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Analisis Proporsi Perokok Tingkat SMK di Kota Semarang Dwijayanti, Fifi; Fauzi, Muh; Megalaksari, Gesti; Faridatus, Alfi; Ratna R., Yunisa; Widjanarko, Bagoes
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Vol 2, No 2 (2012): Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (92.095 KB)


Tingginya prevalensi perokok di Indonesia saat ini yang mencapai 70% dari total penduduk akan memicu banyak masalah sumber daya manusia Indonesia (Fatmawati, 2006). Bahkan pada tahun 2011, Indonesia tercatat sebagai negara dengan jumlah perokok terbesar ketiga didunia. Pertumbuhan konsumsi rokok dikalangan generasi muda Indonesia juga tercepat didunia, sedangkan prevalensi di negara maju mulai mengalami penurunan. Menurut WHO, angka kematian akibat merokok di Indonesia telah mencapai angka 400.000 orang per tahun. Prevalensi perokok paling banyak terjadi dikalangan usia pelajar. Peningkatan tertinggi terjadi pada usia 5-9 tahun, sedangkan peningkatan pada usia 15-19 tahun sebesar 144% selama periode 1994-2004. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu responden yang tidak merokok (56,55%) tidak jauh berbeda dengan responden yang merokok (40,46%) dan 2,99% responden tidak menjawab. Berdasarkan geografis, persentase reponden yang tidak merokok di kota lebih tinggi (65%) dibandingkan dengan daerah lainnya dan persentase responden yang merokok di desa lebih tinggi (47%) dibandingkan dengan kota dan pesisir. Persentase reponden yang tidak mendukung kegiatan merokok lebih tinggi (80%) dibandingkan dengan responden yang mendukung kegiatan merokok (20%). Kriteria responden sebagai perokok ringan lebih tinggi (65%) dibandingkan dengan kriteria lainnya. Kriteria perokok ringan merupakan pelajar yang merokok 1-4 batang per hari, kriteria sedang menghisap 5-14 batang rokok per hari dan kriteria berat menghisap lebih dari 15 batang per hari. Persentase responden mulai mencoba merokok pertama kali saat SMP lebih tinggi (57%) dibandingkan dengan SD (26%) dan SMK (17%). Persentase remaja yang merokok terinspirasi dari iklan rokok lebih kecil (12%) dibandingkan dengan remaja yang merokok tanpa dipengaruhi iklan.
Analisis Proporsi Perokok Tingkat SMK di Kota Semarang Dwijayanti, Fifi; Fauzi, Muh; Prilian, Evika; Widjanarko, Bagoes
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Vol 3, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.649 KB)


Tingginya prevalensi perokok di Indonesia saat ini yang mencapai 70% dari total penduduk akan memicu banyak masalah sumber daya manusia Indonesia.(Fatmawati, 2006) Bahkan pada tahun 2011 Indonesia tercatat sebagai negara dengan jumlah perokok terbesar ketiga didunia. Pertumbuhan konsumsi rokok dikalangan generasi muda Indonesia juga tercepat didunia, sedangkan prevalensi di negara maju mulai mangalami penurunan. Menurut WHO angka kematian  akibat  merokok  di  Indonesia  telah  mencapai  angka  400.000  orang  per  tahun. Prevalensi perokok paling banyak terjadi dikalangan usia pelajar. Peningkatan tertinggi terjadi pada usia  5-9  tahun,  sedangkan  peningkatan pada usia  15-19  tahun sebesar 144% selama periode 1994-2004. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proporsi perokok tingkat SMK di Kota Semarang.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian cross sectional. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah probability random sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakn metode wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan diolah secara deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu responden yang tidak merokok (56,55%) tidak jauh berbeda dengan responden  yang merokok (40,46%) dan 2,99% responden tidak menjawab. Berdasarkan geografis, persentase reponden yang tidak merokok di kota lebih tinggi (65%) dibandingkan dengan daerah lainnya dan persentase responden yang merokok di desa lebih  tinggi  (47%) dibandingkan  dengan  kota  dan  pesisir.  Persentase  reponden  yang tidak mendukung kegiatan merokok lebih tinggi (80%) dibandingkan dengan responden yang mendukung kegiatan merokok (20%). Kriteria responden sebagai perokok ringan lebih tinggi (65%) dibandingkan dengan kriteria lainnya. Kriteria perokok ringan merupakan pelajar yang merokok 1-4 batang per hari, kriteria sedang menghisap 5-14 batang rokok per hari dan kriteria berat menghisap lebih dari 15 batang per hari. Persentase responden mulai mencoba merokok pertama kali saat SMP lebih tinggi (57%) dibandingkan dengan SD (26%) dan SMK (17%). Persentase remaja yang merokok terinspirasi dari iklan rokok lebih kecil (12%) dibandingkan dengan remaja yang merokok tanpa dipengaruhi iklan.
PROMOTIF: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 8, No 1 (2018): PROMOTIF - JUNI
Publisher : PROMOTIF: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1207.404 KB) | DOI: 10.31934/promotif.v8i1.228


Wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ampana Timur terdapat 10 wilayah kerja, di puskesmas ampana timur memiliki gedung poskesdes 10 unit. Namun bahwa lebih dari setengah jumlah Kepala keluarga yang tidak memanfaatkan Poskesdes dan setiap bulannya jumlah kunjungan tidak mengalami peningkatan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan Poskesdes diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Ampana Timur. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah Ibu rumah tangga di Wilayah Kerja Pusksmas Ampana Timur. Jumlah Sampel pada Penelitian ini adalah 81 responden. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat,bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil analisis bivariat terdapat 4 variabel yang berhubungan yaitu pengetahuan poskesdes (p=0,000), persepsi terhadap Poskesdes (p=0,031), dukungan suami terhadap pemanfaatan Poskesdes (p=0,000) dan dukungan Sarana Prasarana terhadap pemanfaatan poskesdes (p=0,028) dan terdapat 3 variabel yang tidak berhubungan dengan Pemanfaatan Poskesdes yaitu sikap (p=0,280), Dukungan Tokoh Agama (p=0,91) dan Dukungan Petugas Kesehatan (p=0,434). Hasil analisis multivariat terdapat faktor yang berpengaruh yaitu faktor dukungan suami (p= 0,001; OR=6,235; 95% CI ; 2,085 – 18,651). Kepada masyarakat agar berpartisipasi memanfaatkan Poskesdes sebagai fasilitas kesehatan desa dan diharapkan suami memberikan dukungan berupa motivasi kepada anggota masyarakat. 
Risk Factors of Gonorrhoea Among Female Indirect Sex Workers Nugrahaeni, Anita; Sofro, Muchlis AU; Shaluhiyah, Zahroh; Suryosaputro, Antono; Widjanarko, Bagoes
Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Vol 2, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Background: Gonorrhoea is one of sexually transmitted infections (STI) with high incidence, besides chlamydia, syphilis, and trichomoniasis. STIs are spread predominantly by sexual context including vaginal, anal, and oral. STIs have a profound impact on sexual and reproductive health worldwide. STIs can increase the risk of HIV acquisition three fold or more. This study aimed to determine the risk factors of gonorrhoea among female indirect sex workers.Subjects and Method: This was a case control study carried out in Wonosobo district, Central Java, from April to May 2017. A sample of 84 female indirect sex workers were selected for this study consisting of 42 cases of gonorrhea and 42 control. The dependent variable was gonorrhoea. The independent variables were sex combination and condom use. Data on gonorrhoea was collected from STI clinic. The other data were collected by questionnaire. The data were analyzed using logistic regression.Results: The risk of gonorrhoea among female indirect sex workers increased with sex combination practice (OR=3.17; p=0.027; 95% CI= 1.14 to 8.82) and absence of condom use (OR= 8.04; 95% CI= 2.30 to 28.12; p=0.001).Conclusion: The risk of gonorrhoea among female indirect sex workers increases with sex combination practice and absence of condom use.Keywords : gonorrhoea, sex combination, condom use, female, indirect sex workersCorrespondence: Anita Nugrahaeni. Masters Program in Epidemiology, Diponegoro University, Jl. Imam Bardjo SH No. 5, Semarang, Central Java. Email: nitaozora@gmail.com. Mobile: 081335980666.Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health (2017), 2(3): 216-224https://doi.org/10.26911/jepublichealth.2017.02.03.03
Hubungan perilaku Keluarga Sadar Gizi (KADARZI) dan Perilaku Hidup Bersih Sehat (PHBS) pada tatanan rumah tangga dengan status gizi balita usia 24-59 bulan Hartono, Hartono; Widjanarko, Bagoes; EM, Mexitalia Setiawati
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 5, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.525 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.5.2.88-97


Background: The prevalence of malnutrition among toddler in Kotabaru district was still high at 20,86 %. The family implemented Kadarzi was 56,24 % while the family who implemented PHBS was 42,48 %, this prevalence was still low. Objective: The purpose was analyzed the relationship between Kadarzi and PHBS behavior of households with nutritional status of toddler of 24-59 months.  Methods: The design was cross sectional study conducted in Puskesmas Dirgahayu. Subjects were children aged 24-59 months who lived in Puskesmas Dirgahayu area, who coverese with inclusion and exclusion criteria twose, subjects are 90 respondens. Sampling technical by simple random sampling. Analysis tests used chi square test and logistic regression with 95% confidence level. Questionnaire was used as tools research, energy and protein intake was measured by recall method.Results: The results showed 27,8 % children was categorized as malnutrition status, 72,2 % family implemented Kadarzi and 70,0 % Kadarzi behave uncategorised healthy home. Analysis of the data showed no significant relationship between Kadarzi behavior with nutritional status (p=0,000, OR=31,13). There was a significant relationship between clean and healthy behavior with nutritional status (p=0,000, OR=22,56). Analysis of multiple logistic regression test obtained dominant factor associated with nutritional status is Kadarzi behavior (p=0,000, OR=0,08). Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between Kadarzi and PHBS behavior of households with nutritional status of toddler 24-59 months.
Pengaruh status gizi & asupan gizi ibu terhadap berat bayi lahir rendah pada kehamilan usia remaja Retni, Retni; Margawati, Ani; Widjanarko, Bagoes
Jurnal Gizi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Nutrition) Vol 5, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.808 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jgi.5.1.14-19


Introduction. Teenage pregnancy at risk of having a baby with low birth weight (LBW). This happens because of the condition of the mother is still in the growth, physical development is not perfect so it can be detrimental to the health of mother and fetus. The research objective is to analyze the effect of nutritional status and nutrient intake of mothers of low birth weight in pregnancy adolescence.Methods:  The study design was observational with prospective cohort approach.The subject is the population of third trimester pregnant women aged 16-19 years amounted to 27 people. The nutritional status measured by antropometry. Nutrient intake was measured by 24-hour food recall method. Data were analyzed by calculating the relative riskResults: 66,7% had a protein energy malnutrition, 51,9% had less weight gain during pregnancy, and 59,3% are anemic. The mean intake of energy, protein, folic acid, iron, zinc, vitamin A and C are in not enough categories. The relative risk test showed that less weight gain during pregnancy (RR= 3,71;95% CI 1,34-10,25, low energy intake (RR =6.03; 95% CI 5,68-898,64), low protein (RR= 13,00;95% CI 1,97-85,45), low folic acid (RR = 13,00;95% CI 1,97-85,45), low iron (RR= 4,00;95% CI 1,71-9,34) at risk of having low birth weight. Conclusions: Pregnant women-adolescence with less weight gain during pregnancy, energy protein malnutrition and low energy, protein, folic acid and iron intake at risk of having low birth weight.
Perilaku Seksual Remaja di Lingkungan Lokalisasi Kabupaten Sidoarjo Mustalia, Mustalia; Suryoputro, Antono; Widjanarko, Bagoes
Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia Volume 11, No. 1, Januari 2016
Publisher : Master Program of Health Promotion Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.032 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jpki.11.1.78-93


ABSTRACTSexual behavior as every conducts driven by sexual desire, either for other sex or even same sex. The purpose of this research to recognize Adolescent Sexual behavior in localization area of Sidoarjo regency. It is done a research due to still high adolescent sexual behavior happened in localization. This research as quantitave research with cross-sectional sampling with minimally sample size. This research performed in localization of Sidoarjo regency done by assessing adolescent in questionnaire sheet. Population of the research is teenager who lived at localization area of Sidoarjo regency as 221 respondents with sample of 140 respondets. Become inclusive criteria that is teenage who lived around localization area, age 12-18 years old, unmarried, not prostitute and ready to be respondent. Which become dependent variable and independent variable are sexual behavior. Data collected then processed by using chi square test indicating that p value > 0,05. Conclusion of this research show there is adolescent sexual behavior in localization area of Sidoarjo regency.Keywords: sexual behavior
Pengembangan Media Promosi Kesehatan Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan HIV/AIDS pada Pekerja Sektor Swasta Formal Sugiarto, Heri; Shaluhiyah, Zahroh; Widjanarko, Bagoes
Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia Volume 5, No.2 , Agustus 2010
Publisher : Master Program of Health Promotion Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (41.485 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jpki.7.3.84-97


Now, the highest case number of HIV/AIDS was caused by sharing needle of injecting drug users. In the other hand, many drug users have a worker/employee back ground. The information about drug prevention is less to young workers. The goal of this research is health promotion media developing for formal private sector workers to prevent HIV/AIDS. This research is a qualitative research and using literature review to identify media information needs for workers and to be continued with health promotion media developing. The result of this research is showing that poster and film are appropriate media for workers. Based on this result could be conclude that poster and film could change respondent behaviour effectively for caring each other in drug misuse prevention related HIV/AIDS prevention, because this media has been developed suitable with workers characteristic and need. For factory sectors are suggested to put this media at their strategic place and for the next research is suggested doing with intervention and evaluation phase.
Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Praktik Seks Pranikah pada Remaja di SMA Dekat Lokalisasi di Wilayah Kabupaten Malang Triningsih, Reni Wahyu; Widjanarko, Bagoes; Istiarti, VG Tinuk
Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia Volume 10, No. 2, Agustus 2015
Publisher : Master Program of Health Promotion Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.052 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jpki.10.2.160-172


ABSTRACTThe Influence of Personal and Environmental Factors towards Premarital Sex Activities of Teenagers in High Schools Near Red-Light-Districts at Malang Regency; Increased levels of towards Premarital Sex Activities in the districts of Malang, From 404 students in Malang Regency, 116 students (29%) have had premarital sex, and 21 % of them involved in affairs without having sexual intercourse. The teenagers who live near the district were exposed to prostitution environment. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of personal and environmental factors towards premarital sex activities of teenagers in high schools near red-light-districts. This study used quantitative method to the design of explanatory research with cross sectional approach. Data collection using questionnaires on242 respondents (from 10th and 11th Graders) who were interviewed using structured questioner. The data analysis used univariate, bivariate technique, tested by chi-square test, and multivariate technique tested by logistic regression test. The findings of the research showed about 24 % of the teenagers have had premarital sex. variable towards teenagers’ attitudes towards premarital sex was self-esteem with the (OR= 3.695)Keywords: personal and environmental factors, premarital sex
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemanfaatan Jamban Keluarga di Kecamatan Jatibarang Kabupaten Brebes Apriyanti, Laeli; Widjanarko, Bagoes; Laksono, Budi
Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia Volume 14, No. 1 Januari 2019
Publisher : Master Program of Health Promotion Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (298.388 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jpki.14.1.1-14


Background: Based on Basic of Health Research in 2013, as many as 39-40 million people still defecated carelessly, including those who dumped their waste into the river. In Brebes Regency in 2017, the District Budget Fund has built 1298 latrines for poor families. But from the evaluation and preliminary studies reported that there are still many families that have not utilized the latrine to the fullest. This study aims to analyze the factors influence the utilization of family latrines in Jatibarang Subdistrict, Brebes Regency.Method: This study is an analytic observational design using a cross sectional approach to analyze the factors influence the use of family latrines. The sample of this study was selected purposively as many as 103 heads of households involved who met the inclusion criteria, namely families who received latrine program through the district budget funds from 3 villages in Jatibarang Subdistrict.Results: There is a significant relationship between knowledge, attitudes, defecation habits, and family support with the use of family latrines. There is no significant relationship between education level, family income, health worker support, community leaders support, availability of clean water, distance a place to defecate in addition to latrines on the use of family latrines. It is recommended that increasing knowledge and attitudes to respondents as well as supports from family were also needed in improving utilizing latrines. 
Co-Authors Achadi Nugraheni Aditya Kusumawati, Aditya Adriyan Pramono Agung Budianto Agus Suwandono Ahsan, Abdillah Ajeng Fitri Setyani Akmal, Dzul Alfi Faridatus, Alfi Ali Rahayu Alifia Ardyara Alya Binda Ulinuha Amira Noor Sukma Andari Nurul Huda, Andari Nurul ANDERIAS TARAWATU ORA Ani Margawati Ani Purwanti Anies Anies Anindhita Setianingrum Anisah Munawaroh Anisya Herawardhani Anita Nugrahaeni Anna Maulina L. Antono Surjoputro Antono Surjoputro Antono Suryo Putro Antono Suryoputro Antono Suryosaputro Anung Sugihantono Anung Sugihantono Apoina Kartini Apriyanti, Laeli Ari Udijono Arida Bitanajsha Zuqriefa Arininda Rima Kurnia Aris Sugiharto Aryanti, Dessy Atik Mawarni Aulia Annisa Aulia Ika Pratiwi Ayun Sriatmi Baju Widjasena Bella Oktaviani Bella Risca Monica Besar Tirto Husodo Besar Tirto Husodo Besar Tirto Husodo Bilqis Nabila Bintang, Melva Kristina br Budi Laksono Budi Laksono Budiyono Budiyono Budiyono Budiyono Cahya Tri Purnami Cahyani, Amalia Eka Chaterina Novelle Turnip Deastuti, Nurridha Debora M. Siahaan Delita Septialti Delita Septialti Della Zulfa Rifda Deni Syahrudin Taniansyah Devi Ayu Susilowati Devi Ayu Susilowati Dewi Mayangsari Dian Kusuma Dina Wati Dini Fitri Damayanti Diyah Nur Ekowati Djoko Trihadi Lukmono Dwi Lestari Tantinis Dwi Lutfi Nugraheni Dwi Rizky Novianto Dwi Sutiningsih Dwiyarina Margarisa Dyah Anantalia Widyastari Edi Widayat Eka Megawati Eko Septian Insiano EM, Mexitalia Setiawati Emmy Riyanti Emy Herliani Endang Krismawati Erdelia Herdanindita Eunike Merlinda Kawung Evani Ida Napitupulu Evika Prilian, Evika Farah Husna Fadhilah Farasiva Indiani Rajasa Farid Agushybana Farid Agushybana Farid Farid Agushybana Fatimatuzahro Fatimatuzahro Fatimatuzahro Fatimatuzahro Fatimatuzahro Fatimatuzahro Fifi Dwijayanti Frederikus Feribertus Nikat Gesti Megalaksari, Gesti Ghodiq Ufthoni Gunawan Widiyanto Hadina Eka Camalia Hana Maulida Muflikhah Handayani, Novia Harbandinah Pietojo Hardhono Susanto Hardono Susanto, Hardono Harsono . Hartono Hartono Hendrixus Eko Surani Putro Henry Setiawan Henry Setyawan Henry Setyawan Henry Setyawan Susanto Henry Setyawan Susanto Herlantoro, Herlantoro Hermien Nugraheni Hertanto Wahyu Subagio Herwinda Kurniasih Hestyani Kelananingrum Hutabarat, Saut Ida Wahyuni Ika Mustikasari, Ika Inayanti, Eli Irmanita Wiradona Isti Rahmadani K. Heri Nugroho HS, K. Heri Kamilah Budhi Konstantina Pariaribo Kristianto Adiwiharyanto Kumalasari Kumalasari Kumalasari Kumalasari Kurniawan, Yuniar Deddy Kusmiati, Yeni Kusyogo Cahyo Kusyogo Cahyo Kusyogo Cahyo Laila Septia Anindia Laila Wahid Laksmono Widagdo Laksmono Widagdo Laras Ismiati Indrayana Laura Respati Denta Elygio Lintang Dian Saraswati Lucya Lede Lucya Lede Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Lukas Tersono Adi M Mexitalia M. Syarif Hidayatullah M.Z Rahfiludin Marek Samekto Maria Cynthia Bella Wijayanti Maria Mexitalia Maria Ratih Widiyaning Marisa Gita Putri Marshia Zefanya R.R Martha Irene Kartasurya Martini Martini Martini Martini Mateus Sakundarno Mateus Sakundarno Adi, Mateus Sakundarno Megawati, Eka Meliana Fatmawati, Meliana Mercy Joice Kaparang Mifta Nur Dwiyani Mochamad Abdul Hakam Mohammad Zen Rahfiludin Mona lisa MS Anam Muchlis A.U. Sofro Muchlis Achsan Udji Sofro Muchlis Achsan Udji Sofro Muchlis Achsan Udji Sofro Muh Fauzi, Muh Muhammad Harli Muhammad Hussein Gasem Muhammad Iqbal Kurniawan Muhammad Saleh Mulawarman, Andi Munaya Fauziah Muslih Dahlan Mustalia, Mustalia Nadia Puspitasari Nazarwin Saputra Nia Indriana Sari Nirmala Herlani Nisrina Shafira Salsabilla Nissa Kusariana Nita Anggerina Putri Hi Setiawan Nohana, Olvinny Caroline Noorce Ch. Berek Nugrahaeni, Anita Nunuk Widyaningsih Nur Endah Wahyuningsih Nur Khafidhoh Nur Widyastuti Nurani Hari Murti Nurdiana Nurdiana Nurjazuli Nurjazuli Nurjazuli Nurjazuli Nurmasyita Nurmasyita, Nurmasyita Nurul Desita Sari Olys Olys Petro Dwi Siswanto pitoyo mumpuni Pollan Versilia Wuritimur Praba Ginandjar Prihanti, Rheni Prisca Dama Shinta Priyadi Nugraha P Priyadi Nugraha Prabamurti Purnamasari, Gilang Purwantisasari, Susiana Putri Septyarini Putri, Meuthya Aulia Dodhy Rachma Purwanti Rahayu Sitorus Rahayu, Tiwuk Puji Rahmadhiana Febrianika, Rahmadhiana Ramadhani Eka Putri ratih indraswari Ratih Indraswari Ratih Indraswari Ratna Trisilawati Ratri Kartikasasmi Raumanen Afiana Lomboan Regi Aromdillah Prabawati Reni Wahyu Triningsih Retni Retni Retno Hestiningsih Rheni Prihanti Rina Hudayani Rizal Imam Muksin Rizka Laila Rachmawati Rosna Putra, Nur Trishna Rylas Chintya Aksamala Sakundarno Adi Salma Adilah Putri Saputra, Putu Krisna Septialti, Delita Setyani, Ajeng Fitri Setyorini, Ria Novita Shabrina Hasnaulia Safarah Shania Auryn Siti Alfani Siti Alfani Siti Chunaeni siti wulandari Sofro, Muchlis AU Sri Achadi Nugraheni Sri Setiasih Sri Winarni Suci Musvita Ayu Sugiarto, Heri Suhartono Suhartono Suhartono, Suhartono Suharyo Hadisaputro Suharyo Hadisaputro Sukamto Sukamto SUMIYATI SUMIYATI Sumy Hastry Purwanti Suratman Suratman Suroto suroto Suryati Suryati Suryo Pratikwo Suryono, Lucky Aris Suryosaputro, Antono Sutopo Patria Jati Suwanti Suwanti Syamsulhadi Budi Musthofa Syamsulhuda BM Syamsulhuda Budi Musthofa Tandiyo Pradekso Tinuk Istiarti Tinuk Istiarti Tri Joko Trixie Salawati Tutut Dwi Adi Cahyani Ututya Lisya Wijaya V.G Tinuk Istiarti VG Tinoek Istiarti VG Tinuk Istiarti, VG Tinuk VG. Tinuk Istiarti Walin Wenny Wahyuni, Wenny Widya Widya Yulia Vanda Editia Yulia Vanda Editia Yuliani Setyaningsih Yulianto Prabowo Yuniarti Yuniarti Yunisa Ratna R., Yunisa Zaenal Amirudin Zahroh Shaluhiyah Zahroh Shaluhiyan Zainab Zainab Zulkifli Zulkifli