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GANEC SWARA Vol 17, No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Mahasaraswati K. Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35327/gara.v17i1.371


A phenomenon that often occurs in Indonesia which is also an annual disaster that hit several areas is drought. Drought is a condition in which an area, land, or community experiences a shortage of water so that it cannot meet their needs. Drought can be caused because an area does not experience rain or is dry for a long period of time or the rainfall is below normal, so that the water content in the soil is reduced or even non-existent. The areas to be analyzed are the Hidirasa watershed, the Rontu watershed, and the Jangka watershed in Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. The analysis drought  aims to determine the deficit, drought duration, drought criteria based on deficits and surpluses that occur by analogy to Oldeman's criteria, hydrological drought index analysis, and hydrological drought distribution maps. In this study, data were used for the Tawali watershed in the Hidirasa watershed, the Sari watershed for the Jangka and the Kumbe water for the Rontu watershed to determine the Q50 and Q80 thresholds using the method Flow Duration Curve (FDC) to obtain hydrological drought characteristics. In the analysis of hydrological drought in several watersheds in Bima Regency, the results show that the maximum deficit in the Hidirasa, Term and Rontu watersheds was 1.09 m³/s, 0.14 m³/s, 0.49 m³/s which occurred in 2001, 1995, and 2001. From the deficit, it was found that the average drought period occurred 8-9 months from May to December and even some until January which indicated that the drought criteria were in zone 2 according to Oldeman. The largest hydrological drought index is the Hidirasa watershed, the Jangka Watershed and the Rontu watershed, respectively, -0.45, -1.00, -1.00, with a very strong drought category.
Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 10 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Abdi Insani
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v10i1.835


Jelantik Village has several community groups of tofu tempe producers, with each group's production capacity reaches 650 kg/day. As small-medium scale enterprises, the tofu tempe industry can employ the community, but the waste causes environmental problems. On the other hand, there are still many residents around the industry who are classified as economically weak. Along with the development of science and technology, pulp, a by-product of tofu and tempeh factories, has been extensively researched and modified for various nutritious processed foods. The training activity aims to empower the community around the factory, especially mothers, to use tofu waste in processed foods of high value, such as crackers, nuggets and sticks. Besides being abundantly available and cheap, tofu dregs still have good nutritional content. The training was carried out by transferring technical information on the manufacture of products to mothers in the environment around the tofu and tempeh factories. In addition to the manufacturing engineering process, the training also provides knowledge about packaging and marketing. The results obtained from this activity are that the community can use tofu dregs in crackers, nuggets and sticks. The community was enthusiastic about welcoming the team and eager to participate in the training process. The training can also answer some technical problems community in producing similar products. Currently, the assisted community groups have been able to produce crackers, nuggets and sticks made from tofu dregs and are preparing to form an entrepreneurial group together.
EVALUASI PENYIMPANGAN DATA HUJAN SATELIT TRMM JAXA DALAM ANALISIS CURAH HUJAN RANCANGAN DI WILAYAH SUMBAWA: Evaluation of TRMM JAXA Satellite Rainfall Data on Design Rainfall Analysis in Sumbawa Humairo saidah; Agustono Setiawan; Ery Setiawan; Salehudin Salehudin
Spektrum Sipil Vol 10 No 1 (2023): SPEKTRUM SIPIL
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/spektrum.v10i1.305


Pemanfaatan data hujan satelit sebagai salah satu alternatif penyedia jasa semakin dirasakan manfaatnya, utamanya bagi daerah yang memiliki stasiun penakar hujan terbatas. Salah satu satelit penyedia data hujan yang cakupan wilayahnya termasuk Indonesia adalah TRMM JAXA. Penelitian ini menguji seberapa jauh kedekatan data hujan dari TRMM JAXA dibandingkan data hujan pengukuran. Tahapan dimulai dengan mengumpulkan data hujan dilanjutkan dengan perhitungan hujan rancangan, dan mengukur penyimpangannya dengan nilai RMSE dan BIAS. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa data hujan dari satelit TRMM JAXA di Wilayah Sumbawa cenderung underestimate dan memiliki tingkat akurasi yang cukup dibandingkan data hujan pengamatan dengan penyimpangan rerata sebesar -0.05. Besaran hujan rancangan yang dihasilkan dari analisis frekuensi menggunakan data hujan satelit TRMM JAXA memiliki penyimpangan yang cukup besar yaitu sebesar 21%.
Evaluasi Kinerja Metode Perhitungan Koefisien Pengaliran: Evaluation of Runoff Coefficient’s Calculation Methods Performance Humairo Saidah; Lalu Wirahman; Lia Hidayaturrohmi
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jstl.v9i1.405


The runoff coefficient dramatically affects the volume of surface runoff. The better the method for determining the runoff coefficient, the more precise the estimation of the amount of surface runoff will be so that it can support planning for the management of water resources in an area more effectively. Several runoff coefficient calculation techniques, such as the U.S. Forest Service method, Hassing and Cook use different approaches to produce runoff coefficients. This study examines the accuracy of those methods in producing runoff coefficients by comparing the coefficients obtained from the methods with the actual flow coefficients obtained from measurement data. The results showed that the closest runoff coefficient to the coefficient of measurement one is by the U.S. Forest Service method using the median of the value intervals provided in the USFS table. The second and third best methods are the Hassing and U.S. Forest Service for maximum value.
Analisis Karakteristik Aliran Irigasi Perforasi Pada Lahan Datar: Analysis of Perforated Irrigation Flow Characteristics on Flat Land I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara; Anid Supriyadi; Agus Suroso; Humairo Saidah; Heri Sulistiyono; Abdi Fadillah
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jstl.v9i1.424


Perforation irrigation is a unidirectional beam irrigation system that can be used for crop irrigation on dry land, due to the efficient use of water and the ability to wet land with a limited area. Therefore, the perforation irrigation system needs to be studied further in relation to the area of land that can be irrigated and the distribution of discharge to each perforated pipe. By testing several variations of the water level, the perforation irrigation emission capability will be obtained in the form of irrigation distribution, uniformity, emission capability and discharge amount used in irrigation on flat land. This study aims to determine the perforation irrigation capacity on flat land, the distribution of irrigation and the amount of discharge required. The test was carried out on three perforated pipes made of ½” PVC as lateral pipes, three transmission pipe length variations, such as 0.8m, 1m, and 1.2m with a distance between the perforations of 60 cm. The source of irrigation water comes from a 3 m tall tower with a capacity of ± 200 ????????????????????. The test uses three variations of head height, namely h1 350 cm, h2 360 cm, h3 370 cm and h4 380 cm. The results showed that the perforation irrigation jet length was around 100cm -120 cm, the uniformity of CU irrigation was above 97% with a total discharge on h1 QT = 0.689 lt/s, h2 QT = 0.690 lt/s , h3 QT = 0.695 lt/s and on h4 QT = 0.701 lt/s. While the range of flow rates for perforation 1 pipe Q1 (0.42 lt/s – 0.429 lt/s), perforation 2, Q2 (0.13 -0.145 lt/s) and perforation 3, Q3 (0.129 - 0.135 lt/s)
The Climate Change Impact on Drought Characteristics in North Lombok Regency Humairo Saidah; Lilik Hanifah; I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 9 No 5 (2023): May
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i5.2380


Lombok Island is part of Indonesia which has a high vulnerability to drought. The area that often experienced drought severely on Lombok Island is North Lombok Regency. This study wants to examine the effect of climate change on drought characteristics in this region using the standardized precipitation index method using four rain stations in the North Lombok region rainfall recording data of 20 years (1999-2018). The analyses were taken into two groups of a 10-year time scale, 1999-2008 and 2009-2018, to overview both of the 10-years drought characteristics. Drought index values ​​were observed on a period of 1-month (SPI1), 3-months (SPI3), and 6-months (SPI6) to get the map of drought duration, drought magnitude, drought intensity, and relative frequency. The results show that the drought characteristics in Lombok showed a decrease significantly in all measurement parameters used. The SPI3 results have shown the drought duration was decreasing in the last 10 years by 87%, from 2,43 to 0.03 months. The strength of the drought decreased by 88%, from -1.03 to 0.12 (severely dry to normal). Then the drought intensity became lower up to 87% from -0.22 to -0.03 monthly, and the relative frequency of drought events decreased by 83%. Signs of the decline were further followed by the same decreasing trends in the 6-month drought index, SPI6. The decrease in the drought parameter index illustrates that climate change impact has reduced the risk of drought disaster on the island of Lombok in the future
Jurnal Pepadu Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Pepadu
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/pepadu.v4i2.2645


Pengembangan pertanian di lahan kering,sangat menjanjikan jika masyarakat mau tekun melakukan pertanian dengan lebih intensif, dan untuk mendorong kepekaan masyarakat tentang potensi lahannya perlu diberikan pelatihan-pelatihan terkait dengan pemanfaatan lahannya. Dusun Tampes merupakan wilayah desa Selengan yang memiliki potensi lahan kering yang perlu dikembangkan, dengan adanya lahan yang banyak tidak tergarap perlu dimotivasi untuk mau melakukan usahatani pada lahan tersebut. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan pembuatan lahan untuk penanaman papaya California pada masyarakat dusun Tampes yang berdomisili di sekitar sungai. Dengan harapan lahan tanam yang dibuat nantinya dapat dilanjutkan dengan penanaman bibit papaya, untuk membantu ekonomi masyarakat setempat, karena tanaman ini mempunyai masa panen cukup panjang dan harga jual buanya cukup bangus. Untuk itu karena lahan ini berpasiran sehingga sangat boros air maka perlu diinisiasi penggunaan air irigasi yang efisien seperti sistem tetes. Untuk hal tersebut maka pelatihan oleh tim Unram dilakukan dalam jangka waktu 2 minggu yang mencakup survey lapangan, persiapan pelatihan, pelaksanaan pelatihan dan evaluasi. Pelatihan terdiri dari pembersihan lahan, pembuatan petak lahan dan bedengan, dan pembuatan lubang tanam. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan diketahui bahwa warga telah mampu membuat lahan tanam papaya. Sedangkan evaluasinya adalah keberhasilan dari masing-masing peserta alam membuat lahan tanam. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan bahwa peserta telah berhasil melakukan pembuatan lahan papaya dengan luasan seluas sekitar 2 ha dengan jumlah warga berpartisipasi sebanyak 26 orang. Dengan fakta ini peserta telah berhasil dilatih untuk membuat lahan awal untuk penanaman papaya California, yang akan dilakukan lebih lanjut. Dengan berhasilnya kegiatan ini, maka tim memberi arahan agar nantinya dapat dilanjutkan dengan pengisian pupuk kompos masing-masing sehingga bisa dilakukan penanamn bibit papaya di lahan masing-masing
Kemampuan Penyerapan dan Reduksi Lengas Tanah Pada Media Polybag Kombinasi Tanah dan Kompos: Soil Moisture Absorption dnd Reduction Capability In Polybag Media Combination of Soil and Compost I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara; Salehudin Salehudin; Suparjo Suparjo; Anid Supriyadi; Humairo Saidah; Lalu Dwiki Axela Andriawan
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jstl.v9i2.447


Soil moisture is an important factor needed by plants for growth, and therefore the amount of soil moisture that can be stored depends on the type of soil or the composition of the soil-forming materials. Compost is one of the nutrients that is often used in the manufacture of planting media on land in the form of polybags, and the amount of compost composition on the soil is thought to greatly affect the ability to store water in the media. This study aims to test drip irrigation on a mixture of compost and soil on storage of irrigation water. Tests were carried out at a ratio of 70%: 30%, 50%: 50% and 30%: 70%. Irrigation was tested at a duration of 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes, and the data analyzed included irrigation distribution data, discharge, soil moisture data (w) and daily soil moisture change data. The results of the analysis are presented in the form of tables and graphs, then discussed and concluded descriptively. The results of the analysis show that the flow rate obtained is greater if the difference in water level to the land is greater, and the average Cu value obtained is 95.79% which is very good. With initial soil moisture in the range of 19%-25, soil moisture gain obtained by drip irrigation for 5 minutes -10 minutes is around 12%, and for a duration of 15 minutes soil moisture gain is obtained by 8% -21%. The lowest recharge was obtained on land with 30% soil and 70% compost of 8%-12%. The amount of soil moisture reduction after 24 hours of irrigation test was 6% - 17%, the lowest reduction was at 70% compost and 30% soil around 6%.
PEMANFAATAN SUMUR RESAPAN UNTUK MEREDUKASI LIMPASAN PADA LINGKUNGAN PERMUKIMAN PERUMAHAN: Utilization of Absorption Wells to Reduce Runoff in a Residential Settlement I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara; Lalu Wirahman Wiradarma; I Wayan Yasa; Humairo Saidah; Anid Supriyadi; I G A N K Wardana
Spektrum Sipil Vol 10 No 2 (2023): SPEKTRUM SIPIL
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/spektrum.v10i2.328


Perubahan kawasan persawahan menjadi perumahan kerap kali terjadi dan sekitar ±6 hektar sawah dijadikan perumahan dengan tipe  27/77, 36/103 dan 50/105. Adanya pembangunan perumahan tersebut  akan meningkatkan limpasan air hujan dipermukaan, dan untuk mengatasinya dapat memanfaatkan sumur resapan sebagai alternatif. Berdasarkan data uji  resapan tanah lokasi studi diperoleh 6,329 cm/jam dan  kedalaman muka air tanah 2,8 m sampai 3 m musim hujan, maka sumur resapan berpotensi diterapkan pada lokasi  studi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar reduksi limpasan hujan dari penggunaan sumur resapan. Debit limpasan rata-rata lokasi studi  sebesar 0,0103 m³/dt, dan  0,0408 m³/dt. Reduksi limpasan rata-rata  pada tipe rumah 36/103 sebesar 30%-43%, pada tipe rumah 50/105 reduksi limpasan besarnya 39,9% dan pada tipe rumah 27/77 reduksi limpasan terjadi sebesar 27%- 47%. Secara umum reduksi limpasan hujan dilokasi studi besarnya kurang dari 50%.
PENENTUAN KOEFISIEN RESESI UNTUK PERAMALAN DEBIT SETENGAH BULANAN SUNGAI JANGKOK: The Determination of Recession Coefficient for a Half Monthly Jangkok River Flow Forecasting Humairo Saidah; Muh Bagus Budianto; Lilik Hanifah; Heri Sulistyono; Agustono Setiawan
Spektrum Sipil Vol 5 No 1 (2018): SPEKTRUM SIPIL
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Perkiraan debit sungai pada dua minggu atau sepuluh hari yang akan datang adalah hal krusial yang harus diketahui sebelum Panitia Irigasi melakukan pembagian air. Teknik perkiraan yang tepat akan mendukung Rencana Alokasi Air Global (RAAG) yang andal, efisien dan memenuhi rasa keadilan bagi masyarakat. Metode resesi dipilih untuk diaplikasikan karena debit yang akan datang ditentukan dengan cara mengenali karakteristik aliran saat aliran rendah yang dianggap lebih sesuai dan masuk akal, khususnya dalam memprediksikan debit pada saat aliran rendah. Hasil studi menyimpulkan bahwa penentuan nilai faktor resesi (faktor k) menjadi penentu keberhasilan kinerja metode ini. Faktor k akan memberi kinerja lebih baik jika diperoleh dari data debit saat musim kemarau saja, yaitu sekitar awal Juni hingga akhir September. Faktor k yang diperoleh untuk Sungai Jangkok adalah sebesar 0.0459, sehingga persamaan untuk peramalan debit pada Sungai Jangkok adalah Qt = Q0 e-0.0459 t. Kinerja nilai faktor k ini dalam memprediksi debit 10 harian (dasarian) mendatang adalah cukup baik dengan mean errors -0.46 m3/det, RMSE 0.26 m3/det dan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0.67.
Co-Authors - - Akmaluddin Abdi Fadillah Adhitya Halim .P Agil Farhan Agus Suroso Agus Suroso Agus Suroso Agus Suroso Agustono Setiawan AGUSTONO SETIAWAN Agustono Setiawan ANID SUPRIYADI Anid Supriyadi ANID SUPRIYADI Anid Supriyadi Anid Supriyadi Anid Supriyadi ANNISA HUMAYRA DIRGANTARA ATAS PRACOYO Bambang Hariyanto Desi Widianty Eko Pradjoko Ery Setiawan ERY SETIAWAN Firdaus FITRAH RIZAL DWIASMORO Gusman Rosyadi Heri Sulistiyono Heri Sulistiyono HERI SULISTIYONO Heri Sulistiyono HERI SULISTYONO Heri Sulistyono Hidayat, Syamsul I D G JAYA NEGARA I D G JAYA NEGARA I DEWA GEDE JAYA NEGARA I DEWA GEDE JAYA NEGARA I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara I Dewa Gede Jaya Negara I DEWA GEDE JAYANEGARA I G A N K Wardana I G AGUNG NGURAH RAI K W I Wayan Yasa I WAYAN YASA I Wayan Yasa I Wayan Yasa I.D.G Jayanegara IB Giri Putra Jauhar - Fajrin Junaidin Junaidin Kadek Wiratama KHAIRUDIN KHAIRUDIN Lalu Dwiki Axela Andriawan Lalu Wirahman Lalu Wirahman LALU WIRAHMAN WIRADARMA Lalu Wirahman Wiradarma Lia Hidayaturrohmi Lilik - Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah Lilik Hanifah M Bagus Budianto M Bagus Budianto M. BAGUS BUDIANTO M. BAGUS BUDIANTO Muh Bagus Budianto Muh Bagus Budianto Muh Syahid Muh. Bagus Budianto Muh. Bagus Budianto MUH. BAGUS BUDIANTO Muh. Bagus Budianto Muhammad Bagus Budianto Nadia Aprilestari Puji Rizki Yuli Yani Ratna Yuniarti Rini Srikus Saptaningtyas Rostihanji Saiful Anwar Salehudin Salehudin SALEHUDIN SALEHUDIN Salehudin Salehudin Shofia Rawiana Shofia Rawiana Sideman, Ida Ayu Oka Suwati Sofia - Rawiana Suparjo Suparjo Suparjo Suparjo Teti Handayani Tri Rachmanto YUSRON SAADI