Henry Bambang Setyawan
Institut Bisnis Dan Informatika STIKOM Surabaya

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Journal : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

Design of Web-Based Scheduling Applications Complain at PT. Nuansa Cerah Informasi Surabaya Rahardiyan Arya Yudha; Henry Bambang Setyawan; Sri Hariani Eko Wulandari
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 12 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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: PT. Nuansa Cerah Informasi (NCI) is one of company that worked in software developer, maintenance software, IT project financing and Training & Consultant that which place in Bandung, it also has branch office in Surabaya. There was some of error during the software implementation in the module which caused by the stage process that is conducted inappropriate and also by some errors. During the process of complain there is always retardment because of improper handling of complaints, such as knowing from the rate of module rate’s importance error, the hospital status (costumer status), the hospital contract value, date of complain and category of complain that brings an impact to list complain queues. According to those problems, it will need some solution in schedule handling complain to PT. Nuansa Cerah Informasi, especially in Surabaya by designing a schedule application website base that can help to overcome the problems. Based on the results of trials that have been conducted with PT. NCI then this application can reduce delays in handling complaints for using the application can produce schedules rapidly complaint handling in accordance with company requirements. 
Application Design Implementation Planning Preparation Overhaul Production Machinery At PT Semen Indonesia (PERSERO) Tbk Dionisius Oktavian Andana Putra; Henry Bambang Setyawan; Nunuk Wahyuningtyas
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 9, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk has very many production machines. Then there is a need for maintenance by overhauling. In the Planning Preparation Overhaul process that is used today uses the Microsoft Excel application that causes incomplete information to be available about the calculation of the overall percentage amount and the progress of Spare Parts, Fabrication, and Man Power.Of the things PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk wants to implement a Planning Preparation Overhaul system on website-based Production Machines. In Planning Preparation systems can integrate between system users according to their individual needs, provide information about the Planning Preparation progress and automatically calculate the current progress percentage according to the input given.Based on the results of the planning preparation overhaul machine production system with the Department of ICT and Management Service Development Staff of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, the results can facilitate the calculation of the total percentage of input progress list preparation, and the detailed information contained in the progress list preparation, as well as recording electronic planning Preparation Overhaul history to minimize the risk of losing data in the Planning Preparation process.Keyword: Website, planning preparation, production machinery, overhauls. 
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 10, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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State Senior High School (SMAN) 2 Sumbawa Besar is one of the educational institutions in Sumbawa Besar which has been established since July 1977 and has been accredited A. SMAN 2 is also one of the favorite schools. SMAN 2 Sumbawa Besar is located at Jl. Garuda 102 Sumbawa Besar. In the current monitoring implementation process, school supervisors have to come to the school and check the teacher performance assessment team on teacher performance so that it takes a long time to obtain total information. From the current monitoring process, the problem is that supervisors and principals need a long time to find out information on the performance of all teachers. The proposed solution given to solve the problem is the Dashboard application to monitor the performance of web-based teachers at SMAN 2 Sumbawa Besar. This dashboard will provide a display of graphic information including: 1) the number of teachers who are Civil Servants (PNS) and Honorary. 2) Number of teachers by gender. 3) The number of teachers with the latest education. 4) The average score of all teachers per period to see the development of teacher performance from the initial period to the last period. 5) The average performance score of all teachers based on the competencies per period (the teacher performance competencies in question are Pedagodic, Personality, Social, Professional). 6) The acquisition of each teacher's score based on the competence of each teacher 7) The acquisition of teacher scores based on the indicators of teacher performance competence. 8) Average teacher attendance per period. Based on the results of trials conducted with the school, this application can display teacher performance results in graphical form, easy to use and easy to access without having to install other applications, and shorten the time for principals and supervisors to monitor teacher performance.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Optimasi Penjadwalan Produksi Pada CV. Azaria Mohammad Afreda Nizar Abraham; Henry Bambang Setyawan; Erwin Sutomo
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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CV . Azaria is a company engaged in manufacturing , which produce furniture products. Production will be carried out if the customer has sufficient orders to be produced . Production model that is currently done is to work on orders received will first be produced in advance. Production models like this will cause problems when the number of orders a lot . This will cause the production time becomes longer , causing delays in the completion of the order.Selection of appropriate models of production in accordance with the objectives to be important . Therefore we need a media that can provide optimal production models . Because the machines are owned by the work center , then the priority rules can be applied to the production model selection.By using the model of production appropriate to the purpose or parameters to be achieved then the problem of delays can be minimized. The use of priority rules in production scheduling to optimize production activities on the CV. Azaria.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Dan Pengendalian Pada Kantor Badan Kepegawaian Negara Regional II Taufik Yudha Pratama; Henry Bambang Setyawan; Didiet Anindita Arnandy
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 5, No 7 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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Abstract: The administrative file monitoring application serves to determine the extent to which the course of the management of administrative records. The administrative file services include the completion of Decree (SK) retired, cards employee, cards wife (Karis) and cards husband (KARSU), SK promotion, SK relocate the working area, until the determination of candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS), Review Work Period (PMK), Mutation family, dependents leave outside the State (CLTN), the appointment of civil servants over 2 years (C2). Of the existing system there be some problems including the lack of monitoring facilities in each part file, do not report how many files that are already resolved and unresolved and the absence of sorting and search facility on incoming files by date and name of the local agencies. Of the existing problems will require monitoring and file control information system for the BKN Regional II, so it can help the BKN Regional II monitor administrative file in and out of each agency areas in the district or city throughout East Java.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penentuan Rute Dan Biaya Transportasi Pada Ukm New Sehati Adisti Machmudah; Ronny S Susilo; Henry Bambang Setyawan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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Development Application for Harbour Mobile Crane Feasibility Evaluation at PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia Surabaya Abdurrakhman Arif; Henry Bambang Setyawan; Tegar Heru Susilo
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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PT Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia is a company engaged in the areas of services and stevedoring services in the port area. Where the main production equipment used is Harbour Mobile Crane (HMC). With a very expensive price and feasibility calculation process that is still limited trust. It can be difficult for the mechanic to explain the performance of existing machines to the managerial. So may harm the company because it can be swelling expenditures in case of late taking a decision.Writer try to made an application that can compute the value of the performance of a machine along with its economic value. The function of this application is to assess the feasibility of the two sides are assessed in terms of performance and assessed in terms of the economy. In terms of performance, the engine will be assessed by the MTTR and MTBF. The point is to get the value of the Availability and Reability.From an economic perspective, the machine will be assessed based on the value of assets and the cost of care. The votes of the two terms of the application will provide an assessment of whether the machine is still fit for use or not.
Design Build Winner Selection Application In Tender Process In Institute Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya Alifianti Putri Luhkitasari; Januar Wibowo; Henry Bambang Setyawan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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Institute of Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya is a college in Surabaya that needs needs in running daily operations, such as the need for alma mater suits, t-shirts, and others. Needs are needed in quantities that are not small. In order to get the minimum price and maximum quality, Institute of Business and Informatics Stikom Surabaya is a college in Surabaya held several tenders. The bidding process is currently conducted with a jury assessing the bidders by giving points 0 to 100 according to the assumption of the tender jury itself. There is no standardization of points against the assessment criteria. Unlisted or documented reasons the jury gives points against offers from participants. The percentage weight of each criterion is the same, so the actual criterion is more important than the other criterion is considered equal weight. These matters cause the possibility of misstatement of tendering and tender selection.The solution needed to overcome the above problems is the assessment by using scoring system method. Scoring system method is used to assist decision makers in determining the eligibility of bidders to be included in the list of alternatives to tender winner selection. To minimize the risks of winning the selection of winners in the tender process, it is necessary to calculate the percentage of priority weight.Based on the results of manual scoring system testing and calculation results by the system, obtained the result that there is no difference between the calculation manually with the calculation by the application so that the application can perform calculations accurately. The trial results show three tender reports with three judges and each tender has three participants and the result is between manually and calculated by the application.
Rancang Bangun Dashboard Perbandingan Penjualan Kamar Hotel (Studi Kasus: Hotel 88 Embong Malang Surabaya) Agus Ariyanto; Jusak Jusak; Henry Bambang Setyawan
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 9 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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Hotel 88 Embong Malang Surabaya is one part of the PT. K. Hospitality is located in Central Jakarta. Hotel 88 is incorporated in the "Night Audit Community". Hotel 88 requires a comparison of sales of hotel rooms as a reference for the evaluation and manufacturing of new strategies in the competitive sales of hotel rooms. Currently recording sales and sales comparison hotel rooms are still using Ms. Excel. The problem today is Admin IT Hotel 88 calculates the sales data of existing hotel rooms in Night Audit Community and send the data via E-Mail every day. At the Head Manager and the Head of seeing and reading data on Ms. Excel then compare hotel with 88 existing hotels in the Night Audit Community. To overcome these problems, the hotel is 88 require a dashboard of sales comparison Hotel rooms and dashboard market segmentation for 88 itself. This helps Head Manager and the Head of easier reading comparative information through the dashboard as well as information about market segmentation. Based on trial results and evaluations conducted by Admin IT Hotel 88, which has been built Dashboard can be run through the website, and to run the dashboard takes less than 30 seconds. Dashboard also makes it easier to read the data comparison hotel room sales using charts and helped the Hotel 88 is no longer sending sales data room via E-Mail to Users
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Hotel Dengan Aplikasi Visual Basic Pada Homestay "The Rumah Kita" Lumajang Corhepaticha Hayuranistya; Henry Bambang Setyawan; Endra Rahmawati
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi (JSIKA) Vol 6, No 10 (2017)
Publisher : Jurnal Sistem Informasi Universitas Dinamika

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Homestay “The Rumah Kita” Lumajang, East Java which has the concept of a family inn. Curently Homestay “The Rumah Kita” Lumajang has a total of 13 rooms are divided into three types. Homestay "The Home" also provides facilities to pamper guests, such as restaurant, Snack 'n Coffee shop, minimarket, meeting room, Room Service, and free wifi area. For a hotel, the speed and accuracy of the data needed to make record relating to the management of guest data, room reservations, lodging transactions, transactions additional orders (food, snack, or drink), as well as other amenities. While the administration at Homestay "The Home" still requires a lot of changes, especially for the data collection process is not computerized and centralized.Information Systems Management with Visual Basic application is expected to simplify and accelerate the recording of transactions carried out by Homestay "The Home", can manage data into information that is accurate and fast, and can improve service to guests. 
Co-Authors A. B. Tjandrarini Abdurrakhman Arif Abraham, Mohammad Afreda Nizar Abraham, Mohammad Afreda Nizar Adisti Machmudah Agung, Akhmad Akbar Agus Ariyanto Agus Ariyanto Akbar, Rizky Jihad Akbar, Rizky Jihad Alifi, Yusron Alifianoor, Raisa Alifianti Putri Luhkitasari Amaliyah, Alfinatul Amaliyah, Alfinatul Andri Saputro, Andri Anjik Sukmaaji Antok Supriyanto Apriliana, Cahya Apritasari, Filzah Apritasari, Filzah Arie Rozzy Pribadi Arif Budiman Santoso Arif, Abdurrakhman Arif, Abdurrakhman Arifin Puji Widodo Arliq Mushlih Rachamadho Asari, Riski Imam Asari, Riski Imam Ayouvi Poerna Wardhanie bias syawadani pasca bimo, christophorus bimo, christophorus Bobby Hans Pratama Boga, Anto Chafida Muzdalifah christophorus bimo Corhepaticha Hayuranistya Daniel F. Kale Danu Kristantio Diagustin Rahayu Didiet Anindita Arnandy Dionisius Oktavian Andana Putra Edyson Luhulima Erwin Sutomo Faraby, Muchamad Iqbal Faraby, Muchamad Iqbal Fatkurrotin, Shofia Filzah Apritasari FIOLA ILONA PUTRI Fransiscus Xaverius Yudha Gamma Christiawan Habel Gilang Ramdhan Habel, Fransiscus Xaverius Yudha Gamma Christiawan Habel, Fransiscus Xaverius Yudha Gamma Christiawan Handika Setiawan Handoko, Febrian Haryanto Tanuwijaya Hayuranistya, Corhepaticha Hayuranistya, Corhepaticha Hutagalung, Ika Widyasari I Gusti Ngurah Alit Widana Putra Ignatius Adrian Mastan Indra Halid Triyatno Lauhatta Inpranata, Yosafat Anditya Inpranata, Yosafat Anditya Irawan, Sari Zetari Jamhari Jamhari Januar Wibowo Jati, Kelik Hendra Jatmika, Kurniawan Jatmika, Kurniawan Julianto Lemantara Jusak Jusak Jusak Jusak Kale, Daniel F. Kale, Daniel F. Ketut De Santiasa Khatulistiwa, Angga Kusumawati, Tiara Indah Kusumawaty, Weny Indah Kusumawaty, Weny Indah Lauhatta, Indra Halid Triyatno Luhkitasari, Alifianti Putri Luhulima, Edyson M. J. Dewiyani Sunarto M.J Dewiyani Sunato Martinus Sony Erstiawan Maulana, Yoppy Maulana, Yoppy Mirza Maulana, Yoppy Mirza Mindrawan, Tantri Mindrawan, Tantri Mochammad Arifin Mohammad Afreda Nizar Abraham Muchammmad Arief Wahyudi Muzdalifah, Chafida Muzdalifah, Chafida Ningsih, Norma Nirmala, Ariesta Fuji Pahlevie, Moch. Reza Pahlevie, Moch. Reza Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas Paramastri, Raras Dhika Paramastri, Raras Dhika Permana, Alvin Indra Pramadita, Ventya Devi Pramadita, Ventya Devi Pratama, Denny Putra Yudha Pratama, Fahrizal Fauzi Pratama, Fahrizal Fauzi Pratama, Taufik Yudha Pratama, Taufik Yudha Pratiwi, Nila Elzha Prayogi, Welly Abdi Prayogi, Welly Abdi Pribadi, Arie Rozzy Pribadi, Arie Rozzy Puspitasari, Anita Puspitasari, Anita Putra, Rastra Sewa Eka Putra, Yudhistira Eka Wishnu PUTRI, FIOLA ILONA Rachman, Bobby Rachman, Rizky Rachman, Rizky Rahardiyan Arya Yudha Rahayu, Diagustin Rahmawati, Endra Raisa Alifianoor Ramdhan, Gilang Renodicto, Renodicto Rezandy, Aldo Kevindra Risa Rahmadya Triwendra Romeo Romeo Ronny S Susilo Santiasa, Ketut De Sayang, Ega Syahputra Setiawan, Handika Suhariyanto, Dedy Suhariyanto, Dedy Sulistiowati Sulistiowati Sutrisno, Alfian Tan Amelia Taufik Yudha Pratama Tegar Heru Susilo Tegar Heru Susilo Tiara Indah Kusumawati Titik Lusiani Tito Akbar Firmanda Tony Soebijono Tony Soebijono Triwendra, Risa Rahmadya Tutut Wurijanto Usman, Rizka Agustia Usman, Rizka Agustia Valentinus Roby Hananto Vivine Nurcahyawati Wachid Hasyim, Wachid Wahyudi, Muchammmad Arief Wahyudi, Muchammmad Arief Wahyuningtyas, Nunuk Wardani, Marina Kusuma Wardhani, Hienny Wardhani, Hienny Welly Abdi Prayogi Wicaksono, Faizal Try Wicaksono, Faizal Try Wisudawanto, Munir Agung Wisudawanto, Munir Agung Wulandari, Sri Hariani Eko Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yoppy Mirza Maulana Yudha, Rahardiyan Arya Yudhistira Eka Wishnu Putra