clay bricks and concrete masonry blocks, and coefficient of moisture expansion similar to clay bricks. The blocks are suggested to be used for internal walls and are not exposed to outdoor weather, and should be protected with sand cement mix plaster.Abstrak. Paper ini menguraikan tentang blok pasangan dinding yang menggunakan agregat dari bahan bekas yaitu: steel slag, pecahan kaca, dan abu terbang batu bara. Bahan perekat yang dipergunakan adalah aspal penetrasi 50. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Leeds University United Kingdom (UK). Penggunaan bahan bekas dalam industri bangunan sudah digalakkan sejalan dengan strategi. Sampel diproduksi dengan dicampur secara panas, dipadatkan dengan pemadatan statis, dan dipanaskan untuk mengeraskan perekat aspal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini utamanya adalah untuk mengevaluasi kuat tekan dan stabilitas volume (pengembangan dan penyusutan) dari blok bahan dinding akibat terekspos air dan panas. Ditemukan bahwa kuat tekan sampel sebanding dengan jenis bata beton yang umum dipergunakan di Inggris. Stabilitas volume sampel dalam porsi besar tidak kembali ke kondisi semula akibat terekspos air, namun dapat kembali ke volume semula akibat terekspos panas. Sampel memberikan koefisien ekspansi termal yang sebanding dengan bata tanah liat dan bata beton, dan memberikan koefisien pengembangan lembab mirip seperti bata tanah liat. Blok pasangan yang diteliti ini, disarankan untuk digunakan sebagai dinding di dalam ruangan yang tidak terpapar cuaca luar dan diberi pelindung plesteran pasir-semen.
Perbandingan Karakteristik Campuran Cold Paving Hot Mix Asbuton (CPHMA) yang Dipadatkan Secara Dingin dan Panas Thanaya, I Nyoman Arya; Suweda, I Wayan; Sparsa, A.A. Adi
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 24, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2455.853 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2017.24.3.8


AbstrakCold Paving Hot Mix Asbuton (CPHMA) adalah campuran yang terdiri dari agregat, asbuton butir, bahan peremaja dan bahan tambah lain yang dicampur panas dipadatkan dingin (pada temperatur ruang 30°C). Karakteristik campuran dipengaruhi temperatur pemadatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh: kadar aspal residu optimum, temperatur pemadatan ideal dan perbandingan karakteristik CPHMA yang dipadatkan secara dingin dan panas. Pemadatan dilakukan pada suhu 30°C, 60°C, 90°C, 120°C, dan 150°C. Diperoleh hasil, kadar aspal residu optimum 7 %; suhu pemadatan ideal 90°C. Pemadatan dibawah suhu 90°C memberikan porositas lebih tinggi berkisar antara (4,86-5,53)% namun masih memenuhi spesifikasi (4-10%). Pemadatan diatas suhu 90°C memberikan porositas antara (2,04-3.0)%, yang lebih rendah dari spesifikasi. CPHMA yang dipadatkan pada suhu ideal 90°C memberikan karakteristik Marshall, cantabro, kekakuan (stiffness), rangkak (creep), dan kelelahan (fatigue) lebih baik dibandingkan dengan CPHMA yang dipadatkan dingin.AbstractCold Paving Hot Mix Asbuton (CPHMA) is a mixture that consists of aggregates, asbuton particles, rejuvenating materials and other added materials, which were hot mixed and compacted cold (at ambient temperature 30°C). The characteristics of the mixture were affected by compaction temperatures. The objectives of this study were to obtain: residual optimum asphalt content; ideal compaction temperature and characteristics comparison of CPHMA compacted cold and hot. Compaction were carried out at 30°C, 60°C, 90°C, 120°C and 150°C. It was obtained that the optimum residual asphalt content for CPHMA mixture was 7% and the ideal compaction temperature was 90°C. Compaction at temperature lower than 90°C gave higher porosity, i.e between (4.86-5.53)%, nonetheless still met specification (4-10)%. Compaction at higher than 90°C gave porosity between (2.04-3.0)% which were lower than the specification. CPHMA compacted at ideal 90°C gave better Marshall characteristics, cantabro, stiffness, creep, and fatigue, compared to the cold compacted CPHMA.
Jurnal HPJI Vol 1, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal HPJI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/.v1i1.1435.%p


Abstract This paper presents lab works on sand sheet asphalt mixture utilizing reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) as the main material. Sand sheet asphalt mixture is dedicated for low to medium trafficked road pavement. The asphalt content of the RAP was initially extracted. A proportioned sand and rice husk ash was added to meet the aggregate grading. The asphalt used was AC 60/70, the most widely available type of asphalt in market. The asphalt content of the RAP was 6.7%. The mixture was produced in hot mix procedure with compaction of 2 x 50 Marshall Blow. The optimum asphalt content was 7.7% (including the asphalt content in the RAP). The properties of the samples were found well met the specification in Indonesia, i.e. the stability was 1501.5 kg, flow 2.96 mm, Marshall Quotient 476.31 kg/mm, VIM 4.916% , VFB 75.55%, VMA 20.10%, and retained stability 94%. Keywords: performance, sand sheet, RAP, rice husk ash  Abstrak Makalah ini mempresentasikan pekerjaan laboratorium Sand Sheet Asphalt dengan memanfaatkan perkerasan beraspal bekas (RAP) sebagai material utama. Sand Sheet Asphalt dapat digunakan untuk perkerasan jalan dengan arus lalulintas ringan hingga sedang. Langkah awalnya dengan melakukan ekstraksi asphalt content pada RAP. Kemudian secara proporsi pasir dan sekam  ditambahkan untuk mendapatkan komposisi butiran agregat. Aspal yang digunakan adalah AC 60/70 yang pada umumnya tersedia di pasaran. Kandungan aspal pada RAP sebesar 6,7%. Campuran dihasilkan dengan prosedur campuran beraspal panas dengan pemadatan 2 x 50 Marshall blows. Sedangkan kandungan optimal aspal  sebesar 7,7% (termasuk kadar aspal dalam RAP). Properti sampel ditemukan memenuhi spesifikasi yang berlaku di Indonesia, yaitu stabilitas 1501,5 kg, flow 2,96 mm, Marshall Quotient 476,31 kh/mm, VIM 4,916%, VFB 75,55%, VMA 20,10%, dan stabilitas sisa 94%. Kata-kata kunci: kekuatan, sand sheet, perkerasan aspal bekas, sekam.
Studi Karakteristik Campuran Aspal Beton Lapis Aus (AC-WC) Menggunakan Aspal Penetrasi 60/70 dengan Penambahan Lateks Thanaya, I Nyoman Arya; Puranto, I Gusti Raka; Nugraha, I Nyoman Sapta
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.147 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v22i2.12875


Asphalt on pavement in long term may undergo hardening, so it needs addition of additive that can make it remain flexible. This experiment tried to produce asphalt concrete wearing course (AC-WC) using asphalt penetration 60/70 with the addition of latex, with aim to know the characteristic of AC-WC mix at the optimum of asphalt content with addition of  latex in variation of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% of the total binder. Latex was initially mixed with the asphalt, then the aggregates were proportioned based on ideal grading. The samples were produced in hotmix process. The density of latex was found 0.977 with dry rubber content of 61.95%. The optimum of asphalt content that was 5.7%, where all Marshall characteristics were met. It was chosen the mix with 4% latex by total binder where all properties of asphalt binder were still met. It was obtained that the Stability value  was 1439.26 kg (≥ 800 kg), Flow 3.84 mm (2-4 mm), Marshall Quotient 379.66 kg / mm (≥ 250 kg / mm), VIM  4.437% (3-5%), VMA 15.280% (≥ 15%), VFB 70.961 (≥ 65%). The mixture that contains latex had better resistance to deformation under dynamic creep loading at 40 °C.
Studi Karakteristik Campuran Tambalan Cepat Mantap (TCM) Thanaya, ME., PhD, I Nyoman Arya; Jayantara, I Wayan Putra; Purbanto, I Gusti Raka
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.212 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v26i1.28446


Patching road pothole can be done using Permanent Cold Patching (PCP). This research main aim was to analyze the characteristic of the PCP. PCP Super Cold Mix Asphalt was used for the experiment. The mixtures were compacted Marshall hummer in lab using, and plate compactor on site. It was obtained that: compaction temperature variation significantly affected the characteristic of the mixture. Compaction at 100°C and 150°C, met stability, porosity and VMA specification, but not for the VFB. It required more compaction energy. The stability of cold compacted mixture at the age of 1 hour gave 844.74 kg (min. 500 kg). Towards this value, at the age of 48 hours; 96 hours; 192 hours; 384 hours, respectively gave increase of stability of 102%; 140%; 183%; 187% and then constant. Cold compaction on site gave less performance with porosity values in a range of 4.585-8.22% (spec. 4% -10%), therefore the VFB is less than minimum 65% of VMA; the stability obtained was 1422.72 kg (>min 500kg) or 58% stability of the samples compacted in lab at the same 16 days of age where stability had become maximum (constant). Cantabro test result of the cold mix gave 100% weight loss (the sample disintegrated), meanwhile the hot mix only lost 7.56% from 16% max loss.
JST (Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi) Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jst-undiksha.v9i2.25142


Diperlukan upaya untuk memanfaatkan bekas bongkaran bangunan untuk blok bahan pasangan dinding (BBPD) dan penggunaan lateks sebagai pengganti semen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk menganalisis karakteristik BBPD. Agregat dari bekas bongkaran bangunan dan beton bekas dipecahkan secara manual, kemudian diayak dan diproporsikan dengan cara coba-coba untuk mendapat bentuk sampel yang stabil dan kompak. Kadar lateks dan tingkat pemadatan divariasi. Material dicampur rata dan dipadatkan, kemudian di oven pada suhu 40o C selama ± 6 x 24 jam sampai berat konstan. Dibuat juga sampel yang di kondisikan pada suhu ruang dan dites pada umur yang bervariasi. Didapatkan kadar residu lateks minimun yang diperlukan adalah 5,56% dari berat total agregat. Kuat tekan BBPD dapat mencapai 34,95 kg/cm2.
Improving The Early Life Strength Of Cold Bituminous Emulsion Mixtures By Plastic Cells Reinforcement I Nyoman Arya Thanaya
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 1 (2011): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (612.301 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jts.v2i1.262


Cold Bituminous Emulsion Mixtures (CBEMs) for road pavement are weak at their early life time because they still contain some amount of water. When it is necessary reinforcement on CBEMs is possible to improve the early life strength of the mixtures. The objective of the investigation was to find out the suitable position of the reinforcement on CBEMs in order to improve the early life strength of the mixture that can prevent early life failure. The reinforcement materials used was plastic cells which were made from standard extruded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheet. The plastic cells were positioned at the middle height and at the upper side close to the surface of the CBEMs samples. The samples were subjected to dynamic cylindrical loading, where the number of dynamic load applied and the deformation were electronically recorded. Stress and strain distribution was analyzed using BISAR 3.0 software from Shell company. It was found that the suitable position of the reinforcement on CBEMs is on the upper side (close to the surface), which gives significant prevention on deformation and crack during early age of CBEMs.
Analysis of Stiffness Modulus of Asphalt Concrete Mixture by Using Artificial Aggregates Gusti Made Bagus Baskara; Ervina Ahyudanari; I Nyoman Arya Thanaya
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol 8, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (630.023 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j23373539.v8i2.49666


The type of damage to the pavement layer is cracking and permanent deformation. The mechanism of cracking in the pavement layer occurs because of the tensile force at the bottom of the pavement layer due to the wheel load of the vehicle. One parameter of a mixture to achieve strength and durability as needed is the relationship of stress and strain which shows the stiffness of a mixture. Indirect Tensile Strength is a method used to show the stiffness of a mixture. As infrastructure development in Indonesia continues to increase, the availability of natural aggregate materials is decreasing. One of the uses of geopolymer can be used as artificial aggregates to replace the depleted natural aggregates. The purpose of this study was to review the stiffness modulus of concrete asphalt mixture with the use of artificial aggregates made from geopolymer by using open gradations of BBA (Beton Bitumineux pour chausees Aeronautques). From the test results using the Dynapave UTM30 tool at 20 °Celsius and 60 °Celsius, stiffness modulus values of the asphalt mixture are 3542 MPa and 147 MPa. The increase in temperature causes a decrease in the stiffness modulus value of 96%, so that the increase in temperature will be accompanied by a decrease in the stiffness modulus.
Jurnal HPJI (Himpunan Pengembangan Jalan Indonesia) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Himpunan Pengembangan Jalan Indonesia (HPJI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/jh.v1i1.1435.%p


Abstract This paper presents lab works on sand sheet asphalt mixture utilizing reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) as the main material. Sand sheet asphalt mixture is dedicated for low to medium trafficked road pavement. The asphalt content of the RAP was initially extracted. A proportioned sand and rice husk ash was added to meet the aggregate grading. The asphalt used was AC 60/70, the most widely available type of asphalt in market. The asphalt content of the RAP was 6.7%. The mixture was produced in hot mix procedure with compaction of 2 x 50 Marshall Blow. The optimum asphalt content was 7.7% (including the asphalt content in the RAP). The properties of the samples were found well met the specification in Indonesia, i.e. the stability was 1501.5 kg, flow 2.96 mm, Marshall Quotient 476.31 kg/mm, VIM 4.916% , VFB 75.55%, VMA 20.10%, and retained stability 94%. Keywords: performance, sand sheet, RAP, rice husk ash  Abstrak Makalah ini mempresentasikan pekerjaan laboratorium Sand Sheet Asphalt dengan memanfaatkan perkerasan beraspal bekas (RAP) sebagai material utama. Sand Sheet Asphalt dapat digunakan untuk perkerasan jalan dengan arus lalulintas ringan hingga sedang. Langkah awalnya dengan melakukan ekstraksi asphalt content pada RAP. Kemudian secara proporsi pasir dan sekam  ditambahkan untuk mendapatkan komposisi butiran agregat. Aspal yang digunakan adalah AC 60/70 yang pada umumnya tersedia di pasaran. Kandungan aspal pada RAP sebesar 6,7%. Campuran dihasilkan dengan prosedur campuran beraspal panas dengan pemadatan 2 x 50 Marshall blows. Sedangkan kandungan optimal aspal  sebesar 7,7% (termasuk kadar aspal dalam RAP). Properti sampel ditemukan memenuhi spesifikasi yang berlaku di Indonesia, yaitu stabilitas 1501,5 kg, flow 2,96 mm, Marshall Quotient 476,31 kh/mm, VIM 4,916%, VFB 75,55%, VMA 20,10%, dan stabilitas sisa 94%. Kata-kata kunci: kekuatan, sand sheet, perkerasan aspal bekas, sekam.