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Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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ABSTRAKJarak pagar berpotensi sebagai sumber biodiesel karena kandunganlemak yang tinggi (>40%) dan belum ada penggunaan lainnya.Spektroskopi (Near Infrared) NIR adalah metode yang cepat untukmengukur spektrum sampel dan tidak terdapat limbah kimia. Tujuanpenelitian adalah mengembangkan metode pendugaan komposisi kimiabeberapa  provenan  jarak  pagar  berdasarkan  spektroskopi  NIRmenggunakan kalibrasi PLS. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan tigaprovenan jarak pagar yaitu IP-3A, IP-3M, dan IP-3P masing-masing 85sampel. Spektrum reflektansi diukur menggunakan alat NIRFlex SolidsPetri pada panjang gelombang 1000–2500 nm. Sekitar ⅔ jumlah sampeldigunakan untuk mengembangkan persamaan kalibrasi dan ⅓ jumlahsampel untuk validasi. Pra perlakuan data spektrum dilakukan dengannormalisasi antara 0-1, turunan pertama Savitzky-Golay 9 titik dangabungan keduanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan spektroskopi NIRdapat menduga kadar air, lemak, dan asam lemak bebas . Koefisienkorelasi (r) antara komponen kimia metode acuan dengan dugaan NIR>0,83 menunjukkan ketepatan model cukup baik (r kadar air=0,96, r kadarlemak=0,92, dan r ALB=0,89 ). Konsistensi model kalibrasi kadarair=94,85%, lemak=82,56%, dan ALB=87,80%. Koefisien keragamandugaan (Prediction Coeficient Variability/PCV) ketiga model <10%menunjukkan model yang dibangun cukup handal. Ratio of standard errorprediction to deviation (RPD) menunjukkan metode spektroskopi NIRdapat digunakan untuk menentukan kadar air (RPD=3,30) dan lemak(RPD=2,06). Model-model yang dikembangkan secara umum layakuntuk menentukan kadar air dan lemak biji jarak pagar, tetapi belumoptimal untuk penentuan kadar ALB biji jarak pagar.Kata kunci: NIR , jarak pagar, kadar air, kadar lemak, kadar asam lemakbebasABSTRACTPhysic nut is a potential source of biodiesel. It is high in fat content,above 40% and has not been usesed for other purposes. Moisture, free fattyacid, and fat content are the chemical compounds and determinant factorfor physic nut seed quality. The objective of this study was to develop amethod to predict chemical composition of physic nut by NIRspectroscopy and PLS calibration. The study was conducted using threeprovenances of physic nut, i.e. IP-3A, IP-3M, and IP-3P, with 85 sampleseach. The wavelengths of near infrared reflectance ranged from 1000 to2500 nm, and measured by NIR Flex Solids Petri Apparatus.Approximately ⅔ of total samples were used for developing calibrationequation, while ⅓ of total samples for performing validation. Pre-treatmentof spectrum data was done by applying normalization, first derivative ofSavitzky–Golay 9 points, and as well as their combination. The resultsshowed that NIR spectroscopy performed acceptable prediction formoisture and fat content. Correlation coefficients (r) between the referencemethod and NIR prediction were 0.96 for moisture content, 0.92 for fatcontent, and 0.89 for FFA and the consistency of the model were 94.85%for moisture content, 82.56% for fat, and 87.80% for FFA. Prediction ofcoefficient of variability (PCV) of the three models ≤10 % shows that themodels are reliable. Ratio of standard error prediction to deviation (RPD)for moisture content has the potential to be used for screening (RPD=3.30)though the fat content model has rough screening (RPD=2.06).Key words: NIR, physic nut, moisture, fat, free fatty acid contents.
Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Jumlah Lapisan Biji pada Akurasi Prediksi Kandungan Minor Biji Kopi Arabika Hijau Bondowoso dengan NIR Spectroscopy Sri Citra Yuliana Madi; I Wayan Budiastra; Yohanes Aris Purwanto; Sukrisno Widyotomo
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 23 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (545.168 KB) | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.23.2.81


Void space in the bean layers will lead to the occurrence of non-fully interacted radiation (NFIR) affecting the reproducibility of NIRS measurements. Void space in addition to being affected by particle size is also influenced by the number/thickness of the bean layers. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of number of bean layer variation on prediction accuracy of caffeine, chlorogenic acid and trigonelline in Bondowoso green Arabica coffee beans by NIR Spectroscopy (NIRS). The study was conducted using three kind of layers, i.e. 3, 4, and 5 layers, with 100 samples each. Samples were measured by FT-NIR spectrometer in wavelength of 1.000-2.500 nm. The pretreatment method used were second derivative (dg2), the combination of first derivative (dg1) and Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC), and the combination of dg2 and MSC, while calibration method used was Partial Least Square (PLS). The results shows that the accuracy of 5 layers was better than 3 or 4 layers. The best calibration and validation for caffeine was obtained by dg2 pretreatment and 6 factors of PLS (r = 0.99; SEC = 0.01%; SEP = 0.01%; and RPD = 5.40), for chlorogenic acid was by dg2 pretreatment and 5 factors of PLS (r = 0.99; SEC = 0.09%; SEP = 0.09%; and RPD = 4.76), whereas for trigonelline was by combination of (dg2, MSC) and 5 factors of PLS (r = 0.99; SEC = 0.01%; SEP = 0.01%; and RPD = 4.86). Therefore, the 5 layers can be used as a reference in NIRS measurement of coffee beans.
Acoustic Study Of Mangosteene (Gracinia mangostana L) By Using Ultrasonic Wave Jajang juansah; I wayan Budiastra; Suroso .
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 18 No. 1 (2007): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

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The wave used to study the acoustic properties of mangosteen is ultrasonic wave. Ultrasonic wave with frequency of 50 KHz was used to determine acoustic properties of mangosteen. The main wave properties were the attenuation, impedance of acoustic and acoustic velocity at mangosteen. Others have been evaluated were the correlation of attenuation and acoustic velocity at parts of mangosteen with its intact mangosteen. The acoustic parameters were related to the physic-chemical parameters of the fruit (TDS and hardness). This relationship was used to study mangosteen properties and quality. Because of mangosteen structure and it’s pores (saw with low density), acoustic wave in manggosteen have low amplitude signal. It was saw with spectrum and FFT signal mangosteen and reference medium / air (1.4:2.3). The fruit with increasing maturity mount (from color index 2 to 5) will experience hardness degradation, improvement of TDS, which are related to degradation of acoustic attenuation, improvement of acoustic speed and impedance. Multiple regression method was used to get empiric equation of wave in mixture of flesh-seed, husk and mangosteen (parts of mangosteen with its intact mangosteen). That saw in equation 1 and 2. the velocity and attenuation of ultrasonic wave in mixture of flesh – seed have higher effect equation on mangosteen than husk. It means that acoustic properties of mixture of flesh – seed has more contribution than husk. Key word: attenuation, velocity, impedance, ultrasonic, mangosteen
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 19, No 4 (2013): Desember 2013
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jlittri.v19n4.2013.203-211


ABSTRAKJarak pagar berpotensi sebagai sumber biodiesel karena kandunganlemak yang tinggi (>40%) dan belum ada penggunaan lainnya.Spektroskopi (Near Infrared) NIR adalah metode yang cepat untukmengukur spektrum sampel dan tidak terdapat limbah kimia. Tujuanpenelitian adalah mengembangkan metode pendugaan komposisi kimiabeberapa  provenan  jarak  pagar  berdasarkan  spektroskopi  NIRmenggunakan kalibrasi PLS. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan tigaprovenan jarak pagar yaitu IP-3A, IP-3M, dan IP-3P masing-masing 85sampel. Spektrum reflektansi diukur menggunakan alat NIRFlex SolidsPetri pada panjang gelombang 1000–2500 nm. Sekitar ⅔ jumlah sampeldigunakan untuk mengembangkan persamaan kalibrasi dan ⅓ jumlahsampel untuk validasi. Pra perlakuan data spektrum dilakukan dengannormalisasi antara 0-1, turunan pertama Savitzky-Golay 9 titik dangabungan keduanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan spektroskopi NIRdapat menduga kadar air, lemak, dan asam lemak bebas . Koefisienkorelasi (r) antara komponen kimia metode acuan dengan dugaan NIR>0,83 menunjukkan ketepatan model cukup baik (r kadar air=0,96, r kadarlemak=0,92, dan r ALB=0,89 ). Konsistensi model kalibrasi kadarair=94,85%, lemak=82,56%, dan ALB=87,80%. Koefisien keragamandugaan (Prediction Coeficient Variability/PCV) ketiga model <10%menunjukkan model yang dibangun cukup handal. Ratio of standard errorprediction to deviation (RPD) menunjukkan metode spektroskopi NIRdapat digunakan untuk menentukan kadar air (RPD=3,30) dan lemak(RPD=2,06). Model-model yang dikembangkan secara umum layakuntuk menentukan kadar air dan lemak biji jarak pagar, tetapi belumoptimal untuk penentuan kadar ALB biji jarak pagar.Kata kunci: NIR , jarak pagar, kadar air, kadar lemak, kadar asam lemakbebasABSTRACTPhysic nut is a potential source of biodiesel. It is high in fat content,above 40% and has not been usesed for other purposes. Moisture, free fattyacid, and fat content are the chemical compounds and determinant factorfor physic nut seed quality. The objective of this study was to develop amethod to predict chemical composition of physic nut by NIRspectroscopy and PLS calibration. The study was conducted using threeprovenances of physic nut, i.e. IP-3A, IP-3M, and IP-3P, with 85 sampleseach. The wavelengths of near infrared reflectance ranged from 1000 to2500 nm, and measured by NIR Flex Solids Petri Apparatus.Approximately ⅔ of total samples were used for developing calibrationequation, while ⅓ of total samples for performing validation. Pre-treatmentof spectrum data was done by applying normalization, first derivative ofSavitzky–Golay 9 points, and as well as their combination. The resultsshowed that NIR spectroscopy performed acceptable prediction formoisture and fat content. Correlation coefficients (r) between the referencemethod and NIR prediction were 0.96 for moisture content, 0.92 for fatcontent, and 0.89 for FFA and the consistency of the model were 94.85%for moisture content, 82.56% for fat, and 87.80% for FFA. Prediction ofcoefficient of variability (PCV) of the three models ≤10 % shows that themodels are reliable. Ratio of standard error prediction to deviation (RPD)for moisture content has the potential to be used for screening (RPD=3.30)though the fat content model has rough screening (RPD=2.06).Key words: NIR, physic nut, moisture, fat, free fatty acid contents.
Teknotan: Jurnal Industri Teknologi Pertanian Vol 6, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Industri Pertanian

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Pengerasan kulit merupakan indikator kerusakan pada penyimpanan buah manggis yang berkaitan dengan kandungan air pada kulit buah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model kalibrasi NIR untuk memprediksi kadar air kulit buah manggis selama penyimpanan dan menentukan pola peningkatan kekerasan kulit buah manggis berdasarkan perubahan kadar air selama penyimpanan menggunakan reflektan NIR. Metode eksperimental deskriptif digunakan dalami 2 tahapan pengamatan. Pada tahap pertama 88 buah manggis masing-masing disimpan pada temperatur pada 8 ºC dan 13 ºC selama 40 hari, dan 128 lagi disimpan pada suhu ruang 27 ºC selama 22 hari. Pengukuran reflektan, kadar air, dan kekerasan kulit buah dilakukan pada hari ke-0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 28, 32, 36, dan 40 pada penyimpanan suhu 8 ºC dan 13 ºC, dan pada hari ke-0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, dan 22 penyimpanan pada suhu ruang 27 ºC. Pada tahap kedua 10 buah manggis masing-masing disimpan pada 8 ºC, 13 ºC selama 28 hari, dan pada suhu ruang selama 16 hari sebagai sampel monitoring. Reflektan diukur pada hari ke-0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 dan 28 pada penyimpanan dingin dan pada hari ke-0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, dan 16 pada suhu ruang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama penyimpanan optimum buah manggis pada 13 ºC dan 8 ºC adalah selama 28 hari dan pada suhu ruang selama 16 hari. Kadar air kulit buah menurun selama penyimpanan sedangkan kekerasan kulit buah menurun di awal dan meningkat di akhir penyimpanan pada ketiga suhu penyimpanan. Pola peningkatan kekerasan kulit buah manggis berdasarkan perubahan kadar air kulit buah ditentukan menggunakan reflektan kulit buah manggis berdasarkan perubahan kadar air kulit buah ditentukan menggunakan reflektan NIR dengan persamaan y=0,0045x2–0,126x+3,64 (R2=87,4 %) untuk penyimpanan pada suhu 13ºC dan persamaan y=0,0138x2–0,218x+2,69 (R2=70,1 %) pada suhu ruang. Kata kunci: buah manggis, pengerasan kulit, kadar air, NIR spectroscopy
Peningkatan Nilai Gizi, Sifat Organoleptik dan Sifat Pati Sagu Mutiara dengan Penambahan Buah Kenari (Canarium ovatum) Vita N. Lawalata; I Wayan Budiastra; Bambang Haryanto
agriTECH Vol 24, No 1 (2004)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2312.18 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.13494


Sago is a potential local crop for food diversification program. The research aims to 1) improve the nutrition of pearl sago product through canary addition 2) evaluate of chemical-physical and organoleptic quality of pearl sago 3) study the influence of packaging to the product during storage and 4) to predict the shelf life of pearl sago product. The research was done in two steps : I) product development through canary addition of 0 %, 3 %, 6 %, 9 %, 12 % and 15% to pearl sago. 2) packaging and storage the pearl sago using LDPE and PP/alufo/PP. The result shows that canary addition of 9 % and PP/alufo/PP packaging is the best treatment for pearl sago. The product has contents of moisture, protein, fat, ash, carbohydrate and energy of 5.83%, 5.53%, 6.72%, 0.81%, 81.14%, 407.17 Kal, respectively, with shelf life of 256 days.
Klasifikasi Tingkat Kematangan dan Kemasakan Buah Durian dengan Model Neural Network Amin Rejo; Hadi K. Purwadaria; I Wayan Budiastra; Suroso Suroso; Slamet Susanto; Yul Y Nazaruddin
agriTECH Vol 21, No 4 (2001)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1138.713 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.13583


This study was aimed to develop the model to predict the maturity and ripeness of durian based on its physical and chemical characteristics using neural network. The physicochemical and acoustic characteristics measurement was fed into the model as the inputs, which provided the levels of maturity and ripeness as the output of the model. The results suggested that the physico-chemical properties and the acoustic charcteristic decreased with the increase of both maturity and ripeness level of durian. The total solid soluble, the water content and the total sugar increased according to the fruits maturity. The total acids increased in the beginning of durian maturing process and then decreased when the maturity and ripeness level reached the mature-over ripened stage. Data training were done by model of neural network: model 4 output, with various node in the hidden layer 4, 6, 8 and 10 nodes. The results recommended that the best model to be applied was model 4 output with 4 nodes in the hidden layer and iteration 1000 and 5000 with the model accuration 87.5 % - 100%.
Menentukan Ketuaan Buah Durian Berdasarkan Sifat Ultrasoniknya Bambang Haryanto; Hadi K. Purwadaria; I. Wayan Budiastra; A. Trisnobudi
agriTECH Vol 21, No 1 (2001)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1052.904 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.13643


The research was conducted to determine the maturity of durian through ultrasonic properties. For this purpose, a measurement system based on ultrasonic method was developed and controlled by a PC computer. An interface PC Lab Card was used to transfer the signal stored in the digital oscilloscope to the Personal computer. Twelve mature durians of (95 ± 3) days after fullbloom and 12 immature durians of (70 ± 3) days after fullbloom were used to determine the velocity and the attenuation. The result showed that attenuation and velocity wave of mature durians were 9.256 ± 1.077 dB/cm and 501.62 ± 44.28 m/sec, whereas the attenuation and velocity of immature ones were 6.279 ± 0.772 dB/cm and 422.36 ± 33.68 m/sec. The relationship between velocity wave of whole durians and, firmness, and velocity wave with total soluble solid were linear and significant (r2= 0.82 and r2= 0.73, respectively). Meanwhile the relationship between attenuation, and firmness, and attenuation with total soluble solid were exponential with correlation r2= 0.69 and r2= 0.67, respectively. The firmness and total soluble solid of durian flesh has strong correlation (r2= 0.92)
Mempelajari Hubungan Kematangan dan Berat Jenis Durian (Durio zibhetinus, Murr) Bambang Haryanto; I. Wayan Budiastra
agriTECH Vol 20, No 4 (2000)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1101.805 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.13675


The study was conducted to determine the ripeness of durian (durio zibhetinus) by spesific gravity. Total sample were 32 durians, consited of 16 unripe durians and 16 ripe durians. Durians was colected from Bogor. Spesific gravity of durians was measured by water displacement method and then the durians were opened to check the ripeness. Firmness and total soluble solid were determined to reveal the ripeness of flesh. The spesific gravity of ripe durian was (0.824 ± 0.03) g/cm3. The firmness of ripe durian was (5.99 ± 4.04) N and unripe one was (43.48 ± 5.39) N. The total soluble solid of ripe durian was (43.48 ± 5.39) % brix and unripe one was (6.91 ± 1.30) % brix. The relationship of spesific gravity (BJ) with the flesh of durian firmness and total soluble solid were fairly high with the correlation coefficients of 0.86 and 0.91 respectively.
Pendugaan Kandungan Kimia Mangga Gedong Gincu Menggunakan Spektroskopi Inframerah Dekat Herna Permata Sari; Yohanes Aris Purwanto; I Wayan Budiastra
agriTECH Vol 36, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (567.642 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.16599


The objective of  this work was to predict the soluble solid content, total acid, sugar acid ratio, and crude fiber of ‘Gedong Gincu’ mango non destructive using Near infrared Spectroscopy. Experiments were carried out using 182 samples of ‘Gedong Gincu’ mango. NIR reflectance spectra measurements were performed at wavelength of 1000-2500 nm using NIRFlex N-500 fiber optic solid. References data were collected from laboratory measurements. Five pre-processing treatments, smoothing 3 points (sa3), normalization (n01), first derivative Savitzky-Golay 9 points (dg1), combination (n01, dg1), and the Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) were used to improve the accuracy of the calibration model. Partial Least Square (PLS) method was used to calibrate NIR data through references data. The results show  that the best method for prediction of soluble non solid spectra were MSC and 12 factor of PLS with calibration value of Correlation Coefficient (r), Square Error Calibration (SEC), Square Error Prediction (SEP),  Ratio of standard error prediction to deviation (RPD) were 0.91, 0.25 %, 0.39 %, 2.14 respectively. Sugar acid ratio content was predictd using  MSC and 12 factor of PLS calibration with values of r, SEC, SEP, RPD were 0.81, 32.08 °Brix/%, 38.44 °Brix/%, 1.45. Soluble solid content was predicted using sa3 and 15 factor of PLS calibration with values of  r, SEC, SEP, RPD were 0.82, 1.04 °Brix, 1.28 °Brix, 1.52 respectively. Total acid was predicted using  dg1 and 3 with the value of  r, SEC, SEP, RPD were 0.74, 0.01 %, 0.12 %, 1.33 respectively. It could be concluded  that the developed model could be used to predict the chemical contents of ‘Gedong Gincu’ mango non destructively. ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memprediksi kandungan total padatan terlarut (TPT), total asam, rasio gula asam, dan padatan tidak terlarut (serat kasar) mangga Gedong Gincu secara non destruktif menggunakan spektroskopi inframerah dekat (NIR). Bahan yang digunakan berupa mangga Gedong Gincu sebanyak 182 buah. Pengukuran spektra reflektan NIR dilakukan pada panjang gelombang 1000 – 2500 nm menggunakan NIRFlex N-500 fiber optik solid dilanjutkan pengukuran data referensi laboratorium. Lima pra-proses data spektra yaitu smoothing 3 points (sa3), normalisasi (n01), first derivative Savitzzky-golay (dg1), kombinasi (n01,dg1), dan Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) dilakukan untuk meningkatkan akurasi model kalibrasi. Kalibrasi data NIR dan data kimia dilakukan menggunakan metode Partial Least Square (PLS). Metode terbaik untuk prediksi padatan tidak terlarut diperoleh dengan pra-proses MSC dan kalibrasi PLS dengan nilai Correlation Coefficient (r), Square Error Calibration (SEC), Square Error Prediction (SEP), Ratio of standard error prediction to deviation (RPD) adalah 0,91, 0,25 %, 0,39 %, 2,14, dan faktor PLS 12. Kandungan rasio gula asam diduga dengan pra-proses MSC serta kalibrasi PLS dengan nilai r, SEC, SEP, RPD adalah 0,81, 32,08 °Brix/%, 38,44 °Brix/%, 1,45 dan faktor PLS yang digunakan 12. TPT diduga menggunakan pra-proses sa3 dan kalibrasi PLS dengan nilai r, SEC, SEP, RPD adalah 0,82, 1,04 oBrix, 1,28 °Brix, 1,52. Model kalibrasi total asam diperoleh pra-proses dg1 dan kalibrasi PLS dengan nilai r, SEC, SEP, RPD adalah 0,74, 0,01 %, 0,12 %, 1,33. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan untuk menduga kandungan kimia mangga Gedong Gincu secara non destruktif.