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Aplikasi Teknik Pengolahan Citra dalam Analisis Non-Destruktif Produk Pangan Ahmad, Usman
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 19, No 1 (2010): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.479 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v19i1.119


Aplikasi ilmu teknik dalam bidang pertanian sudah dilakukan sejak lama. Perancangan terhadap lingkungan terkendali telah mengalami evolusi yang signifikan sejak tahun 1980. Sejak beberapa tahun terakhir bahkan kata “presisi” telah digunakan untuk menggambarkan penggunaan teknologi baru seperti komputer, elektronik, dan sensor. Beberapa contoh yang sudah muncul adalah precision farming, precision forestry, precision tillage, dan mungkin hanya masalah waktu saja bagi munculnya istilah precision fisheries and precision horticulture. Semua istilah di atas dapat dirangkum dalam satu pengertian yang berarti penerapan otomatisasi menggunakan teknologi komputer dan elektronika. Penggunaan pengolahan citra (image processing) diharapkan dapat meningkatkan akurasi sortasi dan pemutuan produk hortikultura berdasarkan kualitas dan kemasakannya. Kondisi buah dapat didekati dari ukuran obyek dalam citra bila diambil dengan latar belakang yang kontras dengan warna buah yang diamati. Tingkat kemasakan buah bisa didekati dari pengamatan warna dan tekstur kulit buah karena biasanya buah seperti mangga mengalami perubahan warna dan tekstur kulitnya seiring dengan perubahan tingkat kemasakan atau kehadiran plek-plek getah pada kulit mangga sehingga mutunya dinilai rendah. Meskipun masih berada pada tahap penelitian, pengolahan citra telah dikembangkan untuk klasifikasi beberapa produk hortikultura seperti jeruk, mangga, belimbing manis, paprika, tomat, wortel, dan lain sebagainya. Demikian halnya dengan produk pangan lainnya seperti biji-bijian, pengolahan citra dapat digunakan untuk tujuan yang sama. Beberapa contoh hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klasifikasi mutu biji-bijian dengan menggunakan pengolahan citra memberikan hasil yang lebih akurat bila dibandingkan dengan hasil klasifikasi secara manual.
Penerapan GHP dan GMP Pada Penanganan Pascapanen Padi Di Tingkat Penggilingan (GHP and GMP Implementations in Postharvest Handling of Rice at The Rice Mill Operator Level) Sarastuti, Sarastuti; Ahmad, Usman; Sutrisno, Sutrisno
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 27, No 2 (2018): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1856.065 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v27i2.369


AbstrakPenerapan Good Handling Practices (GHP) dan Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) pada penanganan pascapanen padi di tingkat penggilingan di Indonesia masih rendah, bahkan sebagian besar operator tidak memperhatikan tentang standar mutu beras. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penerapan GHP dan GMP pada penanganan pascapanen padi di tingkat penggilingan. Survey dilakukan terhadap enam penggilingan padi penyalur beras mitra Toko Tani Indonesia Center dalam kegiatan Pengembangan Usaha Pangan Masyarakat (PUPM), di wilayah Jawa Barat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi lapangan, dan pengambilan sampel gabah dan beras sesuai berdasarkan metode SNI 19-0428-1998. Analisis mutu dilakukan berdasarkan metode SNI 01-0224-1987 untuk gabah dan SNI 6128:2015 untuk beras. Penilaian kesesuaian penerapan GHP dan GMP dilakukan berdasarkan praktek yang dilakukan responden, dibandingkan terhadap pedoman GHP dan GMP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pedoman GHP dan GMP belum sepenuhnya diterapkan oleh penggilingan padi. Tingkat kesesuaian penanganan pascapanen padi adalah 52.9% untuk GHP dan 66.7% untuk GMP. Ketidaksesuaian terhadap pedoman GHP dan GMP dibedakan menurut aspek fasilitas dan penanganan pascapanen padi. Ketidaksesuaian dari aspek fasilitas, yaitu: kondisi bangunan dan gudang penyimpanan tidak dilengkapi pengontrol suhu, tekanan, kelembaban udara, dan perlindungan dari debu, kotoran, binatang pengerat, hama, dan serangga. Ketidaksesuaian pada penanganan pascapanen padi, antara lain: operator penggilingan padi tidak melakukan proses sortasi, pembersihan, dan pemutuan gabah. Selain itu, pengemasan gabah tidak disesuaikan dengan standar kelas mutu. Kondisi tersebut menghasikan beras bermutu rendah berdasarkan persyaratan mutu pada Peraturan Menteri Pertanian Nomor: 31/Permentan/PP.130/8/2017.kata kunci: beras, mutu, pascapanen padi, penggilingan AbstractsIn Indonesia, implementation of Good Handling Practices (GHP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in postharvest handling of rice at the rice mill operator level is categorized low, and even most operators do not care about rice quality standards. This study aims to evaluate the application of GHP and GMP on postharvest handling of rice at the rice mill level. The survey was conducted on six rice mills as milled rice supplier to Toko Tani Indonesia Center in the Food Business Community Development (PUPM) activity, in West Java area. The data were collected through interview, field observation, and sampling of rice and milled rice according to SNI 19-0428-1998 method. Quality analysis was conducted based on SNI 01-0224-1987 method for rice and SNI 6128: 2015 for milled rice. Conformity assessment of GHP and GMP implementation was calculated based on respondents' practice, compared to GHP and GMP guidelines. The results show that GHP and GMP guidelines have not been fully implemented by rice mill operators. The postharvest handling conformity level was 52.9% for GHP and 66.7% for GMP. Non-compliance with GHP and GMP guidelines were grouped into two aspects, facilities and postharvest handling of rice. Non-conformity of the facilities aspect, namely: the condition of the building and storage warehouse was not equipped with temperature control, pressure, humidity, and protection from dust, dirt, rodents, pests, and insects. Non-compliance to postharvest handling of rice, among others are lacks of sorting, cleaning, and rice grading processes. In addition, the rice packaging was not adjusted to the quality standards. These conditions result milled rice with low quality according to the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture Number: 31/ Permentan/PP.130/8/2017. keywords: milled rice, postharvest handling, quality, rice mill operator
Deteksi Cepat Viabilitas Benih Padi Menggunakan Gelombang Near Infrared dan Model Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Firdaus, Jonni; Hasbullah, Rokhani; Ahmad, Usman; Suhartanto, M. Rahmad
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Vol 33, No 2 (2014): Agustus 2014
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.799 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jpptp.v33n2.2014.p77-86


Viability is an important component of seed quality, which could be detained by germinating the seeds. Currently testing the seed viability of rice takes a long time (5-14 days), so it becomes a limiting factor in the seed production process. An alternative method for rapid seed viability detection is using the Near Infrared (NIR) spectra and using artificial neural network (ANN) as a data processing system. This research was aimed to study the use of NIR spectra and ANN to predict the viability of rice seeds. NIR reflectance (1,000-2,500 nm) of a Ciherang rice seed samples (40 grams), was used as the input data to develop the ANN model. A total of 60 samples were subjected to accelerated aging to obtain various levels of germination. The development of ANN models was done through calibration and validation of NIR spectra to the viability parameters. As ANN input, NIR reflectance of seed sample was given pretreatment data such as normalization, first derivative, second derivative, standard normal variate (SNV) and principal component analysis (PCA). The results showed that longer accelerated aging caused a decrease in seed viability. This was also indicated by the decrease in soluble protein and an increase in free fatty acids. The intensity of the NIR absorbance spectra also showed the same in the absorption region of soluble protein and free fatty acids. The best ANN models to predict the germination was 10PC-5-3 ANN with the SNV NIR reflectance used as the input data. Coefisien correlation of the validation was 0.8947, the value of ratio performance deviation was 2.2359 and the standard error performance was 9.9233%. The use of NIR spectra and ANN was potentially useful to perdict the viability of rice seeds more rapidly.
Identifikasi Infeksi Cendawan Patogen pada Jagung Pipil dalam Penyimpanan Suhu Ruang Nofiyanti, Sri Handayani; Ahmad, Usman; Tondok, Efi Toding
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpptp.v5n2.2021.p134-142


Postharvest handling of shelled corn often faces problems caused by fungal attacks during storage, resulting deterioration due to physical and biological damages. This study aimed to identify various pathogenic fungi that infected shelled corn during storage through the characteristics and growth phases of each fungus as well as to find out the interaction between fungi and shelled corn based on the different parts of kernel structure infected by the fungus. The blotter test method (ISTA) was used to isolate the fungal pathogens from infected shelled corn then purified and cultivated on PDA. Subsequent, microscopic and macroscopic observations were made by capturing images for eight days. Observations showed that Aspergillus spp predominantly infected the pericarp of the shelled corn (61%), Penicillium sp (15%) tended to infect the tip cap, Talaromyces sp (13%) on the endosperm, and Rhizopus sp (11%) on the germ. The largest colony areas after 8-day incubation were Rhizopus sp, followed by Aspergillus spp, Talaromyces sp, and Peniillium sp. The fungus growth phase had a logarithmic pattern with different time for each stage. Therefore, this pattern can be used as a reference for proper preventing time in shelled corn storage before the fungi can produce mycotoxins in the stationary phase and also the possibility to use the fungi as biological agents, such as antibiosis, competition, or parasite.
Aplikasi film edibel dan kemasan atmosfir termodifikasi untuk meningkatkan umur simpan buah salak terolah minimal Usman Ahmad; . Yulianingsih; Meivie Lintang
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 3 (2010): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1434.306 KB)


Snake fruit is an exotic fruit from Indonesia, and nowadays has increasing in demand. There is opportunity to market minimally processed snake fruit, but this product becomes very highly perishable because of increasing in respiration rate. The objective of this research was to determine edible coating formulation in combination with modified atmosphere packaging, in order to maintain quality and to prolong shelflife of minimally processed snakefruit. The research was started by preparation of salak fruit, edible coating, measurement of respiration rate, determination of optimum atmosphere composition and critical parameter, and storage in modified atmosphere packaging. First, best atmosphere composition for minimally prcessed snakefruit was determined, then storage of minimally processed snakefruit was conducted after selection of the appropriate plastic film. Analysis was conducted on quality and organoleptic characteristics. Optimum gas composition storage for minimally processed snake fruit is 4±1%0[2] and 14±2% C0[2]. Minimally processed snake fruit with edible coatings made from pectin and chitozan combined with modified atmosphere packaging can extend shelflife and maintained quality until eight days, while without edible coating the minimally-processed snake fruit in with modified atmosphere packaging can extend until 6 days only.
Kajian Metode Pelilinan Terhadap Umur Simpan Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana) Semi-Cutting dalam Penyimpanan Dingin Usman Ahmad; Emmy Darmawati; Nur Rahma Refilia
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 19 No. 2 (2014): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (659.926 KB)


Mangosteen can be stored for a relatively long period in low temperature storage, but peel hardening due to lostof moisture makes it difficult to open before consumption. One attempt to solve this problem is the application ofsemi-cutting treatment before storage of the fruits at low temperature. However, semi-cutting will acceleratedeterioration process since it increases fruit respiration and creates a door to microorganism to enter and spoil thefruit. Waxing the fruit after semi-cutting helps to overcome the problems, so the fruit can be stored at lowtemperature for long period, but it can be opened easily before consumption. This research aims to find a suitablemethod of waxing as well as the best wax concentration solution for waxing process. The methods of waxingconducted in this research were dipping and smearing, while the wax concentration in solution for both methodswere 6, 9, and 12%. The results show that smearing the fruit after semi-cutting with 12% wax concentration gave thelongest self life for the mangosteen stored at low temperature, while the fruits were still easier to open afterstorage.
Prediksi Parameter Kematangan Buah Melon Menggunakan Spektroskopi Near Infra-red Usman Ahmad; . Sabihah
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 23 No. 3 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (438.965 KB) | DOI: 10.18343/jipi.23.3.183


Prediction of ripeness level of melon fruit is conducted manually by looking at the colors and nets on the skin, or the sound of a knocking on the melon fruit. This manual method produces an inconsistent degree of accuracy that cannot be applied in harvesting. The use of spectroscopy in the near infra-red region (NIR) is a way of improving consistency and accelerating the process of estimating the fruit ripeness level without damaging the product. The objective of this research was to study the ripeness parameters of the Golden-Apollo variety of melon using NIR spectroscopy method. Parameters of fruit ripeness studied were moisture content, total soluble solids (TSS), and fruit firmness. The material used was melon fruits with four different harvesting ages. The equipment used was NIRFlex N-500 Solid Optical Fiber spectrometer that worked at 1.000-2.500 nm wavelengths. The method used in calibration and validation of NIR spectrum data and reference data was partial least square (PLS) with pre-processing of spectral data i.e., normalization, first and second derivatives of savitzky-golay, and multiplicate-scatter correction. The results showed that the best predictive model obtained to predict ripeness level of melon fruit was to use the ripeness parameters of total soluble solids and firmness of meat. The moisture parameter resulted in a poor predictive model that could not be used to predict a melon ripeness level with a good result.
Color Distribution Analysis for Ripeness Prediction of Golden Apollo Melon Usman Ahmad; Dwi Pamungkas Bermani; Mardison Mardison
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 16, No 4: August 2018
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v16i4.8432


Human visual perception on color of melon fruit for ripeness judgement is a complex phenomenon that depends on many factors, making the judgement is often inaccurate and inconsistent. The objective of this study is to develop an image processing algorithm that can be used for distinguishing ripe melons from unripe ones based on their skin color. The image processing algorithm could then be used as a pre-harvest tool to facilitate farmers with enough information for making decisions about whether or not the melon is ready to harvest. Four sample groups of Golden Apollo melon were harvested at four different age, with 55 fruits in each group. Using the color distribution as results of the image analysis, the first two groups of the samples can be separated from other groups with minimal overlap, but they cannot be separated in the other two groups. The color image analysis of the melons in combination with discriminant analysis could be used to distiguish between harvesting age groups with an average accuracy of 86%.
Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian Vol 15, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpasca.v15n1.2018.43-51


Teknologi non-destruktif seperti penggunaan gelombang ultra-violet (UV) dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif dalam menentukan kualitas beras sosoh. Pengembangan metode pengukuran dan karakterisasi beras sosoh berdasarkan absorbansi spektrumnya pada daerah UV sangat berpotensi dalam evaluasi kualitas beras secara non-destruktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis spektrum absorbansi UV pada beberapa varietas beras dengan tingkat penyosohan bervariasi dan menentukan hubungan derajat sosoh beras varietas Ciherang dengan spektrum absorbansi UV dari larutan beras dalam pelarut n-heksana. Larutan beras dibuat dengan pelarut n-heksana dengan perlakuan waktu perendaman dan konsentrasi n-heksana, kemudian dilakukan pengukuran absorbansi larutan pada spektrum UV, dan terakhir dilakukan analisis terhadap absorbansi larutan, dalam hubungannya dengan derajat sosoh. Sebelum analisis absorbansi pada spektrum UV dilakukan, didahului dengan dua pra-pengolahan data yaitu derivatif pertama dan normalisasi. Hasil analisis adalah karakteristik spektra untuk enam varietas beras yang diuji memiliki profil dan pola absorbansi pada spektrum UV dan hubungannya dengan dengan derajat sosoh beras varietas Ciherang adalah dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar 0.927. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan metode persiapan sampel terbaik dengan waktu perendaman 2-3 jam, dan dengan konsentrasi larutan beras dalam pelarut n-heksanasebesar 43.3% absorbansi pada spektrum UV paling besar terjadi pada panjang gelombang 330-335 nm. Non-destructive technology such as the use of ultra-violet (UV) waves can be used as an alternative in determining the quality of milled riceThe development of method of measuring and characterizing milled rice based on the absorbance of spectra in the UV area is highly potential in milled rice quality evaluation non-destructively. This study aims to analyze the spectrum of UV absorbance for some rice varieties with varying degree of milling and determining relation degree of milling for ciherang rice varieties with the absorption on UV area of rice solution in n-hexane solvent. The rice solution was prepared with n-hexane solvent by treatment of immersion time and n-hexane concentration, then measured the absorbance of the solution on the UV spectrum, and finally analyzed the absorbance of the solution, in relation to the rice degree of milling. Prior to the analysis of absorbance on the UV spectrum, by two pre-processing data, first derivative and data normalization were performed. The results of the analysis are spectral characteristics for the six rice varieties tested were absorbance profile and pattern on the UV spectrum and its relation with the degree of milling for ciherang rice varieties with the correlation coefficient value (r) of 0.927. It was observed from this research the best sample preparation method was that with 2-3 hours of soaking time, and the concentration of rice solution in 43.3% n-hexane solvent, resulted maximum absorbance on UV spectrum by rice solution at wavelengths of 330-335 nm.
Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian Vol 13, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpasca.v13n2.2016.91-98


Kelapa kopyor adalah salah satu jenis kelapa eksotik yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi. Teknologi penyimpanan daging buah segar kelapa kopyor belum tersedia. Daging buah kelapa kopyor cepat mengalami kerusakan, yang ditandai dengan cepat berkembangnya mikroba pembusuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis blansir dalam memperpanjang umur simpan daging buah kelapa kopyor. Buah kelapa kopyor diperoleh dari populasi kelapa kopyor Kalianda Lampung Selatan, dan dikemas menggunakan kemasan plastik polypropylene (PP). Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah dosis blansing : 0 menit (tanpa blansir), 5 menit dan 10 menit suhu 75 oC. Daging kelapa kopyor di blansir pada suhu 75 oC selama 5 menit, 10 menit, dan tanpa blansir. Karakteristik mutu yang diamati adalah total padatan terlarut (TPT), pH, asam lemak bebas (ALB), total mikroba, indeks kecerahan, dan uji organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa blansir 10 menit mampu mempertahankan mutu hingga penyimpanan 7 hari suhu kamar. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai asam lemak bebas dan total mikroba masih dibawah ambang batas, serta hasil evaluasi sensori warna, aroma, serta rasa masih dalam kisaran suka.
Co-Authors . Sabihah . Yulianingsih Adi Sutrisno Ali Djamhuri Aris Purwanto Armansyah H. Tambunan Baskara Edi Nugraha Christina Winarti Dedy Wirawan Soedibyo Desrial Desrial Desrial Desrial Diding Suhandy Dwi Dian Novita Dwi Pamungkas Bermani Eko Heri Purwanto Emmy Darmawati Enrico Syaefullah Evi Savitri Iriani Fahim Muchammad Taqi Fahmi Riadi Fajar Kurniawan Firdaus, Jonni Hadi K Purwadaria Hani Fildzah Nadya I Dewa Made Subrata I Dewa Made Subrata I Dewa Made Subrata I Wayan Budiastra Iman Sabarisman Inge Scorpi Tulliza Irriwad Putri Jati Sumarto Putro Khalimatus Sa'diyah Kudang Boro Seminar Lilik Pujantoro Eko Nugroho Lydia Ariani Mar'atus Sholihah Mardison Mardison Mardison S. Meika Wahyuni Azrita Meivie Lintang Mohamad Rafi Mohamad Rahmad Suhartanto Monika Marpaung Mudho Saksono Muhammad Sudirman Akili Muhammad Yusuf Antu MUHAMMAD YUSUF ANTU Nanda Supriana Nanda Wisha Ranawati nFN Mardison nFN Sarastuti nFN Sutrisno nFN Sutrisno Nijma Nurfadila Nijma Nurfadila Nikmatul Hidayah Nofiyanti, Sri Handayani Nugraha Edhi S Nugraha Edhi Suyatma Nur Rahma Refilia Putri Wulandari Zainal Rizka Wildani Rokhani Hasbullah Rokhani Hasbullah Rosyid Ridho Rudy Tjahjohutomo Samsudin Samsudin - Samsudin Samsudin Samsudin Samsudin Sarastuti Sarastuti Sarastuti, Sarastuti Selvi Marcellia Sjahrul Annas Slamet Ari Dwi Ratnanto Slamet Widodo Sri Lestari Sri Widowati Suci Rahmi Sukrisno Widyotomo Suroso . Sut risno Sutrisno Sutrisno - Sutrisno . Sutrisno . Sutrisno Sutrisno Tondok, Efi Toding Verra Mellyana Waqif Agusta Wawan Hermawan Wendianing Putri Luketsi Wulandari Zainal, Putri Yusianto Yusianto