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Bioakumulasi Timbal (Pb) oleh Hydrilla verticillata L.f. Royle di Danau Rawapening, Ambarawa Semarang Marthana, Wildan Suyuti Mustofa; Soeprobowati, Tri Retnaningsih; Izzati, Munifatul
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 22 Issue 2 Year 2014

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Rawapening lake is the one of national priority 2010 – 2014 that must get safe because the worse condition from eutrofication and water degradation quality. Eutrofication of Rawapening lake caused by nutrients/organic compounds enrichment naturally  or anthropogenically, that signed by higher concentration of  Nitrogene and Phosphate that trigger hydrilla blooming. The blooming of hydrilla disturb Rawapening Lake functions like flood bender, fisheries and tourism. However in another side this plants can be used to heavy metal remediation such as Pb as act of human activities like farming, fisheries, tourism, and home industry around the lake.  There were many researchs to explore hydrilla potention for remediation, but still laboratory scale with under control condition. Because of these, it’s required to do a research to find out fitoremediation potention of hydrilla to remediate heavy metal Pb in Rawapening Lake water and sediment (In – situ) to study its Pb bioaccumulation. Research was start in August – October 2013 used hydrilla in three weeks. That plants was planted in pond 1 m3. It was planted one plant each pond with 100 gram fresh weight and observed each week to calculated the Pb concentration. The parameter was observed is BAF (bioaccumulation factor) Pb sediment. The result is hydrilla has highest BAF value in week two with 97,90%. Hydrilla has potention to remediate heavy metal Pb that contain in sediment and it can harvested in two weeks.   Keywords : Eutrofication, Rawapening Lake, hydrilla, bioaccumulation, fitoremediation.    Danau Rawapening merupakan salah satu danau prioritas nasional 2010 – 2014 yang perlu diselamatkan karena kondisinya yang sudah sangat memprihatinkan akibat adanya proses eutrofikasi dan degradasi kualitas air. Kondisi eutrofik Danau Rawapening disebabkan oleh pengkayaan unsur hara karena pasokan bahan organik secara alami maupun yang berasal dari aktivitas manusia, yang ditandai dengan tingginya konsentrasi total Nitrogen dan Posfat sehingga memacu pertumbuhan yang tidak terkontrol / blooming hydrilla. Blooming  hydrilla mengganggu fungsi Danau Rawapening sebagai pengendali banjir, perikanan dan kegiatan wisata. Namun di sisi lain bisa jadi mampu meremediasi logam berat Pb dengan cara mengakumulasi sebagai akibat dari aktivitas manusia yang meliputi pertanian, peternakan, industri pariwisata, dan industri perumahan. Sudah ada penelitian – penelitian  yang dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi potensi hydrilla untuk remediasi, namun masih dalam skala laboratorium dengan  kondisi lingkungan yang terkontrol. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai potensi fitoremediasi hydrilla yang ditanam di Danau Rawapening (in - situ) untuk mengkaji bioakumulasi Pb pada hydrilla di Danau Rawapening. Penelitian  dimulai bulan Agustus – Oktober 2013 menggunakan 1 jenis tanaman yaitu hydrilla dan lama waktu tanam  3 minggu. Tanaman di tanam dengan metode mesocosm yaitu ditanam di dalam plot ukuran 1m3 dengan kepadatan tiap plot yaitu 1 individu dengan berat basah 100 gram dan diamati tiap minggu untuk dihitung kandungan  logam Pb. Parameter yang diamati adalah kandungan logam berat Pb sedimen dan akar hydrilla untuk memperoleh nilai BAF (bioaccumulation factor). Hasilnya adalah nilai bioacumulation factor (BAF) Pb sedimen paling tinggi oeh hydrilla adalah minggu kedua sebesar 97,90%. Hydrilla memiliki potensi untuk mengurangi pencemaran logam berat Pb yang terkandung di dalam sedimen dan dapat dipanen dalam waktu 2 minggu.   Kata Kunci : Eutrofikasi, Danau Rawapening, hydrilla, bioakumulasi, fitoremediasi
Zooplankton Diversity and Abundance in Shrimp Pond Ecosystem in the Presence of Sargassum plagyophyllum and Gracilaria verrucosa Izzati, Munifatul
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 19 Issue 1 Year 2011

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We studied zooplankton community structure in defferent ecosystem type where different species of aquatic plants are presented. The different in zooplankton community structure can be attributed to different aquatic plant species. We used two different species of aquatic plants, Sargassum plagyophyllum and Gracilaria verrucosa in shrimp pond ecosystem. Every aquatic plant species were replicated three times, and three enclosures without aquatic plant were used as controls. The different in morphological complexity of aquatic plant may affect zooplankton community structure. Our results indicated that the presence of aquatic plant differ in affecting zooplankton community structure. In general, pond with aquatic plant indicate more abundant and diverse of zooplankton. In the presence of Sargassum zooplankton was more abundant compared to the presence of Gracilaria. Whereas with Gracilaria, zooplankton biodiversity index were higher than with Sargassum.   Keywords: zooplankton, sargassum plagyophyllum, Gracilaria verrucosa.
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 18 Issue 1 Year 2010

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ABSTRACT---We  investigate  the  effect  of  quixalud  on  food  preference  and  resistance  from degradation.  Quixalud  was  choosen  because  of  its antimicrobial  properties  but it  is not an antibiotic.  The aim of this research  is to  evaluate  the effect of  quixalud addition on food preference  by tiger shrimp and its resistant from degradation.  The experiment  was designed  using Factorial with  two treatments:  quixalud concentration  and soaking  period.  We used  three  concentration  of quixalud:  30 ppm 60 ppm and  90 ppm.  Each  concentration  were soaked  at  difference  period  of time, which were:24  hours,  48 hours  and  72 hours.  Food  preference  and  resistance from  degradation were monitored. Results indicated that  there was no  different  of  shrimp  food  preference between  quixalud feed and controls or  feed without quixalud.  However,  there was a tendency  that shrimp preferred  feed  with 60 ppm of quixalud.  Quixalud  has  no effect  on  the  remaining  solid  feed. It seem  likely that the remaining solid feed  is mainly affected by the strength  of binder rather  than  the presence  of an antibacterial compound,  such  as  quixalud.Keywords  : quixalud, food preference, resistance, degradation.Permalink :
Co-Authors Ahmad Fuad Masduqi Andi Kusumo Andriana Hesti Kusuma Atia Nadira Lumban Tobing Atika Oktavianti Atikah Rahmah Ayu Wulandari Azis Nur Bambang Dewi Kartika Rahmawati Diwyacitta Prasasti Eko Wahono Endah Dwi Hastuti Endang Kusdiyantini Endang Saptiningsih Erma Prihastanti Erwin Nofiyanto Florensia Setyaningsih Purnamawat, Florensia Setyaningsih Fuad Muhammad Gian Aprilia Ramadhani Hamdani Abdulgani Hena Rya Sunoko Hena Rya Sunoko, Hena Rya Hida Kumalawati Ign Budi Hendrarto, Ign Budi Iis - Su'aidah Iis Marlina, Iis Insani, Dian Ita Novita Sari Jefri Saputro Johan Setiabudi, Johan Jumari - Jumriah Nur, Jumriah Kartono., Kartono Kismartini Kismartini Luaeliyah, Masrukhatul Madha Kurniawan Mawar Puspitaningrum Moch. Abdul Mukid Monica Dewi Sisca Muhammad Faisol Hakim Muhammad Ghozy Nailan Naja Muhammad Khusni Hidayat Munirotun Roiyana Nadya Aulia Azhari NIDA, KHOIRIN Nikola Fibrian F Nikola Fibrian F, Nikola Fibrian Nintya Setiari Nurdiana Riska Partiyani Hidayah Purna Sulastya Putra Purna Sulastya Putra Rasyid Abdulaziz Retno Indahwati, Retno Rida Yuliana, Rida Rini Verary Shanthi Robi’atul Asifah Sarjana Parman Septriono Hari Nugroho Septriono Hari Nugroho Sesilia Rani Samudra Setia Budi Sasongko Sri Darmanti Sri Haryanti Sri Haryanti Sri Puatin Sri Widodo Agung Suedy Sudarno S, Sudarno Sudarno Sudarno Sugiyatno Sugiyatno Suksesi Wicahyani, Suksesi Sutimin., Sutimin Syafrida, Mulia Tia Bela Aprilliana Titik Dwi Lidiyanti Tri Astuti Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati Umarudin U, Umarudin Veronika Veronika Wildan Suyuti Mustofa Wildan Suyuti Mustofa Marthana Woro Sri Aryanti Yanty Yosephin Yulita Nurchayati