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Journal : REKAYASA

Studi Etnobotani Pemanfaatan Tanaman Sayuran di Kabupaten Pamekasan Setiawan, Eko
Rekayasa Vol 10, No 1: April 2017
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (503.415 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v10i1.3614


Indigenous vegetables have become popular, but the information of crops cultivated by farmers is limited. The objective of this research was to investigate the crops cultural of indigenous vegetables by farmers and their uses in Pamekasan district, East Java, Indonesia during rainy season, December of 2016. In depth observations of the indigenous vegetables and interviews with farmers were conducted in six sub-districts, i.e., Pasean (50 m above the sea level; asl), Waru (159 m asl), Pakong (250 m asl), Kadur (140 m asl), Pademawu (7 m asl) and Tlanakan (22 m asl). This study showed that utilization of the indigenous vegetables in Pamekasan district is still varied and not yet maximal. Vegetable crop has been highest utilities by the society in Waru Sub-district (50%), Tlanakan Sub-district (47.1%) and Pademawu Sub-district (42.1%), while the vegetables utilization has not been maximal in Kecamatan Kadur (53.3%), Pakong Sub-district and Pasean Sub-district (50%). The most un-utilities vegetables are in Kecamatan Pakong (22.2%) and Pasean sub-districts (20%).
Studi Viabilitas Serbuk Sari Pada Salak Bangkalan Setiawan, Eko
Rekayasa Vol 12, No 1: April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.392 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v12i1.5299


ABSTRAKSalak (Salacca zalacca) banyak dibudidayakan di Kabupaten Bangkalan. Permasalahan penyerbukan seperti kesuburan serbuk sari menjadi masalah utama dalam produksi salak di Bangkalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari viabilitas serbuk sari dari bunga jantan pada salak Bangkalan. Sampel bunga dikoleksi dari perkebunan salak di Desa Kramat, Kecamatan Bangkalan, Kabupaten Bangkalan. Pengamatan dan pembuatan preparat dilakukan di Laboratorium Produksi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura pada bulan Mei 2018. Pengamatan fertilitas serbuk sari dilakukan di bawah mikroskop setelah dilakukan pewarnaan terhadap serbuk sari dengan larutan Lugol 1%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan viabilitas serbuk sari pada bunga salak jantan kuning lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan bunga salak jantan merah dengan perbandingan 95% dan 10%. Kata kunci: Anther, Madura, Serbuk sari, Salacca zalacca, SterilStudy on Pollen Viability of Bangkalan Snake FruitABSTRACTSnake fruit (Salacca zalacca (Gaertner) Voss) is widely cultivated in Bangkalan District. Pollination problems such as pollen fertility are a major problem in the production of salak in Bangkalan. The objective of the study was to determine the pollen viability of Bangkalan snake fruit. Flower sample was collected from salak gardens in Kramat Village, Bangkalan and pollen analysis were conducted at the Production Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Trunojoyo Madura in May 2018. Observation of fertility of pollen was conducted under a microscope after pollen staining with Lugol 1%. The results showed that the pollen viability of male yellow flower was higher than the red one with a ratio of 95% and 10%, respectively.Keywords: Anther, Madura, Pollen, Salacca zalacca, Sterile
Effect of Light Intensity to Chlorophyll and Anthocyanin Content in Mangosteen Leaf Setiawan, Eko
Rekayasa Vol 9, No 1: April 2016
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (778.306 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v9i1.3323


The objective of this study was to understand the light intensity conditions of mangosteen trees to various branch position in canopy. The experiment was conducted using mangosteen trees grown on commercial orchard in Bogor, Indonesia during August - October 2013. Mangosteen trees of three different ages, young (20 years), middle (35 years), and old ages (50 years), each of five trees, are selected for study. Canopy of each tree divided into 9 sectors. The highest light intensity in full sunlight conditions was found in sector 9 were 8.07; 7.53; and 7.74 μ mol M-2 s-1, in young, middle and old age, respectively, in contrast, the lowest light intensity in sector 1 were 0.53; 0.42; and 0.49 μ mol M-2 s-1, in young, middle and old age, respectively. Chlorophyll a/b ratio in mangosteen leaves increase gradually as an increase of age, each in young, middle, and old age were 2.20; 2.25; and 2.95, respectively. The highest chlorophyll index was in branch with fruit production, than decrease in dormancy condition, whereas the lowest chlorophyll index in new flush or vegetative condition.
Keragaman Populasi Pohon Asam (Tamarindus indica L.) di Jalan Raya Socah-Arosbaya, Kabupaten Bangkalan dan Strategi Konservasi Setiawan, Eko
Rekayasa Vol 11, No 2: Oktober 2018
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (766.643 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v11i2.4446


Pohon asam (Tamarindus indica) sangat sesuai untuk peneduh dan lanskaping karena bentuk tajuknya rindang, daunnya kecil-kecil, rantingnya kuat dan tidak mudah patah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui populasi pohon asam di sepanjang Jl. Raya Socah-Arosbaya, Kabupaten Bangkalan. Survei dilaksanakan pada Juni-Agustus 2018 dengan metode purposive sampling mulai dari jalan raya Socah dengan koordinat 7°05'48.6"LS 112°42'44.3"BT sampai Jalan raya Gebang Arosbaya yang berada di koordinat 6°58'57.3"LS 112°47'38.0"BT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan populasi pohon asam sepanjang Jl. Raya Socah-Arobaya hanya ada 102 tanaman (5.03%) dengan indeks biodiversitas sebesar 0.1509. Pohon asam perlu dilestarikan karena selain bernilai sejarah juga sebagai tempat endemik anggrek Vanda limbata dan kepentingan penelitan biologi di lahan kering.Kata Kunci: Bangkalan, indeks biodiversitas, peneduh, pohon asam, Tamarindus indicaPopulation Diversity of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) populations in Socah-Arosbaya Highway, Bangkalan District and Conservation Strategies ABSTRACTThe tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica) is very suitable for shade and landscape because the the canopy is shady, the leaves are small, the branches are strong and not easily broken. The purpose of this study was to determine the tamarind tree population along Socah-Arosbaya highway, Bangkalan district. The survey was done in June-August 2018 with purposive sampling method, starting from Socah highway with coordinates 7°05'48.6"S 112°42'44.3"E to Gebang Arosbaya highway located at coordinates 6°58'57.3"S 112°47'38.0"E. The results showed the tamarind tree population along Socah-Arobaya highway there are only 102 plants (5.03%) with a diversity index was 0.1509. Tamarind trees need to be conserved because in addition to historical value as well as a place of Vanda limbata orchids and the importance of biological research on dry land.
Umbi non Spesifik Madura (2): Etnobotani Tekkay (Eleocharis dulcis) pada Ekosistem Sawah Rawa sebagai Bahan Pangan di Pulau Madura Setiawan, Eko
Rekayasa Vol 9, No 2: Oktober 2016
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.876 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v9i2.3348


Rekayasa Vol 6, No 1: April 2013
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (294.155 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v6i1.2096


The aim of the present study was to investigate the phenological characteristics of mangosteen and among-individual variation in flowering phenology at Bogor, Indonesia.Trees tend to flower after vegetative growth flushes and especially after dry weather. The dry period required to induce flowering in mangosteen. The fruiting season in the Bogor is from latest July to middle August. Bud stage to anthesis takes 19 days. Fruit development takes 115-140 days from anthesis. Fruits fast growth at 2-10 weeks after anthesis. After 13 weeks the growth of fruits is stop. Harvested period 44 days are from December 7 and latest in January 20. Fruits ripen over a 16-20 week period and picking is done by hand every 2-3 days. Generally, the fruits of mangosteen take 5 to 6 months to mature from fruit set. The pattern of fruit growth follows a sigmoid curve. In Bogor, mangosteen tree 25 years old, the fruit production is average of 50- 100 fruits per tree. The fruit production is depending from canopy size. The yield varies from tree to tree and from season to season.
Co-Authors Abdul Rahem, Abdul Abdullah Idi Adrianto, Dian Alvika Meta Sari Amirul Ulum, Amirul Andreas Kurniadi S Angga Angga Ardiyansyah, Arief Ariana Ariana Aziz, Mohd-Hafiz Abdu Bahroin Budiya Bobby Presley, Bobby Brata, Cecilia Ciptaningtyas, Agprasari Costa, Menino Osbert Danang Ali Djawaria, Dewi Paskalia Andi Dwijayanti, Sharly Eka Mulyo H Ervin Nurhayati, Ervin Fajar Whedi Andista, Fajar Whedi Hafidh Munawir Halim, Steven V. Halim, Steven Victoria Handoko Handoko Hari Prasetyo Hendradi, Wahyu Jannah, Lia Miftakhul Krisnanta, I Komang Agus Bayu Kristina Eni Trisnowati Kumalasari, Nunik Dewi Lasi . Lukas, Dwi Lily M.Th. S. R. Retnaningdyastuti, M.Th. S. R. Makkulawu, Andi Mardianto Mardianto Marpaung, Ferdy Royland Marzuki . Mochammad Facta Much Djunaidi Mukaromah, Sofiatul Nani Parfati, Nani Ning Ati Musthofiyah, Ning Ati Ningsih, Linda Fidya Nugrahadi, Bekti Nugroho, Agung Nurliana Cipta Apsari Padmi Dyah Yulianti, Padmi Dyah Pujiyanti, Devi Rahman, Dian Arif Rahmawati, Rahmawati Rika Yulia Rio Yulius Roberts, Jason Roni Kurniawan S Kurniawan, Endro Santoso Tri Raharjo, Santoso Tri Saputro, Erwin Adi Sari, Erythrina Permata Septin Puji Astuti Setiadi, Adji Prayitno Setiadi, Adji Prayitno Shofiatul Jannah Siti Halidjah Sukandar, Edy Suranto Suranto Surya Dharma, Candrasa Susaniwati, Susanto, Verlita Evelyn Sylvi Irawati Tri Budi Wahyuni Rahardjo, Tri Budi Wahyuni Tri Hariyanto Triyanto, Joko Warindra, Taufin Wibowo, Tjipto Wibowo, Yosi Irawati Widiyastuti, Yesi Widyati, Wijono, Heru Y. Titik Haryati, Y. Titik Zelitha, Anissa