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Journal : Jurnal YIN YANG

Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 12 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

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Abstract: Wage is still one of the issues that has always been in thespotlight, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia, especially inthe agricultural sector. Women in the work environment in the public sectorare often still distinguished from men in terms of the division of labor. Thedifference in the division of labor between men and women in agriculture,this is what affects the wage system and the tendency of gender inequalityand injustice. This is given that wage are a major component of one’sincome, so the wage rate is one indicator that can reflect the welfare of thecommunity. One of the solutions that must be done is the need for criticalassessment of the livelihood of the workers which has been a problem,especially the fulfillment of the wage of women laborers who are still low. Abstrak: Upah masih menjadi permasalahan terutama di negara-negaraberkembang, khususnya disektor pertanian. Dalam pembagian kerjadi sektor publik, perempuan dan laki-laki masih dibedakan. Perbedaanpembagian kerja antara laki-laki dan perempuan inilah yang kemudianmempengaruhi sistem pengupahan, yang pada akhirnya melahirkanketimpangan dan ketidakadilan gender.Hal ini mengingat bahwa upahmerupakan komponen utama dari pendapatan seseorang. Upah merupakansalah satu indikator yang dapat mencerminkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Salah satusolusi yang harus dilakukan adalah perlunya kajian kritis atas penghidupan buruh yang selama ini masih menjadi persoalan,khususnya upah buruh perempuan tani yang masih rendah.
Studi Pemikiran Fatima Mernissi Tentang Kesetaraan Gender Setiawan, Eko
Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 14 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.823 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/yinyang.v14i2.3224


Fatima Mernissi is a figure of modern Muslim feminism. He was an Arab Muslim woman sociologist who cares about gender issues in the lives of Muslims. Gender issues, especially he observed and he is paying special attention to gender issues in her native Morocco. Much of his talk about the problems of sexuality in the dynamics of social life cannot be separated from Morocco Islam as a religious belief. It is universally thought of Fatima Mernissi actually wants to show partiality Islam on gender equality. Substantively Islam does not forbid women to politics, career, and obtain higher education. Fatima Mernissi further wants to show that Islam recognizes the rights, status, and role of women in almost all dimensions of life.
Co-Authors Abdul Rahem, Abdul Abdullah Idi Adrianto, Dian Alvika Meta Sari Amirul Ulum, Amirul Andreas Kurniadi S Angga Angga Ardiyansyah, Arief Ariana Ariana Aziz, Mohd-Hafiz Abdu Bahroin Budiya Bobby Presley, Bobby Brata, Cecilia Ciptaningtyas, Agprasari Costa, Menino Osbert Danang Ali Djawaria, Dewi Paskalia Andi Dwijayanti, Sharly Eka Mulyo H Ervin Nurhayati, Ervin Fajar Whedi Andista, Fajar Whedi Hafidh Munawir Halim, Steven V. Halim, Steven Victoria Handoko Handoko Hari Prasetyo Hendradi, Wahyu Jannah, Lia Miftakhul Krisnanta, I Komang Agus Bayu Kristina Eni Trisnowati Kumalasari, Nunik Dewi Lasi . Lukas, Dwi Lily M.Th. S. R. Retnaningdyastuti, M.Th. S. R. Makkulawu, Andi Mardianto Mardianto Marpaung, Ferdy Royland Marzuki . Mochammad Facta Much Djunaidi Mukaromah, Sofiatul Nani Parfati, Nani Ning Ati Musthofiyah, Ning Ati Ningsih, Linda Fidya Nugrahadi, Bekti Nugroho, Agung Nurliana Cipta Apsari Padmi Dyah Yulianti, Padmi Dyah Pujiyanti, Devi Rahman, Dian Arif Rahmawati, Rahmawati Rika Yulia Rio Yulius Roberts, Jason Roni Kurniawan S Kurniawan, Endro Santoso Tri Raharjo, Santoso Tri Saputro, Erwin Adi Sari, Erythrina Permata Septin Puji Astuti Setiadi, Adji Prayitno Setiadi, Adji Prayitno Shofiatul Jannah Siti Halidjah Sukandar, Edy Suranto Suranto Surya Dharma, Candrasa Susaniwati, Susanto, Verlita Evelyn Sylvi Irawati Tri Budi Wahyuni Rahardjo, Tri Budi Wahyuni Tri Hariyanto Triyanto, Joko Warindra, Taufin Wibowo, Tjipto Wibowo, Yosi Irawati Widiyastuti, Yesi Widyati, Wijono, Heru Y. Titik Haryati, Y. Titik Zelitha, Anissa