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Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Vol 6, No 3 (2022): Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE November 2022
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur UNIVERSITAS KEBANGSAAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31848/arcade.v6i3.1009


Abstract: Indonesia is one of the regions that has a humid tropical climate. The humid tropics are located around the equator to approximately 15o north and south. One of the public buildings that must have good thermal comfort is the mosque. In this study, the object of the mosque is used because places of worship need to consider various aspects and one of them is thermal comfort. It is intended that users can perform worship solemnly. Meanwhile, this study aims to determine whether the mosque building which has a traditional Javanese design adequately responds to local climatic conditions where traditional Indonesian buildings should have taken into account the climatic conditions of the local area. From this research also resulted that the design of the Al Manshur Mosque building has responded to the surrounding climatic conditions. This is in terms of the shape of the roof, openings that have a solar heat barrier, crossing ventilation systems, and minimal openings in the west.Abstrak: Indonesia adalah salah satu wilayah yang memiliki iklim tropis lembab. Daerah Tropis lembab memiliki letak yaitu berada di sekitar khatulistiwa hingga kurang lebih 15o utara dan selatan. Salah satu bangunan publik yang harus memiliki kenyamanan termal yang baik adalah Masjid. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan objek masjid dikarenakan tempat ibadah perlu mempertimbangkan berbagai aspek dan salah satunya adalah kenyamanan termal. Hal ini bertujuan supaya pengguna dapat melakukan ibadah dengan khusyuk. Sedangkan dari penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui apakah bangunan Masjid yang memiliki desain tradisional Jawa ini cukup merespon kondisi iklim setempat yang mana bangunan tradisional asli Indonesia semestinya sudah mempertimbangkan kondisi iklim wilayah setempat. Dari penelitian ini pula dihasilkan bahwa bangunan Masjid Al Manshur ini desainnya sudah merespon kondisi iklim sekitar. Hal ini ditinjau dari Bentuk atap, Bukaan yang memiliki penghalang panas matahari, sistem ventilasi yang menyilang, dan bukaan yang minim pada arah barat.
SISTEM PENGHAWAAN PADA KAMAR HOTEL Maria Carizza Pandora Raharjo; Wahyu Setia Budi; Eddy Prianto
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Juli 2022
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur UNIVERSITAS KEBANGSAAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31848/arcade.v6i2.1010


Abstract: Nowadays, development in urban areas is progressing very rapidly, accompanied by an increase in the number of residents and various kinds of activities carried out. Seeing this phenomenon, many developers are competing to build multi-layered high buildings. Air conditioning systems in high-rise buildings are generally carried out with artificial air arrangements. The Grand Edge Hotel Semarang building is one of the multi-layered high-rise buildings that will be the case study. This hotel building is located in Semarang on an area of 2860 m2, 7 floors above ground and 3 basement floors as deep as 9 meters from ground level, total floor area is 15,958 m2. The electricity used from PLN is 700 KVA, equipped with 1 generator unit with a capacity of 650 KVA. The ventilation system used in this building is in the form of an artificial air system, including: Direct Air Conditioning (AC) Fan Coil Unit with Split Ducting system, as many as 117 units, with capacities of 1.5 PK, 2 PK, 3.5 PK and 10 PK. The ventilation system used in terms of the specifications of the AC unit used is able to produce conditions according to the PERMENKES No. 1077/MENKES/PER/V/2011, especially in hotel rooms. The information obtained at this time is a prelude to obtaining quantitative-qualitative data about the existing problems, as well as the form of the solution, it is necessary to deepen and add cases in the project.Abstrak: Dewasa ini pembangunan di perkotaan melaju sangat pesat yang disertai dengan jumlah peningkatan penduduk dan berbagai macam aktivitas yang dilakukan nya. Melihat fenomena tersebut maka banyak dari para developer berlomba-lomba untuk membangun bangunan tinggi berlapis. Sistem penghawaan pada bangunan tinggi umum nya dilakukan dengan tatanan udara buatan. Bangunan Hotel Grand Edge Semarang adalah salah satu bangunan tinggi berlapis yang akan menjadi studi kasus ini. Bangunan hotel ini terletak di Semarang diatas lahan 2860 m2, berlantai 7 lapis diatas tanah dan 3 lantai basement sedalam 9 meter dari permukaan tanah, luas lantai total 15.958 m2. Tenaga listrik yang digunakan dari PLN sebesar 700 KVA, dilengkapi 1 unit genset dengan kapasitas 650 KVA. Sistem penghawaan yang digunakan bangunan ini berupa tatanan udara buatan, meliputi : Air Conditioning (AC) langsung Fan Coil Unit dengan sistem Split Ducting, sebanyak 119 buah, dengan kapasitas 1,5 PK, 2 PK, 3,5 PK dan 10 PK. Sistem penghawaan yang digunakan dari sisi spesifikasi unit AC yang dipakai mampu menghasilkan kondisi yang sesuai standar PERMENKES No. 1077/MENKES/PER/V/2011, khususnya pada kamar hotel.  Info yang didapatkan saat ini adalah sebuah awalan untuk mendapatkan data kuantitatif-kualitatif tentang permasalahan yang ada, serta bentuk solusinya perlu diadakan pendalaman dan penambahan kasus di proyek.
Redesain Ruang Ibadah Masjid Agung Pati Berdasarkan Performa Kenyamanan Termal, Visual, Dan Akustik ashim furqoni; Eddy Prianto; Agung Budi Sardjono; Gagoek Hardiman
RUAS Vol 20, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : RUAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2022.020.02.4


Architecture is a place to move comfortably. The mosque is the four worshippers of muslims who should have an optimal level of comfort. This study aims to examine the comfort performance of the prayer room of the Great Mosque of Pati based on applicable theories and standards, then design based on the results of a comfort study to get a prayer room design that meets the comfort criteria for its users. The research was conducted by dividing the prayer room into 16 points. At each point, 3 measurements are carried out, namely thermal, lighting, and noise measurements both in the morning, afternoon, afternoon, and evening. From the measurement results, it is known that the average temperature in the worship room is 27.4 °C, meaning that the temperature is hotter than the standard of comfort (<27 °C). The average exposure is 103.5 lux, meaning the lighting is darker than required (200 lux). The average noise is 61.7 dB, meaning that the situation inside the worship room is noisier than the maximum noise level allowed for the worship space (55 dB).
Field Research on Surface Temperature Characteristics of Faba Brick using Shade and without Shade Vira Ansari; Eddy Prianto; Agung Dwiyanto
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 2 No. 6 (2022): Journal Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4516.561 KB) | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v2i6.467


In reality, brick is a building material used to make walls or walls. As the basic material is clay or clay which is then molded and burned at a certain temperature so that it turns hard like stone and will not soften again when exposed to water. One of the advantages is that it is strong and durable. However, one of the problems faced today is the supply of bricks as a material for making walls/panels which are mostly taken from productive rice fields. There are 3 (three) results of this study, firstly, the surface temperature profile of the east-oriented brick wall is 1.2% hotter than the temperature on the west side in sunny, cloudy and rainy weather. Second. The wall surface temperature profile in cloudy weather has a surface temperature of 64.4% hotter than the ambient air temperature with the research model using shade. And third, the study of the use of shading on the wall model made of FABA proves that it has a significant effect on the magnitude of the thermal value produced.
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/lantang.v10i1.54890


Rumah tradisional di Indonesia termasuk rumah Melayu kini telah banyak mengalami perubahan dan mulai ditinggalkan. Perubahan bentuk dan penggunaan material akan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja termal yang terjadi. Sementara itu rumah tradisional diyakini sebagai bangunan vernakular yang responsif terhadap iklim dan dapat memberikan kondisi termal yang cukup bagi penghuninya. Hal tersebut menjadi dasar untuk mengetahui kinerja termal yang terjadi pada rumah tradisional yang menggunakan jendela tingkap. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini kuantitatif deskriptif dengan melihat korelasi variabel suhu, kelembaban, dan kecepatan angin pada objek dalam waktu tertentu dengan ragam ventilasi bukaan. Hal ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh ragam bukaan jendela tingkap terhadap kinerja termal yang terjadi. Hasil dari penelitian kinerja termal jendela tingkap ini adalah cukup baik yang berpengaruh pada tingkat kenyamanan temal. Dari hasil perolehan akhir perhitungan tingkat kenyamanan termal relatif sama antara ruang (perbedaan tidak signifikan), selasar dalam dengan PMV = 1,17 (agak hangat/slightly warm) dan ruang induk dengan nilai PMV=1,2 (agak hangat/slightly warm). THERMAL ANALYSIS OF VERNACULAR WINDOW IN PEKANBARU Traditional houses in Indonesia, including Malay houses, have undergone many changes and are starting to be abandoned. Differences in shape and use of materials will affect thermal performance. Meanwhile, traditional houses are believed to be vernacular buildings that are responsive to climate and can provide sufficient thermal conditions for their inhabitants. This is the basis for knowing the thermal performance in traditional houses that use casement windows. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive by looking at the correlation of temperature, humidity, and wind speed variables on objects at a particular time with various ventilation openings. This aims to determine the effect of various window openings on thermal performance. The results of this casement window thermal performance study are pretty good, affecting the thermal comfort level. From the results of the final calculation, the level of thermal comfort is relatively the same between the rooms (the difference is not significant), the inner hallway with PMV = 1.17 (slightly warm) and the main room with a value of PMV = 1.2 (slightly warm). 
NALARs Vol 22, No 2 (2023): NALARs Volume 22 Nomor 2 Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/nalars.22.2.93-102


ABSTRAK. Iklim meso Kota Semarang yang relatif panas membuat bangunan-bangunan harus dirancang adaptif terhadap kondisi tersebut. Pembayangan merupakan salah satu strategi desain bioklimatik untuk dapat merespon kondisi lingkungan luar yang tidak bersahabat. Pembayangan bioklimatik bermanfaat untuk mengontrol penyerapan panas sehingga kenyamanan dalam bangunan tetap terjaga. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode simulasi komputer menggunakan program Google SketchUp Pro 2019 untuk melakukan pemodelan dan simulasi pembayangan bangunan dengan variasi orientasi bangunan menghadap empat arah mata angin yang berbeda. Obyek studi kasus penelitian adalah Rumah Heinz Frick di Semarang, sebuah rumah tinggal yang didesain dengan pendekatan bioklimatik. Lokasi dan tanggal simulasi diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga diharapkan memperoleh hasil simulasi yang seakurat mungkin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui orientasi bangunan terbaik supaya mendapatkan profil pembayangan maksimal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bangunan mendapatkan profil pembayangan paling optimal ketika disimulasikan menghadap arah timur. Pada orientasi tersebut, rata-rata profil pembayangan harian mencapai 97,42%. Dari hasil simulasi ini juga diketahui bahwa elemen pembayangan bangunan berpengaruh secara signifikan dalam memberikan profil pembayangan bangunan yang optimal. Adanya kesamaan antara hasil penelitian dan kondisi eksisting, menandakan bahwa Rumah Heinz Frick telah didesain adaptif dengan kondisi alam setempat.Kata kunci: Bioklimatik, Orientasi bangunan, Pembayangan, SimulasiABSTRACT. The microclimate of Semarang City is relatively hot, making the buildings have to be designed adaptively to these conditions. Shading is one of the bioclimatic design strategies to respond to hostile external environmental conditions. Bioclimatic shading is useful for controlling heat absorption to maintain building comfort. This study applies a computer simulation method using the Google SketchUp Pro 2019 program to model and simulate building shading with variations in the orientation of the building facing four different points of the compass directions. The object of the research study is Heinz Frick House in Semarang, a residential house designed with a bioclimatic approach. The location and date of the simulation are set in such a way that it is expected that the simulation results will be as accurate as possible. This study aimed to determine the best building orientation to obtain the maximum shading profile. The results showed that the building got the most optimal shading profile when simulated facing east. In this orientation, the average daily shading profile reaches 97.42%. From the simulation results, it is also known that the building shading element has a significant effect in providing an optimal building shading profile. The similarities between the research result and the existing condition indicate that Heinz Frick's House has been designed to be adaptive to local natural needs. Keywords: Bioclimatic, Building orientation, Shading, Simulation
Redesain Ruang Ibadah Masjid Agung Pati Berdasarkan Performa Kenyamanan Termal, Visual, Dan Akustik ashim furqoni; Eddy Prianto; Agung Budi Sardjono; Gagoek Hardiman
RUAS Vol. 20 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Departemen Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.ruas.2022.020.02.4


Architecture is a place to move comfortably. The mosque is the four worshippers of muslims who should have an optimal level of comfort. This study aims to examine the comfort performance of the prayer room of the Great Mosque of Pati based on applicable theories and standards, then design based on the results of a comfort study to get a prayer room design that meets the comfort criteria for its users. The research was conducted by dividing the prayer room into 16 points. At each point, 3 measurements are carried out, namely thermal, lighting, and noise measurements both in the morning, afternoon, afternoon, and evening. From the measurement results, it is known that the average temperature in the worship room is 27.4 °C, meaning that the temperature is hotter than the standard of comfort (<27 °C). The average exposure is 103.5 lux, meaning the lighting is darker than required (200 lux). The average noise is 61.7 dB, meaning that the situation inside the worship room is noisier than the maximum noise level allowed for the worship space (55 dB).
Arsitekno Vol 10, No 2 (2023): Arsitekno (In Press)
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/arj.v10i2.11524


Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kenyamanan aerolique pada ruang kelas yang ada di daerah iklim tropis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui standar kenyamanan aerolique dan mencari solusi dari permasalahan kenyamanan aerolique pada ruang kelas di daerah iklim tropis dengan menggunan metode analisis studi pustaka. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan yang menyatakan bahwa kondisi ruang kelas tidak memenuhi standar kenyamanan aerolique. hal ini disebabkan oleh pemilihan sistem ventilasi, ukuran bukaan, ukuran dan volume ruang, dan posisi ruang. Selain itu, kondisi pasca pandemic COVID-19 juga mempengaruhi kenyamanan aerolique pada ruang kelas.