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Pengaruh Dewan Pengawas Syariah dan Intelectual Capital Terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility dengan Kinerja Keuangan Sebagai Variabel Mediasi (Studi Empiris Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia) Nurhikmah, Febty; Winarsih, Winarsih; Kusumaningtyas, Metta
MALIA: Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/malia.v2i2.4785


Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSR) is the information contained in the annual report that reveals information beyond the mandatory disclosure. Measurement of CSR disclosure in the Islamic perspective using ISR index (Islamic Social Reporting) which included the accounts of reporting CSR activities according to Islamic principles. This study aims to examine the relationship of the Sharia Supervisory Board and Intellectual Capital on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure with financial performance as a mediating variable. The study was conducted on annual report Islamic banking in Indonesia since the year 2010-2017. The study sample of 11 Islamic banks were selected through purposive sampling technique. Data analysis techniques used in this study is SEM-PLS using software smartpls 3.0. The result showed that Sharia Supervisory Board and Intellectual Capital have related negative and not significant to Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure. However, based on the role of financial performance variables as variables mediating the relationship between Sharia Supervisory Board with Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure show  negative and not significantly, while the relationship between Intellectual Capital with Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure showed positive and significant.
Identifikasi Kandungan Formalin Pada Bahan Pangan (Mie Basah, Bandeng Segar dan Presto, Ikan Asin, Tahu) di Pasar Gede Kota Surakarta Asyfiradayati, Rezania; Ningtyas, Artika; Lizansari, Madani; Purwati, Yuyun; Winarsih, Winarsih
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 11, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jurnal kesehatan.v11i2.7666


Formalin merupakan bahan tambahan pangan yang dilarang berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 722/MenKes/Per/IX/1988, sehingga kandungannya dalam produk makanan harus negatif.Jika kadar formalin yang terkandung dalam bahan pangan tersebut melewati nilai ambang batas aman, maka akan dapat berakibat toksisl. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan formalin dalam bahan pangan (mie basah, bandeng segar dan presto, ikan asin, tahu) yang dijual di Pasar Gede Kota Surakarta. Penentuan kandungan formalin menggunakan Uji kualitatif (Uji Teskit). Penetapan kadar formalin menggunakan metode Uji Kualitatif (Uji Asisi-Alkalimetri). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 2 sampel mie basah, 1 sampel ikan bandeng segar dan presto, 5 ikan asin, dan 4 tahu positif formalin dengan kadar tertinggi tertinggi sebesar 0,0278ppm pada ikan asin. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan pangan yang diperdagangkan di Wilayah kota Surakarta belum semuanya mematuhi Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 722/MenKes/Per/IX/1988 kandungan formalin dalam makanan harus 0 atau negatif. Sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian bahan tambahan makanan lain (misal boraks dan pewarna) yang digunakan dalam bahan pangan lain yang dipasarkan di Surakarta serta masyarakat perlu segera diberikan informasi tentang keamanan makanan yang dikonsumsi
EKUIVALEN - Pendidikan Matematika Vol 29, No 01 (2017): EKUIVALEN
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 15 Purworejo Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 12 bulan, dari April 2016 sampai Maret 2017. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 4 siswa yang terlibat dan aktif mengikuti pembelajaran matematika di kelas dengan pendekatan saintifik. Metode yang digunakan adalah metodekualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Indikator berpikir kritis yang digunakan adalahmenggunakan fakta-fakta secara tepat dan jujur, mengorganisasi pikiran dan mengungkapkannya dengan jelas, logis atau masuk akal, membedakan antara kesimpulan yang didasarkan pada logika yang valid dengan logika yang tidak valid, mengidentifikasi kecukupan data, dan menyangkal suatu argumen yang tidak relevan dan menyampaikan argumen yang relevan. Dari penelitian ini, kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa untuk indikator mengidentifikasi kecukupan data dapat dipenuhi semua subjek dan terdapat subjek yang memenuhi indikator maksimal. Berdasarkan tingkat berpikir kritis (TBK), maka subjek berada pada TBK 0, TBK 1, dan TBK 3. Siswa pada TBK 3 mampu memenuhi kelima indikator berpikir kritis, kemampuan memberikan alasan dan mengkomunikasikan jawabannya dengan baik dan lancar. Dua subjek dengan TBK 1 mampu memenuhi 2 dan 3 indikator, mampu memberikan alasan dan mengkomunikasikan pada beberapa indikator cukup baik. Sedangkan siswa dengan TBK 0 mampu memenuhi satu indikator berpikir kritis untuk keempat soal, kemampuannya untuk memberikan alasan pada jawaban masih kurang tepat dan kemampuannya untuk mengkomunikasikan pada semua indikator masih sangat kurang.   Kata kunci: berpikir kritis
Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan Vol 2, No 4 (2013): Oktober 2013
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Diponegoro

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Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan dan perilaku pencarian informasi taruna angkatan 46 di Perpustakaan Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang serta sumber informasi apa saja yang digunakan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deksriptif dengan jenis studi kasus.Informan penelitian ini dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan 8 informan yang terdiri dari 6 taruna dan 2 petugas perpustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi,wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian ini taruna membutuhkan informasi untuk membantu penyusunan skripsi, mengerjakan tugas, dan menambah pengetahuan. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasi tersebut, taruna melakukan pencarian informasi bertahap yang terdiri dari: starting, menentukan topic sebelum mencari informasi;chaining, mencatat daftar informasi yang dibutuhkan; browsing, mencari informasi di sumber-sumber informasi; differentiating, memilah-milah informasi yang dikumpulkan; mentoring, mengikuti perkembangan informasi; extracting, mencari informasi di sumber tertentu; veryfing, pengecekan data; dan ending, akhir pencarian informasi.Sumber informasi yang sering dimanfaatkan taruna adalah buku, jurnal, dan skripsi senior yang disediakan di Perpustakaan Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Sedangkan sumber lain yang juga mereka gunakan adalah internet
THE SELLING SYSTEM OF PRODUCTION BY LOOKING CUSTOMER CHARACTER WITH DATA MINING METHODE (Case Study in PT Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company) Susilowati, Dyah; Winarsih, Winarsih
Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Komputer Vol 13, No 3 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

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The advancement of computer technology influences many companies to use computer for data processing. Most of the activites in the company are product selling. Based-on the research at PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company, their product selling activities are still using manual data processing and the computer usage within the company is not optimum yet. Thus, in this paper, system that can assist product selling activities, especially in providing information by making use of customer character, and swift report generator. The approach related to customer character employs data mining model, even though in this case, the existing database can not be categorized in the level of datawarehouse. Hence, modification of data mining approach has been done to match with the existing data.Keyword(s): Infomation system, Selling, Product.Subject Description : H.2. Database Management | H.2.8. Database Applications | Data mining
The Effect Of School Locations, Facilities And Images On Decisions To Choose Office Competency Office Of Administration In Bonavita Vocational School Winarsih, Winarsih; Surip, Ngadino
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 3 (2020): March 2020
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v2i3.2202


This study aims to determine the relationship between location variables, facilities and school image of the decision to choose office administration competency competencies. To determine the relationship between location variables, facilities and school image, this study used a saturated sample technique of 81 respondents consisting of class X, XI, and XII Bonavita Vocational School. This study uses a quantitative analysis method with multiple linear regression analysis tools with SPSS version 23. From the analysis of test results obtained, simultaneously (F-Test ) the location, facilities and school image significantly influence the decision to choose the competency of office administration expertise at Bonavita Vocational School . Partial analysis testing (T-test) location, facilities and school image significantly influence the decision to choose office administration competency competency at Bonavita Vocational School. While the results of correlation analysis and determination obtained Adjusted R Square 0.732 results mean the location, facilities and school image determine the decision to choose a school by 73.2% while the remaining 26.8% are determined by other variables not examined in this study. And the correlation between variables is included in the strong relationship category.
The Urgency of Clinical Legal Education through Developing of Legal Aid on Campus as an Effort to Realize a Humanist Law Winarsih, Winarsih; Wulandari, Cahya
The Indonesian Journal of International Clinical Legal Education Vol 1 No 3 (2019): Indonesian J. Int'l Clinical Leg. Educ. (September, 2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Law Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/iccle.v1i01.20708


Legal education is an important things for law enforcement in Indonesia becauselaw enforcers were born from a legal education. Nowadays in the law enforcementthere are many problems, one of which is the law enforcement that do not providea justice because law enforcer only became the implementer of law. Theseconditions make a law could not fulfill the needs of society. Law tend to be rigidand interpreted as a regulations, whereas according to Satjipto Rahardjo stated thatthe law qualities are determined by the ability to serve the society. Lawenforcement nowadays are inseparable from the legal education, where thestudents are taught with a variety of legal theories, judicial practices in severalcourses and internship. However, this is not able to result the graduates who areable to put a law to serve the society. In addition, the students tend to be begin bythe difference between theories and legal realities. Basically, there are legal aid oncampus that can be used as a means to solve these problems, but the existence oflegal aid cannot be utilized properly. Therefore clinical legal education throughdeveloping of legal aid are needed to solve these various problems. This paperdiscusses two main issues: the first, how are the urgency of clinical legal educationthrough developing of legal aid on campus? The second, how are theimplementation of clinical legal education through developing of legal aid oncampus? The results of this paper are: the first clinical legal education throughdeveloping of legal aid on campus is important to make the students understandthe society problems. Additionally after graduation, the students are expectedbecoming law enforcer who provide justice. Furthermore the graduates of the legaleducation are expected to enforce the law progressively based on the value ofjustice. The second, clinical legal education are implemented through the studentwith given more time to practice in the society so that the students know thevarious problems in society and compare with the legal theories. Furthermoreparadigm of the lecturer is also need to be changed with directed to give practicalcourses so that the students know the case directly in the society. Optimizing theexistence of legal aid on campus also become important things because it can beused to the students to provide services toward the society on campus. These waysare expected to the students who are able to practice in the society and makehumanist law.
Efektifitas Kompres Hangat Terhadap Skala Nyeri Pada Pasien Gout Fajriyah, Nuniek Nizmah; Kartika Sani, Aida Tyas; Winarsih, Winarsih
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (JIK) Vol 5, No 2 (2013): Jurnal ILMIAH KESEHATAN (JIK)
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (JIK)

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Abstrak. Gout adalah salah satu penyakit arthritis yang disebabkan oleh metabolisme abnormal purin yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya kadar asam urat dalam darah. Kejadian gout sering ditemukan pada penderita laki-laki diatas umur 50 tahun. Hampir 85-90% penderita yang mengalami serangan pertama biasanya mengenai satu persendian dan umumnya pada sendi antara ruas tulang telapak kaki dengan jari kaki. Intervensi Independen adalah seperti pengaturan posisi, istirahat, atur posisi fisiologis, atur posisi dengan fiksasi atau imobilisasi, teknik relaksasi, relaksasi nafas abdomen, dan kompres. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas kompres hangat terhadap skala nyeri pada pasien gout di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Batang III Kabupaten Batang Tahun 2013. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasy eksperimental dengan pendekatan two group pretest posttes design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan rata-rata skala nyeri setelah dilakukan intervensi kompres hangat adalah terjadinya penurunan skala nyeri pada pasien gout. Penatalaksanaan nyeri terdiri atas intervensi yang bersifat independen atau nonfarmakologi dan intervensi kolaboratif atau pendekatan secara individu. intervensi nyeri kolaboratif adalah dengan analgesik seperti Non-narkotik dan obat anti-inflamasi nonsteroid (NSAIDs), analgesik narkotik atau opiat, obat tambahan (adjuvan) atau ko-analgesik. Sedangkan intervensi Independen adalah seperti pengaturan posisi, istirahat, atur posisi fisiologis, atur posisi dengan fiksasi atau imobilisasi, teknik relaksasi, relaksasi nafas abdomen, dan kompres. Kata Kunci                  : Kompres Hangat, Skala Nyeri, Gout Warm compresses Effectiveness Against Pain Scale In Gout Patients Abstract. Gout is one of the arthritis disease caused by abnormal purine metabolism characterized by increased levels of uric acid in the blood. The incidence of gout is often found in male patients over the age of 50 years. Nearly 85-90% of patients who experienced a first attack usually affects the joints and is generally in the joints between the vertebrae feet with toes. Independent intervention is like setting position, resting, position the physiological, adjust the position of the fixation or immobilization, relaxation techniques, relaxation breath abdomen, and compress. The study aims to determine the effectiveness of warm compresses on the pain scale in gout patients in Puskesmas Batang III, Batang 2013. The design of this study using an experimental approach quasy two group pretest posttes design. The results showed that the change in average pain scale after warm compresses intervention is the decreasing scale of pain in patients with gout. Pain management consists of interventions which are independent or nonpharmacological and collaborative intervention approach or individually. pain is a collaborative intervention with such Non-narcotic analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), narcotic analgesics, or opiates, additional drugs (adjuvant) or co-analgesics. While the Independent intervention is like setting position, resting, position the physiological, adjust the position of the fixation or immobilization, relaxation techniques, relaxation breath abdomen, and compress. Keywords: Warm Compress, Scale Pain, Gout
Expert System to Diagnose Diabetes Using Web-Based Fuzzy Mamdani Method: Expert System to Diagnose Diabetes Using Web-Based Fuzzy Mamdani Method Alfiandy, Mohammad; Wahyudin, Iwan; Winarsih, Winarsih
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The aim of the system maker is to diagnose diabetes using a web-based fuzzy Mamdani method that is useful for detecting diabetes. Diabetes is also diabetes or diabetes. If the disease is not treated with proper treatment, it can cause various dangerous complications, and can even threaten the lives of sufferers. Implementation of an expert system to diagnose diabetes using web-based fuzzy mamdani aims to explore the symptoms displayed in the questions - questions in order to be able to diagnose various types of diabetes. This is from a research is a web-based expert system that can detect whether someone has diabetes what type. Based on testing the accuracy of the system, it can be concluded that with the fuzzy mamdani method is more accurate what type of diabetes. By using the PHP programming language with a MySQL database method the expert system used is fuzzy mamdani which is one part of the fuzzy inference system which is useful for drawing conclusions or the best decision in an uncertain problem, the Mamdani fuzzy concept is very flexible and has tolerance for inaccurate data based on language natural.
Customer Segmentation Using K-Means Algorithm As A Basis For A Marketing Strategy In The Store Rumah Tua VAPE: Customer Segmentation Using K-Means Algorithm As A Basis For A Marketing Strategy In The Store Rumah Tua VAPE Fadly, Rahmat; Wahyudin, Iwan; Winarsih, Winarsih
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): May: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

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The development of the industrial system at this time more and more. Competition in the business world is increasingly stringent and requires business people to create good marketing strategies, one of which utilizes transaction data from Old Vape store companies is a company engaged in the field of electronic cigarettes. But the lack of observation in choosing customer data is less effective. And to overcome this problem can use data clustering analysis using k-means algorithm. And clustering techniques are functional in data mining, data mining algorithms are grouping a lot of data into several data groups or clusters. The data used is taken from the Vape Old House Store customer data, which results in a type of data grouping, namely customer segmentation for basic strategies in the Vape Old House Store so that customer data is not in vain.