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Keefektifan Pembelajaran Berbasis Game untuk Meningkatkan Minat dan Motivasi Belajar Fisika: Metaanalisis Ngilmi, Nuril; Haliza, Ronandita Laila; Setiaji, Bayu
Journal of Physics Education and Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/physics.v1i1.130


This study aims to analyze the impact of interest and motivation levels in learning physics using a game-based learning approach. To achieve this goal, we conducted a meta-analysis by reviewing 20 journals from various sources, focusing on the effect of interest and motivation levels on physics learning outcomes after applying game-based learning methods. The results showed overall effectiveness with a summary effect of 64%. The study concluded that Fighter Plane War was the most effective game, while Angry Bird Game was less effective. This journal explores the effectiveness of game-based learning in increasing physics learning interest and motivation in students, involving the implementation of interactive games specifically designed to be fun and engaging. The research method involved an experimental group and a control group to compare learning outcomes as well as students' emotional responses. The research findings showed a significant increase in physics learning interest and motivation in the group using game-based learning. The practical implications of this research can help develop innovative learning strategies to improve the quality of physics education in various educational contexts.
Pemetaan Pemahaman Konsep Analisis Pengukuran Fisika dan Mekanika Analitik Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika Tahun Pertama Nur’Aini, Latiifah; Putri, Faradiva Anggraena; Setiaji, Bayu
Journal of Physics Education and Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/physics.v1i1.132


Physics education study program students should have a high level of understanding of physics concepts. However, in reality the level of understanding of physics concepts for students in physics education study programs is still low. The aim of this research is to determine the distribution of students' level of conceptual understanding in the physics education study program in their first year. The research method used by the author is quantitative descriptive. This research was conducted on 43 Class C Physics Education study program students Class C of 2022 in their first year studying at Yogyakarta State University. The results of this research show that the level of conceptual understanding of Physics Education study program students in the Physics Measurement Analysis (APF) and Analytical Mechanics courses is very different in their first year of study with the average UAS score in the APF course being 2.89 and in the Analytical Mechanics course of 9.04. Therefore, alternatives are needed to improve and equalize student understanding of concepts in courses in the Physics Education study program, one of which is by improving the quality of teaching and organization in the learning process, increasing student involvement in learning physics, using effective learning methods to increase understanding. physics concepts, as well as increasing collaboration between students, lecturers and institutions in increasing understanding of physics concepts.
Revitalisasi Pembelajaran Fisika Melalui Eksplorasi Konsep Metode Inkuiri Terbimbing Puspitasari, Zufada; Setiaji, Bayu
Journal of Physics Education and Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/physics.v1i1.133


The aim of this research journal is to revitalize physics learning through exploring the concept of the guided inquiry method using the literature review method to evaluate literature related to theoretical developments, previous research findings, and relevant scientific viewpoints. Secondary data obtained consisted of 10 combined national and international journals via national university websites and accredited journals. The data collection method uses a chart from the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The analysis shows that the quided inquiry learning model has a positive impact on physics learning outcomesand as can be seen in the table of analysis results from the ten selected articles. The conclusion of this analysis is that the use of the guided inquiry learning model has a positive impact on student achievement of learning outcomes as evidenced by the significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the ranking of learning outcomes.
Analisis Pengaruh Pendekatan STEM Terhadap Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa: Meta Analisis Zakhrofa, Azkiya; Setiaji, Bayu
Journal of Physics Education and Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/physics.v1i1.135


This study was conducted to determine the effect of the STEM approach on increasing student learning activities. The initial hypothesis used is that the STEM approach has an influence on increasing student learning activities. This goal was achieved by conducting a meta-analysis of 20 articles from the ERIC and Google Scholar databases that focused on changes or improvements in student learning activities after the implementation of education with the STEM approach. The results obtained from the analysis using machine learning showed a summary effect value with a percentage of effectiveness of 74%. The summary effect results show that learning with the STEM approach has a positive effect on increasing student learning activities as a whole in several variations of moderate variables used. The involvement of control and experimental classes was carried out to compare the increase in student learning activities using the STEM approach and without using the STEM approach. After a thorough analysis, it was concluded that learning using the STEM approach provides a superior effect compared to without using the STEM approach on increasing student learning activities so as to improve the quality of learning outcomes.
Pengaruh Besar Sudut pada Servis Bulu Tangkis dengan Gerak Parabola Audrianita, Nazura; Septiana Rasti, Theresia Adinia; Setiaji, Bayu
Journal of Physics Education and Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/physics.v1i1.144


Badminton athletes apply various techniques and strategies when competing. One technique is to apply the correct serve to bounce the shuttlecock. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of how big the angle of the racket can be over the net and on target. This research applies an experimental method, which was chosen with the main aim of this research being to test an object. In this context, the focus is on angle variations to determine the optimal angle for the badminton player when serving so that the shuttlecock can fall over the net with different elasticity. In this experiment, the parabolic motion recordings were analyzed using the Tracker application to obtain the initial speed for each angular variation. The shuttlecock's initial speed can be used to calculate the shuttlecock's highest point, the time it reaches its maximum height, and the shuttlecock's furthest distance. The results showed that differences in the initial angle of the backhand serve caused differences in the maximum height, distance and time achieved.
Meta-Analisis Efektifitas Penggunaan E-Learning dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Fisika Damayanti, Senia; Anggraini, Zunita Dwi; Setiaji, Bayu
Journal of Physics Education and Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/physics.v1i1.145


It is seen that the development of information and communication technology has now penetrated into various sectors, one of which is in the field of education, especially in learning practices. The application of technology in the learning process, especially physics learning using e-learning, is expected to help students understand the material in physics. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using e-learning media to understand physics concepts. In achieving the objectives in this study we conducted research using meta-analysis by reviewing 18 articles from two journals namely Scopus and Eric by filtering the two journals using the keywords e-learning, physics, and experiment. In this study the variables used in analyzing articles based on the type or model of e-learning and the material used in analyzing the effectiveness of e-learning. The results of this study show the overall effectiveness of the summary effect of 56%. The results also show that the most effective e-learning model or type is E-LMS and Blanded learning with a summary effect of 71% and for the material analyzed in this study the most effective material used is Mechanics with a large summary effect of 47%.
Efektivitas Pembelajaran Luring dan Daring Bagi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika Angkatan 2023 Imanika, Agesta Diva; Pangastuti, Destya Pulung; Setiaji, Bayu
Jurnal Pendidikan Jarak Jauh Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): September
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/jpjj.v1i1.185


Pendidikan bersifat menyeluruh dan sudah berlangsung terus menerus dari generai ke generasi. Pendidikan pada era revolusi 4.0 dipengaruhi dengan adanya kemajuan di bidang teknologi. Kegiatan belajar dan mengajar menjadi tidak terbatas oleh ruang dan waktu lagi, seperti sistem pembelajaran daring. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menyajikan hasil penelitian tentang perbandingan efektivitas pembelajaran luring dan daring pada mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika angkatan 2023 di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Perbandingan Efektivitas Pembelajaran Fisika Daring dan Pembelajaran Fisika Luring Setiaji, Bayu; Mufida, Fathiyya; Puspitasari, Ayunda
Jurnal Pendidikan Jarak Jauh Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/jpjj.v1i2.203


Seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman yang semakin maju menyebabkan banyak perubahan pada tatanan kehidupan, salah satunya dalam hal pendidikan. Untuk saat ini, pembelajaran tidak hanya dilakukan dengan datang langsung ke sekolah melainkan juga bisa dilakukan secara daring. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan tingkat keefektivan pembelajaran fisika secara daring dan luring. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian literatur atau study pustaka dengan memanfaatkan berbagai sumber referensi berupa jurnal untuk memperoleh data penelitiannya. Perbandingan ini mencakup beberapa aspek, yaitu tingkat motivasi belajar fisika secara daring dan luring siswa, kelemahan dan kelebihan pembelajaran fisika secara daring dan luring, tingkat pemahaman konsep fisika, dan capaian hasil belajar fisika siswa secara daring dan luring. Setelah dilakukan penelitian dengan berbagai sumber mengenai perbandingan keefektivan pembelajaran daring dan luring dalam materi fisika, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran fisika secara luring akan lebih efektif dalam mencapai hasil pembelajaran dan tingkat pemahaman siswa yang baik. Adapun pembelajaran fisika secara daring dan luring memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing.
Jurnal Media Akademik (JMA) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): JURNAL MEDIA AKADEMIK Edisi Maret
Publisher : PT. Media Akademik Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62281/v2i3.213


This study aims to find out how misconceptions experienced by high school students on work and energy material. The method used is a mixed-research method. Data collection was carried out on 288 science students of grade XI at State Senior High School 8 in the City of Jambi using instruments in the form of four-tier diagnostic tests and interviews. The results showed that the average misconceptions experienced by students in the work and energy materials are classified in the low category because the average percentage obtained is 24%. The sub-concept sequences identified were the misconceptions of which had the highest percentage, namely: effort and potential energy (80%); the relationship between kinetic energy, potential energy, and mechanical energy (43%); and positive and negative efforts (23%).
Modeling of Colorado Learning Attitude Science Survey in Indonesian Version: A Study with Applying Item Response Theory Mutmainna, Mutmainna; Hasyim, Mutahharah; Syamsuriwal, Syamsuriwal; Setiaji, Bayu; Setiawati, Farida Agus
JP3I (Jurnal Pengukuran Psikologi dan Pendidikan Indonesia) Vol 13, No 1 (2024): JP3I
Publisher : Fakultas Psikologi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jp3i.v13i1.36745


Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) is an instrument designed to explore students' perceptions of physics and assess how closely their beliefs correspond with those of professional physicists. Before the development of CLASS, several similar instruments were developed in the field of Physics Education such as the Maryland Physics Expectation (MPEX), Views About Science Survey (VASS), and Epistemological Beliefs Assessment for Physical Science (EBAPS). Adams et al. developed CLASS in 2006 by evaluating these three instruments. Since then, CLASS has been extensively studied for its use in research, especially in the field of Physics Education, and has also been applied in other fields and translated into several languages. As a form of community strengthening, this article attempts to report the research findings related to the use of the CLASS instrument that has been translated into Indonesian. A total of 292 undergraduate students were sampled in this study, who are students from four universities. The respondents in this study were students who had enrolled in the Fundamental of Physics course. The data obtained were analysed with Item Response Theory (IRT) for the polytomous scale. There are Grade Response Model (GRM), Partial Credit Model (PCM), Rating Scale Model (RSM), and Generalized Partial Credit Model (GPCM). The research results show that among the four models of approach and based on the criteria used, the model considered most suitable is GRM. The research also shows that the number of items declared consistent with the model does not cover all CLASS items but rather some items. This finding indicates that further exploration is needed regarding the CLASS instrument items, especially in the Indonesian version. The findings of this study also add to the wealth of knowledge related to the quality assessment of the CLASS instrument through the modern test theory approach (IRT). Thus, the CLASS instrument can be regarded as a standard instrument and can be used globally across various populations.
Co-Authors Adiyatma, Jovan Afifah, Nabila Afuwu, Eka Fitri Aisyah Putri, Aisyah Anggraini, Zunita Dwi Anwari, Aldi Yunan Arda, Muhammad Adhli Armanda, Rizal Endrya Audrianita, Nazura Ayu Amalia Bagus Pratama Banowati, Rika Bella, Alya Nurfita Cahyani, Marini Ayu Damayanti, Senia Daynuari, Mellina Ayu Elsen, Rickard Ema Utami Fajriyanti, Neng Nenti Farida Agus Setiawati Farkhan, Muhamad Mi'da Fatmawati, Alya Fauzan, Muhammad Alwan Fauzika Maurisa Rohmah, Amanda Fauziyah, Adinda Jaida Febiawati, Nabilla Ika Febiyan, Vio Anwar Febriani, Yuliana Felisiana, Fidel Risti Gumilar, Ari Fajar Haliza, Ronandita Laila Hanif Al Fatta Hati, Fadhila Kusuma Hidayah, Yuliani Hidayat , Nadhifa Muftisany Hikmah, Dwi Lailatul Hoeriah, Dea Nurul Imanika, Agesta Diva Indrakusumah, Muhammad Rafi Ismail, Ridwan Jahid , Sarah Mohamad Jalil, Asimi Rafsan Kasanah, Putri Nur'aini Nur'aini Khalidah, Hanin Izzatul Laily, Rana Latif, Dovanda Rahmi Maheta Anisa Haqqu Melinda, Zihan Mufida, Fathiyya Muhammad Rizky Ramadhan Mutahharah Hasyim, Mutahharah Mutmainna, Mutmainna Nathaniela, Raden Roro Nimas Sekar Nafa Ngilmi, Nuril Nuraeni, Intan Nurfitri, Lulu Bintang Nuryaman, Afini Vinnahari Nur’Aini, Latiifah Pangastuti, Destya Pulung Pangestu, Dimas Aji Pratama, Rodeo Bagus Pujianto Pujianto Puri, Putri Rose Amanda Puspitasari, Ayunda Puspitasari, Zufada Putri, Faradiva Anggraena Putri, Nofita Dewi Ramadany, Nila Ayu Riki Perdana Rodiansyah, Novan Ruslam, Alam Salsabila, Puti Azka Salsabilla, Sasqia Shafa Sasauw, Dinda Permata Septiana Rasti, Theresia Adinia Sukma, Melani Dyah Ayu Syafei, Fikri Ramdani Abdullah Syamsuriwal, Syamsuriwal Tri Hapsari, Anggita Dyah Utama, Irna Marga Vuztasari, Hani Wafiq Mujahidul Haqq Wibowo, Muhammad Wahyu Wiwith Eskha Ardhanariswari Wulandari, Wahyu Nur Zakhrofa, Azkiya Zihni, Wilda Eka Ibra Zudhan, Aprisya Haafizhu