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Implementasi Smart Governance Dalam Mewujudkan Layanan Publik yang Terintegrasi di Kota Banda Aceh Shinta Seftyana; Zahratul Idami
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik Vol 7, No 4 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial & Ilmu Politik

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Master Plan Smart City Kota Banda Aceh Tahun 2019-2029 menyatakan bahwa Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh melalui smart governance berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan layanan publik yang terintegrasi dengan melakukan empat strategi pencapaian yaitu, menciptakan integrasi layanan government to citizen, government to business, government to government, dan government to employee yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja ASN serta menuju ke Satu Data, pengembangan aplikasi yang user friendly, penerapan layanan dokumentasi dan informasi hukum, dan penerapan layanan yang memenuhi standar keamanan informasi (KAMI). Namun berdasarkan data yang didapat dari media dan observasi, integrasi layanan publik di Kota Banda Aceh sampai saat ini masih belum maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui implementasi smart governance dan hambatan yang dihadapi Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh dalam mewujudkan layanan publik yang terintegrasi di Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Implementasi Kebijakan Edward III dengan konsep smart city dan integrasi pelayanan publik dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam menganalisis data menggunakan teknik reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi smart governance dalam mewujudkan layanan publik yang terintegrasi di Kota Banda Aceh belum berjalan dengan maksimal. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari komunikasi yang belum berjalan dengan efektif dan optimal, integrasi pada website data dan aplikasi layanan publik yang belum up to date, dan sistem keamanan data yang belum jelas. Hambatan yang dialami yaitu keterbatasan sumber daya manusia (SDM), keterbatasan anggaran, data yang belum terintegrasi, Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) yang belum jelas dan kurangnya komitmen dari aparatur. Untuk itu, diharapkan Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh dapat menambahkan jumlah SDM informasi teknologi pada Dinas Komunikasi Informatika dan Statistika Kota Banda Aceh, memaksimalkan alokasi anggaran untuk program integrasi layanan publik, pemberian sanksi kepada SKPD yang tidak disiplin dalam mengupdate data, pemberian edukasi terkait integrasi layanan publik kepada aparatur yang terlibat dan merumuskan SOP integrasi layanan publik dengan jelas. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Smart Governance, Integrasi Layanan Publik, Kota Banda AcehImplementation Of Smart Governance In Realizing Integrated Public Services In The City Of Banda AcehThe Smart City Master Plan of Banda Aceh City 2019-2029 states that the Banda Aceh City Government through smart governance is committed to realizing integrated public services by carrying out four achievement strategies, namely, creating integrated government to citizen, government to business, government to government, and government to employee which is carried out to improve the performance of ASN and towards One Data, development of user friendly applications, implementation of legal documentation and information services, and implementation of services that meet information security standards (KAMI). However, based on data obtained from the media and observations, the integration of public services in the city of Banda Aceh is still not optimal. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of smart governance and the obstacles faced by the Banda Aceh City Government in realizing integrated public services in Banda Aceh City. This study uses the theory of Edward III's Policy Implementation with the concept of a smart city and the integration of public services using a qualitative descriptive approach. In analyzing the data using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of smart governance in realizing integrated public services in Banda Aceh City has not run optimally. This can be seen from communication that has not been running effectively and optimally, integration on data websites and public service applications that are not yet up to date, and data security systems that are not yet clear. The obstacles experienced are limited human resources (HR), limited budget, data that is not yet integrated, unclear Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and lack of commitment from the apparatus. For this reason, it is hoped that the Banda Aceh City Government can increase the number of information technology human resources at the Banda Aceh City Information and Statistics Communication Service, maximize budget allocations for public service integration programs, provide sanctions to SKPDs who are not disciplined in updating data, provide education related to the integration of public services. to the apparatus involved and to formulate a clear SOP for the integration of public services. Keywords: Implementation, Smart Governance, Public Service Integration, Banda Aceh City
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Bidang Hukum Kenegaraan Vol 7, No 2: Mei 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Abstrak – Dalam Bab 1, Pasal 1, Ayat 3 Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2009 tentang Kepariwisataan, kepariwisataan adalah berbagai kegiatan pariwisata yang didukung oleh berbagai fasilitas dan pelayanan yang disediakan oleh masyarakat, pelaku usaha, pemerintah, dan pemerintah daerah. Aceh Selatan  memiliki banyak potensi yang dapat di kembangkan untuk kemajuan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan implementasi penyelenggaraan kepariwisataan di bidang wisata halal di Kabupaten Aceh Selatan belum dapat dilaksanakan secara maksimal dikarenakan belum ada regulasi yang mengatur mengenai penyelenggaraan wisata halal, dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat, kurang memberikan peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat, kemudian fasilitas-fasilitas umum yang  kurang tersedia pada objek-objek wisata di Aceh Selatan. Hambatan yang di hadapi oleh pemerintah daerah adalah ketersediaan anggaran yang masih minim, sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki masih kurang  ketersediaannya, kemudian pemahaman masyarakat dan pihak penyelenggara masih kurang terhadap wisata halal, sehingga implementasi kepariwisataan di bidang wisata halal masih kurang efektif dan tidak sesuai harapan. Disarankan kepada Pemerintah Daerah Aceh Selatan untuk segera menerbitkan regulasi tentang penyelenggaraan wisata halal di Aceh Selatan, dan meningkat fasilitas penunjang pariwisata, meningkatkan anggaran, meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia.Kata Kunci : implementasi, regulasi, Pemerintah daerah, wisata halal, hambatan Abstract - In Chapter 1, Article 1, Paragraph 3 of Law Number 10 of 2009 Concerning Tourism, tourism is a variety of tourism activities that are supported by various facilities and services provided by the community, business actors, government, and local governments. South Aceh has a lot of potential that can be developed for regional economic progress and growth. The results showed that the implementation of tourism implementation in the field of halal tourism in South Aceh Regency could not be carried out optimally because there were no regulations governing the implementation of halal tourism, in community empowerment, did not provide an increase in the community's economy, then public facilities were not available at the object. - tourist attraction in South Aceh. The obstacles faced by the local government are the availability of a budget that is still minimal, the human resources that are owned are still lacking in availability, then the understanding of the community and the organizers is still lacking in halal tourism, so that the implementation of tourism in the field of halal tourism is still less effective and not as expected. It is recommended to the South Aceh Regional Government to immediately issue regulations regarding the implementation of halal tourism in South Aceh, and increase tourism supporting facilities, increase the budget, improve the quality of human resources.Keywords: implementation, regulation, local government, halal tourism, barriers 
The Panwaslih Province of Aceh Decision That Conflict With KPU Regulation Riski Afrial; Husni Husni; Zahratul Idami
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 23, No 3 (2021): Vol. 23, No. 3, December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/kanun.v23i3.20998


The purpose of the research aims to analyse the validity of the decision by Panwaslih Aceh number 001/PS/SN.20/VII/2018 as opposed to article 60 section (1) letter j under KPU regulations number 14 in 2018. KPU regulations do not allow individual prospective candidates to participate in the regional representative board election whose former drug convicts, had committed sexual crimes against children, or had corruption before. the research is normative juridic research using theory and legislation approach. The result of the research showed the moment of decision was made, KPU regulations still applied. The decision of Panwaslih Aceh has already exceeded its own authority as a result of not accommodating KPU regulations. KPU regulations should be changed at first or being said by the supreme court that KPU regulations are contrary to the law. DKPP as electoral management body ethics council was expected to run its function more actively without a complaint first.
Kewenangan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah Setelah Adanya Keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 92/PUU-X/2012 Zahratul Idami
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 16, No 2 (2014): Vol. 16, No. 2, (Agustus, 2014)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Regional House of Representative is the state institution existing after the fourth amendment of the Constitution 1945. Its functions have been worded in Article 22 of the Constitution. The element of the institution is people representatives from region is working for their regions.before the Court decision, it is deemed as a body has no significant rules as a legislation body.  The members are chosen by voters directly making it should have more power. It  is relevant due to the fact that the problems are bigger. If it is deemed that the members are directly elected, the consideration is too weak as it is rule by the   election in 2004 has ruled this. The court decision on 27 March 2013 making the power has been in accordance with the constitution. Given to this, the body can have more roles in handling the interests of the people. Thus, it is important to explore the legislation after the decision. The Authority of Regional House of Representative in Indonesia after the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 92/PUU-X/2012
Perlindungan Hukum oleh Negara Kepada Pemeluk Agama di Indonesia dan Perbandingannya dengan Ketentuan dalam Islam Zahratul Idami
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 18, No 1 (2016): Vol. 18, No. 1, (April, 2016)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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ABSTRAK. Negara Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya dengan perbedaan baik bahasa, budaya termasuk agama yang dianut oleh penduduknya, sehingga karena perbedaan ini tentunya akan mengalami berbagai permasalahan dalam melakukan hubungan antar sesama penduduk. Sebagai negara yang berdasarkan hukum (rechtstaat), maka bagi penduduk Indonesia semua permasalahan yang ada akan diselesaikan secara hukum. Permasalahan yang dialami oleh pemeluk agama di Indonesia diantaranya adalah terjadi penyalahgunaan dan/atau penodaan agama terhadap suatu agama yang dianut. Permasalahan ini terus terjadi dan semakin meningkat dari tahun-tahun. Oleh karena itu perlu kajian yang mendalam untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada. Dalam hal ini yang ingin dikaji adalah perlindungan hukum yang diberikan oleh negara kepada pemeluk agama di Indonesia dan bagaimanakah ketentuan tentang pemeluk agama dalam Islam. Penulisan ini mengunakan kepustakaan untuk mengumpulkan bahan bacaan dari peraturan perundang-undangan dan referensi berupa literatur, makalah, jurnal dan tulisan-tulisan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan masalah yang dikaji. Law Protection by a State for Religion Believers in Indonesia and Its Comparison with Islamic Laws  ABSTRACT. Indonesia is a diverse country with a great language, culture including religion differences of its population it will have various problems in the relationship between the members of the population. As a state based on law, the citizens face existing problems should be resolved legally. The problems experienced by religion in Indonesia including fraud and/or blasphemy against a the religion values. The problems persist and there are increasing. Therefore it needs a research to overcome them. It needs to be examined by the legal protection granted by the state to religions in Indonesia and how the provisions on religion in Islam. This is a literature research conducted by collecting reading material on the legislations and the form of literature references, papers, journals, and other writings relating to the problems.
Ijtihad dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Perkembangan Ketatanegaraan dalam Sejarah Islam Zahratul Idami
Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 13, No 3 (2011): Vol. 13, No. 3, (Desember, 2011)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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ABSTRACT: Ijtihad as a legal source beside al-Quran and Sunnah is an effort to create the law on he religious problem that has not been mentioned particulary n the sources, but in progress, it causes the differences in practice of state leaders from the prophet and the era after the prophet. This research explores the influence of it on the practice of state in Islam history cousing th differences on each period or era. All practices done has a legal based both al-Quran and Sunnah although it is just general, because ijtihad is also done based on both legal sources. This research applies juridical historical approach by looking at the basis sources of it in al-Quran and Sunnah and also the progress of it from the prophet era and the following era in deciding the policies on state progressing problem. Ijtihad and Its Influence on the Development of State in Islam History