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Teknik Pemeriksaan Keabsahan Data pada Penelitian Kualitatif di Bidang Kesehatan Masyarakat Mekarisce, Arnild Augina
JURNAL ILMIAH KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT : Media Komunikasi Komunitas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 12 No 3 (2020): JIKM Vol. 12, Edisi 3, Agustus 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, UPN Veteran Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52022/jikm.v12i3.102


Pendahuluan: Secara umum metode penelitian didefinisikan sebagai suatu kegiatan ilmiah yang terencana, terstruktur, sistematis, dan memiliki tujuan tertentu baik praktis maupun teoritis. Dikatakan terstruktur karena kegiatan ini berlangsung mengikuti suatu proses dan tahapan-tahapan tertentu. Salah satu tahapannya adalah tahapan dalam pengumpulan data. Data merupakan hal yang sangat krusial dalam penelitian, sehingga dalam perjalanannya, data yang dikumpulkan harus memenuhi syarat pada pemeriksaan keabsahan data, termasuk dalam penelitian kualitatif. Metode: Metode yang digunakan adalah literature review, yaitu literatur dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber seperti buku, jurnal, artikel ilmiah yang saling terkait. Hasil dan Pembahasan: Pemeriksaan terhadap keabsahan data merupakan sebagai unsur yang tidak terpisahkan dari tubuh pengetahuan penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data dalam penelitian kualitatif meliputi uji kredibilitas (perpanjangan pengamatan, meningkatkan ketekunan, triangulasi, analisis kasus negatif, menggunakan bahan referensi, atau mengadakan membercheck), transferabilitas, dependabilitas, maupun konfirmabilitas. Kesimpulan: Teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data yang dapat dilakukan pada penelitian kualitatif yaitu dengan melakukan uji kredibilitas, transferabilitas, dependabilitas, maupun konfirmabilitas. Kata kunci: kredibilitas, transferabilitas, triangulasi, dependabilitas, konfirmabilitas Data Validity Check Techniques in Qualitative Research in Public Health Introduction: In general, the research method is defined as a scientific activity that is planned, structured, systematic, and has specific objectives both practical and theoretical, both in quantitative and qualitative research. It is said to be structured because this activity takes place following a certain process and stages. One of the stages is the stage in data collection. Data is very crucial in the research, so that in its journey, the data collected must meet the requirements on the validity of the data. This study aims to explain the theory about the data validity check techniques in qualitative research in public health. Method: The method used is literature review, which is literature collected from various sources such as books, journals, scientific articles that are interrelated. Result: Data Validity Check Techniques is an inseparable element of the body of qualitative research knowledge in the field of public health. Data validity checking techniques in this qualitative study include credibility tests (extended observations, increasing perseverance, triangulation, negative case analysis, using reference material, or holding a member check), transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Conclusion: Data validity checking techniques that can be carried out in qualitative research in the field of public health are by conducting tests of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Keywords: credibility, transferability, triangulation, dependability, confirmability
EFEKTIVITAS PUSAT INFORMASI KONSELING REMAJA (PIK-R); STUDI KUALITATIF DENGAN TEKNIK MOST SIGNIFICANT CHANGE (MSC): The Effectiveness of The Adolescent Counseling Information Center (Pik-R); Qualitative Study with Most Significant Change (MSC) Technique Nugroho, Yoga Tri; Ena Sari, Rumita; Meckarische, Arnild Augina
JURNAL ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI KESEHATAN TERPADU Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan Terpadu
Publisher : Poltekes Kemenkes Tanjungpinang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.324 KB) | DOI: 10.53579/jitkt.v1i1.8


This study aimed to describe the most significant change stories in the indicators of the effectiveness of the Adolescent Counseling Information Center (PIK-R) at SMA Negeri 4 Kota Jambi. This research was qualitative study with a narrative approach. Data collected by FGD and indepth interview with the Most Significant Change (MSC) technique. In the effectiveness dimension, the most significant change story was the increasing in life skills of PIK-R members in organizational life. Life skills of PIK-R members was in the form of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual skills, such as being able to solve problems well, think critically, creatively, be innovative in developing PIK-R progress and the ability to communicate better, bolder and more confident.Furthermore, this was the most significant change because PIK-R 4G SMAN 4 Jambi City has clear objectives, the right strategy and program, but the provision of facilities and infrastructure is incomplete, namely not having a  room for PIK-R, the implementation of activities still relies on the supervisor. PIK-R, as well as the implementation of strategy and formulation of activity programs have not run optimally. So that, in the effectiveness dimension, the implementation of PIK-R 4G at SMAN 4 Jambi City has not been effective.
Analisis Perilaku Persalinan Komunitas Adat Terpencil di Wilayah Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas Kabupaten Sarolangun Provinsi Jambi guspianto guspianto; Andy Amir; Arnild Augina Mekarisce
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 4: DESEMBER 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.578 KB) | DOI: 10.30597/mkmi.v15i4.7991


The Remote Indigenous Communities (RIC) live in groups in the secondary forests of Jambi Province.The relatively primitive social, economic, cultural and environmental conditions cause RIC to have vulnerablebehavior towards health problems, including childbirth. This study aims to analyze the childbirth behavior inRIC who is considered to be a high risk of complications. The study design is descriptive qualitative research tounderstand holistically social phenomena about childbirth behavior among RIC in the Bukit Duabelas NationalPark area at Sarolangun Regency-Jambi. Research informants were selected purposively including Mothers whohad given birth, Husbands, Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs), Tumenggung, and Midwives. This study foundin general childbirth behavior of RIC was unsafe and had a high risk that could have an impact on maternal andinfant mortality. This is likely influenced by the lack of knowledge, less supportive attitude, low of need perception,and health services have not been optimal. Living in scattered groups and habits of “melangun” are obstacles forproviding health services. It is recommended to improve the implementation of the P4K program and integratedhealth service activities, create a maternity shelter, provide “RIC Care Mobile”, and approach with RIC communityleaders (Tumenggung), and TBAs on the importance of safe delivery to maintain maternal health and safety.
Kinerja Petugas Kesehatan dalam Upaya Menurunkan Angka Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue di Puskesmas Kota Jambi Rumita Ena Sari; Fransiska Sitepu; Arnild Augina Mekarische; Hubaybah Hubaybah; Rinaldi Daswito; Evy Wisudariani
Jurnal Kesehatan Terpadu (Integrated Health Journal) Vol 12 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Terpadu (Integrated Health Journal) November 2021
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32695/jkt.v12i2.153


In Jambi Province, the morbidity rate of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) has increased for three consecutive years with a mortality rate of 0.74%. This study aimed to determine the performance of health workers to reduce the incidence of dengue fever at the Jambi City Health Center in 2020. This study used a cross-sectional design with several respondents 80 officers, the sampling technique used total sampling. The instrument in this study used a questionnaire. Data analysis using Chi-square test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the length of work (OR = 0.184), facilities and infrastructure (OR = 1.977), supervision (OR = 2.118), and superior support (OR = 2.029) with the performance of health workers, and there was no significant relationship between the last education (OR=1.152) and reward (OR=1.472) with the performance of health workers. Health officers DHF program are expected to maximize services such as environmental health inspections and PSN 3M counseling as well as increase supervision of the community so that they can participate in the prevention of DHF, namely by forming Jumantik cadres, maximizing outreach and outreach with the community, and fostering community self-hygiene.
Kader Pusat Informasi Dan Konseling Remaja (PIK-R) Dalam Siklus Reproduksi Di Kelurahan Kenali Asam Bawah Kecamatan Kota Baru Jambi Dwi Noerjoedianto; Fitria Eka Putri; Arnild Augina Mekarisce
Jurnal Salam Sehat Masyarakat (JSSM) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Salam Sehat Masyarakat
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, FKIK Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (474.437 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jssm.v1i1.8238


ABSTRACT KB Purwosari village is one of the KB villages in the Kenali Asam Bawah Kelurahan, Kota Baru Jambi District. During 2017 since it was set, only the stages of socialization to the community about the importance of the existence of the KB village, and the formation of poktan (activity groups). Divided into 5 groups, namely the Youth Family Development Group (BKR), Prosperous Family Income Improvement Efforts (UPPKS), Toddler Family Development (BKB), Elderly Family Development (BKL) and Managers of the Youth Information and Counseling Center (PIK-R). Community service is carried out by stages in formulating schedules and activity plans, providing material to members of the PIK-R poktan and BKR poktan, KIE media simulation to PIK-R poktan and BKR poktan members, home visits (visite), mass media exposure, home data display and monitoring and evaluating success. Has shown success as evidenced by the increase in pre-test results and post-test results, in the 7 categories of variables measured, while those that need to be followed up on 3 variables that have not significantly changed, (the achievement value remains no change), namely in the Triad category KRR on healthy family planning, use of contraceptives, and routine check-ups during pregnancy. Activities initiated by groups of activities both PIK R RT 03 and BKR RT 18 really gave a positive warrants and aura to the KB Village. The continuity of activities with the support of the puskesmas and kelurahan is very good.  
Jurnal Salam Sehat Masyarakat (JSSM) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Salam Sehat Masyarakat
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, FKIK Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4994.042 KB) | DOI: 10.22437/jssm.v2i1.11154


Elderly is a period when organisms have reached their prime in size, function, and some have shown their decline over time. Based on the indicators of physical fitness in the elderly in Indonesia, it is still lacking, this is proven by the high morbidity rate in the elderly. To be able to face the elderly who can enjoy their life and maintain their strength and fitness, the elderly must do regular sports activities, carry out a healthy lifestyle, take a break from smoking and have health checks. This community service aims to improve the physical and psychological health of the elderly through exercise assistance activities for the elderly. This activity is in partnership with RT 01 and RT 02 Kelurahan Lingkar Selatan, Paal Merah District. This activity involves all elderly who are registered in the posyandu as a target of improving physical and psychological health through elderly exercise. Activities are carried out from compiling an activity plan to monitoring and evaluating activities according to the set targets and outputs. The results of the pre-test and post-test activities, which consisted of four indicators of evaluation, had increased, but this was not too significant because this activity only took place during service activities, to find maximum results, it was necessary to sustain the activity. Increased knowledge of the RT elderly group. 01 and RT. 02 Kelurahan Lingkar Selatan on the importance of Lansi Gymnastics in maintaining physical and psychiatric health and Increasing awareness and skills of the elderly group RT. 01 and RT. 02 Lingkar Selatan Village in doing elderly gymnasticsArtikel
Study on the Utilization of National Health Insurance Participants for Contribution Assistance Recipients Jambi City Dwi Noerjoedianto; Adila Solida; Arnild Augina Mekarisce
International Journal Of Health Science Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): July: International Journal of Health
Publisher : Politeknik Pratama Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (706.994 KB) | DOI: 10.55606/ijhs.v2i2.322


The coverage of JKN PBI participation is higher than that of non-PBI participants, but the utilization of health services by JKN PBI participants in Indonesia is still relatively low. This study aims to determine what factors are related to the utilization of health services for PBI group National Health Insurance (JKN) participants in Jambi City. This study is a quantitative study using a cross sectional approach. The sample amounted to 106 samples with a sampling technique using accidental sampling. The independent variables in this study were education, occupation, knowledge, attitudes, perceptions of health conditions, affordability and information, while the dependent variable was the utilization of health services. Data were obtained by filling out questionnaires by respondents. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate (chi-square) tests. The results of this study indicate that most of the 61.3% of respondents do not use health services. Based on statistical tests in this study indicate that factors related to the utilization of health services are knowledge (0.000), attitudes (0.003), perception of health conditions (0.012), and information (0.000). And there is no relationship between education (0.147), occupation (0.295) and affordability (0.787) with the utilization of health services for participants of the National Health Insurance (JKN) PBI group. There is a relationship between the variables of knowledge, attitudes, perceptions of health conditions and information with the utilization of health services for the participants of the National Health Insurance for the PBI Group in Jambi City.
Manajemen Perubahan dalam Penanganan Dbd pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Jambi Anisa Raudatul Ulfa; Rumita Ena Sari; Arnild Augina Mekarisce; guspianto guspianto; Budi Aswin
Malahayati Nursing Journal Vol 4, No 10 (2022): Volume 4 Nomor 10 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/mnj.v4i10.6982


ABSTRACT The current Covid-19 pandemic has caused public health centers (Puskesmas) to face fluctuating environmental changes, one of which is the handling Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). To analyze the management of change in the handling of DHF during the Covid-19 pandemic in Jambi City. This research was qualitative study. The research sites were the Jambi City Health Office and the Kenali Besar Health Center. Research informants totaled 7 people were determined using the snowball sampling. Data was collected on March 14, 2022 – March 29, 2022. Data collected with in-depth interviews, document review, and observation. Data analyzed with thematic analysis dan triangulation. There was no change in the flow of implementation of the handling of DHF during the Covid-19 pandemic, but there was a change in the health protocol where officers were required to wear masks and keep their distance when they went down the field, there was a reduction in the budget for handling DHF which was shifted to handling Covid-19, there was no change in the flow the implementation of G1R1J as the main focus in handling DHF, and there was no change in the team regarding the handling of DHF during the Covid-19 pandemic in Jambi City. There was no change management in handling DHF during the Covid-19 pandemic in Jambi City Keywords: Organizational Agility, Change Management, DHF, Public Health Center ABSTRAK Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi saat ini menyebabkan pusat kesehatan masyarakat (Puskesmas) menghadapi perubahan lingkungan yang fluktuatif, salah satunya dalam penanganan Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD). Untuk menganalisis manajemen perubahan dalam penanganan DBD pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Jambi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus (case study). Tempat penelitian di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Jambi dan Puskesmas Kenali Besar. Informan penelitian berjumlah 7 orang ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik snowball. Pengumpulan data pada 14 Maret 2022 – 29 Maret 2022. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yaitu thematic analysis dan triangulasi. Tidak terjadi perubahan alur pelaksanaan penanganan DBD pada masa pandemi Covid-19, tetapi terjadi perubahan pada protokol kesehatan dimana petugas diwajibkan menggunakan masker dan menjaga jarak pada saat turun lapangan, terjadi pengurangan anggaran penanganan DBD yang dialihkan ke penanganan Covid-19, tidak terjadi perubahan alur pelaksanaan G1R1J sebagai fokus utama dalam penanganan DBD, serta tidak terjadi perubahan tim terkait penanganan DBD pada masa pandmei Covid-19 di Kota Jambi. Tidak terlaksana manajemen perubahan dalam penanganan DBD pada masa pandmei Covid-19 di Kota Jambi Kata Kunci: Agilitas Organisasi, Manajemen Perubahan, DBD, Puskesmas
Hubungan Persepsi Bauran Pemasaran dengan Loyalitas Pasien Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Kambang Jambi Cindy Permatasari; Rumita Ena Sari; Arnild Augina Mecarisce; Adila Solida; Rizalia Wardiah
Malahayati Nursing Journal Vol 4, No 11 (2022): Volume 4 Nomor 11 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/mnj.v4i11.7107


ABSTRACT The decrease in the number of old patient visits in 2019 to 2020, namely patients who carry out reuse at the Jambi Kambang General Hospital. The decreasing number of old patients in several polyclinics and emergency rooms can be a symptom of a decrease in loyalty to Kambang Jambi General Hospital. This study aim to determine the relationship between the perception of the marketing mix and the loyalty of outpatients at Kambang Jambi General Hospital. This research was quantitative study used cross sectional desain. Sample was outpatients, totaling 105 patients, taken with purposive sampling technique. Data collected from July 2021 to March 2022, used questionnaires that has been tested for validity and reliability. Data analyzed by two-stages such as univariate and bivariate using chi-square test. There was correlation between the marketing mix and patient loyalty with the marketing mix of Place (p-value=0.017) PR=2.899, Promotion (p-value=0.000) PR=4526, People (p-value=0.000) PR=6.789, Process (p-value=0.001) PR=3.955, and Physical evidence ( p-value=0.009) PR=3.018. Meanwhile, product marketing mix (p-value=0.136), and price (p-value=0.371) unrelated to loyalty. The variables that have a correlation with the marketing mix are place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence, and those that do not have a correlation with the marketing mix are product and price. Thus, the hospital is expected to be able to improve the marketing mix of places, promotions, people, processes, and physical evidence tailored to the needs and desires of patients so that patient loyalty increases at Kambang Jambi General Hospital. Keywords : Patient, Perception, Marketing Mix, Loyalty  ABSTRAK Menurunnya jumlah kunjungan pasien lama pada tahun 2019 sampai 2020, yakni pasien yang melaksanakan pemanfaatan ulang di Rumah Sakit Umum Kambang Jambi. Jumlah pasien lama di beberapa poli dan juga instalasi gawat darurat (IGD) yang menurun sehingga mampu menjadi gejala adanya penurunan loyalitas bagi Rumah Sakit Umum Kambang Jambi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan persepsi bauran pemasaran dengan loyalitas pasien rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Kambang Jambi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross sectional. Sampel penelitian yaitu pasien rawat jalan yang berjumlah 105 pasien. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu Purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2021 hingga Maret 2022, menggunakan kuesioner yang sudah di uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Analisis dua tahap univariat dan bivariat dengan uji kai-kuadrat. Terdapat hubungan bauran pemasaran terhadap loyalitas pasien dengan bauran pemasaran Tempat (p-value=0.017) PR=2.899, Promosi (p-value=0.000) PR=4526, Orang (p-value=0.000) PR=6.789, Proses (p-value=0.001) PR=3.955, dan Bukti fisik (p-value=0.009) PR=3.018. Sedangkan yang tidak berhubungan yaitu bauran pemasaran Produk (p-value=0.136), dan Harga (p-value=0.371). Variabel yang memiliki korelasi dengan bauran pemasaran  adalah tempat, promosi, orang, proses, dan bukti fisik, dan yang tidak memiliki korelasi dengan bauran pemasaran adalah produk dan harga. Dengan demikian, rumah sakit diharapkan untuk dapat meningkatkan bauran pemasaran tempat, promosi, orang, proses, dan bukti fisik yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan pasien sehingga loyalitas pasien meningkat di Rumah Sakit Umum Kambang Jambi. Kata Kunci: Pasien, Persepsi, Bauran Pemasaran, Loyalitas
Hubungan Perencanaan Strategis dan Kepuasan Kerja dengan Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Kesehatan Kota Jambi Shafira Ainun Hafilda; Rumita Ena Sari; Arnild Augina Mekarisce; Dwi Noerjoedianto; Adila Solida
Malahayati Nursing Journal Vol 4, No 10 (2022): Volume 4 Nomor 10 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/mnj.v4i10.6975


ABSTRACT Performance is a function of encouragement and expertise for a person in carrying out an obligation and work in order to have a certain degree of ability and ability. Based on the Profile of Departement of Municipality Jambi in 2022, it is known that of the 12 types of health services in of Departement of Municipality Jambi, there are 8 health services whose performance has decreased. The research was quantitative research with a cross sectional study design. The sample in this study were 82 employees, selected purposive sampling who worket at  of Departement of Municipality Jambi. Data collected was on January 25 2022 until March 16 2022. The dependent variables are age, gender, education, years of service, position, vision and mision, goals, measure of success, satisfaction with rewards, satisfaction with superios, satisfaction with coworkers. Data analized 2 stages such, Univariat, Bivariat used pearson correlation. The was correlation between age (p = 0.001), vision and mission (r = 0.334, p = 0.002), goals (r = 0.277, p = 0.012) measure of success (r = 0.507, p = 0.000), satisfaction with rewards (r= 0.332, p=0.003), satisfaction with superiors (r=0.365, p=0.001), and satisfaction with co-workers (r=0.311, p0.004) with employee performance. There was correlaton, vision and mission, goals, measures of success, satisfaction with rewards, satisfaction with superiors, and satisfaction with co-workers with employee performance. It is hoped that the Health Departement of Municipality Jambi has supported factors in achieved indicators of success, superiors must be firm in gived warnings to employees, paid attention to employees salarie.    Keywords: Performance, Strategic Planning, Job Satisfaction, Employees  ABSTRAK Kinerja adalah suatu fungsi dari dorongan dan keahlian bagi seseorang dalam melaksanakan suatu kewajiban dan pekerjaan agar memiliki derajat kesanggupan dan kemampuan tertentu. Berdasarkan Profil Dinas Kesehatan Kota Jambi Tahun 2020 diketahui bahwa dari 12 jenis pelayanan kesehatan yang ada di Dinkes Kota Jambi, terdapat 8 pelayanan kesehatan yang capaian kinerjanya mengalami penurunan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Jumlah sampel adalah 82 pegawai yang bekerja di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Jambi, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling  Pengumpulan data pada 25 Januari 2022- 16 maret 2022. Variabel dependennya umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, masa kerja jabatan, vii misi, tujuan sasaran, ukuran keberhasilan, kepuasan terhadap imbalan,, kepuasan terhadap atasan, dan , kepuasan terhadap rekan kerja . Analisis data dilakukan dengan 2 tahap, analisis  Univariat, Analisis Bivariat yang terdiri dariUji Korelasi Pearson. Terdapat hubungan antara Visi misi (r=0,334, p=0,002), tujuan sasaran (r= 0,277, p=0,012)  ukuran keberhasilan (r=0,507, p= 0,000),  kepuasan terhadap imbalan (r= 0,332, p=0,003), kepuasan terhadap atasan (r=0,365, p=0,001), dan kepuasan terhadap rekan kerja (r=0,311, p-0,004) dengan kinerja pegawai. Ada hubungan visi misi, tujuan sasaran, ukuran keberhasilan, kepuasan terhadap imbalan, kepuasan terhadap atasan, dan kepuasan terhadap rekan kerja dengan kinerja pegawai. Diharapkan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Jambi memiliki faktor pendukung dalam mencapai ukuran keberhasilan, atasan tegas dalam memberikan peringan kepada pegawai, serta memperhatikan gaji pegawai.    Kata Kunci: Kinerja, Perencanaan Strategis, Kepuasan Kerja, Pegawai