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Screening Varietas Padi Lokal Kalimantan Tengah Terhadap Serangan Sitophilus oryzae selama Penyimpanan (Screening of Local Rice Varieties from Central Kalimantan to Sitophilus oryzae Attack During Storage) Kamsiati, Elmi; Darmawati, Emmy; Haryadi, Yadi
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 22, No 2 (2013): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (78.316 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v22i2.82


Beras merupakan komoditas penting, karena merupakan makanan pokok sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia termasuk di propinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Selama penyimpanan, beras dapat rusak, baik karena pengaruh lingkungan maupun serangan hama pascapanen. Sitophilus oryzae merupakan serangga hama pascapanen yang banyak menyerang beras selama penyimpanan, menyebabkan susut bobot dan kualitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyeleksi resistensi dari beberapa varietas beras lokal Kalimantan Tengah. Delapan varietas beras diuji terhadap serangan S.oryzae. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa indeks perkembangan yang paling rendah terdapat pada varietas Siam Jurut, diikuti oleh Siam Palun, Siam Palas dan Bayar Pahit yang menjadi varietas resisten. Siam Unus memiliki nilai indeks perkembangan yang medium. Sedangkan varietas Rantul, Siam Pandak dan Karang Dukuh memiliki indeks perkembangan yang tinggi. Setelah penyimpanan, kelompok resisten mimiliki persentase susut bobot dan biji berlubang yang rendah dibanding kelompok yang rentan.Rice is an important commodity as it is the staple food of most of the Indonesian people, including in the regions of Central Kalimantan. During storage, the rice can be damaged due to environmental factors as well as postharvest pest. Sitophilus oryzae is postharvest insect pest that attacks rice during storage causing quantity and quality losses. The objective of this research is to screen resistance of several local rice varieties of Central Kalimantan. Eight rice varieties were tested against S.oryzae. The result of this research shows that the lowest index of susceptibility was Siam jurut, followed by Siam palun, Siam palas, and Bayar Pahit which were resistant varieties. Siam unus had a medium index of susceptibility. Rantul, Siam pandak and Karang dukuh had a high index of susceptibility. After storage, the resistant group had lower quantity losses, lower amount of damaged grains, and lower moisture contents than those classified in the susceptible group. 
Model Perkiraan Kebutuhan Pasokan Beras untuk Program Raskin (Studi Kasus pada Perum BULOG Subdivisi Regional Cianjur) Models to EstimateRice SupplyNeededfor Raskin (Case Study at Perum BULOG ofRegional Subdivision Cianjur) Sartika, Ria; Darmawati, Emmy; Rachmat, Ridwan
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 23, No 3 (2014): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1157.993 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v23i3.66


Permintaan distribusi beras yang tidak beraturan dan tidak dapat diprediksi menjadi unsur ketidakpastian pada rantai pasokan beras untuk Program Raskin. Hal ini menyebabkan beberapa wilayah kerja BULOG tidak dapat menentukan kebutuhan pasokan secara pasti di setiap bulannya, salah satunya adalah Subdivre Cianjur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat perkiraan kebutuhan pasokan pada kondisi ketidakpastian permintaan distribusi menggunakan pendekatan metode simulasi Monte Carlo. Hasil simulasi membuktikanbahwa semakin terlambat waktu dalam penerbitan SPA Raskin Kabupaten/Kota dan semakin besar jumlah tunggakan dalam pembayaran HP-Raskin cenderung akan meningkatkan ketidakpastian penyediaan dan semakin besar jumlah pasokan. Kondisi ketidakpastian permintaan distribusi terendah membutuhkan pasokan minimal sebesar 194.308 ton per tahun, sedangkan kondisi ketidakpastian permintaan distribusi tertinggi membutuhkan pasokan sebesar 319.025 ton per tahun atau sebesar 1,6 kali dari rencana Pagu Raskin Kabupaten/Kota tahun 2012.Demand distribution ofrice for Raskin Program is irregularand unpredictable and it causes uncertainty to rice supply chain for Raskin Program. This obstacle make some BULOG regional areas cannot determine the adequate amount of rice to meet the distribution need every month. One of this area is Subdivre Cianjur. This research is aimed to estimate rice supply need under the uncertainty demand condition using Monte Carlo simulation. Simulation results prove that the late time of the issuance of SPA Raskin and the greater the amount ofpayment arrears of the HP-Raskin tend to increase the amount of rice supply needs. Estimated minimum supply is 194.308 tons per year, while the amount of stock required is 319.025 tons per year, or 1,6 times the plan of Pagu Raskin in 2012 that is needed to anticipate uncertainty at rice supply chain for Raskin Program. 
Upaya Mengurangi Tingkat Kerusakan Buncis Pada Proses Transportasi Darmawati, Emmy
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 19, No 3 (2010): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1249.98 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v19i3.149


Sumber pangan selain padi adalah sayuran. Buncis merupakan sayuran yang banyak dikonsumsi untuk pemenuhan gizi masyarakat. Produk segarnya mudah rusak pada proses transportasi, sehingga diperlukan penanganan yang tepat dalam transportasi dan pasca transportasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis kemasan terhadap mutu buncis setelah dilakukan transportasi. Selama transportasi, buncis dikemas dengan dua cara yaitu kemasan curah (bulk) dan retail (eceran) dari asal produsen. Untuk cara curah (bulk) pada saat sampai ke konsumen dikemas ulang dalam bentuk kemasan retail. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara kualitas dan kuantitas, kemasan yang cocok untuk transportasi buncis segar adalah kemasan retail (kombinasi kemasan styrofoam + keranjang). Secara ekonomis, kemasan curah (keranjang dan kantong plastik) masih mungkin digunakan untuk transportasi jarak dekat, sedangkan untuk transportasi jarak jauh akan lebih menguntungkan apabila langsung menggunakan kemasan retail. Berdasarkan analisa biaya, pada tingkat harga jual buncis Rp 2.500/kg introduksi kemasan yang layak diterapkan adalah kemasan PE + keranjang. Sedangkan untuk kemasan keranjang, plastik dan kombinasi styrofoam + plastik film dengan keranjang akan layak diterapkan pada tingkat mulai dari harga jual Rp 4.900/kg.Green bean is type of vegetable that is consumed much to a accomplish community nutrition. Green beans are fresh products that can be easily damaged during transportation process, thus need proper handling during and post transportation. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of packaging types to the quality of the fresh beans after transportation. During the transportation from the original sources, the beans were packeged in two forms: bulky and retail packaging. In the bulky form, the beans were subsequently package in the form of retail packaging and directly displayed to end user. The results shown that in term of quality and quantity, suitable packaging for transport of the fresh green beans were in retail form (a combination of styrofoam packaging + plastic container). In the economic point of few, bulky form (plastic container and plastic bags). could be considered to be continually used for short-distance transport. But, for long-distance transport it would be more advantageous when the beans were packed in the retail form. On the basis of cost-benefit analysis, on the selling price beans of 2.500 IDR (Indonesian Rupiah)/kg, suitable packaging was the combination of PE + plastic container. While plastic container, plastic bag, and combination of styrofoam + plastic film would be reasonably apply when the level of the salling price was 4.900 IDR/kg. 
Model Distribusi Hasil Pertanian Yang Berdampak Pada Perbaikan Kualitas Lingkungan Darmawati, Emmy
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 20, No 2 (2011): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1932.113 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v20i2.37


Sampah pasar tidak saja berasal dari mata rantai distribusi tetapi juga dari jumlah pasokan yang berlebih. Perbaikan pada sistem distribusi hasil pertanian khususnya hortikultura menjadi satu solusi yang efektif dan efisien terhadap penanggulangan sampah kota. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan mengkaji sistem distribusi komoditas hortikultura dan membuat model sistem distribusi yang mampu mengurangi pasokan sampah ke pusat-pusat distribusi yang umumnya berlokasi di kota. Hasil pengamatan di lapang menunjukkan bahwa sistem distribusi komoditas hortikultura pada umumnya masih menghasilkan sampah cukup besar. Tujuh puluh delapan persen komoditas sayuran di Jabotabek didistribusikan dengan cara tersebut dan sampah yang dihasilkan mencapai 60 persen dari volume pasokan. Berdasarkan tingkat kegiatan pascapanen yang dilakukan, sistem distribusi dimodelkan dalam bentuk perwilayahan (zona) dimana dalam setiap zona diberlakukan aturan kegiatan pasca panen. Ada dua zona yang dibuat yaitu zona podusen dan zona konsumen (pasar kota, pasar induk, dan terminal agribisnis). Dengan model tersebut diharapkan sampah pasar berkurang sampai 40 persen untuk sayuran daun dan 20 persen untuk sayuran umbi. Untuk mendukung penerapan model distribusi yang diusulkan, pada penelitian ini dibangun prototipe sistem berbasis web yang secara real time menginformasikan permintaan dan penawaran atas suatu komoditas sehingga diharapkan dapat memperkecil peluang dalam menghasilkan sampah pasar.Market waste comes not only from the distribution chain but also from the amount of excess supply. Therefore improvements in the distribution system of horticultural product may be one solution that can effectively reduce city waste. This research is conducted to study the supply-chain system of horticultural commodities that is capable of reducing the supply of waste to the distribution centers which are generally located in the city. The results of observation show that horticultural commodity distribution system still generates considerable amount of waste in the market. 78 percent of vegetable in Jabotabek are distributed in such manner in which the waste reaches 60 percent of the volume. Based on the level of post-harvest activities, the distribution system is modeled in the form of zoning system where in every zone the rules of post-harvest activities are applied. There are two zones, namely the zone of producers (farmers, collectors) and the zone of consumers (market town, the main markets, and agribusiness terminal). With this model it is expected that waste market will decrease up to 40 percent for leafy vegetables and 20 percent for tuber vegetables. By utilizing the information system it is expected that the supply matches with the demand, so that it will reduce the chance of producing waste. 
KERUSAKAN PASCAPANEN PADA UBI KAYU HASIL PEMULIAAN SELAMA PENYIMPANAN Heldiyanti, Rina; Sutrisno, Sutrisno; Khumaida, Nurul; Darmawati, Emmy
Jurnal Agrotek Tropika Vol 8, No 2 (2020): JURNAL AGROTEK TROPIKA VOL 8, MEI 2020
Publisher : Departement of Agrotechnology, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (633.671 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jat.v8i2.3620


Postharvest deterioration is a major problem which is an obstacle for cassava handling both for conventional cassava variety and mutant variety. There are two types of postharvest deterioration on cassava, namely postharvest primary deterioration (PPD) or primer deterioration of physiological deterioration, and microbiological deterioration. Damage can be minimized by carrying out storage in optimal conditions. This study aimed to determine the level of postharvest deterioration on cassava variety R and U during 35 days of storage. The storage treatment was storage consist of 1) wooden boxes and moist sawdust storage (P1)  and  2)control storage (P2). The results indicated that RP2 and UP2  produced physiological deterioration by 25% on the 7th day of storage and reached 100% on the 35th day of storage. Meanwhile, the percentage of microbiological deterioration reached more than 20% on the 14th day of storage. On the other hand,  RP1 and RP2 indicated good results. Both varieties experienced only less than 25% physiological deterioration and did not experience microbiological deterioration during storage.
RANCANGAN MODEL PURWARUPA KEMASAN KOPI SPECIALTY Zulkarnain; Machfud; Marimin; Emmy Darmawati; Sugiarto
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian Vol. 30 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Publisher : Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Bogor Agricultural University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24961/j.tek.ind.pert.2020.30.1.1


Packaging design is a challenge for the development of micro-industries, especially to encounter high competition against well-known products. Unfortunately, most of micro-industries have limitations in term of packaging design and attractiveness. The purpose of this study was to design the right packaging prototype model for the micro-industries. The study applied the value engineering approach which consisted of information, creative, analysis, development, and recommendation stages. In the creative stage, the process included making the moodboards, sketches and digitizing designs as well as generating prototypes. Fuzzy AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) was applied in the analysis stage to obtain the weight of each performance parameter. From the analysis, it found that colour was the most significant parameter in determining packaging design of specialty coffee packaging. The most appropriate model recommendation as a representation of packaging for specialty coffee businesses for micro-scale industries was the flat bottom pouch type contained in alternative III. Keywords: fuzzy AHP, packaging design, prototype, value engineering
Aplikasi Coating Gel Lidah Buaya Untuk Mempertahankan Mutu Buah Alpukat Pada Penyimpanan Suhu Ruang Yandri Iskandar Pah; Sutrisno; Emmy Darmawati
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 8 No. 3 (2020): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.08.3.105-112


Avocado is a climacteric fruit that still conducting physiological processes after being harvested, so that the fruit can reduce its freshness and increase its damage at room temperature. One treatment to extend the shelf life of avocados is by using an edible coating. Natural edible coating that has the potential to be used as a coating for avocados is aloe vera gel. The objective of this study was to determine an optimum concentration of edible coating made from aloe vera gel for avocado in order to extend its shelf life under room temperature storage. Three level concentrations of aloe vera gel used in this research were 30% (AV30), 50% (AV50), and without coating (Control). The quality parameters analyzed were weight loss, skin water content, percent of decay, hardness, color, and total soluble solids. The results showed that edible aloe vera gel coating significantly affected weight loss, skin water content, percent of decay, hardness, and total soluble solids of avocados. Among the treatments, the research found and recommend that the 50% of aloe vera coating was good enough to extend avocado until 18 days under room temperature storage. Keywords: Edible coatings, aloe vera gel, avocados, room temperature storage
Pengaruh Curing dan Coating pada Mutu Ubi Jalar Cilembu Selama Masa Penyimpanan Nisa, Khaerun; Purwanto, Yohannes Aris; Darmawati, Emmy; Iriani, Evi Savitri
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 37, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32765/wartaihp.v37i2.6219


ABSTRAK: Ubi jalar cilembu merupakan ubi jalar varietas unggul yang banyak diminati dan diekspor, namun dibutuhkan proses panjang serta waktu yang lama dalam proses ekspor. Misalnya diperlukan waktu 12-13 hari untuk ekspor ke Singapura dengan moda transportasi laut. Sehingga diperlukan penanganan pascapanen yang tepat utuk menjaga mutu ubi selama proses ekspor. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkungan curing dan konsentrasi emulsi coating lilin lebah terbaik untuk menjaga mutu ubi jalar cilembu selama masa penyimpanan. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 7 hari untuk perlakuan curing dan coating. Curing dilakukan pada 3 kondisi lingkungan yang berbeda, yaitu suhu 30 oC dengan RH 90%, suhu 23 oC dengan RH 50%, dan suhu ruang. Sedangkan coating dilakukan dengan cara mencelupkannya pada 3 konsentrasi emulsi lilin lebah yang berbeda, yaitu konsentrasi 12%, konsentrasi 8%, dan konsentrasi 3%, lalu disimpan pada suhu ruang selama 7 hari. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi curing dan emulsi coating lilin lebah terbaik dalam menekan kerusakan fisik >25% dan pertunasan ubi cilembu selama penyimpanan yaitu pada suhu 30 oC dengan RH 90% dan coating lilin lebah 8%.Kata kunci: curing, coating, mutu, penyimpanan, ubi jalar cilembuABSTRACT: Sweet potato cultivar (cv.) Cilembu is the the superior quality of sweet potato, which is high demand and exported, but it takes a long process and long time for export. For example need 12-13 days for export to Singapore using sea transportation. So, proper postharvest handling is needed to maintain the quality of sweet potato during the export process. Therefore, the purpose of this study is determining the best condition of curing and the best concentration of beeswax emulsion for sweet potato cv. Cilembu during storage period. This research was conducted for seven days. Curing was carried out in three different environmental conditions, they were temperature and RH, respectively, i.e.  30 oC, RH 90%; 23 oC, RH 50%; and room temperature. The coating were carried out by dipping in three different consentrations of beeswax emulsion, they were 12%, 8%, and 3%. The samples were then stored at room temperature for 7 days. The result showed that the best curing and coating emulsion of beeswax in reduce the level of physical damage >25% and the sprouting of sweet potato cv. Cilembu during storage were curing at 30 oC with 90% RH and coating with beeswax emulsion of 8%.Keywords:  curing, coating, quality, storage, cilembu sweet potato
Identifikasi Perubahan Mutu Selama Penyimpanan Buah Manggis Menggunakan Near Infra Red Spectroscopy . Sutrisno; Yohanes Aris Purwanto; Emmy Darmawati; Enrico Syaefullah
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 17 No. 2 (2012): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.675 KB)


One of quality changes during storage of intact mangosteen fruit is firmness. This occurrence was predicted to have associate with moisture content in the pericarp. The objective of this research was to determine the correlation between moisture content and firmness, and to predict moisture content changes based on reflectance spectrum of near infra red (NIR). The correlation between moisture content and firmness at 13 °C is y = 0.07972x2 – 9.833x + 305.9 while at room temperature showed y = 0.1207x2 – 14.89x + 460.8; in which y refers to firmness and x refers to moisture content in pericarp. The calibration and validation evaluation using partial least square of moisture content resulted in NIR and oven method showed that the magnitude of r is 0.758-0.882; RMSEC and RMSEP is 0.09-0.39%; CV<5% is at 2.5-3.3%. Moisture content prediction using NIR reflectant spektrum is y (temperature:8 °C) = -0.057x + 65.14; y (temperature 13 °C) = -0.253x + 64.96; y (room temperature) = -0.421x + 64.76. 
Pencegahan Kerusakan Fisiologis Belimbing (Avverhoa carambola) dalam Rantai Pasok dengan Optimisasi Model Kombinasi Perlakuan Air Panas dan CaCl2 Menggunakan Response Surface Method . Sutrisno; Emmy Darmawati; Rokhani Hasbullah; Harli Prawaningrum
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 18 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (847.835 KB)


Starfruits is one of exotic tropical fruits that have increasing its popularity both for domestic and global market due to its unique shape and taste, as well as their nutrition values. However, this fruit is considered perishable product with short self-life, thus the proper post harvest treatment should be done to prevent their quality after harvest. In general, the objective of this research was to determine optimum treatment of hot water treatment (HWT) and immersion period in CaCl2 solution using response surface method (RSM) for post harvest handling of starfruits in order to maintain its quality during storage. Among quality parameters tested, weight loss and hardness were found as the most responsive to the combination treatment. Parameter of weight loss rate showed a maximization response with stationary point of HWT’s temperature of 42 °C, expose period for 42 minutes, and immersion period in CaCl2 solution for 38 minutes with respond point of weight loss was 3.74%. Meanwhile, the hardness parameter achievement was the minimum with stationary point of HWT’s temperature of 48 °C, expose period for 35 minutes, and immersion period in CaCl2 solution fpr 35 minutes resulted respond point of hardness of 0.63 Newton. Interest level from the panelist were color, taste, texture and aroma, respectively, whereas the treatment combination that accepted by panelist were (45 °C, 65', 40'), (45 °C, 40', 15'), and (45 °C, 40', 40’).