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Studi Meta Analisis Efektivitas Media Pembelajaran terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMK Elfi Tasrif; Yasdinul Huda; Liza Mustika Sari; Misrol Ayani
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 2 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

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Learning media is a tool that can convey a message to someone, the message conveyed is expected to be easily understood and adapted to needs. Vocational High School students have learning needs, one of which is a learning style, namely Audio Visual and Visual. The media studied in this study are Audio-visual and visual media, such as animation-based media, YouTube, interactive videos, Prezi, Android-based and others to support teachers in the learning process. The usefulness of this research is to find out how the effectiveness of learning media is on student learning outcomes. This type of research is meta-analysis with quantitative procedures. The information was gathered from 20 journals that were found on Google Scholar and Sinta. The value of 2.30 is in the very high category according to the effects size analysis based on the audio-visual media type category, and the visual effect size media type is in the very high category with a value of 1.37. had a very high category average effect size of 1.85. According to data analysis findings, students' learning outcomes in vocational schools are significantly impacted by the usage of audio-visual technology in the classroom.
Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Konsep Dasar Seluler Menggunakan Aplikasi Unity Berbasis Android Dio Alvendri; Yasdinul Huda; Resmi Darni
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 4 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 4 Mei-Agustus 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v5i4.2031


Telecommunication is the most important thing in this era of globalization, there are many ways to transfer information both conventionally and with the help of technology, the use of technology can be online or offline in the current era of digitalization, there have been many developments in telecommunication networks passed, the development of this cellular network has evolved from 1G, 2G, 3G even 4G, the "G" in 1G to 4G now refers to the term "generation". What is meant by generation here is the generation of wireless data and communication service technology, especially for mobile phones, because mobile social media users worldwide have increased rapidly from year to year. Android technology as a tool to use it. Interactive learning media are considered more effective in conveying material to students because students actively use interactive learning media to study the information in it. curriculum and seem too simple so that the educational program is not achieved. Using the Unity application in making Android-based interactive learning media is a form of learning that supports learning in the 21st century, especially the use of software. Of course, we need software to make a game. One of the software that can be used to make games is Unity. Unity is a cross-platform game engine designed to be easy to use. Like making a game that can be run on a computer. The material presented is in the form of general architecture of cellular systems using Unity.
Literature Review : Penggunaan Media Augmented Reality dalam Pendidikan Kejuruan Yasdinul Huda; Elfi Tasrif; Ranti Ermina Sari; Resti Rahmi Khairati Costa
JTEV (Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Vokasional) Vol 9, No 1 (2023): JTEV (Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Vokasional)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtev.v9i1.121703


Pendidikan Kejuruan merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang fokus mendidik peserta didik agar memiliki tingkat keahlian yang dapat diakui di Dunia Industri. Perkembangan teknologi telah mengubah pola pembelajaran dalam dunia pendidikan terutama dalam penggunaan media pembelajaran seperti penggunaan Media Augmented Reality (AR). Media Augmented Reality memiliki berbagai model untuk setiap kebutuhan, namun secara keseluruhan media ditampilkan dalam bentuk teks, gambar audio pengguna dan objek 3 dimensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji Validitas dan Respon Pengguna terhadap Media Pembelajaran Augmented Reality di SMK. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode studi literatur. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan studi literatur membuktikan bahwa validitas penggunaan media augmented reality untuk pendidikan kejuruan sebesar 85,29%. Dan hasil penelitian respon pengguna sebesar 83,81%. Berdasarkan pemaparan validitas dan respon pengguna, penggunaan media augmented reality pada pendidikan kejuruan tergolong valid dan efektif..
Kontribusi Minat Kejuruan dan Sarana Prasarana Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika Siswa Kelas X Teknik Audio Video Di SMK Negeri 2 Solok Ade Pratama; Yasdinul Huda
Ranah Research : Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol. 2 No. 4 (2020): Ranah Research : Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research and Development (Agustus
Publisher : Dinasti Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.586 KB)


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengungkapkan seberapa besar kontribusi Minat Kejuruan dan Sarana Prasarana Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Dasar listrik dan Elektronika Siswa kelas X Teknik Audio Video di SMK Negeri 2 Solok. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif korelasi. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 105 orang dan sampel berjumlah 51 orang siswa kelas X jurusan Teknik Audio Video di SMK Negeri 2 Solok. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak (Propotional Random Sampling). Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa bahwa (1) Minat Kejuruan memberikan kontribusi sebesar 8,14% terhadap Hasil Belajar (2) Sarana Prasarana Belajar memberikan kontribusi sebesar 16% terhadap Hasil Belajar (3) Minat Kejuruan dan Sarana Prasarana Belajar secara bersama-sama berkontribusi terhadap Hasil Belajar sebesar 17,1%. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa Minat Kejuruan dan Sarana Prasarana Belajar berkontribusi terhadap hasil belajar, semakin tinggi minat kejuruan dan semakin baik Sarana prasana belajar, maka hasil belajar akan semakin tinggi.
Analisis Overlap Kanal Frekuensi 2.4 GHz Terhadap Kualitas Transmisi Data Mardiana Putri Sisi; Yasdinul Huda; Ahmaddul Hadi; Hadi Kurnia Saputra
Voteteknika (Vocational Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika) Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Vol. 11, No 2, Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/voteteknika.v11i2.121980


Observasi awal ditemukan overlap kanal khususnya pada BLOK ELKA dan BLOK MESIN Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh overlap ditinjau dari parameter QoS (Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay dan Jitter) pada subjek penelitian. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, melalui pengukuran throughput, packet loss, delay dan jitter menggunakan wireshark, kemudian hasil pengukurannya dibandingkan dengan standar TIPHON/ITU-T. Penelitian menggunakan 2 jaringan WLAN yaitu wifi@unp dan Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa overlap kanal (Co-Channel Interference) frekuensi 2.4GHz sangat berpengaruh terhadap kualitas transmisi data. Dapat dilihat dari hasil pengukuran parameter QoS (throughput, packet loss, delay, jitter) di BLOK ELKA dan BLOK MESIN dalam kondisi overlap (Co-Channel Interference) sangat berpengaruh terhadap nilai pameter QoS pada setiap titik pengukuran. Besar pengaruh overlap ditinjau dari parameter yang paling berpengaruh adalah delay dan jitter. Nilai delay wifi@unp dan BLOK ELKA yang paling jelek pada TP3 sebesar 493,99ms. Nilai delay wifi@unp dan BLOK MESIN paling jelek pada TP3 jaringan sebesar 481,67ms, berdasarkan standar THIPON/ITU-T digolongkan jelek/buruk. Nilai jitter wifi@unp dan BLOK ELKA paling jelek pada TP3 sebesar 499,8ms, nilai jitter wifi@unp dan BLOK MESIN paling jelek pada TP3 sebesar 480,67ms, berdasarkan THIPON/ITU-T digolongkan jelek/buruk.Kata kunci: Kanal Overlap, Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay, Jitter  Based on initial observations, kanal overlap was found, especially in the BLOK ELKA and the BLOK MESIN, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang. This study aims to determine the magnitude of the effect of overlap in terms of QoS parameters (Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay and Jitter) on research subjects. The research method is descriptive quantitative, by measuring throughput, packet loss, delay and jitter using wireshark, then the measurement results are compared with the TIPHON/ITU-T standard. The study uses 2 WLAN networks namely wifi@unp and The results of the analysis show that the channel overlap (Co-Channel Interference) of the 2.4GHz frequency greatly influences the quality of data transmission. It can be seen from the measurement results of the QoS parameters (throughput, packet loss, delay, jitter) in the BLOK ELKA and BLOK MESIN under overlapping conditions (Co-Channel Interference) that greatly affect the value of the QoS parameters at each measurement point. The amount of overlap in terms of the most influential parameters is delay and jitter. The worst delay value for wifi@unp and BLOK ELKA on TP3 is 493.99ms. The worst delay values for wifi@unp and BLOK MESIN on the network TP3 were 481.67ms, based on the THIPON/ITU-T standard, they were classified as bad/bad. The worst jitter values for wifi@unp and BLOK ELKA on TP3 were 499.8ms, the jitter values for wifi@unp and BLOK MESIN were the worst on TP3 of 480.67ms, based on THIPON/ITU-T it is classified as bad/bad.Keywords: Kanal Overlap, Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay, Jitter
Virtual Reality Simulation Design For The Use Of Personal Protection Equipment For The Pertamina Refinery Area Bayu Ramadhani Fajri; Azwil Danul Lailil Fitri; Yasdinul Huda; Asrul Huda; Janifan Christy
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Pendidikan Vol 16 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtip.v16i1.709


Occupational safety and health are very important to pay attention to, especially for workers in the field. Personal protective equipment is a tool that can reduce the risk of work accidents. The Pertamina Company requires workers to carry out training on the use of personal protective equipment in Pertamina's demo room. The problem that often occurs is the limited space for conducting simulations if many workers take part in the training simultaneously, they have to queue first to enter the demo room. The final result of this research is to produce a virtual reality demo room application to save training time on the use of personal protective equipment. The stages in making the Virtual Reality demo room application include analysis, methods, design, development, and validation. The process of analyzing the Virtual Reality demo room application includes analyzing system requirements and using the waterfall method. The design of the virtual reality demo room application uses Unity and Blender software for 3D assets and animation. The Virtual Reality demo room application has passed the validation test stage in terms of media, software, and benefits obtained a score of 86.
Smart learning model in technical and vocational education training with webcast technology Yasdinul Huda; Putra Jaya; Elfi Tasrif; Hafiz Elmi
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Vol 13, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : ADGVI & Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v13i2.59146


This research aims to develop an e-learning strategy for the industrial revolution 4.0 era by developing an innovative and adaptable TVET learning model using Webcast technology. This approach highlights the blended learning model developed as a smart learning model featuring a balance between synchronous and asynchronous learning using webcast technology. Research and development method is used in this approach.  The model design is done by literature study and focus group discussion with experts and academicians. The model effectiveness trial results were measured with an experimental design (using the one-group pretest-posttest and posttest-only method with nonequivalent groups). The results of developing a smart learning model of TVET webcast technology describe: (1) How the learning rules are used; (2) How to connect with webcasting technology; and (3) What are the stages and steps of the webcasting-based smart learning model? The proposed model approach allows for simultaneous learning interactions in synchronous and asynchronous classes in various locations, thus triggering student engagement in learning activities and enhancing different learning styles, ways of thinking, and problem-solving skills.
Peningkatan Kreatifitas Berwirausaha Melalui Pelatihan Keterampilan Teknik Pada Siswa SMK Di Kota Payakumbuh Sartika Anori; Yasdinul Huda; Igor Novid
RANGKIANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (873.525 KB) | DOI: 10.22202/rangkiang.2019.v1i2.3783


SMK Payakumbuh graduates who work in accordance with their fields of expertise are still very few when compared with the number of graduates who have produced. Some of the causes, among others: lack of knowledge gained by students of masih, lack of supporting tools for practicum, minimal number of productive teachers, and others. In addition to the school side, this can also be influenced by external factors. Like the growth of employment that is not proportional to the number of graduates produced. This causes competition to get jobs in accordance with the field of expertise of students increasingly stringent. To help overcome this problem, the service team provides skills training and mentoring programs to enhance the creativity and innovation of students who will graduate in producing creative products based on the technical skills possessed by SMKN 2 Payakumbuh students. The methods used during the training activities are lectures, questions and answers, demonstrations, guidance. From the activities that have been carried out, students entrepreneurial creativity is better and students know the technical skills that can be developed and have a value.
Meta-Analisis Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik SMK Elfi Tasrif; Yasdinul Huda; Pedi Rianda; Pirdo Adi Putra
Journal of Research and Investigation in Education Volume 1, No. 2, August 2023
Publisher : SAFE-Network

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37034/residu.v1i2.146


This study aims to repeat the analysis of learning based on Problem Based Learning in improving the learning outcomes of SMK students. In addition, this article will also produce a literature study that can be used as study material for the future. Meta-analysis is the method used in this study. The analysis is carried out by formulating research problems, tracing relevant research results. Meta-analysis is a statistical technique that combines two or more similar studies to obtain a combination of quantitative data. Judging from the process, meta-analysis is a retrospective observational study, in the sense that the researcher makes data recapitulations without conducting experimental manipulations. The search yielded 20 relevant articles for this study. These articles were articles that had been highly tested and could be used for data expertise. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of the analysis show that Problem Based Learning-based learning is able to improve student learning outcomes from 1.95-71% on average 44.87% or it can be said that problem based learning has quite an effect on student learning outcomes
Android Application for Testing English Proficiency Nurindah Dwiyani; Yasdinul Huda
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Pendidikan Vol 16 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtip.v16i1.704


English, the official language of many states and international organizations, serves as the standard for instruction globally. English proficiency is another prerequisite from some employers for employment in the working world. To determine a person's level of English proficiency, the TOEIC exam is employed. Several companies use a candidate's TOEIC score as a proxy for their level of English ability. A series of assessments, including listening and reading tests, make up the TOEIC. It is imperative for someone to conduct independent study in order to improve their TOEIC score given the comparatively expensive cost of the TOEIC course and exam. The layout of this TOEIC test simulation application makes it simple to practice whenever you want, wherever because it can be utilized offline on a smartphone. The TOEIC test simulation application, which contains four main menus: tips and tricks, TOEIC simulation, solutions, and about, was made using the Eclipse editor and Java programming. The questions under the tips and tricks section can be answered in a snap using easy methods. The right or wrong answers to the exam questions that are shown in the simulation menu can be found by selecting the solution option.