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Journal : Jurnal Elementer (Elektro dan Mesin Terapan)

Analisis Sistem Pengaman Menara Seluler Smartfren Pada Perumahan Masyarakat Di Kelurahan Umban Sari Abrar tanjung; Elvira Zondra
Jurnal Elektro dan Mesin Terapan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): Jurnal Elektro dan Mesin Terapan (ELEMENTER)
Publisher : Politeknik Caltex Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.888 KB) | DOI: 10.35143/elementer.v1i2.47


Petir merupakan peristiwa alam berupa pelepasan energi sesaat (energy storage) berupa rangkaian aliran listrik yang sangat besar yang akan di lepaskan oleh alam semesta dengan tujuan ke bumi yang bersifat netral. Untuk mengatasi Bahaya yang ditimbulkan akibat adanya sambaran petir penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda bola gelinding (rolling sphere) dan sistem pentanahan yang tedapat pada menara Smartfren sebagai sistem pengaman dalam melindungi dan mengurangi dampak kerusakan pada perumahan masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil analisa pembahasan diperoleh Elektroda Vinial sebagai penangkal petir yang dipasang pada menara PT. Smartfren mampu untuk melindungi perumahan atau bangunan yang berada di area menara dengan sudut lindung 25,98° dengan jarak sudut lindung sebesar 128,15 meter. Besar nilai tahanan pentanahan yang dipasang pada area menara PT. Smartfren sebesar 59,5 ohm.
Jurnal Elektro dan Mesin Terapan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Elektro dan Mesin Terapan (ELEMENTER)
Publisher : Politeknik Caltex Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (327.088 KB) | DOI: 10.35143/elementer.v6i2.3374


The Safety System is one way to overcome the interference of reducing the influence of electric current, such as leakage currents or short circuit due to failure of insulation and natural disasters as well as the result of lightning surges. Lancang Kuning University Rectorate Building is a building that has several rooms that have administrative, academic, financial and lecture activities using electrical equipment. The purpose of this study was to calculate the magnitude of the current per phase, power consumption, power losses and determine the capacity of the safety system and evaluate the grounding system in the Rector Building, Lancang Kuning University. Based on the results of the discussion, the power consumption obtained at the Lancang Kuning University Rectorate Building was 292.95 kW, the balanced current was 50 Amperes, the voltage drop was 5 volts, the power loss at the phase 1 voltage R was 1.54 kW and 3 phase of 2.28 kW, magnitude of power loss in phase 1 S voltage of 0.97 kW and 3 phases of 1.69 kW, power loss at phase T voltage of 1 phase at 1.48 kW kW and 3 phases of 2 , 56 kW, the amount of earth resistance is 59.5 ohms, the safety of the main panel is 80 amperes and the installed load is 38.71 KVA, the maximum load is 315 KVA and the average load is 161.61 kVA.
Evaluasi Indeks Konsumsi Energi Listrik Di Rumah Sakit Islam Ibnu Sina Pekanbaru Hamzah Eteruddin; Aidil Rahman; Masnur Putra Halilintar; Abrar Tanjung
Jurnal Elektro dan Mesin Terapan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Elektro dan Mesin Terapan (ELEMENTER)
Publisher : Politeknik Caltex Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.361 KB) | DOI: 10.35143/elementer.v7i2.5173


The Energy Consumption Index (ECI) is the ratio between energy consumption and the building area. In this study, the calculation of used power, energy consumption, and the ECI value for each room was carried out. Based on the results of calculations carried out, the consumption of electrical energy at the Islamic Hospital Ibnu Sina (IHIS) Pekanbaru are 180,718,628 kWh/month, which is quite efficient with a value of 15.1 kWh /m2/ month. Energy Saving Opportunities (ESO) that are carried out are energy management, namely in lighting, air conditioners, and other equipment. After the ESO was carried out, the electrical energy consumption down to 158,902,555 kWh/month (saving 11.68%), electricity consumption for lighting was 16,570,158 kWh/month (12.11%), the electrical energy consumption of air conditioners amounted to 114,162.557 kWh/month (11.193%), and the electrical energy consumption of other equipment amounted to 28,169.84 kWh/month (13.066%). Energy consumption IHIS, Pekanbaru after ESO, is categorized into efficient value ECI of 13.4 kWh / m2/ month (11.258%).
A Analisis Sistem Pentanahan Gedung Pascasarjana Menggunakan Metoda Tiga Titik Di Universitas Lancang Kuning: Analisis Sistem Pentanahan Abrar Tanjung; Arlenny
Jurnal Elektro dan Mesin Terapan Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Elektro dan Mesin Terapan (ELEMENTER)
Publisher : Politeknik Caltex Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35143/elementer.v9i1.5417


The grounding system is a way to channel the electric current that occurs due to a lightning strike on an object in the building there is an electrical system used for electrical and electronic equipment. The grounding system is used to secure buildings from fire hazards due to lightning strikes, secure electrical and electronic equipment and humans connected by wires or conducting cables to electrodes that are installed in the ground. The research method analyzes data from the data obtained to obtain large values ​​of grounding resistance, short fault current, healthy phase increase and touch voltage and step voltage in the Unilak Postgraduate building. The purpose of this study is to analyze the value of the resistance of the grounding system, analyze the short-circuit fault current that occurs in the grounding system, analyze the phase voltage increase, and analyze the touch voltage and step voltage in the Lancang Kuning University Postgraduate building. By using the three-point research method, the calculation results on the grounding of the Postgraduate Building are 28 ohms, the neutral point resistance value is 0.00465 ohms, the touch voltage is 149.5 volts, the step voltage is 208 volts, the short circuit fault current calculation is 1, 15 amperes, while the healthy phase voltage increase is 308 volts.