Darsita Suparno
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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“Deiksis” dalam Puisi Perlawanan dari Persantren Nazam Tarekat Karya K.H. Ahmad ar-Rifai Kalisalak Tinjauan Pragmatik Darsita Suparno
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Indonesia Language and Literature Teaching, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.407 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/dialektika.v3i2.5183


Abstract: This study attempted to describe the use of deixis in Puisi Perlawanan dari Pesantren. Deixis understood as part of a pragmatic study therefore, deixis is one object of the field of study pragmatics. The problems in this study are namely: 1) what types of deixis are there in this poetry; 2) what is the intention of using social deixis. The purposes are going to be achieved by this study are such as: 1)   to describe the various types of deixis, 2) to describe the intention of using social deixis. The object of this study are namely: the various types of deixis, intention and relationship of social deixis. The subject of this research is the poem which is written by K.H. Ahmad ar-Rifai Kalisalak that is edited and translated from Jawi to Java by M. Adib Misbachul Islam. The data in this study are namely: words, phrases, sentences, in the form of couplet in which there are different types and intention of using social deixis. There are two data resources, namely: primary data source in the form of peom and secondary data sources related literature. Data collection techniques in this study using documentation. The results of this study indicate that there are 4,864 couplets, which is divided into 24 Tanbih ‘note or warning’. In this article there are three types of deixis. There are 25 deixis place, and there are 11 persona deixis, then there are 10 social deixis. It consists 3 types of titles, 2 types of social deixis positions, and 5 nicknames social deixis.Abstrak: Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menggambarkan pemakaian deiksis dalam Puisi Perlawanan dari Persantren. Deiksis dipahami sebagai bagian dari studi pragmatik, dengan begitu deiksis merupakan objek bidang kajian dari pragmatik. Masalah dalam penelitian ini: 1)  jenis-jenis deiksis apa saja yang terdapat di dalam puisi ini ; 2) bagaimanakah maksud dibalik penggunaan deiksis sosial. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai adalah: 1) untuk mendeskripsikan aneka jenis deiksis, 2) mendeskripsikan maksud penggunaan deiksis sosial. Objek yang dikaji adalah jenis, maksud serta hubungan deiksis sosial. Subjek penelitiannya adalah puisi karya K.H. Ahmad ar-Rifai Kalisalak yang sudah disunting dan diterjemahkan oleh M. Adib Misbachul Islam dari aksara Jawi berbahasa Jawa ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kata, frase, kalimat, dalam bentuk bait-bait puisi  yang di dalamnya terdapat jenis dan maksud penggunaan deiksis sosial. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari sumber data primer berupa puisi dan sumber data sekunder literature yang terkait. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak  4.864 bait, yang dibagi dalam 24 tanbih ‘catatan atau peringatan’. Dalam artikel ini dikemukakan hanya ada tiga jenis deiksis yaitu deiksis tempat berjumlah 25, deiksis persona berjumlah 11 dan  10 deiksis sosial, terdapat 3 deiksis sosial jenis gelar, 2 deiksis sosial jenis jabatan, dan terdapat 5 deiksis sosial jenis julukan.Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/dialektika.v3i2.5183
KONFLIK INTERNAL TOKOH UTAMA DALAM MIMPI KECIL TITA KARYA DESI PUSPITASARI Syifa Fauzia Chairul; Darsita Darsita Suparno; Santje Iroth; Donald Matheos Rattu
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 8, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Indonesia Language and Literature Teaching, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/dialektika.v8i1.19327


Abstract: Many experts have observed the main character's internal conflict, however their analysis has not explained the conflict form that has an impact on the mental state of the child.  This study aims to analyze: a) form of inner conflict experienced by the main character in the novel Mimpi Kecil Tita, b) find out what factors cause internal conflict in the novel Mimpi Kecil Tita?  Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory is used to reveal internal conflict and several factors that cause it.  Descriptive qualitative analysis was used as a research method. Overall, these results indicate that fears, anxiety, absence, and hopes are identified as conflict settings referring to the concepts of approach-avoidance and avoidance-avoidance. Viewed from the concept of approaching-avoidance (approach-avoidance) and broad-away (avoidance-avoidance) refers to anxiety, failure, pain, cunning based on the impact of personality or id.  The facts of the story show the Ego is miserable. This misery causes an inner conflict is identified as the avoidance of desire (approach-avoidance) marked by the confused id.  The form of Superego conflict in Tita is feelings of suffering, anger at someone, and hurt.  Four factors that cause internal conflict, namely economic hardship, dishonesty, frustration, and hurt feelings.Abstrak: Penelitian yang mengkaji konflik internal tokoh utama telah banyak dilakukan para ahli, namun analisis mereka terhadap konflik internal tokoh utama belum menjelaskan bentuk konflik yang berdampak pada keadaan jiwa anak. Teori Psikoanalis dari Freud digunakan untuk mengungkap tikai batin dan aneka faktor penyebab konflik. Analisis kualitatif deskriptif digunakan sebagai metode penelitian.  Secara keseluruhan, hasil ini menunjukkan ketakutan, kegalauan, ketiadaan, dan berharap diidentifikasi sebagai tatanan konflik merujuk kepada konsep mendekat-menjauh (approach-avoidance), dan konflik menjauh-menjauh (avoidance-avoidance). Ditinjau dari konsep mendekat-menjauh (approach-avoidance) dan menjauh-menjauh (avoidance-avoidance) merujuk kepada kecemasan, kegagalan, kepedihan, kelicikan didasarkan adanya dampak personalitas atau id. Fakta cerita menunjukkan Ego sengsara. Kesengsaraan itu menimbulkan konflik batin yang diidentifikasi sebagai penghindaran diri dari keinginan (appproach-avoidance) ditandai oleh id yang merasa kebingungan. Wujud konflik superego dalam diri Tita adalah perasaan penderitaan, marah pada seseorang, dan sakit hati. Faktor-faktor yang menimbulkan konflik internal ada empat yaitu kesulitan ekonomi, ketidakjujuran, frustasi, dan sakit hati. 
Dialektika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Department of Indonesia Language and Literature Teaching, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.059 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/dialektika.v1i2.6289


“Uki” is a kind of regional language in Indonesia. It is one of reality construction of Uki’s culture, in the form of speech, represented in conversation, poetry, oral tradition, etc. For  Uki’s people,  oral tradition is a kind of their ancestor’s advice which cannot be forgotton and a kind of advice which could not be separated form their live; it also serves as a means of communication in order to teach, educate, advice,  draw characters, and inform values for one generation to next generation. This research focuses on the study of the Indonesian establishment which is enriched very much by  regional languages. It is an indicator of the enhancement of the Indonesian, the nature of which is very easy to adapt to every language, such as foreign language or regional language. Regional languages that contribute to the formation of Indonesia include: Javanese, Sundanese, Batak, Minangkabau, Bugis, Banjar, Ternate, Manado Malay, the language of the Papuan, languages of Maluku, Uki and others. Referring  to  elements of  Uki’s culture, Uki’s language as one of  regional languages can contribute into Indonesian, there are several domain, such as, fauna, equipment of electronic, fruit, environmental and kinship, especially in term of reference and term of adress. In regard to this Uki’s language elements of utterance  would contribute vocabulary to Indonesian.  This research can be classified as a case study using eclectic approach which combines theories of structuralist and sociology of literature. Methodologically, this research is natural in characteristics because the primary data are observed directly. The form of vocabulary in this conversation, and folk can be identified in verbal. The researcher serves as the human instrument. The data verbal conversation and folk are gathered from utterances of its oral tradition and their daily communication. The finding of the forms of vocabulary are found, namely words, such as sea ‘ikan’, saga ‘lampu’,lamat ‘tomat’, guhango ‘lansia’, wale ‘rumah’. Contributing to  the vocabulary of Uki; language related to the elements of multicultural showed acculturation and inter-language user are concerned with the people and the nation of Indonesia. At the present time, Uki’s language is used for  communication, assimilation, and acculturation in the setting of culture, religion, trade, and commerce.
COLLOCATION OF ENGLISH, ARABIC, AND INDONESIAN COVID-19 TERMS Darsita Suparno; Ulil Abshar; Mulyadi Mulyadi; Santje Iroth
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban | Vol. 8 No. 2 December 2021
Publisher : Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (852.139 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/a.v8i2.22300


This paper studies language and translation of the term related to Covid-19. The background of this research is many new vocabularies related to Covid-19 is borrowing term. This study attempts to find answers to the following question: a) What kind of collocations are related to the term Covid-19 pandemic in English, Arabic, and Indonesian? b) How is the pattern of word order forming collocations with the term Covid-19 pandemic in English, Arabic, and Indonesian? This study addressed the emergence of new English, Arabic, Indonesian collocation related to Covid-19 using H. Men’s collocation theory. This study used newspapers, namely Republika, BBC, al-Jazeera online that show Covid-19 as the standard procedure for collecting data. This study used corpus linguistic to analyze collocation, concordance, and syntax analysis, models. The Covid-19 domain has chosen because the Indonesian term in this domain uses a lot of loanwords. The source of the data was a basic-words and compound term. The investigation informed several aspects of findings, such as identifying the pattern of collocation, borrowing, and collocation term of coronavirus concept.
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban | Vol. 5 No. 2 December 2018
Publisher : Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1262.864 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/a.v5i2.7035


This article describes the type of phonological changes in Arabic everyday language pattern of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The data collection was done by interview using Swadesh vocabulary as a guide. Each vocabulary was recorded and transcribed phonetically. From the comparison of sounds and phonemes forming vocabulary in both languages, known sound-changes of sound are classified, namely: (1) referential, (2) articulatory phonetics, (3) translational, (4) orthographic, (5) the tools of speech. Similarity technique is used to see similarities and differences. The results showed that everyday language pattern of Egypt and Saudi Arabia has a lot of phonological variation in the form of (a) lenition (b) deletion, (c) the addition of sound. The sound addition includes the addition of a consonant and vowel at the beginning, middle, and the end of the word. Sound deletion occurs at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word.
Penggunaan Kata Emosi yang Menggambarkan Pengalaman Afeksi dalam Bakusedu Darsita Suparno
Jurnal Adabiyah: Humanities and Islamic Studies Vol 17 No 1 (2017): Humanities
Publisher : Faculty of Adab and Humanities - Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/JAd.v17i1i1a5


Bakusedu is vernacular language literature, such as short story is one of reality construction of Manado’s culture, in the form of oral and writing represented in symbols. For Manado’s people bakusedu is a kind of their societies’ advice which cannot be forgot and separated from their live; it also serves a  means of social communication in order to teach, educate, to draw characters, emotion, and inform values for younger generation. This research’s problem is focused on the study of forms of emotion’s word and meaning in bakusedu which is spoken in Manado language. This research can be classified as a case study using eclectic approach which combines theories of linguistic and sociology of literature. Methodologically, in this research is natural in characteristics because the primary data are observed directly. The form of culture value in this bakusedu identified in writing. The researcher  serves as human instrument. The data emotion words and phrases are gathered from monolog and dialog content of its bakusedu that is spoken by Manado ethnic group in North Sulawesi. The finding of emotion words and it function in the society are found, namely words and phrases which cover human character such as: working as mercy of god, discussion to solve problem, physical character; several kind of emotion words, such as positif, netral and negatif.
Youth and Social-Media: The Adaptation of Dangdut Koplo Song in Islamic Da’wah Nuryani Nuryani; Darsita Suparno; Syihaabul Hudaa; Kundharu Saddhono
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 27, No 2 (2021): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v27i2.19514


The purpose of this study was to describe the role of youth in adapting dangdut koplo songs to songs that have da’wah value, and the the relationship between popular culture and religion in the adapted songs. Purposively, this qualitative study relied on some lyrics of dangdut koplo songs adapted by the into more religious ones. In analyzing the data, the researcher used the theory of cultural adaptation, social media, and Roland Barthes’ semiotics. The research found out the youth adapted the lyrics from dangdut koplo into religious dangdut by changing the lyrics with the same arrangement. This was done so that people remained familiar with the dangdut music they enjoyed with a touch of religion. The devotional lyrics were characterized by advice, advocating goodness, encouraging people to stay away from evil, loving the prophet more, and social criticism. Regarding the distribution patterns of the adapted songs, there were two dominant media utilized, YouTube channels and Taklim assembly which was usually done by santri and non-santri youth. This showed that in the process of adaptation and dissemination, the adolescents played as an adaptation agent, distribution agent, and agent of change. The study concluded the adapted religious dangdut koplo songs could be an interesting media in the millennial da’wah.
Kekerabatan Bentuk Kosakata Perabot Dapur dalam Bahasa Arab Sudan dan Suriah Darsita Suparno; Ali Qosebaty
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 26, No 1 (2020): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (825.261 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v26i1.8781


The study is aimed at investigating differences of Amiyah Sudanese and Syrian Arabic lexical forms and meanings in the field of kitchen appliances.  It is a study of comparative historical linguistics that uses corpuses of both languages obtained from four Sudanese and Syrian native speaker students who utilize these tools in their everyday modern live. The authors collect the data by themselves applying their own compiled vocabulary list and Swadesh vocabulary list. The findings show that “kitchen appliances@ vocabularies in the Sudanese and Syrian are related to each other. This is evidenced by the the word pairs which (a) are identical or cooccurrence; (b) have a phonemic correspondence or recurrence; and (c) have phonetical similarity with one phoneme difference. In addition, the kitchen appliances usage changes too along with the need in identifying the new words or terms for the new kitchen appliances. It is concluded that the lexical form of Sudanese  and Syrian Arabic is systematically compatible, in terms of sound aspects; however sounds of the Sudanese language change in the Syrian vocabulary. Studi ini bertujuan menyelidiki perbedaan bentuk dan makna dari kosakata bahasa Amiyah Sudan dan bahasa Arab Suriah dalam kosakata dapur dan apa saja bentuk dan makna kata-kata majemuk dalam peralatan dapur ini. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian Linguistik Historis Komparatif dengan menggunakan data dari kedua bahasa tersebut yang diperoleh dari empat mahasiswa penutur jati Sudan dan Suriah yang menggunakan alat masak tersebut setiap hari di era modern. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengacu pada daftar kosakata bahasa Swadesh dan daftar kosakata lainnya. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa kosakata "peralatan dapur" di Sudan dan Suriah saling terkait. Ini dibuktikan dengan penemuan pasangan kata yang: (a) identik atau terjadi bersamaan (b) memiliki korespondensi fonemik, atau re-aliran fonemik (c) memiliki kesamaan fonetis, dan memiliki satu perbedaan fonem. Penggunaan peralatan dapur juga berubah dengan begitu banyak nama-nama peralatan dapur yang dibutuhkan juga berbeda. Bertumpu pada hasil pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa bentuk leksikal dari Sudan dan Suriah secara sistematis kompatibel, dalam hal aspek suara, ada beberapa suara dari bahasa Sudan yang berubah dalam kosa kata bahasa Syria. تهدف هذه الدراسة  إلى البحث في كيفية اختلاف أشكال ومعاني المفردات العربية السودانية والسورية في المفردات المطبخية و أشكالها ومعانيها المركبة. و حصل الباحث البيانات من أربعة متحدثين سودانيين وسوريين وهم يستخدمون الادوات المطبخية كل يوم في العصر. يتغير استخدام الأدوات المطبخية مع وجود العديد من أسماء معدات المطابخ المطلوبة أيضًا. تم جمع البيانات باستخدام إشارة إلى قائمة المفردات Swadesh  وقوائم المفردات الأخرى التي جمعها المؤلف. تستخدم الدراسات اللغوية التاريخية المقارنة بيانات من اللغتين للمقارنة. أظهرت النتائج أن مفردات "أدوات المطبخ" في السودان وسوريا مترابطة. و يتضح هذا من خلال اكتشاف الكلمات الثنائية التي: (أ) متطابقة (ب) لها مراسلات صوتية، أو أن إعادة التدفق الصوتي (ج) لها أوجه تشابه صوتية، ولها اختلاف صوتي واحد. و بناءً على النتائج، يمكن أن يستنتج الباحث أن الشكل المعجمي للسودان وسوريا متوافق بشكل منهجي، من حيث الجوانب الصوتية، هناك بعض الأصوات من اللغة السودانية التي تتغير في المفردات السريانية.
Penggunaan Bahasa “Syirik Dalam Hukum Seperti Syirik dalam Ibadah” Materi Dakwah Abu Sulaiman Aman Abdurrahman Darsita Suparno
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 24, No 1 (2018): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (808.159 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v24i1.7070


The aims of this research are to find out the types of language used and language choice in term of Indonesian-Arabic, language style, and to identify some causal factors of language choice in the discourse of Abu Sulaiman Aman Abdurrahman's dakwah. This research uses Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis model The object of this research is the Indonesia-Arabic contained in the text of his da'wah. The research method is the match method followed by basic and advanced techniques. The basic technique is the basic technique of Determining Elements (PUP). This technique is used to classify Arabic vocabulary as a foreign language in the text. The advanced technique refers the equalizing appeal technique. The result of this research shows that the form of foreign language usage in this text is Arabic. There are three sentence’s pattern in the text, such as: imperative, exclamatory and declarative. The purpose of using imperative sentence pattern is likely to show request, attitude and principle; additionally, the aim of using exclamatory is to express strong emotions. On the other hand, declarative sentence is used to convey information or make statements and ask the audience would like to change the way of thinking from common law to Islamic law. The style of language and the use of sentences in the text of da'wah is oriented to the concept of Islamic shari'ah according to Aman viewpoint. There are several factors that cause language choice, namely: (1) the background of the subject, (2) the background of the place, (3) the need for synonyms, (4)   the speaker's bilingualism. ---Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk pemakaian bahasa Indonesa-Arab, pola, dan faktor penyebab pemakaian bahasa itu pada wacana dakwah Abu Sulaiman Aman Abdurrahman. Objek penelitian ini adalah bahasa Indonesia-Arab yang terdapat pada naskah dakwahnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode padan dengan diikuti teknik dasar dan lanjutan. Teknik dasar yang digunakan adalah teknik dasar Pilah Unsur Penentu. Teknik ini digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan kosakata bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa asing pada naskah dakwah tersebut. Teknik lanjutan yang digunakan adalah teknik hubung banding menyamakan. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa bentuk pemakaian bahasa asing yang terdapat pada isi dakwah ini adalah bahasa Arab. Bahasa Arab digunakan untuk menyatakan konsep hukum Islam. Pola pemakaian kalimat yaitu kalimat ajakan, seruan dan pernyataan. Pola ajakan digunakan untuk menunjukkan sikap dan pendiriannya, kalimat seruan digunakan agar khalayak mau melakukan apa yang diserukan, selanjutnya, kalimat pernyataan dipakai untuk merubah cara berpikir dari hukum umum ke hukum Islam. Pemakaian pola kalimat dan gaya  bahasa  pada naskah dakwah itu berorientasi pada konsep syari’at Islam menurut cara pandang Aman. Selain itu, ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan pemilihan bahasa yang dilakukan oleh Aman antara lain, (1) latar belakang pokok bahasan, (2) latar belakang tempat, (3) kebutuhan sinonim, (4) adanya kedwibahasaan penutur.DOI : 10.15408/bat.v24i1.7070
Film Indonesia “Do’a untuk Ayah” Tinjauan Unsur Intrinsik dan Ekstrinsik Darsita Suparno
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 21, No 1 (2015): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (920.931 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v21i1.3824


AbstrakTulisan ini menyajikan hasil analisis unsur intrinsik, ekstrinsik dan tinjauan sosial budaya tokoh dalam film “Doa untuk Ayah”. Ada tujuh unsur intrinsik yang ditelaah, yaitu: 1) tema; 2) latar; 3) penokohan; 4) alur; 5) proses kejiwaan; 6) gaya bahasa; 7) sudut pandang.  Untuk memahami unsur ekstrinsik digunakan pendekatan sosiologi melalui dua aspek yaitu: 1) tindakan sosial dan 2) interaksi sosial. Selanjutnya, tinjauan sosial budaya diperlukan untuk mengetahui latar belakang sosial budaya para tokoh dalam film.Kajian ini berargumentasi bahwa karya film merupakan karya yang faktanya diangkat dari kehidupan sehari-hari yang telah dibubuhi imajinasi sutradara pembuat film.Atas dasar itu karya film diidentikan dengan karya sastra. Untuk memahami unsur intrinsik sastra digunakan teori Wellek and Austin (1956), sedangkan cara melihat unsur ekstrinsik digunakan cara yang disarankan oleh Mahayana (2007), demikian pula untuk meninjau latar sosial budaya digunakan Murdiyatmoko (2014). Data menunjukkan bahwa dalam berbagai episode film terdapat ujaran-ujaran berbahasa Indonesia yang menggunakan gaya bahasa personifikasi, ironi dan paradox. Dengan mempertimbangan tiga aspek intrinsik, ekstrinsik dan tinjauan sosiologi setiap karya film dapat diberi makna yang bersifat multitafsir, tergantung dari sudut pandang masing-masing penonton melihat suatu film.---AbstractThis paper presents the analysis of Indonesian film which contains several aspects of education character. The question of this study is how the instrinsic elements, extrinsic and social culture shownin this film? The goal of this research is to find out the element of intrinsic, extrinsic and socio-cultural aspects in the film "A Pray for My Father". The paradigm of this research uses linguistics aspects, especially syntax, to analyze lingual units in this film. The research method is an observation method refers to the technical note (Sudaryanto, 1998). The researcher found seven intrinsic elements, such as 1) the theme; 2) background; 3) characterization; 4) plot; 5) mental process; 6) style; 7) and point of view. To understand the extrinsic elements, the researcher uses sociological approach through two aspects: 1) social action and 2) social interaction. This study argues that the film is in fact out of the real life life. Based on the literature study, this film is identified as literary. To understand the intrinsic elements of the theory of literature, the researcher uses Wellek and Austin (1956) and Mahayana (2007) for the extrinsic elements. To review the socio-cultural background, the writer uses Murdiyatmoko (2014). The data show that some episodes, the language utterances used in this film embody personification style, irony and paradox. It considers three aspects of the intrinsic, extrinsic and review sociological aspects. This film can pose multiple interpretations, depending on the audiences’.