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Journal : Sains Tanah

Sains Tanah - Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Agroklimatologi Vol 7, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15608/stjssa.v7i2.42


Title : The Degree of Erosion Hazard Mapping in Dry Land at Jatipuro Sub District of Karanganyar with Geographic Information System (GIS). This research had been conducted at Jatipuro, Sub District of Karanganyar from July until September, 2007. The aims of this research are to know degree of erosion danger and to map that degree of erosion danger. This research was descriptive-explorative by field’s survey and laboratory analysis. Soil sampling technique using purposive sampling method. Site sampling determined with land mapping unit. Analysis of erosion level using USLE method, even though to know degree of erosion dangerous used the table of relation soil depth with erosion level. To make the map degree of erosion dangerous with Arc view GIS 3.3 software. The result of this research conclude that Jatipuro, Sub District of Karanganyar can be classified into 4 erosion dangerous class, with position and width area such that very light in 6th land mapping unit with width area 8.53 ha or 1.17% from total wide of research area. Light, in 1st, 4th, 7th, 12tnd and 16th land mapping units with width area 245.36 ha or 33.72% from total wide of research area. Middle class, in 2nd, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 17th and 18th land mapping units with width area 181.59 ha or 24.95% from total wide area. Heavy class, in 3rd, 5th, 11th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd land mapping units with width area 292.18 ha or 40.15% from total wide area. The management of conservation in the land with degree of erosion danger very light until light is low tillage applications, which this purpose is to create soil condition that supported growth of root, but also must be understood the result of tillage, which can be broken soil structures. For the lands with degree of erosion danger middle until heavy, the better conservation is needed. These lands needed terrace’s repairing, there are making bench terrace with middle construction for the middle class and more better terrace for the heavy one. For the best result to minimalist erosion level in this location, in terrace’s making also needed vegetative conservation, there is strip grass to strength the terrace, and also mulching. Keywords: degree of erosion hazard, dry land, GIS
Sains Tanah - Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Agroklimatologi Vol 7, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15608/stjssa.v7i2.39


Title : Vermicompost and Inorganic Fertilizer Effect on Availability of Nitrogen at Alfisols Jumantono and Its Absorption in Sweet Corn (Zea mays L. saccharata). The purpose of this experiment is to know the effect of vermicompost and inorganic fertilizer on availability of nitrogen at Alfisols Jumantono and its absorption in sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharata). This research was done from September 2007 until January 2008 in Sub district of Jumantono, Regency of Karanganyar, soil and plant tissue analysis was done in Laboratory of Chemical and Soil Fertility, Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. This research represents experimental research by using Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) factorial with two factors. First factor was vermicompost dosage and second factor was inorganic fertilizer dosage (urea, SP36, KCl). Factor I consisted of 3 level that is: K0 (without vermicompost), K1 (vermicompost 1.5 ton.ha-1), K2 (vermicompost 3 ton.ha-1). Factor II consisted of 3 level that is: A0 (without inorganic fertilizer), A1 (urea 100 kg.ha-1, SP36 50 kg.ha-1, and KCl 25 kg.ha-1), A2 (Urea 200 kg.ha-1, SP36 100 kg.ha-1, and KCl 50 kg.ha-1). From bolt of the factor obtained 9 treatment combination and each treatment combination repeated 3 times. Statistics analysis use F Test, Kruskal Wallis, DMRT, Mood Median, and Correlation. Research result indicates that there are interaction between vermicompost and inorganic fertilizer which improving availability of nitrogen at Alfisols and its absorption in sweet corn. Highest of N available by present of vermicompost 3 ton.ha-1 + urea 200 kg.ha-1, SP36 100 kg.ha-1, and KCl 50 kg.ha-1 that is 0.095%. Highest of N Absorption and N of plant tissue that is 0.714 g/plant and 1.39% shown by present of interaction between vermicompost 3 kg.ha-1 and without inorganic fertilizer. Highest of total N shown by present of urea 200 kg.ha-1, SP36 100 kg.ha-1, KCl 50 kg.ha-1 that is 0.30%. Keywords: Vermicompost, inorganic fertilizer, Alfisols, sweet corn, N availability, N absorption
Changes in Soil Chemical Properties of Organic Paddy Field with Azolla Application Jauhari Syamsiyah; Bambang Hendro Sunarminto; Mujiyo Mujiyo
Sains Tanah - Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Agroklimatologi Vol 13, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15608/stjssa.v13i2.611


The use of high organic fertilizer in the organic farming system is one of the obstacles in the implementation of organic farming in Indonesia. It is necessary to find alternative materials to substitute or meet the shortage of existing organic fertilizer. This study aims to determine the effect of Azolla (Azolla mycrophylla. L) on some soil chemical properties on organic paddy field. The The field experiments used factorial complete randomized block design of three factors, namely Azolla (0 and 2  tons / ha), Manure (0 and 10  tons / ha) and Rice Varieties ( Mira1, Mentik Wangi and Merah Putih), with three times replication.  Azolla  2  tons / ha is able to increase soil total  N 18%; available P  87,5 %; organic C  3,78% CEC 8,03 % and soil pH 1,00%;  compared to control (without Azolla). Compared with manure 10  tonss / ha, giving Azolla 2  tonss / ha was able to increase only on soil available P about 50 %, but lower on  soil total N, organic C, CEC and  soil pH  1,9% ; 9,27% ; 9,40% and 0,67%.  Azolla can be used as a substitute or complement  of manure on organic  paddy field.
Sains Tanah - Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Agroklimatologi Vol 8, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15608/stjssa.v8i1.35


Title : The Development Prediction and Differentiated Alfisols at Jatipuro Sub District of Karanganyar with Genetic Stability Model. This research had been conducted at Jatipuro, Sub district of Karanganyar from July until September, 2007. The aim of this research are to know and comparing the development of Alfisols with genetic stability model. This research was descriptive‐explorative research, and the variables approached by field’s survey and supported by laboratory analysis. The site sampling on the fields determined with soil mapping unit. Samples for physical, chemicals and sand mineralogy properties was take from representative pedon or profile from each soil mapping unit. This research uses statistical analysis stepwise regression to know which the most variable can explain the soil development, and the Eberhart‐Russell’s genetic stability model to determine the degree of soil stability for any soil mapping unit. The result of this research can be concluded that the 3rd soil mapping unit (NGEPUNGSARI series, Ultic Hapludalfs, very fine, kaolinitic, active, non acid, isohyperthermic family) was the most’s stable in soil development, and followed by 1st soil mapping unit (JATISOBO series, Vertic Hapludalfs, very fine, kaolinitic, active, non acid, isohyperthermic family). Even though, the 2nd soil mapping unit (JATISUKO series, Typic Hapludalfs, very fine, kaolinitic, active, non acid, isohyperthermic family) was the most’s unstable in soil development. Each soil mapping unit also showed the difference of soil development, that looking from the endogen and exogen’s factors can be explained. Keywords: Alfisolfs, development, differentiated, Genetic Stability Model
Soil Fertility Status of Organic Paddy Experiment Mujiyo Mujiyo; Bambang Hendro Sunarminto; Eko Hanudin; Jaka Widada
Sains Tanah - Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Agroklimatologi Vol 12, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15608/stjssa.v12i2.472


The study aims to determine fertility status of the soil after organic paddy experiments using kinds and doses of organic fertilizers. Experiment was conducted at greenhouse laboratory in Faculty of Agriculture Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. Experimental design used completely randomized design with 9 kinds of treatment was replicated 3 times. Experiments were the use of cow manure, Azolla fertilizer, Azolla inoculum and its combinations that are based on fulfilling nutrient requirements of 120 kg N ha-1.Result shows that the use of cow manure, Azolla fertilizers and Azolla inoculum had no effect on changes of soil fertility status. Soil fertility status was not significantly correlated with cow manure (0,16ns), Azolla fertilizer (0,26ns) and Azolla inoculum (0,16ns). Average of final soil fertility status included fertile category, which was similar as the initial soil fertility status. Average of final soil properties of treatment but nevertheless was relatively higher than in no treatment, indicating the use of cow manure, Azolla fertilizer, Azolla inoculum and its combinations had greater impact to soil properties. Cow manure despite increased available K2O and dry grain, but it did not significantly increase the soil fertility status from fertile to very fertile. This was presumably due to the relatively short experiment period, only one planting season had not given significant effect to soil properties. Implication of this study is the use of cow manure, Azolla fertilizer, Azolla inoculum and its combinations although did not increase the soil fertility status but could maintain soil fertility status as the initial conditions before planting.
Sains Tanah - Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Agroklimatologi Vol 13, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15608/stjssa.v13i1.481


Sustainability of paddy field becomes the main concern as the media of biomass production, thus it is needed a data and information about land characteristics to find out its degradation. Mapping of soil degradation potency in paddy field is an identification of initial soil condition to discover the land degradation potency. Mapping was done by overlaying map of soil, slope, rainfall and land use with standard procedures to obtain its value and status of soil degradation potency. Area mapping is an effective land for biomass production (natural forest, mixed farm, savanna, paddy field, shrub and dry field) with approximately 43,291.00 hectares (ha) in Sidoharjo, Girimarto, Jatipurno, Jatisrono, Jatiroto, Tirtomoyo, Nguntoronadi and Ngadirojo District. The result shows that soil degradation potency (SDP) in Districts of Sidoharjo, Girimarto, Jatipurno, Jatisrono, Jatiroto, Tirtomoyo, Nguntoronadi and Ngadirojo are very low (DP I) 0.00 ha (0.00%), low (DP II) 20,702.47 ha (47.82%), moderate (DP III) 15,823.80 ha (36,55%), high (DP IV) 6,764.73 ha (15.63%) and very high (DP V) 0.00 ha (0.00%). Paddy field is 22,036.26 ha or about 50.90% of all area as effective biomass production, its SDP considers as low (DP II) 16,021.04 ha (37.01%) and moderate (DP III) 6,015.22 ha (13,89%). Paddy field has a low SDP because it is commonly lies on flat area and conservation method by the farmer is maintaining the paddy bund and terrace. This study needs an advanced study to identify actual SDP through detail verification in the field, and also support by soil sample analysis in the laboratory. 
Evaluation of Land Fertility Status in Tirtomoyo District, Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia Mujiyo Mujiyo; Sutarno Sutarno; R Budiono
Sains Tanah - Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Agroklimatologi Vol 14, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15608/stjssa.v14i2.898


Evaluation of soil fertility status on agricultural is to know the fertility of soil chemically through soil analysis or soil test. This is done to obtain estimates data of land characteristics based on parameters observed and tested for various alternative uses based on specific objectives. Parameters used to assess soil fertility status are Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC); Bases Saturation (BS); Organic Carbon; Total P and K levels. Evaluation of soil fertility status is needed as an effort to know the potential and direction of the management of production land on the cultivation of agricultural crops, and to know the factor of fertility that limits on the land. Based on the above description, it is necessary to evaluate the status of soil fertility in Tirtomoyo District in order to be used in the effort to provide and increase food sustainability for Wonogiri region and able to increase the economy level and income for the farmers. The results showed that the soil fertility status in all areas of Tirtomoyo District classified into the low category. This is due to the low value shown in almost all observation parameters; Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC); Base Saturation (BS); Organic Carbon; Total P and K levels. The limiting factor of soil fertility status caused by a very low Total P value of 2.16 mg 100 g-1 to 14.19 mg 100 g-1, and Organic Carbon which is low with 0.4% to 1.7%.
Sains Tanah - Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Agroklimatologi Vol 7, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15608/stjssa.v7i2.37


Title : N, P, and K Management Model for Paddy Soils in Subdistrict Jatisrono, Wonogiri. Available of N, P and K nutrient at paddy soil of Sub district Jatisrono, Regency Wonogiri very low cause farmer fertilizer application, land morphology, and climate. The purpose of this research is to prove that relationship model endogen and exogenous variable can be used as reference in N, P and K management for paddy soil. This research was conducted in Sub district Jatisrono, Regency Wonogiri at February until June 2008. This research is descriptive explorative and functional relationship research. The variables approach by field survey and supported laboratory analysis of the soil chemical and physical properties, use statistical analysis stepwise regression, simple Correlation test and regression analysis. The result of this research show that model which have been tested can be use as reference in N, P and K management for paddy soil in Sub district Jatisrono, Regency Wonogiri, while its model is total soil N is = 0.939 + 0.424 KPK + 0.006 Fertilizer Type, Soil Available P = 45.9 – 3.9 pH + 2.38 fertilizer Dose, Soil Available K = - 0.016 + 0.0482 pH – 0.0010 organic substance. Keywords: N, P, and K Management Model, Paddy Soils
Co-Authors Adinda Rusdiani Putri Aditya Bagas Calosa Afifah Afiana Susila Ahmad Norri Prasetyo Aisyiyah Amini Akas Anggita Akas Anggita Aktavia Herawati Aktavia Herawati Aktavia Herawati Aktavia Herawati Aktavia Herawati AKTAVIA HERAWATI Aktavia Herawati Aktavia Herawati Aktavia Herawati Aktavia Herawati Aktavia Herawati Alfia Nisa Widhiyastuti Ali Pramono Anik Lestari Apriani Widiatiningsih Apriani Widiatiningsih Arif Anshori Arif Anshori, Arif Asri Wulandari Aulia Arifa Ayunda Fitri Ulya Maslina Bagas Yulianto Balina Dita Eisya Prashanti Nugroho Bambang Hendro Sunarminto Bambang Hendro sunarminto Bambang Hendro Sunarminto Bambang Hendro Sunarminto Bambang Hendro Sunarminto Budi Kristiawan Budiarti, Wiwin Dany Farel Ega Arsanto Daradinda Surya Irawaningsih Desti Dian Amalina Devi Novitasari Putri Wibowo Dhika Sri Anggrahini Dika Dwi Darmawan Dwi Meisari Dwi Priyo Ariyanto Dwiwiyati Nurul Septariani Eko Hanudin Eko Hanudin Eko Haryono Endika Sofya Pramesti Erina Prasdila Ashari Erlyna Wida Riptanti Essla, Verona Putri Evi Gravitiani Evi Gravitiani Evi Gravitiani, Evi Faris Achmad Baharudin Fatchur Rochman Ferina Pungky Ferry Rachmanto Gaizka Mahdafikia Ganjar Herdiansyah Ganjar Herdiansyah Ganjar Herdiansyah Ganjar Herdiansyah Ganjar Herdiansyah Ganjar Herdiansyah Ganjar Herdiansyah Ganjar Herdiansyah, Ganjar Geun Mo Yang Geun Mo Yang Geun Mo Yang Hafizh Marianto Hanifah Salsabilla Hardian Ningsih Hasna Nur Faramida Herawati, Aktavia Herawati, Aktavia Heru Irianto Hery Widijanto Hery Widijanto Hery Widijanto Hery Widijanto Hery Widijanto Hery Widijanto HERY WIDIJANTO Hery Widijanto Himawan Adi Nugroho Holyness Nurdin Singadimedja Indri Hapsari Pusponegoro Ita Khairani JAKA WIDADA Jaka Widada Jauhari Syamsiyah Jauhari Syamsiyah Jauhari Syamsiyah Jauhari Syamsiyah Jauhari Syamsiyah Jauhari Syamsiyah Jauhari Syamsiyah Jauhari Syamsiyah Joko Winarno Joko Winarno Joon Soo Choi Khalyfah Hasanah Khalyfah Hasanah Khoerunnisa Amaliah Syamsuddin Komariah Leviana Eka Vivia Lidya Zaela Wijaya Mapan Rochmadtulloh Mapan Rochmadtulloh Mentari Nurul Lathifah Muhammad Rizky Romadhon Muhammad Rizky Romadhon Muhammad Rizky Romadhon Muhammad Rizky Romadhon Nanda Mei Istiqomah Nanda Mei Istiqomah Nanda Mei Istiqomah Noorhadi Noorhadi novi rahmawati sutopo Novi Rahmawati Sutopo Novi Rahmawati Sutopo Nugroho, Diki Nur Aida Suheri Nurul Farahin Ongko Cahyono Ongko Cahyono P Purwanto Putri Oktafia Niawati Qonita Luthfiyah Qonita, Rr. Aulia R Budiono R Budiono R Rahayu Rachma Ulfa Arini Raditia Eka Kurniawan Rafirman, Rizkisadi Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu Randy Ramadhan Ranita Restu Nur Azizah Retno Wisnu Murti Rifa Rizhandion Akbar Rizkisadi Rafirman Robby Eko Christanto S Minardi S Sudadi S Sumarno S Suntoro S Supriyadi S Sutarno Sari Mukti Rohmawati Siti Maro'ah Siti Maro’ah Slamet Minardi Sri Hartati Sudjono Utomo Sumani Sumani Sumani Sumani Sumani Sumani Sumani Sumani Sumarno Sumarno suminah . Suntoro Suntoro Suntoro Suntoro Suntoro Suntoro Suntoro Suntoro Suntoro Suntoro Suntoro Suntoro Supriyadi Supriyadi Supriyono Supriyono Suryono Suryono Suryono Suryono Sutarno Sutarno Sutarno Sutarno Sutarno Sutarno Sutarno Sutarno Sutarno Sutarno Sutarno Sutarno Sutarno Suwarto Suwarto Tiara Dyah Puspitasari Tiara Hardian Tiara Hardian Trijono Djoko Sulistyo Ummi Nur Fitriana Ustiatik, Reni Vita Ratri Cahyani Viviana Irmawati Viviana Irmawati Viviana Irmawati WIDHI LARASATI Widyatmani Sih Dewi Widyatmani Sih Dewi Widyatmani Sih Dewi Widyatmani Sih Dewi Widyatmani Sih Dewi Wiwin Budiarti Wiwin Budiarti Yogi Sukma Mahendra Yosua Yoga Setyawan