Darsita Suparno
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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“Deiksis” dalam Puisi Perlawanan dari Persantren Nazam Tarekat Karya K.H. Ahmad ar-Rifai Kalisalak Tinjauan Pragmatik Darsita Suparno
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Indonesia Language and Literature Teaching, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.407 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/dialektika.v3i2.5183


Abstract: This study attempted to describe the use of deixis in Puisi Perlawanan dari Pesantren. Deixis understood as part of a pragmatic study therefore, deixis is one object of the field of study pragmatics. The problems in this study are namely: 1) what types of deixis are there in this poetry; 2) what is the intention of using social deixis. The purposes are going to be achieved by this study are such as: 1)   to describe the various types of deixis, 2) to describe the intention of using social deixis. The object of this study are namely: the various types of deixis, intention and relationship of social deixis. The subject of this research is the poem which is written by K.H. Ahmad ar-Rifai Kalisalak that is edited and translated from Jawi to Java by M. Adib Misbachul Islam. The data in this study are namely: words, phrases, sentences, in the form of couplet in which there are different types and intention of using social deixis. There are two data resources, namely: primary data source in the form of peom and secondary data sources related literature. Data collection techniques in this study using documentation. The results of this study indicate that there are 4,864 couplets, which is divided into 24 Tanbih ‘note or warning’. In this article there are three types of deixis. There are 25 deixis place, and there are 11 persona deixis, then there are 10 social deixis. It consists 3 types of titles, 2 types of social deixis positions, and 5 nicknames social deixis.Abstrak: Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menggambarkan pemakaian deiksis dalam Puisi Perlawanan dari Persantren. Deiksis dipahami sebagai bagian dari studi pragmatik, dengan begitu deiksis merupakan objek bidang kajian dari pragmatik. Masalah dalam penelitian ini: 1)  jenis-jenis deiksis apa saja yang terdapat di dalam puisi ini ; 2) bagaimanakah maksud dibalik penggunaan deiksis sosial. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai adalah: 1) untuk mendeskripsikan aneka jenis deiksis, 2) mendeskripsikan maksud penggunaan deiksis sosial. Objek yang dikaji adalah jenis, maksud serta hubungan deiksis sosial. Subjek penelitiannya adalah puisi karya K.H. Ahmad ar-Rifai Kalisalak yang sudah disunting dan diterjemahkan oleh M. Adib Misbachul Islam dari aksara Jawi berbahasa Jawa ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kata, frase, kalimat, dalam bentuk bait-bait puisi  yang di dalamnya terdapat jenis dan maksud penggunaan deiksis sosial. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari sumber data primer berupa puisi dan sumber data sekunder literature yang terkait. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak  4.864 bait, yang dibagi dalam 24 tanbih ‘catatan atau peringatan’. Dalam artikel ini dikemukakan hanya ada tiga jenis deiksis yaitu deiksis tempat berjumlah 25, deiksis persona berjumlah 11 dan  10 deiksis sosial, terdapat 3 deiksis sosial jenis gelar, 2 deiksis sosial jenis jabatan, dan terdapat 5 deiksis sosial jenis julukan.Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/dialektika.v3i2.5183
KONFLIK INTERNAL TOKOH UTAMA DALAM MIMPI KECIL TITA KARYA DESI PUSPITASARI Syifa Fauzia Chairul; Darsita Darsita Suparno; Santje Iroth; Donald Matheos Rattu
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 8, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Indonesia Language and Literature Teaching, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/dialektika.v8i1.19327


Abstract: Many experts have observed the main character's internal conflict, however their analysis has not explained the conflict form that has an impact on the mental state of the child.  This study aims to analyze: a) form of inner conflict experienced by the main character in the novel Mimpi Kecil Tita, b) find out what factors cause internal conflict in the novel Mimpi Kecil Tita?  Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory is used to reveal internal conflict and several factors that cause it.  Descriptive qualitative analysis was used as a research method. Overall, these results indicate that fears, anxiety, absence, and hopes are identified as conflict settings referring to the concepts of approach-avoidance and avoidance-avoidance. Viewed from the concept of approaching-avoidance (approach-avoidance) and broad-away (avoidance-avoidance) refers to anxiety, failure, pain, cunning based on the impact of personality or id.  The facts of the story show the Ego is miserable. This misery causes an inner conflict is identified as the avoidance of desire (approach-avoidance) marked by the confused id.  The form of Superego conflict in Tita is feelings of suffering, anger at someone, and hurt.  Four factors that cause internal conflict, namely economic hardship, dishonesty, frustration, and hurt feelings.Abstrak: Penelitian yang mengkaji konflik internal tokoh utama telah banyak dilakukan para ahli, namun analisis mereka terhadap konflik internal tokoh utama belum menjelaskan bentuk konflik yang berdampak pada keadaan jiwa anak. Teori Psikoanalis dari Freud digunakan untuk mengungkap tikai batin dan aneka faktor penyebab konflik. Analisis kualitatif deskriptif digunakan sebagai metode penelitian.  Secara keseluruhan, hasil ini menunjukkan ketakutan, kegalauan, ketiadaan, dan berharap diidentifikasi sebagai tatanan konflik merujuk kepada konsep mendekat-menjauh (approach-avoidance), dan konflik menjauh-menjauh (avoidance-avoidance). Ditinjau dari konsep mendekat-menjauh (approach-avoidance) dan menjauh-menjauh (avoidance-avoidance) merujuk kepada kecemasan, kegagalan, kepedihan, kelicikan didasarkan adanya dampak personalitas atau id. Fakta cerita menunjukkan Ego sengsara. Kesengsaraan itu menimbulkan konflik batin yang diidentifikasi sebagai penghindaran diri dari keinginan (appproach-avoidance) ditandai oleh id yang merasa kebingungan. Wujud konflik superego dalam diri Tita adalah perasaan penderitaan, marah pada seseorang, dan sakit hati. Faktor-faktor yang menimbulkan konflik internal ada empat yaitu kesulitan ekonomi, ketidakjujuran, frustasi, dan sakit hati. 
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Department of Indonesia Language and Literature Teaching, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.059 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/dialektika.v1i2.6289


“Uki” is a kind of regional language in Indonesia. It is one of reality construction of Uki’s culture, in the form of speech, represented in conversation, poetry, oral tradition, etc. For  Uki’s people,  oral tradition is a kind of their ancestor’s advice which cannot be forgotton and a kind of advice which could not be separated form their live; it also serves as a means of communication in order to teach, educate, advice,  draw characters, and inform values for one generation to next generation. This research focuses on the study of the Indonesian establishment which is enriched very much by  regional languages. It is an indicator of the enhancement of the Indonesian, the nature of which is very easy to adapt to every language, such as foreign language or regional language. Regional languages that contribute to the formation of Indonesia include: Javanese, Sundanese, Batak, Minangkabau, Bugis, Banjar, Ternate, Manado Malay, the language of the Papuan, languages of Maluku, Uki and others. Referring  to  elements of  Uki’s culture, Uki’s language as one of  regional languages can contribute into Indonesian, there are several domain, such as, fauna, equipment of electronic, fruit, environmental and kinship, especially in term of reference and term of adress. In regard to this Uki’s language elements of utterance  would contribute vocabulary to Indonesian.  This research can be classified as a case study using eclectic approach which combines theories of structuralist and sociology of literature. Methodologically, this research is natural in characteristics because the primary data are observed directly. The form of vocabulary in this conversation, and folk can be identified in verbal. The researcher serves as the human instrument. The data verbal conversation and folk are gathered from utterances of its oral tradition and their daily communication. The finding of the forms of vocabulary are found, namely words, such as sea ‘ikan’, saga ‘lampu’,lamat ‘tomat’, guhango ‘lansia’, wale ‘rumah’. Contributing to  the vocabulary of Uki; language related to the elements of multicultural showed acculturation and inter-language user are concerned with the people and the nation of Indonesia. At the present time, Uki’s language is used for  communication, assimilation, and acculturation in the setting of culture, religion, trade, and commerce.