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ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN KURVA INTENSITAS DURASI FREKUENSI (IDF) KOTA BIMA MENGGUNAKAN DATA HUJAN TERUKUR DAN DATA HUJAN DARI SATELIT JAPAN AEROSPACE EXPLORATION AGENCY: Comparative Analysis of Frequency Duration Intensity Curve (IDF) Using Measured Rainfall Data and Rain Data from Satellite Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Agil Farhan; Humairo Saidah; Anid Supriyadi
Spektrum Sipil Vol 8 No 2 (2021): SPEKTRUM SIPIL
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/spektrum.v8i2.213


Kota Bima merupakan wilayah yang sering dilanda banjir yang disebabkan oleh curah hujan yang tinggi, banjir kiriman dari hulu dan sistem drainase yang kurang baik yang menimbulkan banyak kerugian termasuk infrastruktur dan persawahan warga. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, diperlukan perancangan bangunan sistem drainase yang baik dan benar melalui analisis IDF, yang dapat digunakan untuk menghitung banjir rencana dalam perencanaan bangunan hidrolik dengan menggunakan metode yang tepat. Data curah hujan yang digunakan ialah data curah hujan Terukur jam-jaman dan hujan satelit JAXA jam-jaman. Metode yang digunakan ialah Sherman untuk data hujan jam-jaman dan Mononobe untuk data hujan harian dan untuk menyamakan durasi kedua metode dilakukan ekstrapolasi data untuk mendapatkan intensitas curah hujan dengan durasi kurang dari 1 jam. Hasil yang didapatkan nilai persamaan lengkung IDF dengan kala ulang 2 tahun pada data hujan terukur metode Sherman sebesar I2 = 52.20/t1.66, metode Mononobe sebesar y2 = 27.86 x -0.67 dan data hujan satelit JAXA sebesar I2 = 28.064/t1.38.
Assessment of Duration and Frequency of Drought by Percent Normal Precipitation Index (PNPI) for Lombok Island Humairo Saidah; Muh. Bagus Budianto; I Wayan Yasa; Syamsul Hidayat; I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara; Heri Sulistiyono
Journal of Science and Science Education Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Pascasarjana, Mataram University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (939.311 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jossed.v3i1.1452


Meteorological drought is a climatic condition categorized by a scarcity of rainfall. Understanding the drought characteristics is a significant step appointed uncertain climate conditions due to current global climate change. This study aims to assess the duration and frequency of drought using the Normal Precipitation Index (PNPI) method to identify drought characteristics in the study area. The PNPI revealed a spatial variation in percent value monthly rainfall to average rainfall across the island of Lombok that prolonged and severe droughts have occurred in entire study areas with varying duration and frequency. PNPI method in analyzing drought events in the island of Lombok showed that Sopak is the driest area and Sekotong is the wettest one
PIPANISASI AIR BERSIH UNTUK MASYARAKAT KORBAN GEMPA DI DUSUN KERUJUK KABUPATEN LOMBOK UTARA Humairo Saidah; Muhammad Bagus Budianto; Tri Rachmanto; Rini Srikus Saptaningtyas; Teti Handayani
Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Insani
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v8i2.415


Dusun Kerujuk adalah salah satu wilayah di Kabupaten Lombok Utara yang terdampak parah atas kejadian bencana gempa Lombok pada Juli 2018 yang mengakibatkan rusaknya berbagai infrastruktur termasuk diantaranya infrastruktur air bersih. Perbaikan infrastruktur telah diupayakan oleh pemerintah daerah setempat, namun masih terdapat kekurangan khususnya pasokan air untuk kebutuhan Masjid Nurul Hidayah dan masyarakat di sekitar masjid. Sehingga tim bermaksud membantu menambah jaringan perpipaan menuju masjid agar kebutuhan air untuk kegiatan ibadah di masjid dan bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar masjid dapat terpenuhi secara layak. Pipanisasi dimulai dari bagian intake penyadap yang diletakkan pada mata air yang ada di bagian hulu dusun, peletakan dua tandon di sekitar masjid serta pemasangan jaringan pipa yang membawa dan mendistribusikan air ke masjid dan rumah warga di sekitar masjid. Meskipun pipanisasi yang dipasang masih semi permanen namun masyarakat dapat langsung memanfaatkannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih sehari-hari melalui jaringan pipa tersebut dalam menghadapi masa tanggap darurat gempa
Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 9 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdi Insani
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v9i1.480


The "Sapu sae" waste cooperative is a joint effort of community groups in Jelantik Village to collect waste, especially plastic waste, to overcome the problem of plastic waste while improving the welfare of the residents. However, this cooperative is currently no longer operating due to various reasons. Difficulty in collecting waste due to residents' refusal, lack of administrative and financial management capabilities and unclear management of the cooperative are the main reasons why this cooperative is unable to survive. This activity aims to revive village waste management activities. This service activity uses a solution approach method for cooperative problems. The activities are carried out in several stages, including the revitalization of cooperatives, simple bookkeeping and finance training for administrators, waste management training for members, providing minimal assistance for cooperatives and closing with mentoring and evaluation. This activity has been carried out and received a warm welcome from the Jelantik Village community. The waste cooperative has been revived with new legal administrators who have been given bookkeeping training. Cooperative members were also given training in making handicrafts made from waste. Service activities also provide minimal means for carrying out cooperative activities in the form of garbage collection sacks, member savings books and cooperative administration book packages. This activity has been evaluated and shows positive developments with the return of the cooperative and increasing public awareness in waste management.
GANEC SWARA Vol 14, No 1 (2020): Maret 2020
Publisher : Universitas Mahasaraswati Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (773.767 KB) | DOI: 10.35327/gara.v14i1.130


Peak discharge flood analysis is very crucial in waterworks design. The proper design flood discharge will produce effective construction dimensions as project requirement. Therefore, flood design calculations must be analyzed using appropriate methods. The problem in estimating design flood discharge is usually found in ungauged watersheds which do not have any water discharge measuring equipment.This study wants to test the flood design method using rain data input to be applied to the Babak River, so the result can be used as a guide in the selection of flood discharge calculation techniques in other ungauged watersheds.The accuracy test is carried out by comparing the results of these methods with the flood design resulted from a frequency analysis of the Annual Maximum Series. Based on the results of the calculation, the peak flood of the Harpers method has the smallest RE and RMSEP values are 8.960% and 88.546 respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that the calculation of the design of the flood peak Haspers method has the best accuracy of the analysis results when compared with the Melchior and Weduwen methods for Babak River.
Pengaruh Tinggi Sprinkler Meganet 24D Netafim Terhadap Kemampuan Irigasi dan Hasil Lengas Tanah I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara; Lilik Hanifah; Humairo Saidah; Muh Syahid; Firdaus
Siklus : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/siklus.v8i2.9563


Farming on narrow land is mostly done in urban areas with limited water sources, because irrigation canals are not accessible. In vacant land around housing, urban communities can usually still use it for farming, even with limited water sources, shallow wells. To support urban farming, it is necessary to support an efficient irrigation system such as small sprinkler irrigation on the market. This study aims to test the ability of the Meganet 24D Netafim small sprinkler on irrigation capability, both in depth and soil moisture (w) and uniformity (Cu) produced, on an area of ​​about 1 acre. The test was carried out on 4 variations of discharge (Q), sprinkler distance (Ls) and sprinkler height (hs). Data analysis was carried out on Q, w and large Cu. Based on the analysis results obtained Cu above 85% at 0.5 m and 0.75 m with Ls 3.5 m to 5 m and flow rate Q4 = 0.42l/sec to Q1 = 0.57/sec. At a duration of 20 minutes, the irrigation depth was 20 cm and w obtained about 9% - 13%.
PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik dan Perencanaan, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.768 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/pd.11.2.5013.157-165


Estimated flood discharge value for water structure design, ideally determined based on the frequency analysis of measured discharge data. However, the measured discharge data is often not recorded or if the length is limited. So, it needs the technique in getting the design flood value from rain data through the Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (SUH) method. This study examined the suitability of the three (3) SUH methods (Nakayasu, Limantara and ITB2) in generating the design flood discharge and compared it with the Observed Unit Hydrograph (OUH) of the elongated shape watersheds, namely Sidutan and Reak. The main values that are compared are peak discharge, peak time, and base time of HSS to the HSO value. The results obtained from the Sidutan watershed and the Reak watershed are both elongated shape watershed, have almost the same length as the main river, but the area of the Sidutan watershed is greater than Reak watershed. The average OUH of both watersheds indicated that both Qp and Tb of the Sidutan watershed are greater than Reak, but the time peak hydrograph (Tp) was reached at almost the same time. The SUH method that produced unit hydrographs closest to OUH is Nakayasu, then ITB2 and Limantara, respectively.
Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Departemen Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.251 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtsl.2020.007.2.7


An assessment of Jangkok River’s water system conditions is needed to its monitoring watershed criticality to prevent various problems and for conservation purposes. The aim of this research was to assess the condition of Jangkok River’s water system over the past 17 years using the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Forestry Regulation No. 61/Menhut-II/2014 concerning Monitoring and Evaluation of Watershed Management. The assessment results showed that Jangkok is in a good conditions but it tends to deteriorate that was indicated by the tends of increasing Flow Regime Coefficient and Annual Flow Coefficient. The mean of Flow Regime Coefficient’s value of upstream is 65.66 (medium) and downstream is 333.63 (very high), while the increasing rate of 7.72 and 59.13 a year respectively. The mean Annual Flow Coefficient is 0.14 for upstream and downstream 0.22, which increases 0.99% and 0.93% a year respectively. The tendency of the value of the Water Use Index decreased with an annual average of 0.31 and a rate of decline of 0.005 a year. The assessment result shows that Jangkok is GOOD in water system condition but it requires more attention to maintain its function and ensure water sustainability.
Penyuluhan tentang Pembuatan Tangki Septik Sehat untuk Penataan Kembali Desa Ekowisata Akibat Gempa Lombok 2018 Humairo Saidah; - - Akmaluddin; Jauhar - Fajrin; Lilik - Hanifah; Sofia - Rawiana
JURNAL KARYA PENGABDIAN Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Oktober, Jurnal Karya Pengabdian
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1209.988 KB)


Dusun Lebah Sari adalah salah satu dusun di Kecamatan Pemenang yang rusak parah akibat gempa Lombok 2018. Kerusakan yang masif mengharuskan warga membangun dan menata kembali pemukiman mereka termasuk fasilitas pribadi seperti jamban. Momen penataan kembali inilah yang ingin dimanfaatkan oleh tim untuk memberikan pemahaman khususnya kepada para pekerja konstruksi atau tukang bangunan dengan cara penyuluhan guna mentransfer pengetahuan tentang pembuatan tangki septik yang baik dan sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia. Mengingat desa ini sedang merintis jalan menjadi desa ekowisata yang menjual keindahan pemandangan alam termasuk fasilitasnya, maka kesehatan dan kenyamanan lingkungan harus diperhatikan. Kegiatan yang dihadiri oleh kepala dusun, tokoh masyarakat, pemuda dan ibu-ibu ini berjalan dengan lancar. Peserta sangat antusias mengikuti penjelasan Tim dan berkonsultasi pada sesi tanya jawab. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi kontribusi aktif Perguruan Tinggi terhadap penyelesaian salah satu potensi permasalahan lingkungan khususnya bagi masyarakat dusun Lebah Sari demi penataan kembali pemukiman dan lingkungan yang lebih baik
GANEC SWARA Vol 17, No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Mahasaraswati K. Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35327/gara.v17i1.397


Determining the rain pattern distribution is believed to affect the design flood. Providing hourly rainfall observations can be obtained, and the distribution patterns can be determined. However, in areas that do not have one, flood discharge calculations are carried out by distributing daily rainfall using empirical methods. This study distributes daily rainfall into hourly rainfall in the Jangkok watershed using ABM and Mononobe methods and calculates the flood hydrograph using the Nakayasu model. The synthetic unit hydrograph obtained from the actual rain distribution is then compared with the unit hydrograph generated from the empirical distribution, then the deviation is measured. The results showed that the Mononobe and ABM rain distribution gave the same hydrograph shape as the observation one, only for 2 hours of rain duration. As long as the rain lasts 3-6 hours, the peak flood discharge (Qp) tends to be lower, 7-20% for Mononobe and  2-7% for ABM. Then the Qp becomes overestimated (5-12%) for a rain duration of >6 hours. Mononobe gives the same flood peak time (Tp) as observation rain for 1-5 hours rain duration and becomes 1 hour earlier for >6 hours. In contrast, ABM produces peak times 1 hour longer than hydrographs with observation rain. Generally, the two methods provide a more significant hydrograph deviation for a longer duration of rain.
Co-Authors - - Akmaluddin Abdi Fadillah Adhitya Halim .P Agil Farhan Agus Suroso Agus Suroso Agus Suroso Agus Suroso Agustono Setiawan AGUSTONO SETIAWAN Agustono Setiawan ANID SUPRIYADI Anid Supriyadi ANID SUPRIYADI Anid Supriyadi Anid Supriyadi Anid Supriyadi ANNISA HUMAYRA DIRGANTARA ATAS PRACOYO Bambang Hariyanto Desi Widianty Eko Pradjoko Ery Setiawan ERY SETIAWAN Firdaus FITRAH RIZAL DWIASMORO Gusman Rosyadi Heri Sulistiyono Heri Sulistiyono Heri Sulistiyono HERI SULISTIYONO HERI SULISTYONO Heri Sulistyono Hidayat, Syamsul I D G JAYA NEGARA I D G JAYA NEGARA I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara I DEWA GEDE JAYA NEGARA I DEWA GEDE JAYA NEGARA I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara I DEWA GEDE JAYANEGARA I G A N K Wardana I G AGUNG NGURAH RAI K W I Wayan Yasa I Wayan Yasa I Wayan Yasa I WAYAN YASA I.D.G Jayanegara IB Giri Putra Jauhar - Fajrin Junaidin Junaidin Kadek Wiratama KHAIRUDIN KHAIRUDIN Lalu Dwiki Axela Andriawan Lalu Wirahman Lalu Wirahman LALU WIRAHMAN WIRADARMA Lalu Wirahman Wiradarma Lia Hidayaturrohmi Lilik - Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah M Bagus Budianto M Bagus Budianto M. BAGUS BUDIANTO M. BAGUS BUDIANTO Muh Bagus Budianto Muh Bagus Budianto Muh Syahid Muh. Bagus Budianto Muh. Bagus Budianto Muh. Bagus Budianto MUH. BAGUS BUDIANTO Muhammad Bagus Budianto Nadia Aprilestari Puji Rizki Yuli Yani Ratna Yuniarti Rini Srikus Saptaningtyas Rostihanji Saiful Anwar Salehudin Salehudin Salehudin Salehudin SALEHUDIN SALEHUDIN Shofia Rawiana Shofia Rawiana Sideman, Ida Ayu Oka Suwati Sofia - Rawiana Suparjo Suparjo Suparjo Suparjo Teti Handayani Tri Rachmanto YUSRON SAADI