Sindhuwati, Christyfani
Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Politeknik Negeri Malang

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Journal : Jurnal Teknik Kimia dan Lingkungan

Pembuatan Briket Campuran Arang Ampas Tebu dan Tempurung Kelapa sebagai Bahan Bakar Alternatif Asalil Mustain; Christyfani Sindhuwati; Agung Ari Wibowo; Adinda Sindi Estelita; Nur Lailatur Rohmah
Jurnal Teknik Kimia dan Lingkungan Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (269.024 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/jtkl.v5i2.183


Pemanfaatan ampas tebu dan tempurung kelapa sebagai bahan baku utama pembuatan briket memiliki potensi besar sebagai bahan bakar alternatif. Briket merupakan arang dengan bentuk tertentu yang dihasilkan melalui proses pemampatan dengan penambahan sejumlah perekat tertentu. Pemanfaatan briket sebagai bahan bakar mampu menghasilkan kalor dengan sedikit asap. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi arang ampas tebu dan arang tempurung kelapa serta jenis perekat terhadap karakteristik briket. Variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu rasio massa arang ampas tebu terhadap arang tempurung kelapa (100:0, 50:50, 30:70 dan 0:100) dan jenis perekat briket (tepung tapioka atau tepung sagu). Tahapan penelitian pembuatan briket ini meliputi persiapan bahan baku, karbonisasi, pembriketan dan analisa produk. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik briket terbaik terdapat pada briket dengan perekat tepung tapioka dan komposisi arang ampas tebu terhadap arang tempurung kelapa 30:70. Karakteristik briket tersebut memiliki nilai kadar air sebesar 6,93%, kadar abu 3,50%, kadar zat menguap 24,75%, kadar karbon terikat 64,82% dan nilai kalor sebesar 5995 kal/g. The utilization of bagasse and coconut shells as the main raw materials for making briquettes has great potential as alternative fuels. Briquettes are charcoal with a certain shape which is produced through a compression process with the addition of a certain amount of adhesive. The utilization of briquettes as fuel is able to produce heat with less smoke. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the bagasse charcoal and coconut shell charcoal composition and the adhesive type on the characteristics of briquettes. The variables used in this study were the mass ratio of bagasse charcoal to coconut shell charcoal (100:0, 50:50, 30:70 and 0:100) and the type of briquette adhesive (tapioca flour or sago flour). The research stages of making briquettes include raw material preparation, carbonization, briquetting and product analysis. The results of this study indicated that the best characteristics of briquettes were found in briquettes with tapioca flour adhesive and the composition of bagasse charcoal to coconut shell charcoal 30:70. The characteristics of these briquettes had a water content value of 6.93%, ash content of 3.50%, volatile matter content of 24.75%, fixed carbon content of 64.82% and calorific value of 5995 cal/g.
Produksi Crude Selulase dari Limbah Kayu Mahoni Menggunakan Phanerochaete chrysosporium Sri Rulianah; Christyfani Sindhuwati; Prayitno Prayitno
Jurnal Teknik Kimia dan Lingkungan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.783 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/jtkl.v3i1.86


Limbah kayu mahoni dapat dikategorikan sebagai limbah lignoselulosa yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan biofuel, seperti bioetanol. Selulosa pada limbah kayu mahoni dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku produksi crude selulase dengan bantuan kapang Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Crude selulase yang dihasilkan memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi dan dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai bidang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu fermentasi dan penambahan konsentrasi serbuk kayu mahoni terhadap aktivitas crude selulase, dan untuk mengetahui kondisi operasi terbaik sehingga diperoleh crude selulase dengan aktivitas yang tertinggi. Produksi crude selulase dari limbah kayu mahoni melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu, size reduction, peremajaan dan pembuatan inokulum kapang Phanerocheate chrysosporium, produksi crude selulase dan uji aktivitas selulase dengan metode DNS. Variabel berubah pada penelitian ini adalah % penambahan serbuk kayu mahoni pada media pembuatan crude selulase yaitu 5%, 6% dan 7%, dan waktu inkubasi pembuatan crude selulase yaitu 9, 11, 13, 15 dan 17 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, semakin lama waktu fermentasi, dan semakin tinggi jumlah penambahan serbuk kayu mahoni, maka aktivitas selulase yang dihasilkan semakin tinggi. Kondisi operasi terbaik diperoleh pada waktu inkubasi selama 17 hari, dan jumlah penambahan serbuk kayu mahoni 7% , diperoleh aktivitas crude selulase sebesar 39,034 U/ml. Mahogany waste can be categorized as lignocelluloses waste which can be used as raw material of biofuel such as bioethanol. Cellulose in mahogany can also be utilized as crude cellulose raw material with the help of Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Crude selulase produced has high economic value and can be utilized in many sectors. This research is aim to determine the effect of fermentation time and the addition of mahogany concentration on crude cellulase activity, and to determine the best operating conditions. Crude cellulase production from waste of mahogany through several steps, those are size reduction, rejuvenation and inoculum production of Phanerocheate chrysosporium, crude cellulase production and activity test with DNS method. The variable in this experiment was the precentage of mahogany powder added on crude cellulase production media which was 5%, 6% and 7%, and incubation time of crude cellulase production which were 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17 days. The experiment shows that the highest cellulase activity was at concentration of mahogany powder of 7% with incubation time of 17days as 39,034 U/ml.
Review: Potensi Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Bioetanol dengan Metode Fed Batch pada Proses Hidrolisis Christyfani Sindhuwati; Asalil Mustain; Yasinta Octaliya Rosly; Andika Soharmat Aprijaya; Mufid Mufid; Ade Sonya Suryandari; Hardjono Hardjono; Sri Rulianah
Jurnal Teknik Kimia dan Lingkungan Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): October 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (521.956 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/jtkl.v5i2.224


Peningkatan kebutuhan energi terutama bahan bakar minyak yang tidak diimbangi dengan ketersediaan sumber energi tak terbarukan akan mengakibatkan kelangkaan energi. Pembuatan bahan bakar terbarukan merupakan solusi untuk mengatasi kelangkaan tersebut, salah satunya bioetanol. Biomassa Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) merupakan bahan baku yang cocok untuk pembuatan bioetanol karena jumlahnya yang melimpah dan mengandung lignoselulosa. Bioetanol dapat diperoleh melalui proses fermentasi dengan metode yang digunakan adalah Fed Batch Simultaneous Saccharification Fermentation. Pretreatment berupa size reduction dan delignifikasi direkomendasikan sebelum proses hidrolisis enzimatik dan fermentasi secara serentak. Metode pengumpanan Fed Batch pada High Total Solid Loading (HTSL) direkomendasikan sebagai strategi pengumpanan pada proses hidrolisis enzimatik dengan jumlah frekuensi yang tinggi memberikan hasil kadar etanol lebih tinggi. The enhancement of energy needs, especially fuel, that is not complemented by the availability of non-renewable energy sources, would affect the deficient of energy. The production of renewable fuel such as bioethanol is a solution to overcome that deficiency. One of the substrates that are appropriate to be processed into bioethanol is Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB) because of abundant and lignocellulosic biomass. Bioethanol can be produced through the fermentation process by Fed-Batch Simultaneous Saccharification Fermentation method. Size reduction and delignification for pretreatment are recommended before the simultaneous enzymatic hydrolysis process and fermentation. Using the fed-batch as a feeding method of High Total Solid Loading (HTSL) is recommended for feeding strategy in hydrolysis enzymatic process with high frequency that can produce a higher yield of ethanol.
Penurunan Kadar Lignin pada Fermentasi Limbah Kayu Mahoni Menggunakan Phanerochaete chrysosporium Sri Rulianah; Prayitno; Christyfani Sindhuwati; Dessi Ria Ambar Ayu; Khalimatus Sa’diyah
Jurnal Teknik Kimia dan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1055.736 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/jtkl.v4i1.139


Mahogany wood waste is a type of hard wood agricultural waste containing lignocellulose which is quite high. In mahogany wood waste also contains lignin which is quite high, so the level of lignin must be reduced so that the cellulose can be used as glucose. Phanerochaete chrysosporium is a type of mold that is able to degrade lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose simultaneously. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fermentation time and the addition of mahogany wood waste to the reduction of lignin content in the fermentation of mahogany wood waste using Phanerochaete chrysosporium molds. The study was conducted by drying and reducing the size of mahogany wood waste, then fermentation of mahogany wood waste with Phanerochaete chrysosporium with a span of 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17 days, and the addition of mahogany wood waste 5, 6 and 7%. Before and after the fermentation process, lignin levels were analyzed. The best results from this study were obtained at 17 days of fermentation and the addition of 5% mahogany wood powder, obtained a decrease in lignin content of 85,33 %.