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Journal : Metta: Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin Ilmu

PRAKTIK JUAL BELI PADI DENGAN SISTEM TEBAS DAN IJON MELALUI PERANTARA DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM POSITIF DAN HUKUM ISLAM: Studi Kasus di Wilayah Desa Mekarjaya Kecamatan Gantar Kabupaten Indramayu Hendra Gunawan; Ahmad Asrof Fitri
Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol 1 No 3 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Melati Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59004/metta.v1i3.177


This research is based on the buying and selling activities carried out by most rice farmers in Mekarjaya village, Gantar District, Indramayu Regency, that there are transactions for buying and selling slashes and ijon on rice bag commodities, where in practice transactions are carried out on rice that does not yet appear mature so that plucking is carried out until waiting for the harvest period to arrive or we often know the ijon system. Another thing in this transaction process is that every transaction must go through a regional intermediary, where this intermediary is a person who will bridge between the slasher, seller and buyer with the rice farmer who is specifically in the Mekarjaya Village area, Gantar District, Indramayu Regency. Theamount of wages is usually carried out by agreement and voluntarily both parties. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the views of positive law and Islamic law on the practice of buying and selling rice carried out by the people of Mekarjaya Village. The research methods used by researchers are qualitative approaches and types of field research. The data collection techniques used in this study were in the form of observations, interviews, and conducting studies on natural situations. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques use data reduction, data presentation (data display), and drawing conclusions. From the research that has been carried out by the author, the following results were obtained: that the transaction of buying and selling slashes and ijon on rice through intermediaries that occurred in Mekarjaya Village, Gantar District, Indramayu Regency, was invalid according to the provisions of Islamic law and Positive Law because the sale and purchase transaction was through intermediary services with benefits that already had a price value, but in the form of, size, and its nature is still not clearly and perfectly visible on the object being traded. However, in terms of obtaining wages obtained from a realtor / intermediary in selling slashed goods (rice) is in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law, namely the wages obtained by the realtor from the buyer / slasher are also entitled to be received as a thank you for being shown and given slashed goods / merchandise which will later be resold to get profits on a voluntary basis.
Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol 1 No 4 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Melati Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59004/metta.v1i4.262


Da'wah values in a literary work can always be packaged by the author. The novel of Bidadari untuk Dewa is one of the best seller novels based on true stories from the ups and downs of the lives of young couples, such as debt problems, business problems, women, friendship to near-death experiences. This story is a story from the life of a young businessman named Dewa Eka Prayoga. At a very young age of 21 years, he was able to make 1 billion. Even so, he was then involved in a problem because of debts of 7.7 billion due to being betrayed by his business partners. Not only that, Dewa again faced life problems in the form of a deadly disease called Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) which almost made his life end. At the end of the test which almost extinguished all his defenses, he rose to fight with the spirit and strength of prostration and total surrender to the Almighty. In this spirit, Dewa tried to remain upright and earnest to repent to God. Based on the background above, the purpose of this study was to find out what the contents of the da'wah message contained in the Bidadari untuk Dewa novel by Asma Nadia and what is the dominant da'wah message in the novel of Bidadari untuk Dewa by Asma Nadia. The methodology used in this study was a quantitative content analysis method with a descriptive approach. In processing the data, it was carried out by using coding sheets filled by three judges were used in which the three judges were predetermined. After calculating the data based on the coding sheet containing 262 samples that have been filled by the three judges, the results obtained are as follows: (1) In the novel of Bidadari untuk Dewa there are 97 aqidah or creed da'wah messages, 45 sharia da'wah messages and 120 moral da'wah messages. Furthermore, from the number of da'wah messages it can be concluded that: (2) The most dominant da'wah messages in the novel of Bidadari untuk Dewa are moral messages with a percentage of 45.80%, followed by aqidah message with a percentage of 37.02% and finally the sharia message with a percentage of 17.18%.
JUAL BELI BAJU GAMIS DENGAN SISTEM KONSINYASI DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM: Studi Kasus di Nurvi Collection, Soreang, Kab. Bandung, Jawa Barat Raden Dias Syaefulloh; Ahmad Asrof Fitri
Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol 1 No 4 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Melati Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59004/metta.v1i4.271


Trading as an effort to meet human needs in financing their lives is a recommendation to be carried out by Muslims. In today's life, humans cannot be separated from a transaction, namely buying and selling. Buying and selling is a transaction carried out by the exchange of goods and money. Along with the passage of time, economic activity is growing, one of which is the consignment system. The practice of buying and selling at the Nurvi Collection is carried out on consignment where the goods sold are directly deposited with the owner and the seller receives a commission. The objectives of this study are: To find out the consignment system in the practice of buying and selling robes at the Nurvi Collection and to find out the consignment system in the perspective of Islamic law on the practice of buying and selling robes at the Nurvi Collection. Types of research conducted by researchers are: field research (field research). The researcher uses a qualitative approach and the data collection uses observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Then the data were analyzed using the inductive method, namely a discussion that begins with observations first, then draws conclusions based on these observations. Research Results: first, The practice of buying and selling robes that occurs at the Nurvi Collection is by using a consignment system, namely buying and selling of robes between the owner and the agent. When a transaction occurs, namely in terms of buying and selling robes with a consignment system, there is a prior agreement between the owner and the agent. The payment system is according to the goods sold that are not sold will return to the owner. Second, The practice of buying and selling robes with a consignment system according to Islamic law is allowed because basically the consignment system is the practice of depositing sales goods with a commission or ujrah, so the practice of consignment includes an ijarah contract or wakalah bil ujrah contract.
TINJAUAN HUKUM ISLAM TENTANG PRAKTIK JUAL BELI BAWANG MERAH DENGAN SISTEM TAKSIRAN: Studi Kasus di Desa Larangan Kecamatan Larangan Kabupaten Brebes Tugimin; Irvan Iswandi; Ahmad Asrof Fitri
Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol 1 No 5 (2023): February 2023
Publisher : Melati Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59004/metta.v1i5.281


Is motivated by the researcher’s curiosity about the practice of buying and selling shallots with an estimation system when it is viewed based on Islamic law in Larangan Village. Larangan District, Brebes Regency, it is due to the practice of sale and purchase transactions of shallot harvest using an estimation system. The research method used was field research which was descriptive in nature, the research was carried out by collecting data through direct observation in the field, observation, interviews with people who were directly involved in this activity and also the documentation of activities. Based on the results of the research conducted, it pointed out that the practice of buying and selling shallots using the estimation system in the village of Larangan was a legitimate buying and selling transaction due to it has adjusted with the buying and selling principle, namely the existence of a seller and a buyer, the existence of sale and purchase agreement and the existence of goods or services that are the object of the transaction. This transaction was a valid habit (urf) and it did not contradict with the religious teachings. Moreover, in theory of muamalah reveals that everything is permissible as long as there are no arguments that against it. Besides, the practice of buying and selling using this estimation system was also legitimate based on in fiqh that the essence of commerce or buying and selling is mutual willingness between transacting parties.
IMPLEMENTASI AKAD ISTISHNA DALAM PEMBIAYAAN RUMAH TANPA BANK DEVELOPER PROPERTI SYARIAH : Studi Kasus pada PT. Amanah Barokah Santosa di Bekasi Kiswanto; Irvan Iswandi; Ahmad Asrof Fitri
Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol 1 No 5 (2023): February 2023
Publisher : Melati Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59004/metta.v1i5.282


The title of this research is the implementation of istishna akad in house finance without bank applied by shariah property developer PT Amanah Barokah Santosa. This research studied the implementation of istishna akad in house finance without bank. Istishna akad is order commerce and it is one form of commerce frequently implemented by the community in the process of owning a house. The problem of this research was how is the implementation of istishna akad in house finance without bank that occurs at sharia property developer PT Amanah Barokah Santosa in Bekasi. The type of this research was descriptive qualitative with elaboration related to the existed problem solving. The results of this research show that PT. Amanah Barokah Santosa has implemented istishna akad well and free of riba/interest. It also embraced the concept of not implementing riba or interest, there is no penalty, it does not guarantee the goods that do not belong to the buyer, the price determined prevails until the house is completely paid, the guarantee applied is in the form of goods (rahn), and it is true that it uses house finance system without bank.
WAKAF KOLEKTIF DAN PENGELOLAANNYA DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM: Studi Kasus Yayasan Dharma Kasih Jakarta Timur Suharwoto; Ahmad Asrof Fitri; Ali Aminulloh
Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol 1 No 5 (2023): February 2023
Publisher : Melati Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59004/metta.v1i5.293


Management and management of waqf in Indonesia is still a cause for concern. As a result, quite a lot of waqf assets have been neglected in their management, and some waqf assets have even been lost. The aims of this study were: 1) to find out the description of collective waqf management at the Dharma Kasih Foundation, East Jakarta. 2) to obtain an explanation regarding the Islamic Law review of the collective waqf process carried out by the East Jakarta Dharma Kasih Foundation. This research is a qualitative research using a qualitative descriptive approach. The type of this research is field research. Data collection techniques were carried out in 3 ways, namely: 1) interviews, 2) observation, 3) documentation. The results of the study are (1) the management of the collective waqf of the East Jakarta Dharma Kasih Foundation, namely for land acquisition for the expansion of the foundation and the construction of the foundation's prayer room. It was recorded that there were 122 w?qifs for land acquisition for the foundation and 137 w?qifs for the construction of the foundation's prayer room. (2) Collective endowments for expanding the land of the East Jakarta Dharma Kasih Foundation for mosques and building a prayer room in accordance with Islamic law are permitted. Judging from the perspective of fiqh, it has fulfilled the pillars and conditions, namely w?qif (a person who donates property), mauquf bih (goods or property that is donated), mauquf'alaih (the party who is given waqf / designation of waqf), shighat (a statement or pledge of w?qif as a will to donate part of their property). In the perspective of the waqf law, the waqf elements have also been fulfilled, namely waqif, nazhir, waqf assets, waqf pledges, allotment of waqf assets and the waqf period.
Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol 1 No 6 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Melati Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In everyday life, people often need lenders for urgent needs or additional capital in order for their businesses to be able to continue. Apart from official financial institutions, there are also mobile banks in the community which have their own existence because they provide convenience on terms and conditions in lending to the community, but have higher interest in return. The purpose of this research was to find out the practice of mobile bank loans in increasing people's income in Sub-village of Sembung I and to find out the review of Islamic Law on the practice of mobile bank loans in Sub-village of Sembung I. In this research, the authors used a qualitative research approach. In collecting data from the field, both from sources and in the form of documents related to the author using observation techniques, interviews and documentation. While the data processing and analysis techniques used by the authors are descriptive analysis and then interpreted in the form of qualitative descriptive. The results of this research showed that: First, Loans from Mobile Banks in increasing people's income in Sub-village of Sembung I, turned out not to be able to significantly increase people's income. Second, According to Islamic law, the existence of mobile banks whose purpose is to increase people's income is unlawful according to Islamic law. Because it contains elements of usury in it and in practice mobile banks bring more harm than benefits.