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Postpartum Maternal Care Tradition in Manunggang Jae Village Padangsidimpuan City Indonesia Rosmala Dewi; Ida Yustina; Etti Sudaryati; Nurmaini; Fikarwin Zuska
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, January
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v2i1.131


Maternal and child health problems cannot be separated from cultural factors in the society. One example of culture related to maternal and child health is the marapi tradition carried out by the puerperal mother in Manunggang Jae Village, Padangsidimpuan City. Marapi tradition is a tradition of fumigating or heating a mother who has just given birth and her baby for 40 days. This study aims to explore more information about the practice of postpartum maternal care in Manunggang Jae Village, Padangsidimpuan City. This research is a qualitative research with phenomenology design. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews with 8 postpartum mothers, traditional leaders and health workers in October 2018 untill August 2019 in Manunggang Jae Village, Padangsidimpuan City. The results showed that postpartum maternal care was based on hereditary traditions, the types of care were fumigation of the mother and baby during puerperium and standing on a fireplace (manjonjongi api). The community believes this practice makes mothers recover faster and babies are stronger but in terms of health this tradition has a negative impact on the health of postpartum mothers and newborns.
Circle Fish: Social-economic Locomotive of Perlis Village: Ikan Cerbung: Lokomotif Sosial-Ekonomi Desa Perlis Suci Masliawati; Fikarwin Zuska
Progress In Social Development Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): July 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/psd.v2i2.29


ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe the exploitation of cerbung fish and its socio-economic consequences as a driver of the economy of the residents of Perlis Village, West Brandan District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. The method used to obtain data and information in this research is live-in with residents, while carrying out observations and interviews with informants in each stage of the cerbung fish production process as well as key informants. The results of the study show that the exploitation of cerbung fish has created a productive work cycle of ‘money printing' for many people so that this business can act as the economic locomotive of Perlis Village. Those involved as agents in this business are fishermen or fish catchers (men), women splitting and drying fish, boat and yard washers (fishing gear), ducklings, fish shovelers, canoe miners, and owners shop. ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengusahaan ikan cerbung dan akibat sosial-ekonominya sebagai penggerak perekonomian penduduk Desa Perlis, Kecamatan Brandan Barat, Kabupaten Langkat Sumatera Utara. Metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi dalam penelitian ini adalah tinggal-bersama warga (live-in), sembari melaksanakan pengamatan (observation) dan wawancara (interview) dengan informan-pelaku di masing-masing tahap proses produksi ikan cerbung dan juga informan kunci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengusahaan ikan cerbung telah menimbulkan siklus kerja produktif ‘pencetak uang’ untuk banyak orang sehingga bisnis ini bisa berperan sebagai lokomotif ekonomi Desa Perlis. Mereka yang terlibat sebagai pelaku (agent) dalam usaha ini ialah nelayan atau penangkap ikan (laki-laki), perempuan pembelah dan penjemur ikan, tukang cuci boat dan pekarangan (alat tangkap), anak itik, tukang sorong ikan, penambang sampan, dan pemilik kedai.
Ethnographic Gayo Community Of Tampur Paloh Village In The Lower Tamiang River, Simpang Jernih District, East Aceh Regency, Aceh Province: Etnografi Masyarakat Gayo Desa Tampur Paloh Di Hilir Sungai Tamiang, Kecamatan Simpang Jernih, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Provinsi Aceh Muhammad Farhan Zuldiansyah; Fikarwin Zuska
Progress In Social Development Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): January 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/psd.v3i1.38


ABSTRACT: Formal education in Tampur Paloh Village is lagging in all aspects, especially in the field of communication and the feasibility of facilities and support. This is the main problem of formal education there which leads to the low competitiveness of local children in the regional and even national arena. This study will discuss the situation and backwardness of rural communities downstream of the Tamiang River, Simpang Jernih District, East Aceh Regency, Aceh Province by looking at the dynamics that occur in formal schools. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive methods with data sourced from participatory observations in the region. Explain clearly the facts on the ground and to what extent they lag behind the relevance of today's education. By being exposed to the limitations of formal schools, the local community can invite further steps to address the limitations of the quality of these formal studies. ABSTRAK: Pendidikan Formal di Desa Tampur Paloh mengalami ketertinggalan dari segala aspek, khususnya di bidang komunikasi dan kelayakan sarana dan penunjang. Hal tersebut menjadi masalah utama pendidikan formal disana yang berujung menjadi rendahnya daya saing anak setempat di kancah daerah bahkan nasional. Kajian ini akan membahas keadaan dan ketertinggalan masyarakat pedalaman di Hilir Sungai Tamiang, Kecamatan Simpang Jernih, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Provinsi Aceh dengan melihat dinamika yang terjadi di sekolah formal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan data yang bersumber dari observasi partisipatif di wilayah tersebut. Menjabarkan dengan jelas fakta di lapangan dan sampai sejauh apa ketertinggalan mereka terhadap kerelavan pendidikan zaman sekarang. Dengan tereksposnya keterbatasan sekolah formal masyarakat setempat dapat mengundang langkah lanjutan penanganan keterbatasan kualitas studi formal tersebut.
Dalihan Na Tolu : Fungsi Kekerabatan Masyarakat Angkola Dalam Upacara Perkawinan di Desa Paran Julu Kabupaten Padang Lawas Provinsi Sumatera Utara hendra agus prayoga; Fikarwin Zuska
Jurnal Ilmiah Muqoddimah: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Hummaniora Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Pebruari, 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jim.v6i1.2022.242-253


Dalihan Na Tolu. Sistem ini adalah sistem tradisional yang bekerja dalam kehidupan bersama sehari-hari di masyarakat. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi dari sistem kekerabatan Dalihan Na Tolu tersebut pada Masyarakat Angkola melalui analisis reflektif atas data-data hasil penelitian mengenai upacara perkawinan di Desa Paran Julu. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi partisipasi, wawancara bebas-mendalam, obrolan, overhear (nguping) serta penserapan dengan segenap panca indera selama 2 bulan. Ternyata hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sistem kekerabatan Dalihan Na Tolu pada masyarakat Desa Paran Julu adalah mora, kahanggi, dan anak boru dimana ketiga kelompok tersebut saling berhubungan ibarat segitiga sama kaki. Struktur tertinggi berada pada mora di puncak segitiga dan kahanggi dan anak boru di kaki segitiga. Mora dan kahanggi digolongkan kedudukan yang tinggi, sedangkan anak boru berada pada posisi paling bawah. dalam upacara perkawinan Dalihan Na Tolu memiliki fungsi yang sangat penting dalam kelancaran upacara perkawinan dimana mora memiliki peran penting dalam pengembil keputusan, kahanggi sebagai pendukung kebijakan dan anak boru sebagai penanggug jawab upacara perkawinan, dalam ketiga unsur tadi juga bekerjasama menyumbangkan dana dan juga tenaga untuk kelancaran pesta.Kata kunci : kekerabatan, dalihan na tolu, ,batak angkola, perkawinan
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v7i2.1666


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kecemasan perawat terhadap penularan virus Corona. Desain penelitian ini adalah Cross Sectional Study. Data dikumpulkan dengan besar sampel 74 perawat rawat inap dan 18 perawat ruang isolasi Covid-19 di Ruang Rindu B  Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Haji Adam Malik Medan. Dari hasil penelitian kecemasan terhadap penularan dari 92 perawat sebanyak 10 perawat (10,9%)  cemas berat, 27 perawat (29,3%)  cemas sedang, 49 perawat (53,3%) cemas ringan dan 6 perawat (6,5%) tidak cemas. Sedangkan frekuensi penularan virus Corona dari 92 perawat, 58 perawat (63%) tertular Covid-19 dan 34 perawat (37%) tidak tertular. Hasil tabulasi silang pengaruh kecemasan terhadap penularan virus Corona diperoleh 10 perawat (10,9%) cemas berat paling banyak mengalami penularan Covid-19, 9 perawat (9,8%), dari 27 perawat (29,3%) yang mengalami cemas sedang paling banyak mengalami penularan Covid-19 sebanyak 21 perawat (22,8%), dari 49 perawat (53,3%) yang mengalami cemas ringan paling banyak mengalami penularan Covid-19 sebanyak 26 perawat (28,3%) dan dari 6 responden (6,5%) yang tidak mengalami cemas paling banyak tidak mengalami penularan Covid-19 sebanyak 4 responden (4,3%). Dari hasil uji regresi sederhana diketahui nilai t hitung diperoleh 11,518 sedangkan t tabel 0,05.Dengan demikian t hitung 11,518>t tabel 1,987 dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,000<0,05, sehingga gejala cemas terhadap penularan Covid-19 pada perawat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penularan Covid-19 . Sehingga jika perawat mengalami kecemasan maka penularan terhadap virus Corona sebesar 0,124 satuan. Kata Kunci : Perawat, Kecemasan, Penularan Covid-19
Perilaku Masyarakat Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor Dalam Berlalu Lintas di Kota Medan Dewantara Bangun; Fikarwin Zuska; Bengkel Ginting
PERSPEKTIF Vol 11, No 3 (2022): PERSPEKTIF - July
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v11i3.6446


The purpose of this study is to find out the subjective reasons of motorists in traffic who commit traffic violations, such as violations of traffic signs, violations of traffic light, violations of vehicle completeness and violations of driver's equipment. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research technique was carried out by studying literature, interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of the study, the reason for the driver to commit a violation is situational, the encouragement from an urgent situation and rushing in chasing time makes the driver do it. The second reason is individual, namely the encouragement from within oneself, such as a hobby of making modifications that are not up to standard. It would be nice for every motorist to obey the rules in traffic, not because of the guard from the police, especially the traffic police, but should have self-awareness.
Early Marriage : Ethnographic Study in North Securai Village Babalan District Langkat Regency Yona Tusiana; Fikarwin Zuska
Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Adolescent Reproductive Health
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.567 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/ijma.v1i1.4547


This study discusses the lives of married couples, from before marriage until after marriage. The purpose of this study is to describe why early marriage occurs in North Securai Village, Babalan Sub-District, Langkat Regency, and also the implications of early marriage on her home life. This research uses ethnographic methods. Methods used in digunakan data collection are observation of participation and in-depth interviews. The results of the study are many things that are the cause of early marriage, such as from their own desires until the marriage is forced to be done, as well as because of MBA (Married By Accident).
Komodifikasi Tari Piring Minangkabau di Sumatera Utara Indah Fikria Aristy; Ichwan Azhari; Fikarwin Zuska
Jurnal Antropologi Sumatera Vol 16, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Antropologi Sumatera, Desember 2018
Publisher : Program Studi Antropologi Sosial Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (214.809 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/jas.v16i2.20711


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses komodifikasi tari piring di Sumatera Utara. Tari piring merupakan salah satu kesenian yang berakar pada kebudayaan Minangkabau yang telah mengalami komodifikasi sebagai salah satu kesenian pertunjukan tari. Menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komodifikasi tari piring terjadi akibat dua hal, yakni komodifikasi secara internal dan komodifikasi eksternal yang meliputi gerak tari piring, pakaian penari, musik pengiring pertunjukan tari piring hingga pada komodifikasi bentuk pertunjukan tari piring. Kesimpulannya komodifikasi tari piring dipengaruhi beberapa hal antara lain kebutuhan penari, permintaan atas pertunjukan dan penyesuaian penciptaan reka gerak tari.
Perilaku Masyarakat Pengendara Kendaraan Bermotor Dalam Berlalu Lintas di Kota Medan Dewantara Bangun; Fikarwin Zuska; Bengkel Ginting
PERSPEKTIF Vol. 11 No. 3 (2022): PERSPEKTIF - July
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v11i3.6446


The purpose of this study is to find out the subjective reasons of motorists in traffic who commit traffic violations, such as violations of traffic signs, violations of traffic light, violations of vehicle completeness and violations of driver's equipment. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research technique was carried out by studying literature, interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of the study, the reason for the driver to commit a violation is situational, the encouragement from an urgent situation and rushing in chasing time makes the driver do it. The second reason is individual, namely the encouragement from within oneself, such as a hobby of making modifications that are not up to standard. It would be nice for every motorist to obey the rules in traffic, not because of the guard from the police, especially the traffic police, but should have self-awareness.
Pengelolaan Bank Sampah Induk Berseri di Kecamatan Lubuk Pakam Rita Ulina Br Ginting; Fikarwin Zuska; Irfan Simatupang
PERSPEKTIF Vol. 11 No. 4 (2022): PERSPEKTIF, October
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v11i4.7239


This study aims to analyze best practices related to the ability of the Induk Berseri Waste Bank to maintain a relatively high income compared to other waste banks which generally have low incomes and its role in maintaining relationships with partners so that they are productive and in maintaining trust. This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach in the sense that the research is focused on the selected phenomena and wants to be understood in depth by using interview techniques. The results of this study are the presence of the Berseri Main Waste Bank in Lubuk Pakam District has encouraged smart city efforts, by inviting community cooperation to seek economic assistance for each partnered citizen. Creating awareness and knowledge as well as the ability to encourage participation in maintaining a clean environment. Some of the public opinions of the Berseri Parent Waste Bank are positive opinions with the helpful response to the Berseri Parent Waste Bank, while the obstacles that are still felt by residents who partner with the Berseri Parent Waste Bank are the frequent delays or delays in taking waste to residents and the prices are still low. The Main Trash Bank Berseri itself in its business really maintains a cooperative relationship with its partners and maintains trust so that it has a good image in the community.