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Al-Fikri: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jspi.v1i1.2430


The effort to develop an Islamic educational institution can not only be built on the concept of Aqliyah theory, but also based on the concept of God revelation. One of the explicit messages of God revelation is the phrase min adhulumatilaannur (from the darkness to the lightness). Implicitly, this phrase implies a transformation process from dhulumat (darkness) to an-nur (lightness). The process of transformation needs to be elaborated intact and holistic, how to interpret it; which will be formulated into the implementative formulation of the phrase.The phrase min al dhulumat ila an-nur conceptually there are three dimensional meaning that includes: 1). Textual, textual meaning of min al-dhulumatilaannur is from the darkness to the lightness, 2). Contextual, contextual meaning of min al-dhulumatilaannur; there are some interpretations from the interpreter whose essence is changing from disbelief to the faith, from apostasy to the faith, from ignorance to knowledge, and 3). Reconceptualization, there is a relevance of the concept min al-dhulumatilaannur with the management of education,that related to the transformation process that must be done to accept a change.Actualization of transformation can be done on some basic elements of education, i.e., students, teachers, headmasters/ managers, supervisors, employees and parents.
Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab pada Tingkat Madrasah Diniyah Tanwirul Futuh Kabupaten Pasuruan Nur Hasan; Moh Muslim
Jurnal KARINOV Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Mei
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um045v4i2p140-143


This community service activity aims to improve the quality of Arabic learning for Madin teachers so that students are more motivated and active in the learning process. The form of implementing community service is in the form of training and mentoring in the use of Arabic language learning methods and strategies so that the learning process is more active and varied and not boring. The implementation of this community service uses the PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) method, by prioritizing the participation of madin teachers in improving the quality of Arabic learning and providing ongoing assistance. The results of community service activities include: (1) Strengthening Arabic learning strategies based on innovative, creative Arabic learning methodologies through socialization and training; (2) Mentoring that is carried out intensively every two months of learning Arabic has produced results, as evidenced by the enthusiasm of the students increasing during the learning process; (3). There is a need for continuous mentoring of madin teachers in learning Arabic so that learning is of higher quality. Kata kunci— Bahasa Arab, Guru Madin, Kualitas Pembelajaran, Pemberdayaan Abstract This community service activity aims to improve the quality of Arabic learning for Madin teachers so that students are more motivated and active in the learning process. The form of implementing community service is in the form of training and mentoring in the use of Arabic language learning methods and strategies so that the learning process is more active and varied and not boring. The implementation of this community service uses the PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) method, by prioritizing the participation of madin teachers in improving the quality of Arabic learning and providing ongoing assistance. The results of community service activities include: (1) Strengthening Arabic learning strategies based on innovative, creative Arabic learning methodologies through socialization and training; (2) Mentoring that is carried out intensively every two months of learning Arabic has produced results, as evidenced by the enthusiasm of the students increasing during the learning process; (3). There is a need for continuous mentoring of madin teachers in learning Arabic so that learning is of higher quality. Keywords— Arabic, Madin Teachers, Quality of Learning, Empowerment
Models of Policy Implementation in Islamic School Learning Systems During Covid-19 Moh Muslim; Nur Hasan; Ika Ratih
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 18 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Department of Islamic Education, The State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jpai.2021.182-08


Covid-19 has had an impact on the management of learning. Principals must establish the right policies in dealing with COVID-19. The head of MTs Maarif NU Blitar City established an In-Out Learning System policy. The purpose of this study was to find out and elaborate on how the policy implementation model set by the head of MTs Maarif NU Blitar City in dealing with COVID-19. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation methods, data analysis was carried out using interactive methods which included the stages of data collection, condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research on the in-out learning system policy implementation model conducted by the head of MTs Maar NU Blitar City showed that there were five factors, namely, Oral and Written Communication (OCW), Tangible and Intangible Resources (TIR), Disposition process based on communication, positioning and incentives, Camouflage Bureaucratic Structure (CBS) and Leader and team commitment (LTC).
Elementeris : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Islam Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Elementeris: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Islam
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/elementeris.v3i1.8796


The purpose of this study is to investigate the digital leadership of primary school principals in the era of digital technology. This research uses a qualitative approach using a case study research type. Data were collected by means of in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation. Data analysis was performed using interactive analysis with the stages of data collection, data condensation, data presentation and conclusion drawing. To maintain data validity, triangulation techniques were used. Several research results concluded that the principal developed a vision which reflected an orientation towards developing a school vision based on the development of digital technology. Research findings 1) technology-based school management, 2) technology-based strategic planning, 3) technology-based group discussion forums, 4) technology-based periodic evaluation and 5) field experience-based program development.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ahwal Syakhshiyyah (JAS) Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Perubahan Masyarakat Dalam Tantangan Perbedaan dan Virus
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jas.v2i2.8712


Background: the Religius courts of Malang city is a Judicial Instution that intended for Muslims in seeking justice because Malang Including areas with high cases than that was the background of rapid trial in addition it is also influenced by deficiencies related to limited courtroom and a small number of judges and in the trial practice there is something new, namely the trial process by examining two direct witnesses without being summoned one by one and related to the legal status of the decision in a speedy hearing, it is valid and legally binding. Methods: In this study using descriptive research with qualitative methods that are more inclined to the analysis. The data collection process was carried out in several ways, namely by Interviewing, Documentation and Observation with 4 research subjects. Results: The results of the study showed that there was a fast trial practice in the Malang Religious Court related to the background, practice and legal status of the verdict in the trial with the fast system. Conclusions: the conclusions include the reasons behind the quick trial, their practice and the legal status of the decisions in them.Keywords: Background, Practice, Legal Status of the Verdict in a quick trial
Jurnal Hikmatina Vol 4, No 4 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Keluarga Islam (Ahwal Syakhsyiyyah)
Publisher : Prodi Ahwal syakhshiyyah Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.113 KB)


Based on initial observations, it was found that many people are divorced but do not understand what are the factors that cause divorce and what the impact of divorce, especially on divorce actors in early marriage, is due to lack of socialization and limited public knowledge to seek related information for this.From the background of the research above, the formulation of the problem in this study is what are the factors that influence divorce in early marriage, how is the impact of post-divorce on early marriage.The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence divorce in early marriage and to find out how the impact of post-divorce on early marriage.This type of research is a case study with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through passive observation, then with semi-structured interviews, interviews were conducted in depth, and in practice it was more flexible where informants were asked for opinions, or ideas in it, as well as documentation.The results of this study indicate that there are several factors that cause divorce in early marriage, namely economic factors, age/age factors, communication factors, domestic violence factors, and moral factors. While the impact of divorce includes child development, trauma, psychology, reduced self-esteem, and property.Kata kunci: Factors Causing Divorce, Impact of Divorce
Jurnal Hikmatina Vol 2, No 3 (2020): Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam (Ahwal al-Syakhshiyyah)
Publisher : Prodi Ahwal syakhshiyyah Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.286 KB)


Abstract Shariah are religious values that are expressed functionally and have a concrete meaning in directing life. Thus, the author would like to examine An-Naim’s views regarding the concept of sharih and human rights in the constitution in Indonesia.  While the objectives of this thesis are: 1. To find out how the concepts of shariah and human rights according to An-na’im, 2. To find out about the implications of the An-na’im idea with the reality and development of sharia, especially for the life of modern society, especially in human rights issues in the constitution in Indonesia, 3. review the ides of renewal of An-Na’im in sharia deconstruction. This research method used descriptive qualitative. Thus, to collect the data, the researcher conducted the library research such as, books of Abdullah An-Na’im, journal, article, etc. According to An-Na’im the deconstruction of Syari'ah is needed interpretation, although syariah come from Allah its need to be re-interpretation.  Keywords: Syariah, Deconstruction, Constitution
STRATEGI DEWAN KEMAKMURAN MASJID DALAM MEMBINA KELUARGA SAKINAH, MAWADDAH, WARAHMAH BAGI MUALAF DI KOTA MALANG (Studi Kasus Mualaf Center Masjid Agung Jami’ Kota Malang) Muhammad Badrun Tamam Mageskar; Khoirul Asfiyak; Moh. Muslim
Jurnal Hikmatina Vol 4, No 4 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Keluarga Islam (Ahwal Syakhsyiyyah)
Publisher : Prodi Ahwal syakhshiyyah Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.585 KB)


The family is the smallest institution that has leaders and members, has responsibilities between individuals. Every human being desires a family full of love and compassion that is built without oppression without any dominating one party, according to what is commanded in Islam, namely the sakinah, mawaddah and warohmah families, how happy a family is filled with mutual love, affection, protection and mutual respect. . Families like this are formed by themselves and are not inherited from their ancestors, but thanks to the efforts of all members in the family who interact and communicate with each other in one household. To be able to carry out the functions, duties and responsibilities of each in the family with the provisions ordered by Allah SWT so that the whole family is able to live life in the world in accordance with the times. Based on initial observations, that the development of the sakinah mawaddah warahmah family, DKM Agung Jami' Malang City uses a strategy by taking a personal approach to the guidance participants, this is a special strategy used by DKM in fostering sakinah, mawaddah, and warahmah families. This personal approach was taken because the problems of the participants who took the guidance were different, such as those who were married and those who were about to get married. From the background of the research above, the researcher formulates the problem, namely how the strategy used by DKM Agung Jami' Malang City in fostering a sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah family for converts and what are the supporting and inhibiting factors of DKM Agung Jami' Malang City in fostering a sakinah, mawaddah family. , warahmah for converts. The purpose of this study is to describe the strategies used by DKM Agung Jami' Malang City in fostering sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah families for converts and to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors of DKM Agung Jami' Malang City strategies in fostering sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah families for converts. To achieve the above objectives, the research was carried out with the type of research being a case study, the approach used in this study was a qualitative approach. As for the data sources in this study, DKM, who is the head of the Mualaf Center management at the Great Mosque of Jami' Malang City, penghulu, extension workers, treasurer kua, kua staff, and the administration. The method used is observation, interviews and documentation, then the data processing and analysis techniques are carried out in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed several DKM strategies in fostering sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah families for converts, namely through lecture strategies, demonstration strategies, individual approaches, settlement discussions. The supporting factors of DKM in fostering include: facilities and infrastructure, readiness of DKM time in providing guidance, the existence of a translation book guide, the existence of self-motivation, the motivation of other colleagues, and the inhibiting factors are the absence of an official structure, the absence of a place to work. specifically in conducting coaching, lack of awareness from converts' families, work and distance traveled. Things that need to be considered as suggestions are the need to establish a center converting institution with an official structure so that the guidance converts can be more focused and maximized in receiving material, it is necessary to have a recruitment system through electronic media owned by the Jami' Great Mosque institution.Kata kunci: Strategi, Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid, Keluarga Sakinah Mawaddah Warahmah, Mualaf
Jurnal Hikmatina Vol 3, No 3 (2021): Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam (Ahwal Syakhshiyyah)
Publisher : Prodi Ahwal syakhshiyyah Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA

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The research in this paper departs from the curiosity of researchers about the heritage of the Burton tribe in Gunung Sejuk Village, Sampolawa District, South Burton Regency, which is predominantly Muslim. This is contrary to Islamic law in practice, namely that women and men get the same share (1:1), while in Islamic law it is regulated that men and women get a share (2:1) in inheritance. Based on this background, the researcher hopes to study the distribution of the traditional heritage of the Burton tribe in Gunung Sejuk Village, Samporawa District, South Burton Regency in terms of Islamic law. . .This .study .uses .a .qualitative .research .method .with .the .type .of .empirical .research. .Information .collection .techniques .in .this .study .using .purposive .sampling .technique .based .on .predetermined .criteria, .data .collection .using .in-depth .interviews .(in-dept .interviews) .and .documentation. .The .result .in .this .study, .distribution .of .traditional .legacy .from .the .Buton .tribe .in .the .perspective .of .Islamic .law .in .Gunung .Sejuk .Village, .Sampolawa .District, .South .Buton .Regency, .which .is .a .damaged .tradition .because .it .is .not .in .accordance .with .islamic .law. . .
PERNIKAHAN ADAT JAWA PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM Hidayah Jaya Riswanda; Dzulfikar Rodafi; Moh. Muslim
Jurnal Hikmatina Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam (Ahwal al-Syakhshiyyah )
Publisher : Prodi Ahwal syakhshiyyah Fakultas Agama Islam UNISMA

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Almost all humans experience a stage of life called marriage. Marriage or marriage is a ceremony for the union of two souls into a family through a contract regulated by religion. Therefore, marriage becomes a great and sacred ceremony.This study examines how the perspective of Islamic law on Javanese traditional marriages is. In marriage, it has been regulated by the Shari'a which starts from the process of proposing to someone to getting married which has been explained in the Shari'a so easily. However, in the Javanese traditional tradition, there are several processions in the implementation of marriage, starting from applying to getting married. So what is the perspective of Islamic law on this matterThis research uses the type of library research, namely "a series of activities related to library data collection methods". That is by searching for data sources in the library which includes books and articles and scientific journals. This research is sourced from the law book as well as books that discuss about this research. In this study, it is about Javanese traditional marriage from the perspective of Islamic law. The researcher draws conclusions from the data that has been presented that Javanese traditional marriage is a valid Urf, which is a hereditary tradition that is carried out repeatedly by Javanese people at marriages which do not violate religious rules.Kata Kunci: Javanese traditional marriages, customs, Islamic law