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All Journal EDUKASIA ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman An-Nuha : Jurnal Kajian Islam, Pendidikan, Budaya Dan Sosial Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education Studies) Risâlah, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam el Buhuth: Borneo Journal of Islamic Studies Jurnal As-Salam Jurnal al-Ulum : Jurnal Pemikiran dan penelitian ke-Islaman FIKROTUNA Tribakti: jurnal pemikiran keIslaman Khazanah: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora EQIEN - JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS Journal on Education Jurnal At-Tarbiyat (Jurnal Pendidikan Islam) Journal of Humanities and Social Studies Murobbi: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan TARBIYATUNA El-Barka: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Pendidikan Multikultural EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Jurnal el-hamra (Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan) Indonesian Journal of Islamic Education Studies (IJIES) Akademika Andragogi : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Agama Islam Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Pendekatan Kebijakan Publik dalam Politik Pendidikan Islam Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Pelita Bangsa Jurnal Kependidikan Islam INOVATIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Agama, dan Kebudayaan International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism (IJIERM) Al Hikmah : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Jurnal Islam Nusantara el-Buhuth: Borneo Journal of Islamic Studies Turatsuna : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan Vicratina : Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan Kajian Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora International Journal of Islamic Education (IJIE)
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Paradigma Islam tentang Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam Bakri, Maskuri
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 7, No 2 (2013): Islamica
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (225.727 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2013.7.2.426-444


The main purpose of this article is to portray Islam as a paradigm of higher religious education. This paper is a result of a long research initially aimed at finding new perspective on the development of teaching and learning process in Indonesia. The paper finds that the Holy Qur’ân is ample with references on education at all level. It is actually a book of education. The history of Islam has shown that the system, method, and materials of education in the Islamic world are all derived from it. It is this that the paper is interested to discuss. In doing so, it takes into account the conventional distinction between the religious and natural science as far as education is concerned. While the Qur’ân does not make a clear-cut distinction between the two sciences, the difference between the two does serve as a meaningful entry—at least methodologically—into the world of education. The paper goes on to classify some Islamic universities in Indonesia along the line of this distinction. It finds that some of these universities believe in this distinction, while others do not. This belief will in turn shape the way these universities design their vision and carry on their mission.
El-Hamra Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal el-Hamra
Publisher : Penerbit CV Tentrem Karya Nusa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Method is one of the most important means to achieve the purpose set. From here, wecan know the commentary on QS. Lukman: 15 it helps the problematic that occurs when thedifference of opinion between a child and the parents, where the parent asks to stay away fromGod while the child refuses, and that does not mean the child is ungodly and vice versa, because theabove verse has been supported by the existence of other verses and hadiths that reinforce theexistence of such dissidents. To the end, where a child is different from belief, the child demandsnot to defend him, the Prohibition hates the parents as mentioned above. Therefore, it is supportedby the letters and meanings contained in QS. Lukman: 15, there is a keyword is ma'ruf in this case,ma'ruf is a word that shows the child's ethics to his parents.Key Words: Tahlili Method, Problematic, Islamic Family Education
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Vol. 8, No. 2, Oktober 2021
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v8i2.8689


Penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam multikultural pada da’i BKMM Kutai Timur memang perlu dilaksanakan demi pengamalan multikulturalisme yang lebih komprehensif karena multikulturalisme merupakan hal yang baru dalam konteks ketimuran seperti di kabupaten Kutai Timur. Artikel ini ditulis tujuannya adalah untuk menganalisis dan menguraikan nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam multikultural yang ditanamkan, proses penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam multikultural, dan kendala yang dihadapi dalam penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam multikulturalisme pada da’i BKMM Kutai Timur. Sehingga diharapkan artikel ini bisa menjadi bahan masukan dan sumbangan pemikiran bagi penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam multikultural pada BKMM Kutai Timur, dan menambah wawasan dan pengalaman para da’i BKMM Kutai Timur serta sebagai pijakan ilmiyah bagi penulis selanjutnya. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun analisisnya menggunakan teknik analisis Miles dan Huberman. Hasilnya adalah bahwa nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam multikultural yang ditanamkan pada da’i BKMM Kutai Timur antara lain : nilai toleransi, nilai saling menghargai, nilai saling menghormati, nilai persatuan, nilai kerjasama, dan solidaritas antar etnis, budaya, dan suku. Proses penanamannya melalui ceramah, diskusi, dan khitobah, dan kendalanya adalah terbatasnya kitab rujukan, mindset da’i, tingkat pendidikan sebagian da’i, dan komitmen waktu para da’i.
Risâlah, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Pendidikan dan Studi Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Wiralodra Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/jurnal_risalah.v7i2.178


Accepting other people and other groups regardless of gender, ethnicity, culture, gender and even religion is a concept proposed in multiculturalism. This article will analyze and provide an interpretation of the characteristics of radicalism, efforts to prevent it, and grounding multiculturalism so that it can be an additional insight and experience in the survival of the nation and state. The approach used in this article is a qualitative approach. The type is the type of library research. The result is that radicalism is not only in the form of violence, anarchism, and terrorism but can also be a religious ideology. Efforts to prevent radicalism can be done by building different narratives about radicalism, paying attention to the characteristics of a culture, as well as real social action by planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating. Grounding multiculturalism cannot be separated from the life of religion, nation, state and cultural inheritance so that it needs to be studied, applied, and socialized.
PENDIDIKAN MULTIKULTURAL DALAM ISLAM “Toleransi Beragama Dalam Kehidupan Masyarakat” Siddeh, Khoirul Anam; Bakri, Maskuri -
el-Buhuth: Borneo Journal of Islamic Studies EL BUHUTH: BORNEO JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES VOL 4 NO 1, 2021
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/el-buhuth.v4i1.3585


ABSTRACT Tolerance (tasamuh) is one of the core teachings of Islam which is very urgent to continue to be developed and built in a multicultural society. With tolerance we can appreciate and accept differences with others. So that everything goes according to nature, peacefully, without any coercion and threats from other parties.History records that Muslims have a very high tolerance, starting from the period of the Prophet, the period of the Companions, and subsequent generations. In Indonesia, Muslims have very good tolerance for followers of other religions, so they can live side by side in peace. But on the other hand, recently there have been various conflicts that have led to violence between religious communities. Seeing this phenomenon, it is necessary for the cooperation of all parties to initiate, seek, and realize tolerance in the daily life of this nation's multicultural society. So that the ideals of the formation of a civil society, namely a society that is inclusive, tolerant, humanist, and egalitarian, is actually achieved and is a reality. Keywords: Cooperation-Respect-Tolerance  ABSTRAK Toleransi (tasamuh) ini didefinisikan sebagai satu dari berbagai ajaran utama dalam ajaran dari agama Islam yang begitu penting yang wajib untuk dibangun dan juga dikembangkan secara terus-menerus dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang multikultural. Dengan toleransi ini, semua orang dapat menerima dan juga menghargai berbagai perbedaan dengan yang lainnya, oleh sebab itu semua hal akan berlangsung dengan damai, alami dan tidak terdapat ancaman dan juga paksanaa dari pihak manapun.Dalam catatan historisnya, bahwa umat Islam memiliki toleransi yang kuat dan tinggi semenjak era Rasulullah, para sahabat, dan berbagai generasi setelahnya. Umat islam yang ada di Negara Indonesia ini memiliki sikap dan tindakan toleransi yang kuat dan juga baik dengan pemeluk dari agama yang lainnya, dengan demikian dapat hidup rukun dan juga berdampingan dengan baik. Akan tetapi, dalam suatu fenomena tertentu, akhir-akhir ini timbul beberapa konflik yang tidak kunjung selesai yang berkaitan dengan kekerasan yang memperlibatkan antar umat agama tertentu. Dengan berbagai fenomena yang ada ini, dengan demikian mendesak dibutuhkan kerjasama yang memperlibatkan seluruh pihak guna mewujudkan, menggagas dan juga mengupayakan toleransi dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang multikultural ini. Demikian, impian untuk terciptanya masyarakat yang madani ini dapat terwujud, yakni suatu masyarakat yang bersikap egaliter, humanis, toleran dan juga inklusif ini dapat terwujud Kata Kunci : Kerjasama-Menghargai-Toleransi
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v1i2.10981


Tasamuh is part of a commendable attitude in association, mutual respect and tolerance between one another starting from opinions, views, beliefs, and habits, with tasamuh being able to respect the differences in society or the nation better especially in countries that have a complex culture such as Indonesia. Tasamuh is an attitude that is highly emphasized in Islam. If this tasamuh of multicultural Islamic education in bahtsul masail, it can become a conference scientific treasure. In this study, the researcher intends to describe, analyze, provide interpretations about; tasamuh of multicultural Islamic education attitudes in bahtsul masail,  tasamuh of multicultural Islamic education in bahtsul masail, and multicultural Islamic education values can reinforce the tasamuh bahtsul masail attitude at the Bahtsul Masail Nahdlatul Ulama Institute in East Java. The method that used in this research is qualitative ethnographic type, data collection techniques with participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The analysis by Miles and Huberman what is called data reduction. After the data was obtained, it was analyzed using descriptive-qualitative method. Next, the conclusions are formulated using deductive methods. To checking the validity of the data used triangulation techniques, member checks, and discussions with colleagues. The result of research in the field show that the values of tasamuh in bahtsul masail can be proven in the form of: tolerance, ta’awwun (help each other), patient and forgiving, friendly (friendly and gentle), easy to accept and respect others, and keep hanging out in a good way even if it’s different. The form of tasamuh behavior that the researchers found in the bahtsul masail were; be generous in all differences, foster a sense of compassion for others, avoid acts of violence and chaos, increase human dignity, maintain social norms and customs, and foster an attitude of responsibility. Multicultural Islamic education values that found in affirming the tasamuh bahtsul masail behavior are in the form of; habituation with al-hiwar (debate dialogue) al-amtsal (parables and images), al-ta’awwud (self-habituation), al-uswah (exemplary), al-ibrah wal-mau’idhah (likeness and reasoning), al-targhib wat-tarhib (pleasing and frightening), as well as with solawat and dhikr.Keywords:  Tasamuh, Behavior, Multicultural, Education
International Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Journal Education Multicultural of Islamic Society
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jemois.v2i1.13594


After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the burden of history was borne by Muslims for disputes that started from political issues. The successor to the leadership of the Prophet became the first problem and even became a prolonged problem. Starting from this political dispute, later it will spread to other issues, such as issues of theology and ideology, including the Shia-Sunni intersection which is also a continuation of political problems in the early phase of Islam. Meanwhile, multicultural Islamic education initiated by several Muslim scientists often only discusses the relationship between Islam and other religions. In fact, the problem of internal disputes among Muslims is equally important to be resolved. This study uses qualitative research methods with the type of case study research. The results of the study show the urgency of multicultural education in an effort to re-tighten (taqri@b) Muslims by adhering to the values of multicultural Islamic education. The values of Islamic education include ta'aruf (knowing each other), ta'awun (helping each other), tasamuh (tolerant), tawasuth (moderate), tawazun (harmony), al-'adl (justice) and zuhud.Keywords:  Multicultural Islamic Education, ukhuwah Islamiyah, Shia, Sunni.
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 3, No 1 (2019): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.737 KB) | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v3i1.2552


Nilai-nilai multikulturalisme dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, terbukti telah terjadi sikap saling menghormati, toleransi, sikap saling menghargai, tolong menolong dan lain sebagainya, baik antar mahasiswa atau antar dosen dan atau antar mahasiswa dan dosen Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan dan dengan masyarakat. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan telah terintegrasi oleh prinsip-prinsip aswaja dan nilai-nilai multikultural, baik pada kegiatan pelaksanaan pembelajaran, ektra kurikuler atau pada kegiatan keagamaan mahasiswa Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan.Kata kunci: prinsip-prinsip aswaja, multikultural, model pembelajaran         The values of multiculturalism in learning Islamic education at the University of Yudharta Pasuruan have been well implemented, it has been proven that there has been an attitude of mutual respect, tolerance, mutual respect, help and so on, both between students or between lecturers and or between students and University lecturers Yudharta Pasuruan and with the community. The implementation of the learning of Islamic religious education at Yudharta Pasuruan University has been integrated by the principles of Aswaja and multicultural values, both in the implementation of learning activities, extra curricular or in religious activities of students of Yudharta Pasuruan University.Keywords: aswaja principles, multicultural, learning models
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 4, No 1 (2020): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v4i1.6714


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk  menjelaskan, menganalisa dan menginterpretasi tentang (1) dimensi dimensi pendidikan diversitas yang berhubungan dengan pembentukan kepribadian multikultural santri di SMP Plus dan MA Plus Pesantren Al Mashduqiah (2) Cara atau strategi yang digunakan dalam pembentukan kepribadian melalui  pendidikan diversitas di SMP Plus dan MA Plus Pesantren Al Mashduqiah, dan (3) Model pendekatan pendidikan diversitas dalam pembentukan kepribadian multikultural di SMP Plus dan MA Plus Pesantren Al Mashduqiah.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis single case embedded. Pendekatan dengan jenis single case embedded dipilih karena kasus dalam penelitian yang ada  adalah kasus yang unik dibanding lembaga yang ada di Kabupaten Probolinggo.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensi diversitas yang ada di SMP Plus Al-Mashduqiah adalah (a) gender (jenis kelamin) (b) sosio ekonomi (c) bahasa (d) asal daerah. (2) Dimensi diversitas yang ada di MA Plus Al-Mashduqiah adalah (a) gender (b) sosial ekonomi (c) bahasa (d) lokasi geografis atau letak asal daerah.Kata kunci: dimensi, diversitas, kepribadian, multikultural, pembentukan This research was conducted to explain, analyze and interpret about (1) dimensions of diversity education dimensions related to the formation of students' multicultural personality in SMP Plus and MA Plus Pesantren Al Mashduqiah (2) Ways or strategies used in the formation of personality through diversity education in SMP Plus and MA Plus Pesantren Al Mashduqiah, and (3) Models of diversity education approaches in the formation of multicultural personality in SMP Plus and MA Plus Pesantren Al Mashduqiah. This study uses a qualitative approach with a single case embedded type. The single case embedded approach was chosen because the case in the existing research is a unique case compared to the existing institutions in Probolinggo District. The results showed that the dimensions of diversity in SMP Plus Al-Mashduqiah were (a) gender (sex) (b) socio-economic (c) language (d) of regional origin. (2) Dimensions of diversity in MA Plus Al-Mashduqiah are (a) gender (b) socioeconomic (c) language (d) geographical location or location of origin.Keywords: dimensions, diversity, personality, multiculturalism, formation
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 5, No 1 (2021): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v5i1.10322


 Indonesia sebagai negara majemuk dengan keberagaman budayanya memerlukan sosok guru yang mempunyai kompetensi multikultural dalam proses pendidikannya. Hal ini didasarkan pada pentingnya guru yang menyadari realitas kehidupan bangsa Indonesia. Terlebih lagi bagi guru Pendidikan Agama Islam yang menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai agama kepada peserta didik. Ia dituntut untuk dapat melaksanakan proses pembelajaran sesuai dengan realitas bangsa yang multikultur, oleh karena terkadang agama dijadikan alasan untuk abai terhadap keragaman budaya serta bersikap eksklusif kepada peserta didik. Kajian ini berupaya untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis kompetensi multikultural guru PAI dan implementasinya dalam pembelajaran. Lokus kajian ini berada pada forum Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam kabupaten Mojokerto. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi dengan arti bahwa bagaimana guru menyadari keberagaman yang ada dalam kehidupan terhadap relevansi kebutuhan kompetensi multikultural guru PAI. Hasil penelitian menyatakan pertama bahwa dalam konteks kehidupan multikultural dan keragaman peserta didik, guru PAI dituntut untuk mempunyai kompetensi keilmuan, multikultural, profesional, sosial dan leadership. Kedua, ruang lingkup kompetensi multikultural dapat diklasifikasikan pada aspek sikap positif, basis pemahaman multikultural, skill pedagogi dan kompetensi leadership guru PAIKata Kunci: Kompetensi Multikultural, Guru PAI As a pluralistic country, Indonesia with its cultural diversity requires a teacher having multicultural competence in the educational process. Based on the importance of teachers who are aware of the realities of Indonesian life. Especially for Islamic Religious Education teachers who internalize religious values to students. The Required teacher can carry out the learning process appropriate towards the reality of a multicultural nation because occasionally belief in religion was taken as an excuse to ignore cultural diversity and having exclusive on facing students. This study aims to describe and analyze the multicultural competence of Islam Education teachers and its scope. The study focused on the Forum on Islam Education Subject Teacher for junior high school in Mojokerto regency. The research uses the phenomenological method, it means teacher awareness of diversity, needs multicultural competence. The research states, first, in the context of multicultural life and diversity of students, craved Islam education teachers who have a knowledge base, multicultural, professional, social, and leadership competencies. Second, the scope of multicultural competence can be classified into aspects; positive attitudes, the basis of multicultural understanding, pedagogical skills, and leadership competencyKeywords: Multicultural Competence, Islamic Education Teacher
Co-Authors Abd. Syakur Abdul Halim Ach. Faiq Maulana Achmad Musyadad Al-Arifi Achmad Yoni Prasetyo Agus Sulthoni Imami Ahmad Leowaldi Ahsanul Muttaqin ali ashar Ali Ismunadi Andy Takwin Fitriansyah Anggraheni, Ika Arinda Farhany Istifa Arinda Farhany Istifa Asyfailia Khusna Atik Abidah Atika Zuhrotus Sufiyana Atika Zuhrotus Sufiyana Ayu Rizky Amalia Bagus, Sobirin Bahroin Budiya Budiyono Santoso Dahlan Tamrin Dian Mohammad Hakim Dinda Utama Putri Djunaidi Ghoni Dwi Fitri Wiyono Dwi Mariyono Dzullhijj Dima Nabila Eko Nasrulloh EKO SETIAWAN Erfan Muhammad Fahruddin, Ahmad Hanif Faizatul Maslukhah Fita Mustafida Ghony, M. Djunaidi Hambali Hambali Hasan Busri Hasanatul Karimah Idrus Idrus Ihda Nur Hayati Ikmal, Hepi Imam Safi'i imam safi'i Imam Syafi’i Irma Uswatun Ummah Isna Nurul Inayati Jefry Hadi Susilo Ramadan Junaidi Mistar Khadijatul Qodriyah Khoirul Anam Siddeh Khumairoh Dewi Nur Aini Kukuh Santoso Lathifatul Izzah Lia Miftakhul Jannah Lia Nur Atiqoh Bela Dina Lukman Hakim M.Djunaidi Ghony Mamduh 'Amali Matnin Minahul Mubin Mo'tasim Mo'tasim Moh Ismail Moh Murtadho Moh. Eko Nasrullah Moh. Faishol Khusni Khusni Moh. Muslim Mohamad Mujib Ridwan Mohammad Afifullah Mohammad Afifulloh Mohammad Jamhuri Mohammad Sulistiono Mufidatul Khoiriyah Mufiqur Rahman Muhammad Asrori Muhammad Djunaidi Ghony Muhammad Hanief Muhammad Hifdil Islam Muhammad Khanif Alaudin Muhammad Riza Muhammad Riza Muhammad Sulistiono Muhammad Sulistiono Muhammad Zaid Alaydrus Mutiara Dewi Mutiara Sari Dewi Nia Indah Purnamasari Nur Fajar Arief Nur Hasan Nuril Fatimatus Sholikh Nuruddin Muzakki NURUL HIKMAH Peni Catur Renaningtyas Phila Delphia Qurroti A’yun Ramdanil Mubarok Rizki Ambarini Romadlon Chotib Roro Kurnia Nofita Rahmawati Safitri Mujanah Saihul Atho’ A’alul Huda Salsabila Firdausi Nuzula Saman Hudi Shoni Rahmatullah Amrozi Siddeh, Khoirul Anam Siti Maisaroh Sobirin Bagus Solikhul Hidayat Subardi TATI NURHAYATI Triana Rosalina Noor, Triana Rosalina Weny Tri Utaminingsih Yorita Febry Lismanda Yulia Dewi Budiani Zahrotul Jannah Zainal Arifin Zainullah Zainullah Zakiyah BZ Zulfa Mufarokhah