Budi Laksono
Central Java Health Department, Semarang, Indonesia

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Journal : Public Health Perspective Journal

The Analysis of Factor Affecting to the Hypertension Sympthom in Pre-Elderly of Selomerto 2 Health Center Wonosobo Regency Permadani, Intan; Woro Kasmini Handayani, Oktia Oktia; Laksono, Budi
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Based on observational data and the introduction of Wonosobo District Health Office ofshowed that most non-communicable diseases are hypertension with the total number is20.987 (Wonosobo District Health Ofiice, 2017).Hypertension cases in District Health Office ofSelomerto 2 Wonosobo is because of people's lifestyles are less healthy, because of low attitudes, knowledge, stress and behavior pre elderly living on the prevention of hypertension. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that affect the incidence of hypertension in the elderly Pre Health Center Selomerto 2 Wonosobo 2018. This study is an analytic correlation with cross sectional approach. The samples were 150 respondents drawn at PHC Selomerto 2. The instrument used was a questionnaire and checklist. The data analysis was done by linear regression. The results showed (1) There is an effect against the hypertension attitude with p-value 0.017 <α (0.05). (2) There is the influence of knowledge about hypertension with p-value 0.039 <α (0.05). (3) There is an effect of stress on hypertension with a p-value of 0.021 <α (0.05), (4) There is affecting the behavior of the incidence of hypertension with a p-value 0.028 <α (0.05). Community must adopt a healthy lifestyle, while the Department of Health and local government should conduct a comprehensive health counseling.
The Relationship of Clean Water Facilities and Fecal Discharge to Incidence of Diarrhea in The Tidal Floods Area and Not Tidal Flood in Pekalongan Satiti, Ira Dani; Laksono, Budi; Rini Indriyanti, Dyah
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Diarrhea is a major health problem in Indonesia. The incidence of diarrhea in Pekalongan increased from 622 patients in 2015 to 1,507 in 2016 and a 10% increase existing 2017. The purpose of the study to analyze the relationship of clean water facilities and fecal discharge to incidence of diarrhea in the tidal floods area and not tidal flood in Pekalongan. The study was conducted with a retrospective approach. The population in this study 2,186 homes were tidal flood. The sample amounted to respectively 96 people in the area tidal flood and 96 in the area do not tidal flood, with purposive sampling techniques. Retrieving data obtained by giving questionnaires and in-depth interviews in the respondents. Bivariat.Hasil data analysis research shows the incidence of diarrhea by 74% tidal flood region while not tidal flood the incidence of diarrhea by 45.8%. Tidal flood can cause a seedy neighborhood and become a breeding ground for bacteria. Water supply contaminated by tidal flooding can cause diarrhea. Tidal flood damage excreta disposal facilities, due to the septic tank is covered with water, so a lot of bacteria that can cause diarrhea. There is a relationship clean water facilities and fecal discharge to incidence of diarrhea in the tidal floods area and not tidal flood. Suggestions community is expected to understand the importance of maintaining healthy clean environment to avoid diarrhea. so many bacteria that can cause diarrhea. There is a relationship relationship of clean water facilities and fecal discharge to incidence of diarrhea in the tidal floods area and not tidal flood. Suggestions community is expected to understand the importance of maintaining healthy clean environment to avoid diarrhea. so many bacteria that can cause diarrhea. There is a relationship diarrhea with clean water facilities and fecal discharge to incidence of diarrhea in the tidal floods area and not tidal flood. Suggestions community is expected to understand the importance of maintaining healthy clean environment to avoid diarrhea.
The Influencing Factor Analysis of Stunting Incidence in Children Aged 24-59 Months At Kedung Jati Village Anmaru, Yales Yustisia Riana; Laksono, Budi
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by lack of nutritional intake for a long time, because of giving food that is inappropriate with needs. In 2017, around 150,8 million or 22,2% toddlers in the world were stunting. Based on data from WHO, states that Indonesia is included in the top three countries with the highest stunting prevalence in the southeast Asia, with an average from 2005-2017 reaching 36,4%. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of nutritional intake, history of infectious diseases, environmental sanitation and immunization status of stunting incidence. This study is quantitative with a cross sectional approach, and it is using simple random sampling. The analysis calculation of this study is using path analysis. The result of this study on stunting variable were nutritional intake (p value = 0,000), history of infectious diseases (p value = 0,062) then hypothesis that immunization status direct effect the incidence of stunting is Ho, means rejected.
The Effect of Exclusive Breastfeeding, Nutrition Status, Smoking Habits and Workplace Distance Towards Frequency of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in Toddlers Dian Kurniawati, Firlya; Laksono, Budi
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2019): August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Acute Respiratory Tract Infection is one of the causes of children death in developing countries, such as Indonesia. Piyungan Subdistrict, which is one of the sub-districts in Bantul Regency, has many industries and factories which experience an increase of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection cases each year, namely 1004 cases in 2016 and 3124 cases in 2017. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of exclusive breastfeeding, nutritional status, smoking habits and the distance of houses from factories to the frequency of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in toddlers. This research was a correlation analytic with cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used purposive random sampling of 101 toddlers from a total population of 947. The instruments used were questionnaires and observation sheets. Data analysis used chi-square test and logistic regression. The results showed that exclusive breastfeeding had an effect on the frequency of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in infants (p-value 0,000; OR 0.081), nutritional status (p-value 0,000; OR 0.017). Smoking habits affect the frequency of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection toddlers and have a risk of 0.17 times to increase the frequency of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection toddlers (p-value 0,000; OR 0.170), while the distance of the house from the factory has an effect on the frequency of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection of children under five and has a risk of 0.212 times greater to increase the frequency of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in toddlers (p-value 0.001; OR 0.212). Therefore, there is a need for programs that support parents' knowledge and awareness of children nutrition and environmental health to reduce the risk of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection  in toddlers in industrial estates.
Analysis Factors of Diarrhea Incidentin Toddlers At Purwodadi District Health Centre, Grobogan. Haswari, Galuh Tri; Wijayanti, Yuni; Laksono, Budi
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 4, No 3 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Diarrheal is an endemic disease in Indonesia and also becomedisease with extraordinary events which accompanied by death. There are many factors that can influence diarrhea, such as personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, children's nutritional status, and parental knowledge. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the incidence of diarrhea in infants in Purwodadi I Health Center Grobogan. This research was a quantitative study, with a case control approach. The research sample was 92 samples with a purposive sampling technique. The instrument used questionnaires and observations. Data collection techniques of structured interviews used questionnaires, and observation sheets. Statistical analysis used Multiple Logistic Regression. The results found that the most influential variable among the other variables was maternal knowledge with p = 0,000. Whereas, the calculation of regression found that there is an influence on the age of mother p = 0.014, hand washing habit of mother p = 0.003, hand washing habit of toddler p = 0.019, and mother's knowledge p = 0,000 on the incidence of diarrhea in infants. The variables which are the main predictors in this study are the age of the mother, the skills of washing hands of mother, skills to wash the toddler's hands and mother's knowledge.
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2020): in press August 2020
Publisher : Public Health Perspective Journal

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Indonesia is a country that has great potential in the field of animal husbandry which is very important as a support for the supply of animal protein derived from livestock. Cows and Buffaloes are livestock that have economic potential, diseased livestock have a very negative impact on humans. Diseases in livestock can be transmitted quickly and can be fatal, namely death. These diseases can arise caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. It turns out that cows disease is also experienced by pre-weaning calves, health problems caused by two factors, namely infectious factors include bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and parasites, as well as non-infectious factors in the form of management and environmental factors. Health problems that often occur are diarrhea, umbilical cord infections, bloating, intestinal worms, and pneumonia. Infectious diseases that can be transmitted from livestock to humans are so many, but still relatively little is known by the general public, so when one of the infectious diseases of livestock occurs in the community what happens is not the proper attitude and action but panic and worries that spread . Knowledge about diseases transmitted by livestock, symptoms, and appropriate prevention and treatment is still limited. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between risk factors and health effects of raising cows and buffaloes in the house with various diseases that arise in Jraganan Village, Bodeh District, Pemalang Regency. This research is an observational analytic study with cross-sectional approach. The selected population is all residents of Jraganan Village who maintain buffaloes and cows in the house. Examples in this study were 51 respondents who included cows and buffalo breeders who kept livestock in the house. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between farmers raising cows and buffaloes in the house with contracting livestock diseases such as itching and diarrhea in Jraganan Village, Bodeh District in 2016. Respondents with the risk of contracting the disease were 51 people (53.12%). The results of the study concluded that cage in the house has a higher risk of contracting diseases from livestock to humans, namely skin diseases and diarrhea. Diarrhea and skin diseases in cows, especially cows, are not a disease, but rather are clinical signs or symptoms of a more complex disease that can be caused by various things.
Determinants of Mother Behavior in Disposing Household Garbage in Ternate City Buamona, Sri Ayu; Handayani, Oktia Woro Kasmini; Laksono, Budi
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 6, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The garbage problem is increasing in line with the increase in population, especially in urban areas. Lifestyle and development impacts exacerbate the garbage problem. Poor management can have an impact on the health of residents, either due to pollution or flooding. The role of housewives in managing sampak at the family level is very important. The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of mother behavior in disposing of household garbage in Ternate City, North Maluku Province. This type of research is a quantitative study, using a correlation analytic research design and a cross sectional study design approach. The sample in this study amounted to 100 housewives. The instruments used were questionnaires, observation and checklist sheets. Data analysis This study uses path analysis techniques. The results showed that there was an effect of education on the behavior of mothers in disposing of household garbage in Ternate City, North Maluku Province, p-value of 0.000 <α (0.05). There is no influence of income p-value of 0.255> α (0.05). Cultural p-value is 0.749> α (0.05). And there is a perception effect of p-value of 0.042 <α (0.05). Education through perception is 35.2%, the rest is from other factors. Income through perception is 11.8%. Culture through perception of 31%. The conclusion from the study shows that the education and perception factors are more dominant and directly influence the behavior of mothers in disposing of garbage.
Analysis of The Relationship Allergic Contact Dermatitis on Scavengers Wiratama, Rifki; Hary Cahyati, Widya; Laksono, Budi
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 5, No 3 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Occupational skin disease is the second most common occupational disease in Europe after musculoskeletal injuries, while the most common occupational skin disease is contact dermatitis, accounting for 70-90%. Determining the cause of contact dermatitis in the work environment is very important, because avoiding the causative agent will lead to a cure and reduce the recurrence rate. This study aims to analyze the relationship between personal hygiene, knowledge, use of personal protective equipment, and working period of allergic contact dermatitis in scavengers at the Piyungan Yogyakarta garbage dumpsite. This type of research is an observational analytic study with a cross sectional design. The research sample was 112 scavengers. The analysis of this research uses Path Analysis. The results showed that there was a direct relationship of personal hygiene to allergic contact dermatitis with a path coefficient of 0.243 (p = 0.003 <0.05), there was a direct relationship of knowledge of allergic contact dermatitis with a path coefficient of 0.216 (p = 0.000 <0.05), There was a correlation between the use of PPE on allergic contact dermatitis with a path coefficient of 0.124 (p = 0.001 <0.05). There was a relationship between working period and allergic contact dermatitis with a path coefficient of 0.253 (p = 0.000 <0.05). Scavengers should increase knowledge about allergic contact dermatitis, especially regarding the impact and prevention of allergic contact dermatitis and pay more attention to regular individual hygiene.
Evaluation of the Traditional Health Services Implementation at Kudus Regency Health Center Amaliana, Tri Vera; Laksono, Budi; Rahayu, Sri Ratna
Public Health Perspective Journal Artikel Inpres December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Traditional health service is a medication or treatment based on the empirically hereditary experience and expertise. The phenomenon of using traditional health services implies the responsibility of health and law. This research aims to evaluate the implementation of traditional health services in Kudus Regency Health Center in 2019. This research is a qualitative study, the selection of informants is determined with purposive sampling technique and then to complete the information is by snowball sampling. The method uses to collect the data is a deep interview with the health workers of the health center that had gotten training on traditional health, the head of the health center, and officers of the Kudus Public Health Office. The result of the research shows that the implementation of traditional health services in Kudus Health Center is not optimal yet. This is due to the limited human resources providing traditional health services, the lack of space to provide the traditional health service, and there is no policy from the government regarding the traditional health service.
Evaluation of the Traditional Health Services Implementation at Kudus Regency Health Center Amaliana, Tri Vera; Laksono, Budi; Rahayu, Sri Ratna
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 6, No 3 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Traditional health service is a medication or treatment based on the empirically hereditary experience and expertise. The phenomenon of using traditional health services implies the responsibility of health and law. This research aims to evaluate the implementation of traditional health services in Kudus Regency Health Center in 2019. This research is a qualitative study, the selection of informants is determined with purposive sampling technique and then to complete the information is by snowball sampling. The method uses to collect the data is a deep interview with the health workers of the health center that had gotten training on traditional health, the head of the health center, and officers of the Kudus Public Health Office. The result of the research shows that the implementation of traditional health services in Kudus Health Center is not optimal yet. This is due to the limited human resources providing traditional health services, the lack of space to provide the traditional health service, and there is no policy from the government regarding the traditional health service.