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Journal : To Maega: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Tingkat Pemahaman Ibu Pada Perawatan gigi anak Pada Komunitas Kelompok Mom and Me RS Islam Surabaya Evy Afiyah Syagran; Budhi Setianto; Agus Aan Adriansyah; Akas Yekti Pulih Asih; Difran Nobel Bistara; Nikmatus Sa'adah
To Maega : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Andi Djemma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35914/tomaega.v4i3.818


AbstrakBerdasarkan data Riskesdas 2018, menunjukan 93% anak usia dini mengalami gigi berlubang. Beberapa penelitian menujukkan pentingnya pemahaman orang tua terhadap pengetahuan tentang perawatan gigi pada anak. Pengabdian masyaakat ini (1) Membuat leaflet terkait perawatan gigi anak sebagai bahan edukasi kepada masyarakat, (2) Menyelenggarakan kuliah Whatsup Grup (WAG) tentang perawatan gigi anak, (3) Membuat video edukasi terkait perawatan gigi anak sebagai bahan edukasi kepada masyarakat, (4) Melakukan edukasi melalui Youtube Chanel tentang perawatan gigi anak.dari pelaksanaan dapat disimpulkan Leaflet yang sudah dibuat sangat memberikan manfaat kepada semua pengunjung poli gigi RS Islam Surabaya meningkatkan pengetahuan para ibu untuk pentingnya menjaga kesehatan gigi anak. Kuliah WAG yang diadakan mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu dan ayah peserta dengan kenaikan pengetahuan sebesar 23,71 %. Bagi ayah / ibu yang belum berkesempatan mengikuti kuliah WAG bisa berkesempatan untuk melihat youtube chanel RS Islam Surabaya dengan tema tingkat pemahaman ibu terhadap pemahaman perawatan kesehatan gigi anak.Kata Kunci: Kesehatan gigi anak, Whatsup Grup, Leaflet, Youtube ChanelAbstractBased on data from Riskesdas 93% of early childhood experience cavities. Several studies have shown the importance of parental understanding of knowledge about dental care in children. This community service (1) makes leaflets related to children's dental care as educational materials for the community, (2) organizes Whatsup Group (WAG) lectures on children's dental care, (3) makes educational videos related to children's dental care as educational materials for the community, ( 4) Conducting education through the Youtube Chanel about children's dental care. From the implementation, it can be concluded that the leaflets that have been made are very beneficial to all visitors to the dental clinic of the Surabaya Islamic Hospital, increasing the knowledge of mothers about the importance of maintaining children's dental health. The WAG lectures that were held were able to increase the knowledge of the participants' mothers and fathers with an increase in knowledge of 23.71%. For fathers/mothers who have not had the opportunity to attend WAG lectures, you can have the opportunity to watch the YouTube channel of the Surabaya Islamic Hospital with the theme of the level of mother's understanding of the understanding of children's dental health care.Key Word: Children's dental health, Whatsup Group, Leaflet, Youtube Chanel
Workshop Dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Pesantren Sehat di Pondok Pesantren Adduriyah Nyantren Pamekasan Madura Akas Yekti Pulih Asih; budhi Setianto
To Maega : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Andi Djemma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35914/tomaega.v5i3.1174


Kehidupan dari pesantren merupakan kehidupan yang menyenangkan, beberapa dari anak berkumpul menjadi satu sebagai satu kesatuan keluarga saling bersama menuntut ilmu. Keragaman peserta didik kerap kali membuat tidak patuhnya terhadap aturan pondok yang telah ditetapkan. Kurang menjaga kebersihan dan kurang disiplin dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari sehingga pondok pesantren terkesan kumuh dan kotor sehingga dapat meneyebabkan beberapa penyakit. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakit ini adalah untuk memberikan paparan pengetahuan terkait dalam upaya mewujudkan pesantren sehat dengan jalan membuat video edukasi terkait pesantren sehat diharapkan dari workshop ini dapat membuat pengetahuan terkait pesantren sehat. Pelatihan dalam bentuk workshop yang dikemas secara sederhana dengan media pembelajaran video yang disebarkan kepada seluruh para santri dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan para santri naik sebesar 13 %, di harapkan melalui edukasi yang dilakukan dapat mewujudkan pondok pesantren yang sehat dan bersih.
Lean Management Implementation Training at The Pharmaceutical Unit of Islamic Hospital in Surabaya Agus Aan Adriansyah; Budhi Setianto; Akas Yekti Pulih Asih; Iqbal Firdaus; Nikmatus Sa'adah; Muhammad Zahid Abdillah
To Maega : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Andi Djemma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35914/tomaega.v5i3.1227


Lean management is one of the sufficient methods often used by an organization, company or agency certain. this method is claimed capable to make a company capable increase the quality of the product more efficient. The problems faced by the Surabaya Islamic Hospital are: Currently, the difference cost operational with income at RSI Surabaya A. Yani is only 15%-17%, while policy directors want a difference the can to 30%, The goal of devotion Public this give Lean management training at the Pharmacy Unit of the Surabaya Islamic Hospital expected training this could give benefit related to governance effective and efficient pharmacy so that could increase quality service and profitability. Training this use method lecture, discussion as well as simulation involving 18 workers from the pharmacy unit consisting of 5 Pharmacists and 13 pharmacists. From devotion Public this There are much Lean Management Training at the Pharmacy Unit of the Surabaya Islamic Hospital give benefit to participants, increase knowledge increasing participants by 18% expected could make more service effective and efficient that could increase quality service and profitability.
Support Workshop Enhancement Readiness and The Response of The Nahdlatul Ulama Hospital Against Covid-19 and Infectious Diseases New Other Umi Hanik; Agus Aan Adriansyah; Akas Yekti Pulih Asih; Budhi Setianto; Nikmatus Sa’adah; Iqbal Firdaus; Muhammad Zahid Abdillah
To Maega : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Andi Djemma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35914/tomaega.v6i1.1278


Until October 2, 2021, the total number of cases of Covid-19 confirmation in the world is 234.110,530 cases with 4,788,697 deaths (Case Fatality Rate 2.0%) in 204 infected countries and 151 Transmission Countries communities. Government The Republic of Indonesia has reported 4,218,142 confirmed people positive for COVID-19 and there were 142,115 deaths (CFR: 3.4 %) related to COVID-19 reported and 4,042,215 patients have healed from the disease. Since Covid-19 was declared a pandemic, various efforts have been conducted by the government with Support cross-sectoral, as efforts increase knowledge power health in the environment Association House Islamic Hospital Nahdlatul Ulama, ARSINU together LETTERA Foundation organizes support workshop enhancement readiness and Nahdlatul Hospital response Ulama (NU) against Covid-19 and disease infectious new others, workshops held online and off this line followed by 183 participants held at the Surabaya Islamic Hospital Workshop involving 5 houses sick in ARSINU 's shade grabbed enthusiastically by participants, workshops held with this hybrid method increase participants ' knowledge go on by 20%, expected through this workshop whole power health capable give good contribution on implementation daily officer power health walk right his job in giving service to patient covid 19 and capable control self for infected Covid-19.
Improving Public Understanding about Chronic Hepatitis and Diabetes Mellitus in The Era of The Covid-19 Pandemic Effendy Effendy; Agus Aan Adriansyah; Akas Yekti Pulih Asih; Budhi Setianto; Nikmatus Sa’adah; Evy Afifah Syagran; Iqbal Firdaus
To Maega : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Andi Djemma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35914/tomaega.v6i1.1279


Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. In chronic hepatitis, inflammation of the heart lasts for at least 6 months. Several incidences of disease in hepatitis require good and simultaneous treatment. To increase public knowledge regarding hepatitis, a webinar was held "What and How is Chronic Hepatitis and Diabetes Mellitus in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic". The implementation of this community service was carried out at the Surabaya Ahmad Yani Islamic Hospital, in June-October 2022. This community service was carried out through webinar activities which were attended by 156 participants, followed by patients and non-patients which were packaged in an attractive manner in order to provide clearer information related to hepatitis and diabetes mellitus so that they are more aware and alert. The results of the webinar related to the explanation of chronic hepatitis and diabetes mellitus during the covid-19 pandemic have gone well. Evaluation of respondents' knowledge when participating in webinar activities has increased. Respondents have good knowledge regarding chronic hepatitis, transmission media for chronic hepatitis, how to prevent it, symptoms of diabetes mellitus, clean and healthy living behavior for diabetes mellitus prevention, and a good diet. Webinars held packed with interesting with webinar media you can increase the knowledge participant go on by 12%, expected through education carried out by the YouTube channel could realize a society that is more aware and care about the incidence of chronic hepatitis and diabetes mellitus. This community service activity is expected to be presented periodically with other disease topics to increase public knowledge and understanding regarding diseases, their causes, methods of prevention and treatment.