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Journal : Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering

Pengaruh Kadar Air Gabah Terhadap Kinerja Penggilingan Padi Siti Asfiatul Mukaromah; Agus Haryanto; Siti Suharyatun; Tamrin Tamrin
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 1, No 1 (2022): J. Agricultural Biosystem Engineering
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The moisture content of raw rice grains is an important factor that determines the quality of rice produced from milling. This study aimed to determine the effect of rice grain moisture content on rice milling performance which includes yield, degree of whiteness of rice, and proportion of head rice, broken rice, and groat rice. This research consisted of two stages, namely collecting data and samples at the rice mill and testing the quality of white rice. This study used 50 samples of raw rice grain and white rice produced from rice mills in Pring Sewu. The results showed that RMU worked well and produced a rice yield of 63.12%. The results also concluded that raw grain moisture content does not affect the quality of rice. White rice produced from milling had a whiteness index of 63.87 with the proportion of head rice of 73.59%, broken rice of 14.91%, and rice bran of 4.87%.
Uji Kinerja Mesin Pencacah Tipe Multiguna untuk Pencacahan Tongkol Jagung Reza Aprilliandi; Siti Suharyatun; Oktafri Oktafri; Agus Haryanto
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 1, No 3 (2022): September 2022
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jurnal abe.v1i3.6321


Indonesia is an agrarian country because it has abundant agricultural products, one of its mainstay is corn. Besides rice, corn is one of the staple foods consumed by Indonesian people, but only the corn’s grain are used in corn. The cornhusk and corn cobs are usually thrown away or just burned because they are not used. One of the way to process corncobs waste is by chopped corncobs to be used as animal feed. Corncobs that have been separated from the grains of corn were chopped using a chopper machine (Chopper). All this time, these machines have been widely used by society. However, it still raises problems related to the chopper machine. This study uses the observed parameters, namely the enumeration work capacity, fuel consumption, the uniformity of the enumeration results, and the yield. Based on the result of the study, the effect of treatment on yield was not significantly different, with an average yield value of 94.89%. The highest chopping results of corn cobs is at high rotational speed of 1245 rpm with an engine working capacity of 332.88 kg/hour. The lowest fuel consumption is at a rotating speed of 890 rpm with a fuel requirement of 0.74 liters/hour. The effect of treatment on the distribution of chopped results was not significantly different, with the average value for fine chopping 67.29% and 32.71% for coarse chopping. Based on the ANOVA test, the effect of treatment on fuel productivity was not significantly different, with an average fuel productivity value of 301.61 kg/liter. Keywords: Chopper, Chopper Machine, Corn, Corncobs, Rotating Speed.
Pengaruh Durasi Penekanan dan Ukuran Partikel terhadap Kualitas Pelet Serbuk Gergaji Fajar Agustus Simanjuntak; Febrian Kusuma Wisnu; Mareli Telaumbanua; Agus Haryanto
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 1, No 3 (2022): September 2022
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jurnal abe.v1i3.6331


This study aims to determine the effect of pressing duration and particle size on the pellet characteristics of sawdust. The study was conducted in a factorial completely randomized design using two factors. The first factor is the duration of the suppression which consists of four levels, namely 60, 120, 180, and 240 seconds. The second factor is particle size which consists of 40 mesh (fine), 30 mesh (medium), 20 mesh (coarse), and mixed. Sawdust is taken from a furniture industry in Bandar Lampung, then dried in the sun to a moisture content of about 12%, then sieved. Pellet molding was carried out with a mass of about 3 grams of material using a hydraulic press with a mold diameter of 12 mm. Sawdust is fed into the mould, then pressed by a hydraulic system at a pressure of 2 tons (172 Mpa). Parameters observed included density, moisture content, water absorption, pellet strength, pellet color, ash content and durability index. Each measurement was carried out with three replications. The results showed that the pressing duration and particle size affected the pellet characteristics. Biomass pellet made from sawdust had characteristics such as density of 0.813-0.856 g/cm3, moisture content of 8.19-12.15 %, maximum water absorption of 7.06-9.32 %, drop resistance of 99.41-99.66 %, and ash content of 1.087-2.082 %. Keywords: Density, Durability Index, Duration of Compression, Particle Size, Moisture Content.
Kajian Industri Arang Dari Kayu Akasia (Acacia mangium) Di Kecamatan Bumi Nabung Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Sekar Kinanti; Agus Haryanto; Sapto Kuncoro; Siti Suharyatun
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 1, No 3 (2022): September 2022
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jurnal abe.v1i3.6333


One way to increase the energy and economic value of wood waste is to convert it into charcoal through the pyrolysis process. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the acacia wood charcoal industry and the characteristics of acacia wood charcoal. Data collection was carried out by observing the production process of acacia wood charcoal in Bumi Nabung District, Central Lampung Regency. Parameters included charcoal yield, processing capacity, charcoal characteristics (bulk density, moisture content, ash content, water absorption, and calorific value), and economic analysis of small-scale charcoal industry. The results showed that the production system still uses traditional methods, starting from the preparation of raw materials, preparation of raw materials, installation of boxes, adding soil to the boxes, burning, cooling and harvesting. Based on cooling method, charcoal production was grouped into two, namely natural and water spraying cooling. Sprayed charcoal has the characteristics of water content 5.1%, ash content 2.99%, bulk density 0.256 g/cm3 and calorific value 30.42 MJ/kg. While the characteristics of natural cooled charcoal were 2.52% moisture content, 1.78% ash content, 0.123 g/cm3 bulk density and calorific value 32.93 MJ/kg. The monthly profit obtained wass IDR656.918,64 for sprayed charcoal and IDR167.227,46 for natural charcoal. Keywords: Acacia, Charcoal, Cooling, Pyrolysis, Yield.
Penambahan Arang Batok Kelapa pada Produksi Biogas Campuran Kotoran Ayam dan Kotoran Sapi Agus Haryanto; Laily Rahmadani Putri; Siti Suharyatun; Mareli Telaumbanua
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 2, No 1 (2023): March 2023
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jurnal abe.v2i1.6874


This study aims to determine the effect of adding coconut shell biochar on biogas production from a mixture of chicken manure and cow manure. The research was conducted using a batch type digester with an active volume of 2000 mL. The substrate consists of a mixture of chicken manure and cow manure with a weight ratio of 1:1 and 3:1. Biochar from coconut shells is mashed and added at a rate of 3 grams. Parameters observed included ambient temperature, initial and final pH, biogas production and methane content in biogas. The results showed that the addition of coconut shell charcoal had a negative effect which was marked by a decrease in cumulative biogas production. The highest cumulative biogas production was obtained in the treatment without the addition of biochar, both K1B0 and K2B0. Biogas from the K2B0 treatment has a higher CH4 content than those of other treatments. Keywords: Biogas Production, Methane, pH, Substrate Rasio, Temperature
Karakteristik Pellet dari Bagas Tebu Agus Haryanto; Yuko Armandho Pratama; Sugeng Triyono; Siti Suharyatun
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 2, No 1 (2023): March 2023
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jurnal abe.v2i1.6931


Sugarcane bagasse is the remaining solid waste from sugarcane (Sacharum officinarum) milling which has the potential to be developed as solid fuel in the form of pellets. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in pressure and particle size on the characteristics of pellets from sugarcane bagasse. The research was carried out with a combination of variations in particle size (fine, medium, and coarse) and pressure (1, 2, and 3 tons). The results showed that sugarcane bagasse has the potential to be developed as a pellet fuel because it has a relatively high calorific value, an average of 16.53 MJ/kg. Sugarcane bagasse pellets meet SNI 8675-2018 standards in terms of moisture content, density, and ash content. The results showed that although the ash content of the pellets was affected by the particle size, in general, the characteristics of the pellets were not significantly affected by the treatment factors (pressure and particle size as well as their interactions). Sugarcane bagasse pellets have a high water absorption capacity, so they require a good storage method. Keywords: Densification, Density, Pressure, Particl Size, Strength
The Effect of Biochar from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) on the Efficiency of Urea Fertilizer in the Production of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rappa var. parachinesis L.) Sisi Agustin; Agus Haryanto; Sugeng Triyono
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
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This research study aims to determine proper composition of biochar, to find out the efficiency of fertilizer used, and to evaluate the effect of interaction between biochar and urea fertilizer used on the cultivation of green mustard.  This study used Complete Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 2 factors with factorial arrangement.  The first factor was biochar dosage consisting of: control (without biochar), 5 tons/ha, 7.5 tons/ha, and 10 tons/ha.  The second factor was urea dosage consisting of: control (without urea), 75 kg/ha, 125 kg/ha, and 200 kg/ha.  All treatment combinations were replicated 3 times so there were 48 experimental units obtained.  The parameters observed were: soil properties, biochar properties, plant height, leaf width, number of leaves, canopy area, shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root fresh weight, root dry weight, total fresh weight, water consumption, water productivity, and fertilizer productivity.The addition of biochar is proven to increase the productivity of mustard plants. The use of urea fertilizer had no significant effect, presumably because of the low soil organic matter content. The interaction between biochar doses and urea fertilizer doses was not significant and only significant for the fertilizer productivity parameters. Research also revealed that the optimal dose of biochar for mustard greens is 5 tons/ha, giving an average yield of 88.25 g/plant and fertilizer productivity of 210.41%. Keywords: Biochar, Dose, Green Mustard, Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB), Urea Fertilizer.
Pengaruh Pupuk Organonitrofos dan Volume Irigasi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Mint (Mentha piperita L.) Organik Sugeng Triyono; Marisa Marisa; Agus Haryanto
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 2, No 2 (2023): June 2023
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Mint (Mentha piperita L.) is one of the aromatic herbs. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of organonitrophos (organic fertizer) and irrigation water volume on the growth and yield of organically cultivated mint. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors, namely the dose of organonitrophos consisting of 4 levels: D0 (0%), D1 (10%), D2 (30%), and D3 (50%) of the total weight of the media, and irrigation volume consisting of I1 (20-40%), I2 (50-70%), and I3 (80-100%) of the field capacity. The results showed that the dose of organonitrophos fertilizer and irrigation water volume affected the growth and yield of mint. The treatment that statistically produced the highest oven-dried weight (18.67 grams per plant) was D3I2 (50% compost fertilizer and 50-70% irrigation water). The treatment that produced the highest fresh weight (104.7 grams per plant) and was the most efficient was D2I1 (30% compost dose and 20-40% irrigation water). However, as a consequence, the choice of D2I1 significantly reduced the weight of oven-dried yield to 13.33 grams per plant.  Keywords: Organic, Mentha, Piperita, Organonitrofos, Irrigation
Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel dan Perekat Taipoka Terhadap Sifat Biopelet dari Limbah Serbuk Gergajian Dea Permatasari; Winda Rahmawati; Agus Haryanto
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 2, No 2 (2023): June 2023
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Biopellets from sawdust can be an alternative solution for dealing with sawn waste. This study aims to determine the effect of sawdust particle size and adhesive content on the characteristics of the resulting pellets. The study was conducted in a completely randomized two-factor design. The first factor was particle size which consisted of 4 levels, namely fine, medium, coarse, and mixed. The second factor was the tapioca flour as adhesive material consisted of 3 levels, namely 10%, 15% and 20%. Pellets were made using a single die with a diameter of 8 mm which was pressed using a hydraulic jack with a capacity of 5 tons. Parameters to be measured included moisture content, calorific value, ash content, density, and pellet strength (durability index). The raw material of wood sawdust has physico-chemical characteristics including 9.4% moisture content, 6.04% ash content, and 18.58 MJ/kg calorific value. The results showed that pellets had specific gravity between 1.018-1.086 kg/L, moisture content between 13.26-14.42%, and ash content between 0.98-2.42%. The resulting pellets have an average strength of more than 99%. Keywords:  Biopellet, Calorific Value, Pellet Characteristics, Wood Sawdust.
Kinerja Industri Kecil Arang Tempurung Kelapa Nabila Dea Fadila; Winda Rahmawati; Siti Suharyatun; Agus Haryanto
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 2, No 2 (2023): June 2023
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jabe.v2i2.7484


Charcoal production from coconut shells is a promising alternative to utilize waste into charcoal products that have high economic value for a small industry. This study aims to determine the feasibility of a small-scale charcoal business that utilizes coconut shell waste. The research was carried out in January 2022 - June 2022 in the Tunas Mandiri coconut shell charcoal industry in Ambarawa Village, Pringsewu Regency. Field observations and sampling were carried out for three times. Parameters observed included process capacity, yield, characteristics of charcoal (density, moisture content, ash content, water absorption, calorific value), and economic analysis of the charcoal industry. The results showed that the Tunas Mandiri charcoal small industry produced two types of coconut shell charcoal, namely low quality charcoal and vacuum charcoal. Vacuum charcoal has good quality, namely water content 8.49%, ash content 2.04%, and calorific value 7475.00 cal/g (meeting the quality requirements of SNI No. 0258–79), while low quality charcoal has a moisture content of 29.92%, ash content of 3.72 %, and the calorific value is 6518.64 cal/g (does not meet the requirements of SNI No. 0258–79). The results showed that the shell charcoal business was economically feasible to run with a fairly high profit reaching Rp. 1,652,666.67 for each charcoal production process for 3-4 days. Keywords:  Charcoal, Coconut Shell, Economy, Profit, Small-Scale Industry.
Co-Authors Afrian, Chandra Agata Desinta Yoanma Aldi Saputra Alim Fadila Rahman Amieria Citra Gita Amieria Citra Gita Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Bagus Saputra Budianto Lanya Budianto Lanya Christine Wulandari David SS Marpaung Dea Permatasari Dermiyati Dermiyati Dewi Agustina Iryani dewi Agustina Iryani Dewi Agustina Iryani Dewi Agustina Iryani, Dewi Agustina Disca Anggi Pratiwi Dwi Cahyani Dwi Cahyani Dwi Dian Novita Dwi Haryono Dyah Isworo Eka Noer Soe'mah Eka Noer Soe'mah Eka Oktaviani Elhamida Rezkia Amien Elhamida Rezkia Amien Eza Yolan Yuswansyah Fajar Agustus Simanjuntak Febrian Kusuma Wisnu Febryan Kusuma Wisnu Febryanto, Indra Gumay Gita, Amiera Citra Gusri Akhyar Ibrahim Hizami Ch Anwar Indah Kusmindarti Indra Gumay Febryano Irma Thya Rani Irwan Sukri Banuwa Iskandar Zulkarnain Jacky Michael Pah Jamalam Lumbanraja Jiho Yoo Karina Gracia Agatha Tambunan Khoiril Anam Kusuma Adhianto Laily Rahmadani Putri Liman Liman Lisman Suryanegara Lutfi Wahyuni Mareli Telaumbanua Marisa Marisa Melya Riniarti Mirwan Saputro Mochamad Zakky Muhamad Inu Fauzan Muhammad Agus Windra Muhammad Amin Muhammad Haviz Muhtarudin muhtarudin Mulyani, Yessi Murdapa, Fauzan Nabila Dea Fadila Nomi Setyowati Oktafri Oktafri Ovita Yozana Puspita Yuliandari Rahmi Adi Bazenet Raizummi Fil’aini Rani, Irma Tya Reza Aprilliandi Ristanti Ristanti Rivan Okfrianas Rizza Wijaya Sandi Asmara Sangdo Kim Sapto Kuncoro Sekar Kinanti Seldi Prayoga Shilvia Vera Sinaga Shintawati Shintawati Shintawati, Shintawati Sigit Prabawa Sihyun Lee Sisi Agustin Siti Asfiatul Mukaromah Siti Mutiara Ridjayanti Siti Suharyatun Sri Hidayati Sri Rahayoe Sri Waluyo Sugeng Triyono Suharyadi Suharyadi Tamrin Tamrin Tamrin, Tamrin Titin Yulianti Tri Wahyu Saputra Tri Wahyu Saputra Tri Yulianto Tri Yulianto Ucok Hasiholan Udin Hasanudin Udin Hasanudin Udin Hasanudin Udin Hasanudin Ully Silviana Viffit Desiyana Wahyu Hidayat Wahyu Ratnaningsih Warji Warji Winda Rahmawati Winda Rahmawati Winda Rahmawati Winda Rahmawati Winda Rahmawati Winda Rahmawati Yuko Armandho Pratama Zelzha Arinnesia Varanita