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Jurnal Borneo Saintek Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/borneo_saintek.v2i2.894


Wilayah pulau Bunyu merupakan bagian dari area administrasi Kabupaten Bulungan, sebagai wilayah yang memiliki potensi perikanan yang menjanjikan. Sebagaian besar masyarakat pulau Bunyu bekerja sebagai nelayan dengan menggunakan bubu tanpa umpan. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan efektifitas penangkapan ikan, dengan menambahkan umpan ikan rucah pada alat tangkap bubu. Penelitian menggunakan metode sampling bertujuan tertentu dan percobaan penangkapan. Alat tangkap bubu dipasang di perairan pulau Bunyu dengan menggunakan umpan dan tidak menggunakan umpan setiap 3 hari sekali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis ikan yang tertarik sebagai ikan demersal adalah ikan kakap merah (Lutjanus erythropterus), ikan kakap gigi anjing (Lutjanus jocu), ikan kerapu lumpur (Epinephalus coloides) dan ikan kakap jenaha (Lutjanus russelli). Total hasil tangkapan pada bubu menggunakan umpan 100 % efektifitas menangkap ikan dengan total berat 218,33 kg dan bubu tanpa umpan total berat 152,77 kg dengan 80 % efektifitas menangkap ikan. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa penggunaan umpan lebih efektif dibadingkan tanpa menggunakan umpan pada pengoperasian bubu di perairan Bunyu.  
Fishing Catch and Catch Rate Assesment of Mini Trawl, Trapnet and Setnet Fisheries Firdaus, Muhammad
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 14, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Fishing Catch and Catch Rate Assesment of Mini Trawl, Trapnet and Setnet Fisheries. This paper is aimed at assessing fishing catch and catch rate of the dragged gear on shrimp, trapnet, and setnet fisheries in Tarakan. The catch and effort data (number and species) and the fishing time of captured units were used in this qualitative analysis of fishing catch and catch rate to describe catch composition and catch rate from three catch fishery units in Tarakan. The result of the research shows that in the catching operation the dragged gear on shrimp has two main catch targets, which are the nomei fish and shrimp in the their two fishing seasons. The nomei fish is also the main catch target in the trapnet fishery, and the pelagic fish inhabiting the estuary and the coastal areas are the main catch target of the setnet fishery. The operation of the dragged gear on shrimp with nomei fish as the main catch target has a catch rate of 16.10 kg/hour and that in the trapnet fishery is 1.67 kg/hour. The catch rate of setnet fishery is 5.39 kg/day and the operation of the dragged gear on shrimp with shrimp as the main catch target has a catch rate of 2.05 kg/hour.
Dampak Kapasitas Fiskal terhadap Penurunan Kemiskinan: Suatu Analisis Simulasi Kebijakan Lisna, Vera; Sinaga, Bonar M.; Firdaus, Muhammad; Sutomo, Slamet
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia Vol. 14, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study examines the impacts of fiscal capacity on the acceleration of poverty alleviation through a dynamic simultaneous equations model using empirical data of 23 provinces and conducting historical simulation. The increasing of fiscal capacity from local taxes and tax-revenue sharing have significant impact on poverty reduction, particularly in agricultural household, which has the largest share in number of poor in Indonesia indicated by larger decline of agricultural headcount index than industrial and trade headcount index. However, the increasing of General Allocator Fund/Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) has negative impact on agricultural headcount index. The policy implication is to increase revenue from taxation by local governments as the impact is more effective in accelerating poverty reduction.
Disparitas, Konvergensi, dan Determinan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Regional di Indonesia Yuniasih, Aisyah Fitri; Firdaus, Muhammad; Fahmi, Idqan
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia Vol. 14, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Indonesia has been still experiencing regional economic disparity problems, including in labour productivity. This study employs dynamic panel approach to analyze convergence and to identify determinants of regional labour productivity during the period of 1987-2011. The System Generalized Method of Moments (Sys-GMM) estimation results show that regional convergence process occurs with speed of convergence of 0.06518 per year. Physical capital stock, human capital stock, total trade, and real wage give positive impacts. Therefore, government should prioritize in overcoming labour productivity disparity in Eastern Indonesia in which are more unequal than in Western Indonesia where interventions should be greater for provinces with lower labour productivity.
Improving Patient Safety and Hospital Service Quality Through Electronic Medical Record: A Systematic Review Firdaus, Muhammad
Jurnal ARSI (Administrasi Rumah Sakit Indonesia) Vol. 6, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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To understand the Electronic medical records (EMR) role in improving patient safety and hospital’s service quality. Articles that included and assessed for the eligibility in this review was an article that show an effect of patient’ safety, and product quality in hospital in correlation on using EMR. The most important function of EMR implementation is to improve patient safety in hospital, in addition to reducing cost. EMR reduce excess cost of Hospital Acquired Condition (HAC) by 16%, reduce death due to HAC by 34%. Doctor and nurse’s belief that the quality of patient data is better when EMR are easier to use and suit with their dialy routine. EMR can improve patient safety, but its use require some skills in technology so it won’t turn to harm patients’ safety. The implementation EMR requires the ability of skilled human resources in using technologies, computer and programs
Co-Authors 'Aini, Qurratul ., Kamelia Achyani, Ratno Achyar Rasyidi, Achyar Ade Permana, Angga Agus Indarjo Agus Indarjo Agustina Agustina Aisyah Fitri Yuniasih Alla Asmara Alukadinata, Atra Ambariyanto Ambariyanto Amirul Mukminin Annisa Fitria Asbar Laga, Asbar Astari, Lilik BONAR M. SINAGA Brian Bonte, Stenly cahyadi, jimmy Dara, Daryos Dede Hermawan Dhimas Wiharyanto Ermawaty - Maradhy Etiana, Etiana Fadil, Jazuli Fahrizal Amir Febriansyah Febriansyah Gazali Salim GS , Achmad Daengs Gusman, Ery Habib, Ahmad Hadiyoso, Asto Hendro Sasongko Heriyana Heriyana Heriyana Heriyana Idqan Fahmi Ira Maya Abdiani Julian Ransangan Kamelia . Kurnia Wiji Prasetiyo Lukman M. Baga Meildia Sari MT, Sugiono Muh. Wahyu Syabani Muhaimin Dimyati Muhammad Fajar Alvian Muhammad Ridwan Muhammad Rizki Muhammad Yusuf Awaluddin Mursalin, Muhammad Nugraeni, Christine Dyta Nurdin Hendri Pahlevi, Muhammad Lanza Permana Ari Soejarwo Permana Ari Soejarwo Prakoso, Lukman Yudho Putra, Imam Pangestiansyah Putra, Oddy Virgantara Putra, Tama Kulana Rahmat Hidayat Razai, Tengku Said Rifki Ristiawan Risdandi, Bayu Sari, Meildia Setiawan, M. Satria Shoffin Nahwa Utama Sidiq, Cholidun Ahmad Simanjuntak, Ricky Febrinaldy Simbolon, Muhammad Eka Mardyansyah Slamet Sutomo Stenly Brian Bonte Subyakto Subyakto Suhud, M. Aris Sulaiman Sulaiman Supriadi Supriadi Syahrun - Syamani, Firda Aulya Tri Rustiadi, Tri Vera Lisna Wahyuni, Eling Sri Weliyadi, Encik Wirasti, Revia Yuniarti Yuniarti Yusuf Sudo Hadi Yusuf, Diasitta ZURAIDAH ZURAIDAH