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The Islamic Taste in Laws and Regulations Establishment: Case of Gorontalo Province, Indonesia Abdussamad, Zamroni; Achir, Nuvazria
Law Research Review Quarterly Vol 6 No 1 (2020): L. Research Rev. Q. (February 2020) "Law, Democracy and Crime: How Society Respon
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/lrrq.v6i1.36703


The presence of a local regulation containing religious teachings has recently been challenged in the form of criticism, which considers that the existence of this regulation product is a form of discrimination and is not effectively implemented. The results of the study, Gorontalo Province, dubbed "Serambi Madinah", the majority of the population is Muslim, putting religion as the main thing in the affairs of life. The urgency of the teachings of Islam in the formation of legal products in Gorontalo is based on several things, in addition to being considered a local wisdom, the law instead presents justice, prosperity and prosperity for its people and serves as a benchmark for how to live a national life based on Pancasila without violating the value of tolerance towards other people. Local regulations based on religious teachings also contain solutions to overcoming the problems of poverty, economic, social and cultural areas that originate from the Qur'an where the teachings are for the salvation of humanity from moral damage. Therefore, it is important to present regulations containing the content of Islamic teachings as a form of preventive and repressive measures for all forms of crime and deviant behavior. Islamic teachings are considered important to be the substance, in addition to supporting parents to provide assistance to children's activities, it also supports the government in carrying out its duties and responsibilities in social affairs.
KEBIJAKAN HUKUM MENUJU SISTEM HUKUM NASIONAL (Suatu kajian terhadap Undang-Undang Nomor 11/PNPS/1963 tentang pemberantasan kegiatan politik dalam reformasi hukum dewasa ini) Zamroni Abdussamad
Jurnal Inovasi VOL. 07, NO. 03, THN. 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Inovasi

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Kebijakan hukum yang arif dan berhikmat pada kedaulatan kemanusiaan dalam merevisi dan menguji undang-undang suversi. Kemauan politik pemerintah diperlukan untuk menyelenggarakan penataan sistem hukum, bukan dimaksudkan untuk melanggengkan kekuasaan pemerintahan, lebih dari itu sebagai dasar pembentukan hukum nasional yang berpihak pada kebenaran dan keadilan. Kata kunci: undang-undang, suversi, kebijakan.
Jurnal Inovasi VOL. 06, NO. 04, THN. 2009
Publisher : Jurnal Inovasi

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Dalam persoalan penegakan hukum, pemahaman riil adalah menjamin kepastian hukum, ketertiban dan perlindungan hukum pada era modernisasi dan globalisasi saat ini dapat terlaksana, apabila berbagai dimensi kehidupan hukum selalu menjaga keselarasan, keseimbangan dan keserasian antara moralitas sipil yang didasarkan oleh nilai-nilai aktual di dalam masyarakat itu sendiri. Penyesuaian diri hukum terhadap perubahan sosial sudah dianggap suatu hak yang tidak perlu diragukan lagi, namun apabila kita dihadapkan pada peranan hukum melakukan kontrol sosial, masih dipertanyakan mengenai kemampuan hukum untuk menjalankan perannya yang demikian itu; karena hukum sebagai sarana kontrol sosial dihadapkan pada persoalan bagaimana menciptakan perubahan dalam masyarakat sehinga mampu mengikuti perubahan yang sedang terjadi. Dalam sistem peradilan pidana pelaksanaan dan penyelenggaraan penegakan hukum pidana melibatkan badan-badan yang masing-masing memiliki fungsi sendiri-sendiri. Badan-badan tersebut yaitu kepolisian, kejaksaan, pengadilan dan lembaga pemasyarakatan. Dalam kerangka kerja sitematik ini tindakan badan yang satu akan berpengaruh pada badan yang lainnya.
The Discourse on Legal Utopia for The People with Disabilities in Order to Remove the Educational Segregation Zamroni Abdussamad
Jambura Law Review VOLUME 3 NO. 2 jULY 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.79 KB) | DOI: 10.33756/jlr.v3i2.11068


The right to education for persons with disabilities is still a contemporary legal issue with legal and social problems. The laws and regulations governing the right to education with disabilities are still segregated for the research objectives, namely the Pattern of analyzing the educational arrangements for persons with disabilities and the ideal arrangements for achieving equality in education for persons with disabilities in Indonesia. This research method is categorized into normative legal research types. It is based on the issues and or themes raised as research topics using a philosophical and analytical research approach that is analyzed descriptively. The study results show that the segregated polarization of education for persons with disabilities is contained in Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities and Articles 5, 15 and 32 of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. The arrangement divides persons with disabilities into particular groups that have an impact on a homogeneous social environment. Therefore, the ideal design is educational equality, as in the United States, where people with disabilities attend regular schools. Besides that, it is necessary to have equal education for people with disabilities in the laws and regulations in Indonesia.
Upaya Pengembangan Potensi Desa Melalui Rancang Bangun Peraturan Desa Dudepo Kecamatan Patilanggio Kabupaten Pohuwato Lusiana Margareth Tijow; Zamroni Abdussamad
DAS SEIN: Jurnal Pengabdian Hukum dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1039.544 KB) | DOI: 10.33756/jds.v1i1.8254


Tujuan penulisan artikel ini sebagai luaran laporan Program Pengabdian KKN sebagai bentuk upaya untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan potensi desa yang ada, sehingga dapat mewujudkan pembangunan desa. Selain itu sosialisasi dan penyuluhan terkait dengan rancang bangun peraturan desa tentang pengembangan potensi Desa Dudepo di Kabupaten Pohuwato tersebut kepada aparat dan masyarakat desa dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pengetahuan sekaligus keselarasan persepsi dalam melakukan ikhtiar kolektif pembangunan desa melalui pengembangan potensi desa di Kabupaten Pohuwato, serta Pembentukan SATGAS P2D (Satuan Tugas Pengembangan Potensi Desa) yang dimaksudkan untuk mengidentifikasi dan melakukan pendampingan mulai dari tahapan identifikasi potensi desa, perencanaan, pengelolaan dan pengembangan potensi desa sebagai bentuk perwujudan desa tangguh dan berkembang untuk mencerminkan pelaksanaan pembangunan di desa. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah pelaksanaan pendampingan pembentukan peraturan desa sesuai dengan potensi Desa Dudepo, data-data terkait potensi yang ada di Desa Dudepo, Pembentukan SATGAS P2D (Satuan Tugas Pengembangan Potensi Desa) yang melibatkan aparat desa dan masyarakat untuk memudahkan koordinasi, komunikasi program dan kegiatan pengembangan potensi desa di Desa Dudepo.Kata Kunci: Pengembangan; Rancang Peraturan Desa; Potensi Desa.
Studi Perbandingan Penanganan Pengungsi Luar Negeri Di Indonesia, Australia, Dan Thailand Mohamad Hidayat Muhtar; Zamroni Abdussamad; Zainal Abdul Aziz Hadju
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 30 No. 1: JANUARI 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/iustum.vol30.iss1.art2


Indonesia specifically addresses the refugee issues in Presidential Regulation No. 125 of 2016 on the Handling of Foreign Refugees. The handling of refugee status in Indonesia is handed over to UNHCR considering that Indonesia is not a party to the 1951 Refugee Convention or the 1967 Protocol. Besides Indonesia, Australia and Thailand are also not parties to the convention. Therefore it is important to see a comparative study of policies between countries. This study also aims to find out whether Presidential Decree No. 125 of 2016 can resolve the problem of refugees in Indonesia and what is the policy comparison between Indonesia, Australia and Thailand. The research method used is normative legal research with a statutory approach. The results of the study concluded that Presidential Decree No. 125 of 2016 has adequately accommodated arrangements for overseas refugees, but there are still several provisions that have multiple interpretations, such as arrangements regarding "foreigners", Rudenim arrangements, and the principle of "local integration" that has not been regulated. The implementation in Australia is firmer compared to Thailand and Indonesia. Australia itself emphasizes forced repatriation if it is detected as threatening the country's sovereignty. Meanwhile, Thailand provides access to foreign refugees to submit applications so they can live and settle.Key Words: Presidential decree 125 Year 2016, Refugees, 1951 Convention, 1967 Protocol AbstrakIndonesia secara khusus mengatur masalah pengungsi dalam Peraturan Presiden No. 125 Tahun 2016 tentang Penanganan Pengungsi Luar Negeri. Penanganan status pengungsi di Indonesia diserahkan kepada UNHCR mengingat Indonesia bukan negara pihak Konvensi Pengungsi 1951 atau Protokol 1967. Selain Indonesia, Australia dan Thailand juga bukan negara pihak konvensi. Oleh karena itu penting untuk melihat studi perbandingan kebijakan antar negara. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah Perpres No. 125 Tahun 2016 dapat menyelesaikan masalah pengungsi di Indonesia dan bagaimana perbandingan kebijakan antara Indonesia, Australia dan Thailand. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan, yaitu penelian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Perpres No. 125 Tahun 2016, telah cukup mengakomodasi pengaturan pengungsi luar negeri, akan tetapi masih terdapat beberapa ketentuan yang multitafsir, seperti pengaturan tentang “orang asing”, pengaturan Rundenim, dan belum diaturnya mengenai prinsip “integrasi lokal”. Adapun implementasi di negara Australia lebih tegas dibandingkan dengan Thailand dan Indonesia. Asutralia sendiri menegaskan pemulangan paksa jika terdeteksi mengancam kedaulatan negara. Sedangkan Thailand memberikan akses kepada pengungsi luar negeri untuk mengajukan permohonan agar dapat tinggal dan menetap.Kata-kata Kunci: Perpres 125 Tahun 2016; Pengungsi; Konvensi 1951; Protokol 1967
Etika Penggunaan Media Sosial Dalam Promosi Destinasi Wisata di Desa Patoameme Zamroni ABDUSSAMAD; Mohamad Hidayat MUHTAR
Akuntansi dan Humaniora: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Akuntansi dan Humaniora: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Juni – September 2022)
Publisher : Indonesia Strategic Sustainability

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/ahjpm.v1i2.339


Menurunnya kunjungan wisatawan akibat pandemik covid-19 menjadikan promosi wisata menjadi langkah konkrit dalam memulihkan kembali sektor kepariwisataan. Promosi tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui media sosial yang dapat menjangkau seluruh pihak. Akan tetapi, penggunaaan media sosial justru dapat beribas pada hal-hal negatif ketika promosi yang dilakukan tidak sesuai dengan etika dan tanggungjawab dalam menggunakan media sosial. Persoalan minimnya pengetahun masyarakat di desa Patoameme terhadap etika penggunaan media sosial untuk promosi destinasi wisata harus diijawab dengan berbagai langkah, salah satunya adalah melakukan pengabdian masyarakat sebagai tanggungjawab dari perguruan tinggi sekaligus mengamalkan tridarma perguruan tinggi. Hasil pengabdian menunjukan bahwa promosi destinasi wisata merupakan hal yang sangat penting dilakukan dalam pengembangan suatu destinasi wisata. Melalui promosi tersebut maka kunjungan wisatawan akan meningkat dan akan berimbas pada peningkatan pendapatan dari aktifitas wisatawan yang dilakukan pada destinasi wisata. Salah satu bentuk promosi destinasi wisata ialah melalui media sosial. Akan tetapi, perkembangan media sosial yang begitu pesat harus diimbangi dengan etika hukum dalam penggunaan media sosial. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar promosi destinasi wisata yang dilakukan tidak bertentangan dengan kaedah hukum yang berlaku.
Contra Perceptions Of The Freedom Of Contract Principle In Law No. 2 Of 1960 Concerning Agricultural Products Sharing With The Community Ijon System In The Bonebeach Environment Dolot Al Hasni BAKUNG; Zamroni ABDUSSAMAD; Mohamad Hidayat MUHTAR
Protection: Journal Of Land And Environmental Law Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Protection: Journal Of Land And Environmental Law. (July – October 2022)
Publisher : Indonesia Strategic Sustainability

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (169.436 KB) | DOI: 10.38142/pjlel.v1i1.280


Buying and selling is an activity that takes place and is inherent in every society in the State of Indonesia. Therefore, there are many rules that regulate the matter of buying and selling in Indonesia. Agreements made by the community in terms of buying and selling must be clear and have a legal basis because every agreement born of an agreement is bound by law, as stated in article 1338 of the Civil Code (KUHPerdt). Buying and selling also has its own way, including buying and selling in the ijon or ngijon system, namely selling fruit that has not been seen. This research is categorized into the type of empirical normative legal research, it is based on the issues and or themes raised as research topics. Empirical normative legal research uses case studies in the form of products of legal behavior, for example reviewing laws and their application in society.
Positive Fictional Authority Legislative Ratio in Government Administration Laws and Job Creation Laws Iqbal Mustapa; Zamroni Abdussamad; Mellisa Towadi
Damhil Law Journal Volume 2 Issue 1 May 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.32 KB) | DOI: 10.56591/dlj.v1i1.1726


This study aims to determine the causes of the low fulfillment of wife and children's income after divorce and the efforts that can be made to optimize the fulfillment of wife and children's income, especially in divorce cases. The research method used is normative with a case approach (statute approach) and a conceptual approach. The results of the study show that the percentage of women's and children's rights in religious courts has a very low percentage, so it is necessary for judges to use their ex officio rights massively for the optimal fulfillment of women's and children's rights. In addition, the position of the SEMA which is considered to be a guideline or policy and does not have strong binding power, it is necessary to have rules recognized by the national legislation formation system, preferably in the form of a Supreme Court Regulation or Government Regulation. The results of the study show that the percentage of women's and children's rights in religious courts has a very low percentage, so it is necessary for judges to use their ex officio rights massively for the optimal fulfillment of women's and children's rights. In addition, the position of the SEMA which is considered to be a guideline or policy and does not have strong binding power, it is necessary to have rules recognized by the national legislation formation system, preferably in the form of a Supreme Court Regulation or Government Regulation. The results of the study show that the percentage of women's and children's rights in religious courts has a very low percentage, so it is necessary for judges to use their ex officio rights massively for the optimal fulfillment of women's and children's rights. In addition, the position of the Sema which is considered to be a guideline or policy and does not have strong binding power, it is necessary to have rules recognized by the national legislation formation system, preferably in the form of a Supreme Court Regulation or Government Regulation.
Fulfillment Of Assimilation Rights And Integration Rights To Corporate Students Susan Bau; Zamroni Abdussamad; Waode Mustika
Estudiante Law Journal VOL. 4 NO. 1 FEBRUARI 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (66.316 KB) | DOI: 10.33756/eslaj.v4i2.16040


This study aims to determine the fulfillment of assimilation rights and integration rights to correctional students. The type of research method used in this study is empirical research with sampling using purposive sampling. This study also uses a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate thatIn the implementation of the fulfillment of the right of assimilation and the right of integration to correctional students, there are several obstacles, as for these obstacles, namely there is no guarantor of the correctional students, has register f records, Community Environment, excess capacity, minimal quality of officers and less bureaucratic processes. effective. The government carries out alternative non-prison punishments that can be carried out such as supervision and community service which is seen as more efficient than prison law because in achieving the goal of fostering or rehabilitating correctional students before finally being able to be free and return to life in the community and for the community.The community is expected to participate actively in the implementation of community programs, so that correctional students feel they can be accepted again in the community.