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Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2013): December 2013
Publisher : Unnes Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sainteknol.v11i2.5569


Glutation merupakan antioksidan yang berperan dalam fungsi imun, dan diekspresikan secara genetik oleh urutan gen yang membentuk protein enzim Glutation Peroxidase (GPx1). Bila ekspresi gen berubah maka terjadi perubahan fungsi glutation dan kerentanan terhadap stress oksidatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah Kasus-kontrol. Sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel darah. Kelompok kasus adalah sampel darah pasien tuberkulosis paru sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah sampel darah orang sehat. Pemeriksaan gen Glutation peroxidase (GPx1) menggunakan metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) untuk melihat pita DNA pada pasien tuberkulosis par serta elektroforesis produk PCR-RFLP gen GPx1 kelompok sampel tuberkulosis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara polimorfisme gen GPx1 (p=0,365) pasein tuberkulois dengan individu sehat, sehingga tidak dapat digunakan sebagai alat deteksi kerentanan terhadap stress oksidatif pada pasien tuberkulosis. Perlu penelitian lanjutan yang menggunakan sampel lebih besar dan populasi etnik yang berbeda.
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 13, No 1 (2015): June 2015
Publisher : Unnes Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sainteknol.v13i1.5335


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan pengaruh ekstrak sambiloto terhadap apoptosis dan volume tumor bila diberikan secara oral dan diidentifikasi dengan metode TUNEL. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain Randomized post test control group. Sebanyak 24 ekor mencit C3H yang telah tumbuh kanker mamma dibagi secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok masing-masing 6 ekor. Diberikan ekstrak sambiloto dengan dosis 5, 10 dan 15 mg per ekor per hari, dan kelompok kontrol. Pemberian ekstrak sambiloto dilakukan secara oral selama 14 hari. Pengukuran volume tumor dilakukan pada hari ke 1, 4, 8, 12 dan 15. Pada hari ke 15 mencit dimatikan dengan menggunakan eter. Jaringan kanker dibuat blok parafin untuk pemeriksaan apoptosis dengan metode TUNEL. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan signifikan sel apoptosis (p=0,000), dengan dosis terbaik 15 mg/hari. Ada beda yang bermakna pada rerata kelipatan penambahan volume tumor (p=0,049). Hasil uji post hoc menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan terletak antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok dosis 10 mg/hr. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak sambiloto secara oral meningkatkan sel yang mengalami apoptosis dengan pemeriksaan TUNEL namun belum dapat menurunkan volume tumor.
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 12, No 2 (2014): December 2014
Publisher : Unnes Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sainteknol.v12i2.5415


Apoptosis adalah kematian sel terprogram (programed cell death) yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan kestabilan populai sel. Kegagalan pengaturan apoptosis dapat menyebabkan sel membelah tanpa terkendali, yang disebut sebagai kanker. Peningkatan apoptosis merupakan suatu upaya yang dikembangkan sebagai terapi kanker. Pemeriksaan apoptosis dengan metode TUNEL(Terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling) dapat memberikan gambaran proses apoptosis pada tingkat sel tunggal sehingga lebih spesifik dan memiliki akurasi tinggi. Sambiloto merupakan salah satu tanaman obat tradisional yang digunakan sebagai anti kanker. Beberapa penelitian yang dilakukan secara in vitro menunjukkan pengaruh andrografolid yang diisolasi dari sambiloto terhadap apoptosis sel kanker pada kultur. Hasil tersebut masih memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut, terutama pengaruhnya bila diberikan secara oral. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan pengaruh ekstrak sambiloto terhadap apoptosis dan volume tumor bila diberikan secara oral dan diidentifikasi dengan metode TUNEL. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain Randomized post test control group. Sebanyak 24 ekor mencit C3H yang telah tumbuh kanker mamma dibagi secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok masing-masing 6 ekor. Diberikan ekstrak sambiloto dengan dosis 5, 10 dan 15 mg per ekor per hari, dan kelompok kontrol. Pemberian ekstrak sambiloto dilakukan secara oral selama 14 hari. Pengukuran volume tumor dilakukan pada hari ke 1, 4, 8, 12 dan 15. Pada hari ke 15 mencit dimatikan dengan menggunakan eter. Jaringan kanker dibuat blok parafin untuk pemeriksaan apoptosis dengan metode TUNEL. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan signifikan sel apoptosis (p=0,000), dengan dosis terbaik 15 mg/hari. Ada beda yang bermakna pada rerata kelipatan penambahan volume tumor (p=0,049). Hasil uji post hoc menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan terletak antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok dosis 10 mg/hr. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak sambiloto secara oral meningkatkan sel yang mengalami apoptosis dengan pemeriksaan TUNEL namun belum dapat menurunkan volume tumor.
Journal of Biology Education Vol 1 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Journal of Biology Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Journal of Biology Education Vol 4 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Journal of Biology Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh model guided inquiry berbantuan fishbone diagram terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa pada materi sistem pencernaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Quasi Experimental Design dengan menggunakan pola non randomized control group pretest-posttest design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa, sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII B (kelas eksperimen) dan kelas VIII C (kelas kontrol). Data keterlaksanaan model guided inquiry berbantuan fishbone diagram diperoleh melalui angket tanggapan yang diisi oleh siswa. Data hasil belajar dalam ranah kognitif siswa dikumpulkan dari tes materi sistem pencernaan, ranah psikomotorik dan ranah afektif diperoleh melalui lembar observasi. Data motivasi belajar siswa diperoleh melalui angket skala psikologi siswa. Hasil uji hipotesis pengaruh model guided inquiry berbantuan fishbone diagram terhadap motivasi belajar siswa diperoleh nilai χ2= 32,00 dengan p < 0,05 (p = 0,010) dan pengaruh model guided inquiry berbantuan fishbone diagram terhadap hasil belajar siswa diperoleh χ2= 20,67 dengan p < 0,05 (p = 0,014). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model guided inquiry berbantuan fishbone diagram berpengaruh terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar.   This research aimed to examine the effect of guided inquiry models with fishbone diagram on students’s motivation and learning achievement on the subject of digestive system. This research was Quasi Experimental Design. The design of this research was non randomized control group pretest posttest. The population in this research was all students, VIII grade class at SMP Negeri 1 Ambarawa, VIII B grade class was treated as experimental class and VIII C as control class. Questionare was used to collect data of  the implementation level guided inquiry models with fishbone diagram. Test was used to collect data of students learning achivement on cognitive, psychomotoric domains while affective domains were  collected by observation. Psychology scale was used to collect data of students motivation. The hypothesis result of the influence of guided inquiry models with fishbone diagram toward upon students learning motivation was χ2= 32,00 with p < 0,05 (p = 0,010) and the influence guided inquiry models with fishbone diagram toward students learning achievement was χ2= 20,67 with p < 0,05 (p = 0,014). The model guided inquiry with fishbone diagram toward had significant effect upon students’ learning motivation and achievement.
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 5, No 2 (2013): September 2013
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v5i2.2745


AbstrakAntioksidan merupakan senyawa untuk pertahanan tubuh host terhadap radikal bebas. Pada pasien tuberkulosis paru (TB paru), rendahnya antioksidan menyebabkan kerusakan jaringan. Salah satu antioksidan tubuh adalah glutation. Rendahnya glutation berhubungan dengan gangguan sistem imun, sehingga menyebabkan keparahan penyakit pada pasien TB paru. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kadar glutation plasma penderita tuberkulosis paru. Desain penelitian ini adalah kohort prospektif. Sampel TB paru dipilih di Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat (BBKPM), Makassar yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dan sesuai kadatangan (consecutive sampling). Dua mililiter darah diambil dari setiap sampel, kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar glutation dengan ELISA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar glutation sampel pasien TB paru sebelum pemberian obat antituberkulosis (OAT) sebesar 0,483830,0344 mM dan setelah pemberian OAT sebesar 0,494650,0371 mM. Setelah pemberian OAT kadar glutation mengalami peningkatan sebesar 2,2% meskipun masih lebih rendah dari kadar glutation normal.AbstractAntioxidants prevent hosts against free radicals. In pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) patients, the low level of antioxidants may cause tissue damage in oxidative hosts. One of antioxidants is glutathione. The poor glutathione level correlates with immune system disorder. The current study aimed to determine glutathione plasma levels in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. The study design was prospective cohort. Pulmonary TB samples were obtained from patients in the Lung Health Centre (BBKPM) in Makassar, and they were selected based on the inclusive and exclusive criteria and on their admittance times (a consecutive sampling technique). Two mililiters of blood was taken from each sample and the glutathione level was examined using ELISA. The study indicated that the glutathione level of the pulmonary TB patients before administered with antitubeculosis drug was 0.483830.0344 mM and after antituberculosis drug was 0.494650.0371 mM. After administration of antituberculosis drug the glutathione level increased by 2.2%, although still lower than normal glutathione level.
Efektivitas Seng (Zn) sebagai Imunostimulan dalam Produksi Reactive Oxygen Intermediate pada Mencit Balb/C yang Diinfeksi Salmonella typhimurium Yuniastuti, Ari; H, Nugrahaningsih W; Zunikhah, Zunikhah
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 2, No 1 (2010): March 2010
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v2i1.1151


This study aims to prove the effectiveness of zinc as a micronutrient to increaseimmunostimulatory Reactive Oxygen Intermediate (ROI) production in balb/c miceinfected by Salmonella typhimurium. Research was designed using randomized thePost Test Only Control Group Design. The sample of 24 male mice balb/c are groupedinto four groups, i.e. one control group and three treatment groups (treatment dose of 78ppm/day; 169 ppm/day and 260 ppm/day) intraperitoneally for 14 days with each groupconsisting of six rats. The independent variable is the provision of zinc with various doses,dependent variable is the ROI production of macrophages, which are checked by usingNitroblue Tetrazolium (NBT) Reduction Assay, and control variables are body weight,gender and age. All mice infected with Salmonella typhimurium 105 intraperitoneally onday 8th. At the end of treatment mice were killed and was examined for levels of ROI.Inspection results were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis test. Result showed that doses ofzinc of 78 ppm/day have immunostimulatory effective as the highest ROI productionof mice Balb/c infected with Salmonella typhimurium.Keywords: immunostimulant, Reactive Oxygen Intermediate, zinc (Zn)
EFEK PERENDAMAN INFUSA DAUN SALAM (Syzygium polyanthum) TERHADAP KUALITAS DAGING AYAM POSTMORTEM Agustina, Feri Dwi; Widiyaningrum, Priyantini; Yuniastuti, Ari
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 4, No 2 (2012): September 2012
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v4i2.2271


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi efek perendaman daging ayam broiler dalam konsentrasi infusa daun salam yang berbeda. Penelitian menggunakan desain faktorial dengan 3 taraf konsentrasi infusa (0%; 5%; dan 10%) serta dua waktu pengamatan yaitu 0 dan 8 jam setelah perlakuan perendaman. Parameter yang diukur meliputi rata-rata bilangan peroksida, pH, kadar air dan water holding capacity (WHC). Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian dan uji perbedaan akibat perlakuan dilakukan dengan uji beda nyata terkecil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengukuran pH dan WHC sesaat setelah perlakuan memperlihatkan perbedaan nyata (P<0,05), sementara bilangan peroksida dan kadar air tidak berbeda nyata. Pada 8 jam setelah perendaman, terlihat bahwa nilai peroksida, pH, kadar air dan WHC menunjukkan perbedaan nyata. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa infusa daun salam mampu memperlambat laju bilangan peroksida, memperlambat penurunan pH dan memperlambat penurunan WHC.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the immersion of chicken meat in the bayleaf extract and the time of measurement on the quality of the meat. This was a factorial experiment with three levels of bayleaf extract concentrations (0%, 5% and 10%), and two time of measurement (at 0 and 8 hours after the treatment). The parameters observed were the average peroxide value, the pH, the water content and the water holding capacity. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and followed by the least significant difference test for any significant difference. The results showed that the pH and the water holding capacity were significantly different (P<0.05), whereas the peroxide value and the water content were not significantly different. Nevertheless, at eight hours after the immersion it was seen that the peroxide value, the pH, the water content and the water holding capacity were significantly different. It was concluded that the extract of bayleaves might slower the rate of the peroxide value, could decrease the pH, and decrease the water holding capacity.
PCR-RFLP Analysis of D-Loop mtDNA in Indonesian Domestic Waterfowl Susanti, R; Fibriana, Fidia; Yuniastuti, Ari
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 9, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v9i3.12177


Phylogenetic or population genetic studies have been focused on finding genetic variations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) because mutations in this region contained five times higher than other genetic materials. The aim of this research was to generate PCR-RFLP D-loop mtDNA profiles of some Indonesian domestic waterfowl. The samples were 35 local ducks, 5 muscovy duck, and 5 geese. These local ducks included on seven types of Javanese ducks in Central Java, i.e. Magelang duck, Peking duck, Pengging duck, Tegal Branjangan duck, Tegal Jarakan duck, Tegal Blorong duck, and Tegal Lemahan duck. PCR technique was used to amplify the D-loop genes, and RFLP analysis of the D-loop was performed with AluIand RsaI. The results show that muscovy duck has no restriction sites in D-loop gene. Moreover, goose has a restriction site of AluI in D-loop gene at 550 bp and 187 bp; and it has no restriction site of RsaI. The analysis of RsaI-RFLP in mtDNA D-loop region of ducks resulted in 1 restriction fragment pattern which can be applied in the identification of duck to differentiate it from goose and muscovy duck. PCR-RFLP analysis duck D-loop mtDNA using AluI and RsaI restriction enzyme resulted in 3 combinations of restriction fragment pattern shown in 3 haplotypes (A, B, and C). Genetic diversity of Indonesian domestic waterfowl population could be identified by using PCR-RFLP analysis on mtDNA D-loop region. So far, there are few results of research on Indonesian domestic waterfowl genetic characteristics based on PCR-RFLP mtDNA D-loop marker. Also, this research has a good contribution on genetic characterization of local duck. The characterization is an important aspect to maintain breed quality and manage the genetic resources of Indonesian germplasm and in facilitating the breeding program.
The Development of Guided Inquiry-Based Students’ Worksheet in Cell Material for Senior High School Students Isnaeni, Lili Astuti; Yuniastuti, Ari; Susanti, R
Journal of Biology Education Vol 6 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : FMIPA UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbe.v6i2.19313


This research was aimed to develop guided inquiry-based students’ worksheet in cell materials forstudents in senior high school. It has the characteristics of valid, readable, and executable. This researchwas a Research and Development (R&amp;D) type. The validity of worksheet was valued by validator andanalyzed using percentage description. The readability of worksheets can be obtained by small scaled tryout to 20 students taken by using purposive random sampling. The executability of worksheets wasobtained by bigger scale try out to 32 students. The result of the research showed that the guided inquirybasedstudents’ worksheets had characteristics of: 1) cell titled worksheets with its observation; 2) theactivities based on syntax model of guided inquiry learning; 3) the material is related to real example; 4)the illustration picture in worksheets was real and 5) the display of worksheet in full color. The averagepercentage of validity to the worksheet was 83.06%. The percentage score of the worksheet was 85.31%with executability of 93.18%. Based on the results, it can be concluded that this worksheet has severalcharacteristics and valid category to be used. It also had good readability and executability to thestudents.
Co-Authors Abdurrahman Ali, Nur Aini Abudu, Komaria Ode AD Safarina Adevia Maulidya Chikmah, Adevia Maulidya Adhisti Lutfia Hanan Adhisti Lutfia Hanan Adiba, Daniar Arof Adiba, Daniar Arof Aennie Widiastuti, Vinka Afniyati, Nur Afniyati, Nur Agnes Dwi Safarina Agnes Dwi Safarina Aidah, Nur Aisa Nikmah Rahmatih Amalia, Devi Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo Arif Kurniadi Ariyanto, Andhika Arum Kartikadewi Arum Kartikadewi Arum Kartikadewi Asih Kuswardinah Asyumdah, Asyumdah Budi Laksono Budi, Dini Wurnaning Budu - Candrawan, Roni Prasetyo Darmayanti, Mey Linda Devi Dwi Jayanti Dewi Mustikaningtyas Dina Nur Anggraini Ningrum Dinda Fuji Islamiyanti Dyah Rini Indriyanti Eko Farida Elissa, Intan Ayu Ell Khaq, Arrina Ely Rudyatmi, Ely Eunike Raffy Rustiana Evi Widowati F. Putut Martin HB Farida, Eko Fathnin, Fildza Huwaina Feri Dwi Agustina Feri Dwi Agustina Fidia Fibriana Fitri Arum Sasi Fitri Arum Sasi, Fitri Arum Halimah, Khori Handayani, Kasmini Hidayah, Arifatul Hidayah, Salis Nur I Wayan Suardana Ibnul Mubarok Ibnul Mubarok Indah Hartati Innayah, Nurul Irawan Yusuf Irawan Yusuf Irwan Irwan Isnaeni, Lili Astuti Isnaeni, Lili Astuti Isti Mulyawati Istianah Istianah Istiqomah Dwi Andari, Istiqomah Dwi Istiqomah, Annisa Aulia Jiwanjaya, Yoga Juwita, Fitra Kamala Nuriyah Kamilatussainah Kamilatussainah Kamisih, Kamisih Karomika, Ati Kasimi, Oktia Woro Khikmatul Maula, Lia Kirana Rannoe Tirta Kirana Rannoe Tirta Krispinus Kedati Pukan lathifah, Ummu Lindasari, Pamela Lisdiana Lisdiana Lucita, Fifty K. Lyndasari, Pamela Mahalul Azam Martien Herna Susanti Mayang Siwi Dewayanti, Mayang Siwi Merzistya, Aufiena Nur Ayu Mohamad Endy Y Yulianto Muchamad Dafip Muchamad Dafip Muh Nasrum Massi Muh. Nasrum Massi Nabila Azzahra Luthfiah Nabila Azzahra Luthfiah Nadhifah, Shiliya Lana Nadhifah, Shiliya Lana Nbaia, Sara M Mohamed Negarani, Eryca Nur Bela Negarani, Eryca Nur Bela Niken Subekti Ning Setiati Ning Setiati Nirmala Al Fatiah Nirmala Al Fatiah Noor Aini Habibah Noor Hidayah Nugrahanigsih WH Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih W H Nugrahaningsih W H Nugrahaningsih WH Nugrahaningsih WH Nugrahaningsih WH, Nugrahaningsih Nur Kusuma Dewi Nur Rahayu Utami NURUL HIDAYAH Oktia Woro Oktia Woro Kasmini H Oktia Woro Kasmini Handayani Pramesti Dewi Pramusinta, Linda Prasetyowati, Tri Ari Priyantini Widiyaningrum R Susanti R Susanti R Susanti R Susanti R Susanti R Susanti R Susanti R Susanti R. Susanti Rahayu, Rr. Sri Ratna Rahmatih, Aisa Nikmah Rahmatika Saputri R Ratna Rahayu, Sri Ratna Rahayu, Sri Resti Fitriati Retno Sri Iswari Retno Sri Iswari Rofika, Ana Rohmah, Amalia Nor Rr. Sri Ratna Rahayu Sa’adah, Siti Rofiatus Saiful Ridlo Satriani Satriani Sekar Arum, Vriska Roro Setyoko Setyoko Sholikah, Anik Sholikah Shovrotul Khoiriyah, Ely Siti Alimah Siti Alimah Siti Baitul Mukarromah Siti Isnaeni SITI MAHMUDAH Sri Mulyani Endang Susilowati, Sri Mulyani Endang Sri Ratna Rahayu, Rr Sugianto Sulasfiana Alfi Raida, Sulasfiana Alfi Sulistiani, Duwi Sulistyawati, Anita Syarifah, Aidah Nur Talitha Widiatningrum Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Totok Sumaryanto Tyas Agung Pribadi Umam, Syaiful Ishlahul Utami, Hanna Dewi Utami, Hanna Dewi Vilda Ana Veria Setyawati Vilda Ana Veria Setyawati Virtanti, Uji Wahyuningtyas, Arini Tri Widya Hary Cahyati Wiwi Isnaeni Woro K H, Oktia Yanti, Erny Yuni Yanuarita Tursinawati Yanuarita Tursinawati Yanuarita Tursinawati Yanuarita Tursinawati Yuni Wijayanti yuniarti, christina ary Yusdike Adystia Zunikhah Zunikhah Zunikhah Zunikhah