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Kebijakan Keuangan Inklusif Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah Efrita Norman
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2020): RESLAJ: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : LPPM Institut Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.517 KB) | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v2i1.134


This study aims to explore inclusive financial policies in the perspective of Islamic economics. The method used is a qualitative method with a literacy study and mass media analysis approach. Hasilnuya, Indonesia (BI) as the monetary authority believes the NSFI program as the main way to improve financial literacy in order to increase the ability of individuals to manage their finances. The banking sector as the majority of financial services activities in Indonesia is a front liner for the program. The strategies used in achieving financial inclusion goals include five pillars, namely financial education, increasing financial eligibility, supporting regulations, increasing intermediation facilitation, and policy reforms covering customer protection, banking agents, and phone banking. Going forward, the financial industry needs to map the potential of the community and business sector as targets of the financial inclusion program. For this reason, a comprehensive partisanship and strategy from the financial industry is needed to expand access to services for the community, especially in preparing products that can meet the savings and investment needs of the community. Keywords: Bank Indonesia, Islamic economics, financial inclusion, monetary authority.
Pengaruh Pengetahuan Kewirausahaan, Program Studi dan Gender terhadap Minat Beriwirausaha Mahasiswa Robiatul Adawiyah; Efrita Norman; Dedi Junaedi
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2020): RESLAJ: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : LPPM Institut Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (678.641 KB) | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v2i2.140


ABSTRACT Unemployment and a weak entrepreneurial spirit are serious problems in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurial knowledge, study program, semester level and gender on interest in entrepreneurship among FEBI INAIS students. The method used is a quantitative study with multiple regression analysis of dummy variables. The research sample was 133 FEBI INAIS students. The results showed: there was a positive and significant influence on entrepreneurial knowledge, a positive and significant influence on entrepreneurial knowledge, study programs, semester level, and gender on interest in entrepreneurship in FEBI INAIS students. Keywords: entrepreneurship, gender, department, interest, knowledge,
Prinsip Kompensasi Dalam  Prespektif Islam Efrita Norman; Rio Kartika Supriyatna; Dedi Junaedi
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol 3 No 1 (2021): RESLAJ: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : LPPM Institut Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (588.191 KB) | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v3i2.320


Compensation is important for employees and the sustainability of a company, no wonder this is a conversation every year where we know that March 1 is celebrated as national labor day, on that date employees or workers demand an increase in compensation / wages so that this becomes the problem for employees and companies where employees want high wages while companies want low payments to their employees, this phenomenon does not only occur at the regional level but at the national and even international levels, so the author tries to present a solution for companies in paying wages to their employees using the principle Islamic principles. This research is a qualitative research using the literature study method, and from the Koran & Sunnah where researchers study the Koran, Sunnah and literature published by journals and magazines in this field. The results of compensation management research in an Islamic perspective are that there are several principles that must be considered and possessed by every company owner including being honest, trustworthy, able to work together, can provide fair compensation, have a sense of brotherhood and fulfill the agreed contract. In addition, there are also principles that must be possessed by every employee, including the principles of discipline, dedication and sincerity so that if this is owned by the company and every employee, satisfaction between the two will be achieved.
Manajemen Dana Pensiun Syariah Efrita Norman; Enah Pahlawati
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2021): RESLAJ: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : LPPM Institut Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.816 KB) | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v3i2.349


Pension Fund is a legal entity that is independent and separate from the employer, whose function is to manage and run a pension program in accordance with applicable regulations. In this regard, Pension Funds require a separate reporting system from the employer which aims to provide information about Pension Fund finances. The purpose of this research is to find out what are the differences between conventional pension funds and syari'ah pension funds and how to manage pension funds according to syari'ah. The analytical method used by the author is to use a qualitative approach, methodological qualitative research is an approach using deductive thinking in which a series of variables and research results are evidenced by cause and effect thinking, the type of research is literature study where the author in this study collects data with reading journals and books so that you will get accurate data and do in-depth analysis to find and get in-depth information about how to manage pension funds based on the principles of sharia which we now know as Sharia pension funds, the results are the basis of differentiation in pension funds conventional syari'ah is that shari'ah pension funds have several advantages including: having a contract in each transaction, having a shari'ah supervisory board and also when participants are late paying pension contributions they will be subject to permanent penalties. i the proceeds from the punishment funds will be allocated for social activities, so that there is an element of helping (atta'aun) fellow human beings.
Dampak Stres Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai RSUD Kota Bogor pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19   Enah Pahlawati; Efrita Norman; Rio Kartika Supriyatna
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Reslaj: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : LPPM Institut Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (340.25 KB) | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v4i1.525


The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of work stress, work discipline on the performance of Bogor City Hospital employees during the Covid 19 pandemic and see the effect of work stress and work discipline simultaneously on the performance of Bogor City Hospital employees during the Covid 19 pandemic. This study using a sample of 60 respondents who are employees at the Bogor City Hospital as the object of research. The method of data collection was carried out directly by using questionnaires and interviews with employees of the Bogor City Hospital. From the results of data processing (output) obtained a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.795, it can be concluded that there is a strong or high relationship between work stress and work discipline on employee performance at the Bogor City Hospital. Then seen from the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.632 or 63.2%, it can be said that the percentage contribution of the influence of the independent variable (work stress and work discipline) on the dependent variable (employee performance) is 63.2% while the rest is 36.8 % influenced or explained by other factors not included in this model.
Characteristics of Quality Research Efrita Norman; Enah Pahlawati; Abdul Husenudin
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Reslaj: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : LPPM Institut Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.874 KB) | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v4i1.559


Research is not a strange thing anymore for students who are taking the final semester, where one of the requirements for them to graduate is to complete a final project in the form of a research, as well as lecturers in the tridharma of higher education besides teaching is research, so this research has become a habit. However, many of the research results are not qualified, they only fulfill an obligation, so the purpose of this research is how to make quality research so that it is useful for many people. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using a literature study approach where the authors collect data, study, and analyze the literature published by books, journals, and magazine articles so as to obtain accurate and in-depth data about the characteristics of quality research. The results of this research are the characteristics of quality research, first of all, the problem must be clear and it really becomes a problem and needs an immediate solution or solution and Focus so that in collecting data it is true that the data can later be used in solving the problems that we examine, with The formulation of the problem and research objectives are correct and clear, so that the researcher will be more focused, efficient and effective. Second, the research objectives are related to things that are expected to be achieved through conducting research or presenting the results to be achieved after the research is completed. by kar Therefore, the formulation of research objectives must be consistent with the formulation of the problem and must reflect the research process. Third, it must be careful, so that later the research is truly valid according to the data and facts in the field. Fourth, the report is complete and systematic. In making the report, it must be complete with supporting data, namely: both primary data and secondary data, supporting theories must be clearly stated, and reports must be systematically arranged from the beginning to the end of the fifth must be precise in analyzing the data and the tools used must be in accordance with the data we will analyze the six conclusions and Suggestions must come from sources, namely the data we find in the field, not from personal opinions. The seven researchers must have integrity, namely a combination of all points one to six so as to produce quality research. Keyword :
Baznas Bogor City Strategy in Empowering the Dhuafa Through the Bogor Berkah Program Efrita Norman; Zulficar Ismail; Abdul Husenudin; Enah Pahlawati; Rio Kartika Supriyatna
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Reslaj: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : LPPM Institut Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.879 KB) | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v4i3.825


Zakat is one of the pillars in the Islamic economy which is a pillar of the Islamic religion, the importance of zakat in the economy is why in the Qur'an zakat is always juxtaposed with prayer, there are even 29 words zakat which are always juxtaposed with prayer, because zakat is meritorious in Community economic empowerment must be managed properly by amil zakat, in this context is BAZNAS Bogor City. The purpose of zakat itself is not only to help asnaf but also to make mustahiq become muzakki, therefore the distribution of zakat funds must be right on target so that this goal is achieved. This study aims to determine the determination of recipients of zakat funds distributed by BAZNAS Bogor City through one of its programs, namely Bogor Berkah, whether with this program the zakat asnaf group is helped and this study takes the object of ta'lim majlis. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative with SWOT analysis approach, IFAS (Internal Strategic Factor Analysis Summary) and EFAS (External Strategic Factor Analysis Summary). The results of this study indicate that in determining the receipt of zakat funds distributed by BAZNAS Bogor City through the Bogor Berkah program is the majlis ta'lim criteria which have small or medium business groups. and with this program there are not a few ta'lim majlis that empower their congregations of ta'lim majlis. Keywords: zakat, bogor blessing program, empowerment of dhu'afa
Strategi Edukasi Wakaf Tunai untuk Buku Siroh Melalui Media Sosial untuk Mendorong Partisipasi Khalayak: Efrita Norman; Hesty Hartiman; Enah Pahlawati; Arman Paramansyah
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol 5 No 3 (2023): Reslaj: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : LPPM Institut Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (935.987 KB) | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v5i3.2058


This study aims to find out the strategies used in the cash waqf movement for siroh books through social media in encouraging public participation in the Spirit Nabawiyah Community. The research method used to answer this research is descriptive qualitative research method. This method can be interpreted as one of the procedures in solving a problem under study by describing the subject or object in the research in the form of people, institutions, communities and others. The results of this study indicate that the strategy used is to expand the network (recruitment process) of community members who will become good connectors, then online class coaching activities are also held, as well as a continuous monitoring process that results in high public awareness to participate in the program. This is the month of Ramadan 1441 H. Keywords: Waqf Education, Social Media
Urgensi Tafsir Ilmi di Masa Modern: Tanggapan Zaghlul An-Najjar Pada Kritikus Tafsir Ilmi di Dalam Kitabnya Tafsir Ayat-ayat Kauniyah Fi Al-Quranil Karim Rizki Firmansyah; Efrita Norman; Moh Romli; Yudi Permana
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol 5 No 6 (2023): Reslaj: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : LPPM Institut Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v5i6.4142


In the treasures of exegesis there are several known styles of interpretation, namely the fiqh style, the adab ijtima'i style, the Sufi style, the philosophical style, the Lughawi style, and the scientific style. The latter is a style that is widely considered controversial, is half-heartedly accepted among interpreters and has even been criticized by many scholars. In simple terms, the style of scientific interpretation can mean interpretation of the Koran using scientific methods or interpretation by presenting scientific facts in interpreting the Koran, scientific interpretation can also be in the form of exploring scientific phenomena in the Koran to produce new theories, or scientific interpretation as mentioned by Farmawi. is an interpretation that is present and used to support the interpretation of the Koran itself. All of these models of understanding scientific interpretation are considered to be able to degrade the verses of the Koran to become profane because they seem to be subject to limited scientific conceptions, moreover the authors of these scientific interpretations are mostly not considered religious experts so that the validity of their interpretations is doubtful. However, among the many criticisms, there is a scientist who refutes these criticisms in his scientific interpretation book, he is Prof. Zaghlul an-Najar a geologist from Egypt who also wrote scientific interpretations of Kauniyah's Verses. The method in this study is a qualitative-descriptive method which seeks to present an overview of Zaghlul's answers to the many criticisms of scientific interpretation, the approach taken is text analysis. The results of this study reveal Zaghlul an-Najjar's criticisms and answers on the rejection of scientific interpretation and states that scientific interpretation is one of many forms of interpretation. Keywords: Koran,Interpretation,Scientific Interpretation,Zaghlul Najjar,Kauniyah verse
Analisis Tingkat Pengetahuan, Lokasi dan Literasi Keuangan Syariah terhadap Minat Masyarakat Menggunakan Produk Bank Syariah Indonesia Cabang Kabupaten Belitung Dessy Damayanthy; Efrita Norman; Desy Kurnia Ramadhanti
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2024): Reslaj: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : LPPM Institut Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v6i2.5406


Sharia banking is an implementation of a larger sharia economic system. This research aims to find out whether the level of knowledge, location and sharia financial literacy influence people's decisions to use Bank Syariah Indonesia products at the Belitung Regency branch. This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The techniques used in sampling are non-probability sampling and convenience sampling and the data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of the analysis using the t test illustrate that the level of knowledge influences people's interest with a t value of 4.461 which is greater than t table 1.991. Location has no influence on people's interest in using Bank Syariah Indonesia products based on a tcount value of 6.797 which is greater than ttable 1.991. Meanwhile, sharia financial literacy influences people's interest in using Bank Syariah Indonesia products with a tcount value of 6.797 which is greater than ttable 1.991. Furthermore, based on multiple linear regression testing, the coefficient of determination R2 is 0.641 or 64.1%, which means that the variables of level of knowledge, location and sharia financial literacy influence 64.1% of people's interest in using Bank Syariah Indonesia products and the remaining 35.9% is explained by other variables outside the variables studied in the research such as government policy and public demand.