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The Effects of Technical and Fundamental Factors on the Investment Decision and the Company Value in the Agricultural Sector Mamay Komarudin; Naufal Affandi
Quantitative Economics and Management Studies Vol. 1 No. 6 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Ahmar Cendekia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.107 KB) | DOI: 10.35877/454RI.qems201


This study aims to analyze the influences of technical variables, which consist of the stock price and the Total Volume Activity (TVA), as well as fundamental variables, which consist of the Price Book Value (PBV) and the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) on the investment decisions and the company value measured by using the PER of some companies of agricultural sector listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Path analysis is used as the data analysis method. The research results show that one of the technical factors that significantly influences the investment decision and the company value is the stock price. Meanwhile, one of the fundamental factors that influences the investment decision and the company value is the PBV. The hypothesis testing showing that the stock price factor and the PBV factor have positive effects on the value of agricultural sector company is proven or accepted. On the other hand, the other variables, according to theorema trimming, are proved to be not includable in the path calculation if the path is proved to be insignificant, in this case the DER and the trading volume variable
Development of Mathematics E-Books in Improving Mathematical Literacy and Entrepreneurial Spirit Rizki Amalia; Fadilah Fadilah; Mamay Komarudin; Jaka Wijaya Kusuma
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 13, No 3 (2021): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.934 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v13i3.987


This study aimed to create an e-book on mathematics learning for vocational high school students in grade XI, complete with liner program material, using the ADDIE model development methodology (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Based on the findings of the development of e-books on linear programming material for grade XI students at vocational high school in Langsa Aceh majoring in Online Business and Marketing, it can be concluded that the media is valid for use in learning mathematics with linear programming materials, then effective in improving mathematical literacy and entrepreneurial spirit. Finally, practical media is used in mathematics learning, among other conclusions.
Influence Android-Based Learning to Self -Regulated Learning, Entrepreneurship, and Mathematical Literacy Dewi Surani; Mamay Komarudin; Nugrahini Kusumawati; Jaka Wijaya Kusuma
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 13, No 3 (2021): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (724.886 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v13i3.614


The Covid-19 pandemic requires students to study online and at home. Online learning has its challenges because educators must choose suitable media in delivering material. This study aims to find a comparison of learning independence, entrepreneurial spirit and mathematical literacy before and after using Android media. This research method uses quantitative methods with pre and post group design. This research was conducted in one of the junior high schools in Serang on social arithmetic material. The instrument used is a learning independence questionnaire and an entrepreneurship spirit questionnaire. Another instrument is a mathematical literacy test. Data analysis used paired sample t-test. The conclusion from the results of this study is that there are differences in learning independence, entrepreneurial spirit and mathematical literacy before and after using android media.
The Effects of Technical and Fundamental Factors on the Investment Decision and the Company Value in the Agricultural Sector Mamay Komarudin; Naufal Affandi
Quantitative Economics and Management Studies Vol. 1 No. 6 (2020)
Publisher : Yayasan Ahmar Cendekia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.107 KB) | DOI: 10.35877/454RI.qems201


This study aims to analyze the influences of technical variables, which consist of the stock price and the Total Volume Activity (TVA), as well as fundamental variables, which consist of the Price Book Value (PBV) and the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) on the investment decisions and the company value measured by using the PER of some companies of agricultural sector listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Path analysis is used as the data analysis method. The research results show that one of the technical factors that significantly influences the investment decision and the company value is the stock price. Meanwhile, one of the fundamental factors that influences the investment decision and the company value is the PBV. The hypothesis testing showing that the stock price factor and the PBV factor have positive effects on the value of agricultural sector company is proven or accepted. On the other hand, the other variables, according to theorema trimming, are proved to be not includable in the path calculation if the path is proved to be insignificant, in this case the DER and the trading volume variable
Equilibrium : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi Vol 8, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah (LPPI) Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.21 KB) | DOI: 10.35906/je001.v8i2.374


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh free cash flow dan agency cost terhadap kinerja perusahaan pada sektor perdagangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Tujuan yang lain adalah untuk menguji agency cost sebagai variabel moderating dari pengaruh free cash flow terhadap kinerja perusahaan sektor perdagangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Penelitian merupakan  penelitian penjelasan (explanatory research) yang dilakukan pada perusahaan perdagangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Variabel penelitian ini antara lain free cash flow dan agency cost sebagai variabel independen sedangkan variabel dependen adalah kinerja perusahaan yang diproksikan dengan rasio profitabilitas (ROA). Populasi penelitian idalah 53 perusahaan sektor perdagangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2013 sampai 2016. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling sehingga terpilih menjadi 25 perusahaan. Alat analisis data menggunakan Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA). Penelitian menghasilkan bahwa free cash flow berdampak negatif terhadap agency cost.  Free cash flow tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Agency cost meningkatkan pengaruh free cash flow terhadap kinerja perusahaan.Kata kunci: Agency Cost, Free Cash Flow,  Kinerja, Profitabilitas dan Sektor Perdagangan. AbstractThis study aims to analyze how the influence of free cash flow and agency cost on company performance in the trading sector on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Another objective is to examine agency cost as a moderating variable of the effect of free cash flow on the performance of trading sector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research is analytical research conducted on trading companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The variables of this study include free cash flow and agency cost as the independent variable. In contrast, the dependent variable is the company's performance, which is proxied by the profitability ratio (ROA). The research population was 53 trade sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013 to 2016. The sample selection was made by purposive sampling so that it was selected to be 25 companies. The data analysis tool uses the Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA). Research has shown that free cash flow harms agency costs. Free cash flow does not affect company performance. Agency cost increases the effect of free cash flow on company performance.Keywords: Agency Cost, Free Cash Flow, Performance, Profitability and the Trade Sector.
Free Cash Flow, Kinerja Keuangan dan Agency Cost Pada Perusahaan Perdagangan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Mamay Komarudin; Naufal Affandi
Sains: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 13, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : FEB Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35448/jmb.v13i1.7545


This study aims to analyze how the influence of free cash flow and agency cost on company performance in the trading sector on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Another objective is to examine agency cost as a moderating variable of the effect of free cash flow on the performance of trading sector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research is an explanatory research conducted on trading companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The variables of this study include free cash flow and agency cost as the independent variable while the dependent variable is the company's performance which is proxied by the profitability ratio (ROA). The research population was 53 trade sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013 to 2016. The sample selection was done by purposive sampling so that it was selected to be 25 companies. The data analysis tool uses Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA). Research has shown that free cash flow has a negative impact on agency cost. Free cash flow has no effect on company performance. Agency cost increases the effect of free cash flow on company performance
Derivatif : Jurnal Manajemen Vol 10, No 2 (2016): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/jm.v10i2.110


ABSTRAKSIPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh nilai saham pertanian terhadap ekspor pertanian dengan menganalisis return saham, Prece Book Value, Return on Asset serta Net Price Margin dengan mengunakan data sekunder dari lima perusahaan di sektor pertanian yang sahamnya tercatat di BEI. Dengan mengunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan uji asumsi klasik dan uji hipotesa yang meliputi uji heteroskedastisitas, uji multikolinieritas, uji autokorelasi, dan uji normalitas. ABSTRACTIONThis research aims to find out how to influence the value of the shares of agriculture agricultural exports by analyzing return stock, Prece Book Value, Return on Assets and Net Price Margins by using secondary data from five companies in the agricultural sector that are publicly listed on the BEI. By using multiple linear regression analysis with a classic assumption test and test the hypothesis that includes test heteroskedastisitas test multikolinieritas, autocorrelation test, and the test of normality.
Valuasi : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Valuasi : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/vls.v1i1.2


Tujuan penelitiannya adalah 1) mengukur tingkat efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia selama tahun 2010-2015, 2) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan dari seluruh Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia yang beroperasi selama tahun 2010-2015 lalu diambil sampel yaitu Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Bank Syariah Mandiri, BNI Syariah dan BRI Syariah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah Kurun Waktu Tahun 2010 sampai dengan 2015 secara individual yaitu: a) Bank Nasional Indonesia Syariah (BNIS), nilai efisiensi rata-rata BNIS mencapai titik puncak pada tahun 2011. b)Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI), nilai efisiensi rata-rata sebesar mencapai puncak pada tahun 2015 c) Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), nilai efisiensi rata-rata BSM pada mulanya menunjukkan angka yang fantastis pada tahun 2010 d) Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah (BRIS), nilai efisiensi  2015 mengalami peningkatan, 2) Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah    NPF, ROA, ROE dan FDR  terhadap efisiensi BUS tidak ada berpengaruh.
Valuasi : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Valuasi : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/vls.v1i1.3


Tujuan penelitiannya adalah 1) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh kenaikan PTKP terhadap penerimaan pph 21 secara nasional periode 2011-2016. 2) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh laju inflasi terhadap penerimaan pph 21 secara nasional periode 2011-2016. 3) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh jumlah wajib pajak terhadap penerimaan pph 21 secara nasional periode 2011-2016. 4) Untuk menganalisis pengaruh kenaikan PTKP, laju inflasi, jumlah wajib pajak dan penerimaan pph 21 secara nasional periode 2011-2016. Data penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder yang diambil dari publikasi semua wajib pajak berupa data  tahun 2011 sampai tahun 2016 yang terdiri dari variable-variabel dalam penelitian yang dijadikan sampel penelitian. Data ini telah dipubilkasikan dalam website PTKP nasional. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Tidak ada pengaruh  kenaikan PTKP terhadap penerimaan pph 21 secara nasional periode 2011-2016, 2) Tidak ada pengaruh  laju inflasi terhadap penerimaan pph 21 secara nasional periode 2011-2016,  3) Tidak ada pengaruh  jumlah wajib pajak terhadap penerimaan pph 21 secara nasional periode 2011-2016,  4) Tidak ada pengaruh  kenaikan PTKP, laju inflasi, jumlah wajib pajak terhadap  penerimaan pph 21 secara nasional periode 2011-2016.
Valuasi : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Valuasi : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46306/vls.v2i1.96


street vendors or better known as street vendors, is a term for sellers  of      merchandise who sell their wares in places that can be passed by pedestrians or public spaces. In carrying out their activities, street vendors are limited by the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Serang City, considering that Covid-19 victims continue to grow. This scientific article intends to find out: 1) The difference in capital income obtained, 2) Changes in the economic activities of street vendors at the Maulana Yusuf Ciceri Stadium, Serang. A total of 70 street vendors in Ciceri Stadium were taken as research samples. data that includes age, gender, education level, capital, income, models of interacting with potential buyers during the pandemic and before the pandemic, using structured interview techniques and observation. then the data is analyzed through quantitative descriptive method. the capital and income of street vendors at Ciceri Stadium during the pandemic period decreased compared to before the pandemic, due to the lack of enthusiasm in increasing their productivity. The relationship between street vendors and potential buyers remains intact but does not take any anticipatory efforts in overcoming the changing situation. working hours, duration of work and places to sell remain at the Ciceri stadium so it is difficult to maintain the number of buyers