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Journal : Jurnal Ruas (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Pemanfaatan Ruang Telaga Pada Tradisi Sedekah Bumi Desa Cerme Kidul, Kecamatan Cerme, Kabupaten Gresik Slamet Slamet; Jenny Ernawati; Agung Murti Nugroho
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 13, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1138.521 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2015.013.01.5


Aspek tradisi yang semakin memudar, pengaruh tradisi sebagianbesar masyarakat Desa Cerme Kidul melaksanakan tradisi SedekahBumi, apabila tidak melaksanakan tradisi Sedekah Bumi merekameyakini akan terjadi sesuatu hal yang tidak diinginkan. Tujuantradisi Sedekah Bumi adalah meminta doa restu kepada Tuhan YangMaha Esa dan kepada nenek moyang supaya semua urusandilancarkan dan sebagai rasa syukur atas rejeki yang diberikanberupa panen raya, serta upaya untuk melestarikan budaya leluhur.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metodekualitatif, teori yang digunakan sebagai landasan penelitian iniadalah Environment Behavior Study, di dalam tradisi Sedekah Bumi diTelaga Desa Cerme Kidul terkandung makna silaturrahmi diantarawarga tidak memandang suku, agama dan tingkatan sosial, TradisiSedekah Bumi adalah salah satu tradisi yang masih melekat padamasyarakat Desa Cerme Kidul. Tradisi tersebut dilaksanakan ketikaselesai panen padi. Tradisi ini dilaksanakan di Punden Telaga. Kata Kunci : punden telaga, warisan budaya, tradisi budaya.
Kajian Ruang Budaya Nyadran Sebagai Entitas Budaya Nelayan Kupang di Desa Balongdowo - Sidoarjo Faizal Ardiansyah Sangadji; Jenny Ernawati; Agung Murti Nugroho
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 13, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1182.83 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2015.013.01.1


Balongdowo village Candi region is the location of the center of mussel shells fishing settlement located in Sidoarjo. Every year before the fasting month mussel fishing communities implement Nyadran cultural traditions that became their cultural space. Study of cultural space is done by using qualitative methods and supported by observation of behavior - environment and theory formation of cultural space. Results spaces formed culture is influenced by cultural traditions Nyadran ranging from the preparation stage, the departure, the disposal of a chicken , float an offering, a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Goddess Sekardadu, search demonstration mussel, and cover .Keywords : cultural space, Nyadran, mussel fishermen, Balongdowo
Tipologi Nusantara Green Architecture Dalam Rangka Konservasi Dan Pengembangan Arsitektur Nusantara Bagi Perbaikan Kualitas Lingkungan Binaan Galih W. Pangarsa; Ema Y. Titisari; Abraham M. Ridjal; Jenny Ernawati
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 10, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1293.344 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2012.010.02.8


Pada penelitian ini, Arsitektur Nusantara dianalisis dengan pendekatan tipologis untuk memahami dinamika budayanya. Upaya ini merupakan langkah awal untuk memahami dan merekontekstualisasikan nilai-nilai, filosofi, dan konsep desain yang terkandung dalam Arsitektur Nusantara. Mengingat kejamakan dan kemajemukannya, maka pendekatan tipologi melalui pendekatan budaya dipandang sebagai metode yang paling tepat. Lingkup penelitian disesuaikan dengan etnografi arsitektur nusantara, yaitu diklasifikasikan menurut pulau Jawa, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Papua. Untuk bagian ini penelitian difokuskan pada wilayah Jawa Timur. Hasil studi ini menemukan bahwa perkembangan arsitektur nusantara dapat diklasifikasikan menurut lima kategori budaya yaitu: keperkasaan masyarakat megalitik, kewaspadaan masyarakat pelestari hutan, ketekunan masyarakat tani pedalaman, keterbukaan masyarakat pesisir, dan dinamika masyarakat industri. Untuk kasus wilayah Jawa Timur, dari data yang telah dihimpun, tipologi arsitektur Nusantara yang dapat diidentifikasi adalah ketekunan masyarakat tani pedalaman, keterbukaan masyarakat pesisir, dan dinamika masyarakat industri. Kegiatan penelitian ini dapat dilanjutkan secara bersama-sama (partisipatif) sehingga dapat disusun data base Arsitektur yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk penelitian-penelitian lainnya.Kata kunci: tipologi, Arsitektur Nusantara
Pengaruh Aspek Arsitektur dan Perencanaan Kota Terhadap Terbentuknya Ikatan Batin Dengan Suatu Tempat (Place Attachment) Jenny Ernawati
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 12, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (682.978 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2014.012.01.8


This paper reports an empirical study that was aimed to explore community’s evaluations of architecture and urban planning qualities and it’s influence on place attachment. Place attachment is understood as emotional or affective connection that people develop with their places of residence, due to the meaning given to that site. This study used a survey research design which was conducted in two stages. The first stage of the surveys was to explore variables of architecture and town planning qualities using a combination of open-and-close-ended questions. Forty respondents selected randomly to participate in this phase of study. This resulted 28 variables of architecture and urban planning qualities, which were then used for the next stage of the survey. The second stage of the survey used questionnaire involving seven-point Likert scale to evaluate those qualities and unidimensional scale of place attachment consisted of five variables. There were 193 respondents from five different neighbourhoods in Malang chosen randomly to participate in the survey. Several multivariate data analysis, including factor analysis and regression analysis were used to explore effects of architecture and urban planning qualities on place attachment. Results indicated that, in general, perceived architecture and urban planning qualities are significant as predictors of place attachment. These predictors consist of four factors that are Built Environmental Aesthetics; Pedestrian Facilities; Street Network; and Green Open Space Availability. Those four factors influence 27.2% of the development of place attachment.Keywords: place attachment; community’s evaluations; architecture; urban planning and design
Faktor Penentu Setting Fisik Dalam Beraktifitas Di Koridor Jalan Sebagai Ruang Publik (Studi Kasus Kampung Kauman Desa Pakuncen Kabupaten Nganjuk) Erisa Ardiansari; Jenny Ernawati; Agung Murti Nugroho
RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies) Vol 13, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : RUAS (Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.111 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2015.013.02.3


The development of a village to be reduced along with the erosion of cultural values and traditions of their ancestors. In the allotment of a village for the first time in the spotlight is the hall way, be interesting if the tersebeu corridor there are various activities that becomes the center point of a village or town. This study took a study in the Village Pakuncen Nganjuk. Where in the village there is a road corridor is quite interesting, because there is a historic building that became a benchmark for the appearance of the village. It is necessary for the arrangement of the physical setting of the corridor in order to meet their needs as a public space that can accommodate activities that occur in buildings in the corridor area. The cornerstone of the theory used in this research is the theory of the behavior setting with descriptive qualitative method. With the method centered place and person-centered maps maps can be obtained results form the physical arrangement of the road corridor settings that affect day-to-day activities that occur.Keywords : Road corridors, public spaces, activities and behavior
Nilai Signifikansi Budaya Bangunan Lama di Kawasan Alun-Alun Merdeka Kota Malang Berdasarkan Persepsi Masyarakat fenny widiana; Herry Santosa; Jenny Ernawati
RUAS Vol 20, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : RUAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2022.020.01.5


Historic buildings that still survive for a long time can affect the image of an area. To study this, this research identified people's perceptions of historical buildings in the Merdeka Square area of Malang. This study used multiple rating scales measuring instruments and photos of eight historic buildings around the Merdeka Square, Malang City as stimuli to investigate the similarities and differences in perceptions between three groups of respondents: the general public, professionals in the field of Architecture (lecturers and students majoring in Architecture, and members of the Indonesian Architectural Association), and the Government (Bappeda, Culture and Tourism Department, and Malang City DPUPR). The results of this study indicated that the order of the most influential cultural significance factors in shaping the image of the Merdeka Square area of Malang is the intangible value and the visual quality of the facade of the old building. It was also found that there were differences in assessment between groups of respondents in assessing the visual quality of the building facade in its effect on the image of the area.
Nilai Signifikansi Budaya Bangunan Lama di Kawasan Alun-Alun Merdeka Kota Malang Berdasarkan Persepsi Masyarakat fenny widiana; Herry Santosa; Jenny Ernawati
RUAS Vol. 20 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Departemen Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2022.020.01.5


Historic buildings that still survive for a long time can affect the image of an area. To study this, this research identified people's perceptions of historical buildings in the Merdeka Square area of Malang. This study used multiple rating scales measuring instruments and photos of eight historic buildings around the Merdeka Square, Malang City as stimuli to investigate the similarities and differences in perceptions between three groups of respondents: the general public, professionals in the field of Architecture (lecturers and students majoring in Architecture, and members of the Indonesian Architectural Association), and the Government (Bappeda, Culture and Tourism Department, and Malang City DPUPR). The results of this study indicated that the order of the most influential cultural significance factors in shaping the image of the Merdeka Square area of Malang is the intangible value and the visual quality of the facade of the old building. It was also found that there were differences in assessment between groups of respondents in assessing the visual quality of the building facade in its effect on the image of the area.