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Pengembangan Media PowerPoint Interaktif dalam Konteks Pengenalan Mekanika Lagrange pada Siswa SMA Menggunakan Metode 4D Anggraini, Zunita Dwi; Damayanti, Senia; Setiaji, Bayu
Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): June
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/jtp.v1i4.372


Kualitas Pendidikan bangsa di masa sekarang memiliki pengaruh yang sangat besar di masa yang akan datang. Kegiatan belajar mata pelajaran Fisika pada jenjang SMA perlu menggunakan media yang interaktif. Pengembangan media berbentuk PowerPoint dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode 4D. Metode 4D ini melibatkan empat tahapan utama, yakni tahap pendefinisian, tahap perancangan, tahap pengembangan, dan tahap penyebaran. Materi yang ditampilkan merupakan pengenalan mekanika lagrange bagi siswa SMA. Disusun media PowerPoint yang interaktif dan disertai ilustrasi serta animasi yang menarik. Hasil dari pengembangan media ditentukan dengan menggunakan instrument penilaian yang memiliki empat aspek. Media divalidasi oleh tiga orang ahli dari masing-masing aspek. Berdasarkan penilaian yang dilakukan, media yang dikembangan layak untuk dipublikasikan dan sesuai dengan kriteria kelayakan yang telah ditentukan. Didapatkan komentar dan saran untuk mengemas informasi dalam bentuk bagan atau poin, menambahkan simulasi, dan mengintegrasikan animasi yang menarik akan meningkatkan pengalaman belajar siswa secara signifikan. Dilakukan perbaikan berdasarkan komentar dan saran ahli dan menghasilkan produk final yang layak untuk digunakan.
Investigating the Students' Errors When Solving Analytical Mechanics Using Newman’s Error Analysis Wafiq Mujahidul Haqq; Pratama, Rodeo Bagus; Farkhan, Muhamad Mi'da; Setiaji, Bayu
Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/impulse.2021.12-01


One of the problems in learning is the appearance of errors. These errors are clasified into five parts considering Newman’s Error Analysis. The purpose of this research is to analyze the errors in analytical mechanics using Newman's Error Analysis (NEA) prior to the construction of the future effective and efficient learning. This research is using descriptive and qualitative research with test and interview. Based on the analysis, in analytical mechanics class, the students’ performance is low. From the Newman’s Error Analysis (NEA), we found the errors are belong to the several categories of NEA. In the whole aspect, the errors done by the students are correspond to the five aspects of Newman’s Error Analysis (NEA) which are connected to each other aspects. One can also note, the students’ performance in analytical mechanics class is low.
Feasibility Analysis of Animation Video Learning Media Based Powtoon on Lagrange Mechanics Afifah, Nabila; Putri, Nofita Dewi; Maheta Anisa Haqqu; Setiaji, Bayu
Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/impulse.2021.12-06


Physics learning related to mathematical equations needs to be arranged in an interesting, fun, and easy way to understand the material. Learning that is packed with fun will attract students' interest in learning more. This study aims to test the feasibility of animation video learning media based Powtoon on Lagrange mechanics material. This research is research and development using the ADDIE model design (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). The feasibility test data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that the animated video learning media based Powtoon was feasible to use in physics learning for Lagrange mechanics. The findings of this study can be used as a further reference for researchers who will conduct Lagrange mechanics learning experiments using animated videos based on Powtoon.
E-Comic as an Alternative Learning Media for Analytical Mechanic Course During COVID-19 Pandemic Bella, Alya Nurfita; Nuryaman, Afini Vinnahari; Cahyani, Marini Ayu; Setiaji, Bayu
Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/impulse.2021.12-04


The covid-19 pandemic era causes teaching and learning activities to be carried out online. Thus, many variations of learning media are used to conduct teaching and learning activities in the pandemic era. This research developed one learning media that uses e-comics or electronic comics. The comic is expected to be a learning medium worth using in the pandemic era. This research aims to develop the medium of learning physics comics on the history of analytical mechanics. The research method used is the research and development method, covering data stages, product design, product testing. The software used in creating comics was ibisPaint X and MediBang Paint. The findings of this study are that E-comic improves reading culture. E-comics as an alternative learning media in analytical mechanics courses during the covid-19 pandemic is very worthy of being used as learning media.
Analysis of High School Students’ Learning Difficulties in Understanding the Mechanics Concept Wulandari, Wahyu Nur; Wiwith Eskha Ardhanariswari; Khalidah, Hanin Izzatul; Setiaji, Bayu
Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/impulse.2021.12-02


Students have difficulty learning to understand the concept of mechanics. This is due to not having mastered the prerequisite skills. This study aims to determine the difficulties of students in understanding and mastering mechanical material. This study uses a descriptive method with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The subjects of this study were 18 high school students, both private and public in Yogyakarta, which were taken using a stratified random sampling technique. The steps of this research include finding references, determining subjects, making questionnaires, distributing questionnaires, analyzing data, and concluding. The instrument used is a questionnaire with answers that can be in the form of choices, opinions, and/or suggestions. The results of the study show that most students considered physics to be a difficult subject, especially the concept of mechanics. The concepts of mechanics that are considered difficult are rotational dynamics and rigid body equilibrium; impulse, momentum, the law of conservation of energy, and fluid dynamics. The learning method applied by the teacher is not appropriate because it only provides material without a more complete explanation. Students have difficulty physics learning on mechanics material because of their perception and inappropriate learning methods.
The Instagram Comics as Learning Media Alternative to Improve Learning Materials on Light Refraction during the COVID-19 Pandemic Salsabilla, Sasqia Shafa; Pratama, Bagus; Pangestu, Dimas Aji; Setiaji, Bayu
Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/impulse.2022.21.05


In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, teaching and learning processes were not allowed to be carried out directly or face to face but could be carried out indirectly or remotely. This requires teachers to be able to use existing technology along with the times. One trend that is currently emerging is the use of social media as a learning medium. This study develops one of the learning media using comics with the help of social media, Instagram. This study aims to determine the level of feasibility of Instagram comic-based learning media as an alternative to learning during the Covid-19 pandemic to increase students' learning motivation on light refraction material. The research method used is the research and development method with the 4D model method. The findings of this study are that Instagram comics can be used as an alternative learning media during the covid-19 pandemic to increase students' learning motivation on light refraction material. Based on the stages that have been carried out, the results of the feasibility test of the Instagram comic learning media product are declared very feasibly.
Analysis of Differences in the Use of Kahoot and Quizizz Applications in Improving Analytical Thinking of Physics Education Students, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Amalia, Ayu; Daynuari, Mellina Ayu; Setiaji, Bayu
Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Impulse: Journal of Research and Innovation in Physics Education
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika FITK UIN Sunan Kalijaga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/impulse.2023.31-01


Learning media is one of the important things in determining the results of the learning process. Interesting learning activities by focusing the interaction between lecturers and students will increase motivation in learning. Therefore, it needs to be packaged well, one of which is an interactive quiz after learning. There are several online quizzes that are often used, namely Kahoot and Quiziz, these quizzes provide services for users to create their own quizzes and can share them with others to take quizzes. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a difference in the use of the Kahoot and Quizizz quizzes in improving the analytical thinking of students of Physics Education C UNY 2020 on light interference material. The research method used is an experimental research method in quasi experiment with posttest only design where the research subject will do an analytical ability test given in the form of multiple choice questions given through Kahoot and Quizizz. After that, data analysis will be carried out using a t-test, the results of the analysis show that there are differences in the use of the two quizzes, namely Kahoot and Quizizz with a significance value of 0.642.
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Vol 11, No 1 (2024): Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika
Publisher : Universitas negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpf.v11i1.20519


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan e-modul fisika model PBL berbantuan google sites yang layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran, mengetahui peningkatan kemandirian belajar dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik setelah menggunakan e-modul fisika model PBL berbantuan google sites, dan mengetahui keefektifan e-modul fisika model PBL berbantuan google sites. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development dengan model 4D yang meliputi 4 tahap, yaitu tahap define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, angket respon peserta didik, angket kemandirian belajar, serta soal pretest-postest. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan SBI, V Aiken, SPSS, dan standar gain untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemandirian belajar dan kemampuan berpikir kritis, serta uji manova dan effect size untuk mengetahui kefektivitasan e-modul yang dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan e-modul fisika model PBL berbantuan google sites pada pembelajaran gerak harmonik sederhana layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik, terdapat peningkatan kemandirian belajar dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik yang berada dalam kategori sedang, serta e-modul fisika model PBL berbantuan google sites efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar dan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik dengan kategori besar.
DEVELOPING A COLLABORATIVE TEACHING SYNTAX FOR EFFECTIVE ONLINE LEARNING TRANSITIONS Pujianto, Pujianto; Perdana, Riki; Setiaji, Bayu; Wibowo, Muhammad Wahyu; Laily, Rana; Sasauw, Dinda Permata
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Vol 11, No 1 (2024): Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika
Publisher : Universitas negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpf.v11i1.21048


The transition of learning using an online platform where there is a lack of preparation of educators in the transition of online learning and there are challenges to meet the needs of online learning. Therefore, the right strategy is needed to help educators to improve learning in the classroom. This research is research and development type Research and Development (RD). This development research aims to produce a product in the form of a collaborative teaching learning model syntax. Researchers develop learning media using the 4D development model. The 4D model is a model consisting of: define, design, develop and disseminate. The syntax development of the collaborative teaching learning model that was developed was tested by 7 validators consisting of 4 physics education lecturers at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta and 3 high school (SMA) teachers. Based on data from validation results by validators on learning media, a score for each aspect was obtained, namely 3.36; 3.43; 3.57; 3.33; 3.33; 3.29; 3.14; 3.43 with an average score of 3.36 in the very valid category. Therefore, the syntax of the learning model developed meets the criteria for being very valid and can be used in learning..
Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri Vol 18 No 2 (2022): Pilar Nusa Mandiri : Journal of Computing and Information System Publishing Peri
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nusa Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33480/pilar.v18i2.3898


Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a blockchain-based token that securely maps copyright ownership to digital assets, these digital assets exist on the blockchain network which have identification codes and metadata that are unique and different from each other (one-of-the-kind). . It can also be interpreted as a digital asset that represents a variety of assets that are considered unique. NFTs can be traded for digital assets (images, music, videos, virtual creations) where ownership is recorded in a smart contract on the blockchain. One of the difficulties faced is that it takes a very long time for NFT creators to create a large number of works of art in a short time. To make it easier for creators to create NFT images, Daniel Eugene Botha, or better known as Hashlips, created a Hashlips Art Engine algorithm that can be used to create many different NFT images based on the layers provided using the canvas API and node.js. The hashlips algorithm also generates metadata as an important role in the mechanism for searching and exchanging NFT data and measuring the percentage of rarity in the resulting image. In addition, this study also shows the time required to create NFT images.
Co-Authors Adiyatma, Jovan Afifah, Nabila Afuwu, Eka Fitri Aisyah Putri, Aisyah Anggraini, Zunita Dwi Anwari, Aldi Yunan Arda, Muhammad Adhli Armanda, Rizal Endrya Audrianita, Nazura Ayu Amalia Bagus Pratama Banowati, Rika Bella, Alya Nurfita Cahyani, Marini Ayu Damayanti, Senia Daynuari, Mellina Ayu Elsen, Rickard Ema Utami Fajriyanti, Neng Nenti Farida Agus Setiawati Farkhan, Muhamad Mi'da Fatmawati, Alya Fauzan, Muhammad Alwan Fauzika Maurisa Rohmah, Amanda Fauziyah, Adinda Jaida Febiawati, Nabilla Ika Febiyan, Vio Anwar Febriani, Yuliana Felisiana, Fidel Risti Gumilar, Ari Fajar Haliza, Ronandita Laila Hanif Al Fatta Hati, Fadhila Kusuma Hidayah, Yuliani Hidayat , Nadhifa Muftisany Hikmah, Dwi Lailatul Hoeriah, Dea Nurul Imanika, Agesta Diva Indrakusumah, Muhammad Rafi Ismail, Ridwan Jahid , Sarah Mohamad Jalil, Asimi Rafsan Kasanah, Putri Nur'aini Nur'aini Khalidah, Hanin Izzatul Laily, Rana Latif, Dovanda Rahmi Maheta Anisa Haqqu Melinda, Zihan Mufida, Fathiyya Muhammad Rizky Ramadhan Mutahharah Hasyim, Mutahharah Mutmainna, Mutmainna Nathaniela, Raden Roro Nimas Sekar Nafa Ngilmi, Nuril Nuraeni, Intan Nurfitri, Lulu Bintang Nuryaman, Afini Vinnahari Nur’Aini, Latiifah Pangastuti, Destya Pulung Pangestu, Dimas Aji Pratama, Rodeo Bagus Pujianto Pujianto Puri, Putri Rose Amanda Puspitasari, Ayunda Puspitasari, Zufada Putri, Faradiva Anggraena Putri, Nofita Dewi Ramadany, Nila Ayu Riki Perdana Rodiansyah, Novan Ruslam, Alam Salsabila, Puti Azka Salsabilla, Sasqia Shafa Sasauw, Dinda Permata Septiana Rasti, Theresia Adinia Sukma, Melani Dyah Ayu Syafei, Fikri Ramdani Abdullah Syamsuriwal, Syamsuriwal Tri Hapsari, Anggita Dyah Utama, Irna Marga Vuztasari, Hani Wafiq Mujahidul Haqq Wibowo, Muhammad Wahyu Wiwith Eskha Ardhanariswari Wulandari, Wahyu Nur Zakhrofa, Azkiya Zihni, Wilda Eka Ibra Zudhan, Aprisya Haafizhu