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Pre-service biology teacher’s perception on local environment problems as contextual learning resources Ahmad Yani; Mohamad Amin; Fatchur Rohman; Endang Suarsini; Muhammad Rijal
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 10, No 3: September 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v10i3.21091


A survey and exploratory study were conducted to analyze Lake Tempe as a resource for contextual learning (CTL). The first phase of the study included exploring the lake’s potential through interviews with the people who live in the lake’s coastal region. Quadrat transects were done to identify aquatic plants around the lake. A feasibility analysis was conducted to see the lake’s potential as a learning resource. Field data were collected and compared to the environmental biology (EB) curriculum, responses, and learning outcome. The data were analyzed descriptively and tested using a paired-sample t-test. The results showed differences in the three stations’ physicochemical parameters and decreased quality of the water. It was found that anthropogenic activity had a significant contribution to the lake’s pollution. Nine species of six aquatic plant families were found in the lake. The survey revealed that the lake was feasible as a learning resource with criteria easy to access, safety, time efficiency, costs, and the material's suitability for EB courses. The t-test showed a difference in the students’ scores between before and after exploration practices. These findings suggest that Lake Tempe can serve as a resource for CTL in EB courses.
Differences in learners’ critical thinking by ability level in conventional, NHT, PBL, and integrated NHT-PBL classrooms Muhammad Rijal; Ajeng Gelora Mastuti; Dian Safitri; Suhaedir Bachtiar; Salma Samputri
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 10, No 4: December 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v10i4.21408


This study aimed to analyze the effect of conventional, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Numbered-Head Together (NHT), and integrated PBL-NHT learning models on the low- and high-ability students’ critical thinking. This quasi-experimental study used a pretest-post-test nonequivalent control group design with a four-by-two factorial pattern. The analysis results showed that learners’ critical thinking was impacted by learning models implemented in the classroom and influenced by the interaction between the learning models and learners’ academic abilities. There was no difference in critical thinking among low-ability students who were taught with PBL, conventional, and integrated PBL-NHT, but a difference was found in students taught using NHT. There was no difference in critical thinking between high-ability students taught with conventional and NHT instruction, but there was a difference between students taught with PBL and integrated PBL-NHT instruction. To foster critical thinking, pupils with low academic ability should be taught using NHT, whereas those with high academic ability should be taught using PBL or an integrated PBL-NHT approach.
Students’ Intuitive and Analytical Thinking in the Mathematics Study through the Integration of STAD and Environmental Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) Abdillah Abdillah; Ajeng Gelora Mastuti; Muhammad Rijal; Muhajir Abd. Rahman
Al-Jabar: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Al-Jabar: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Raden Intan Lampung, INDONESIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.664 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ajpm.v11i1.6120


The success of a learning process depends on the teacher’s mastery of materials, strategies, and media. Teachers need to possess high creativity to maintain their students’ interest and motivation in learning. The integration of effective learning models and appropriate media, such as using plastic waste as realia, can be one of the alternatives to improve the quality of learning. This study also aimed to examine students' awareness of environmental issues. The quantitative and qualitative data of the study were collected simultaneously to answer the research problems. Interviews were conducted during the implementation of the learning process and quizzes. A pre-experimental one-shot case study design was employed to gather the quantitative data which were then analyzed descriptively. The results of the current study showed that the students' intuitive thinking started to develop in phase 3, where they were asked to identify the type of plastic glass they were holding. Phase 4 that allowed the students to separate parts constructing the glass, determine the name of each part, and set a point of view or the purpose underlying the material presented was the phase where the students performed an analytical thinking process. In phase 5, the students were allowed to solve a mathematical problem using analytical thinking. The interaction between students' intuitive and analytical thinking shown in the identification and labeling of each type of three-dimensional form will be discussed in this article  
Isolasi Kapang Pendegradasi Hidrocarbon Dari Limbah Minyak Bumi PT. Ollop Bula Muhammad Rijal
TECHNO: JURNAL PENELITIAN Vol 6, No 01 (2017): Techno Jurnal Penelitian
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/tk.v6i01.549


AbstrakTingginya aktivitas penambangan minyak lepas pantai mengakibatkan terjadinya pencemaran air oleh tumpahan minyak bumi mentah, sehingga berdampah terhadap kerusakan ekosistem. Secara alami tumpahan minya dilepas pantai dapat hilang oleh aktivitas mikroorganisme. Kapang merupakan salah satu mikroorganisme yang memiliki kemapuan dalam mendegradasi hydrocarbon. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 6 isolat kapang yang memiliki kemampuan dalam mendegradasi hydrocarbon. Isolat V memiliki kemauan yang lebih kuat dan isolat I memiliki kemampuan yang paling lemah dalam mendegradasi hydrocarbon. Kata kunci: kapang, isolat, hydrocarbon AbstractThe high activity of offshore mining cause water pollution by crude petroleum spill thus impacts the ecosystem damage. Naturally, offshore oil spills can be lost by microorganism activities. Kapang (mold) is one of microorganisms having an ability to degrade hydrocarbon. The research result found 6 isolates of kapang having the ability to degrade hydrocarbon. Isolate V had stronger ability, whereas isolate I was the weaker in degrading hydrocarbon. Keywords: molds, isolates, hydrocarbon
Islamic Integrated Information Communication Technology Mathematics Learning Model for Students' Creativity and Environmental Awareness Abdillah Abdillah; Ajeng Gelora Mastuti; Muhammad Rijal; Nurlaila Sehuwaky
JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jtam.v6i1.5755


Mathematics teachers in integrated Islamic schools in Maluku are having problems implementing the integration of Islam into mathematics learning. This study aims to develop a learning model based on Islamic Integrated Information Communication Technology (IICT) to help teachers increase creativity in mathematical problem solving and students' environmental awareness. The main output of this research is an ICT-based active learning model that integrates Islamic sciences into mathematics learning to support the development of creativity skills in solving mathematical problems and students' environmental awareness at an early age. The development of the learning model in this study is a combination of the Plomp (2013), Dick & Carey (2015), and Joyce et al. (2009). Plomp's model was used for the research and model development phase, Dick & Carey for instructional design, and Joyce et al. for the model's contents. The resulting model is an adaptation of the hierarchical and procedural combination of the three developments. The research subjects are mathematics teachers and students. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of the instrument's validity, the IICT model, the practicality, and the effectiveness of the IICT model. Based on expert validation and testing results, the resulting model meets the needs of mathematics teachers and students of SMP/MTs in an integrated Islamic school environment. The results showed that the IICT learning model was qualified to help teachers integrate Islam in mathematics learning, increase creativity in solving math problems, and students' environmental awareness.
Teachers Promoting Mathematical Reasoning in Tasks Ajeng Gelora Mastuti; Abdillah Abdillah; Muhammad Rijal
JTAM (Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Matematika) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jtam.v6i2.7339


The phenomenon today in schools is that teachers rarely build student arguments but only accept students' answers. However, teacher activities that always make students 'arguments and support each solution and defend students' arguments without long debates are relevant and exciting to study. This study aims to explain and explore the promotion of mathematics teacher reasoning in tasks in the classroom. The author surveyed teachers who teach mathematics at the junior high level. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with an experimental research design, which begins with a survey of teachers who teach mathematics at the junior high school level in Maluku Province. First, the authors conducted initial observations for one month in several junior high schools in Maluku Province with the guide of the observation instrument for the promotion of teacher reasoning in learning. Second, the writer states that there are three groups of attractive teachers who can promote mathematical reasoning in each of their teachings based on indicators of teachers' mathematical reasoning. Third, the writer created the same math problems for the three teachers and observed how they built students' reasoning and evaluated their thinking efficiently. Finally, the results and surveys were carried out by triangulation with direct trials on seven classes at the junior high level. The results show how teacher actions promoting mathematical reasoning give generalizations or justifications. Teacher actions supporting precise rationale are discussed in more detail in this article. 
Application of Eco-enzymes from Nutmeg, Clove, and Eucalyptus Plant Waste in Inhibiting the Growth of E. coli and S. aureus In Vitro Muhammad Rijal
BIOSEL (Biology Science and Education): Jurnal Penelitian Science dan Pendidikan Vol 11, No 1 (2022): BIOSEL (Biology Science and Education): Jurnal Penelitian Science dan Pendidika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.913 KB) | DOI: 10.33477/bs.v11i1.2779


Eco-enzyme is a liquid produced from the fermentation of non-fat organic matter as an environmentally friendly antiseptic with no harmful residues to the environment. Organic materials commonly used in the manufacture of eco-enzymes include vegetables and fruit wastes. Therefore, this study aims to produce eco-enzymes from organic wastes in the form of nutmeg, clove, and eucalyptus leaves. A laboratory experiment with a post-test-only control group design was carried out for 7 months from March to September 2021. The variable X includes the type of plant waste from which the eco-enzyme was obtained namely nutmeg flesh (BP), nutmeg leaf (DP), eucalyptus leaf (DK), clove leaf (DC), liquid antiseptic (Ae), and gel antiseptic (Ai), while variable Y was the level of E. coli and S. aureus (mm) growth inhibition. The results showed that different plant wastes' eco-enzymes also had distinctive colors, where DP and DK were brown, BP was reddish-brown, while DC appeared blackish-brown and clear. These differences occur due to variations in the chemical composition of each material used. Furthermore, the acidic aroma from each eco-enzyme was derived from the decomposition of alcohol compounds into acetic acid during aerobic respiration. The aroma was distinctively different depending on the type of plant waste used. Eco-enzymes and commercial antiseptics also have different abilities to inhibit E. coli and S. aureus growth with the highest inhibition found in eco-enzymes made from eucalyptus leaf waste. Keywords: Antiseptic, Cloves, Nutmeg, Eucalyptus
Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan Terhadap Pola Distribusi Spasial Dan Temporal Musuh Alami Di Lahan Pertanian ASYIK NUR ALIFFAH; NUR ALIM NATSIR; MUHAMMAD RIJAL; SALMA SAPUTRI
BIOSEL (Biology Science and Education): Jurnal Penelitian Science dan Pendidikan Vol 8, No 2 (2019): BIOSEL (Biology Science and Education): Jurnal Penelitian Science dan Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.969 KB) | DOI: 10.33477/bs.v8i2.1139


Natural enemies are one component of Integrated Pest Management that utilizes non-chemical methods and reduces pesticides. Physical factors of the environment both temperature, humidity and varying light intensity greatly affect the abundance of natural enemies in an agricultural ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to determine the number and types of natural enemies of visitors to the observation plots, species diversity (H ') and the influence of environmental factors on the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of natural enemies on agricultural land. Sampling was conducted in May until July 2019. Observations were made grouped into 4 periods are at 07.00-08.00 WIT, 09.00-10.00 WIT, 12.00-13.00 WIT and at 15.00-16.00 WIT. The observation method used is to use "visual control". The results showed that environmental factors influence the number and type of natural enemies of the plot observation visitors. Natural enemies who visited the observation plot in the agricultural area were 5 families including Coccinellidae, Staphylinidae, Carabidae, Libellulidae, and Formicidae. Shannon - Wienner diversity index of H '>3. Environmental factors affect the presence of natural enemy insects with a correlation of Adjusted R-Square of 0.846 or 84.6%. Key Words: Natural Enemies, Environmental Factors, Spatial, Temporal Distribution
KAJIAN EKOLOGIS SUNGAI ARBES AMBON MALUKU Nirmala Fitria Firdaushi; Muhammad Rijal
BIOSEL (Biology Science and Education): Jurnal Penelitian Science dan Pendidikan Vol 7, No 1 (2018): BIOSEL (Biology Science and Education): Jurnal Penelitian Science dan Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (610.284 KB) | DOI: 10.33477/bs.v7i1.388


Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Pupuk Cair Dari Libah Tahu Berbantu Em-4 Terhadap Pertumbuhan Cabai Merah Muhammad Rijal; Asrul Bin Syarif; Cornelia Pary; Rosmawati Rosmawati; Sarty Imkari; Heny Mutmainnah
BIOSEL (Biology Science and Education): Jurnal Penelitian Science dan Pendidikan Vol 9, No 2 (2020): BIOSEL (Biology Science and Education): Jurnal Penelitian Science dan Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.052 KB) | DOI: 10.33477/bs.v9i2.1635


This study aims to determine the effect of giving EM-4 to tofu liquid waste on the growth of red chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) and to determine how much influence the application of EM-4 to tofu wastewater on the growth of red chili plants. This type of research is a field experiment research using a quantitative descriptive approach to test the effect of EM-4 on tofu liquid waste on the growth of red chili plants. The research was conducted for two months. The results showed that descriptively there was an effect of giving EM-4 to tofu liquid waste on the growth of red chili plants, namely in the treatment of giving EM-4 to tofu liquid waste by 2% (V1) the average gave the highest yield on all parameters observed, among others, plant height 40.9 cm, stem diameter 0.46 cm, and the number of leaves 68 leaves. The magnitude of the effect of giving EM-4 to tofu liquid waste on the growth of red chili plants based on analysis of variance did not have a significant effect on plant height because the F value of the group (0.61) < Ftable (5.14) and the F value of the treatment (1.23) ) < Ftable (4.76) at a significant level of 5%. The stem diameter also did not have a significant effect because the value of the Fcount of the group (0.50)