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JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK Vol 3, No 038 (2016): Jurnal Administrasi Publik
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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Abstract: the phenomenon of the problem shows the Organization of the work of existing employees inthe District of Kaimana haven't gone well, among others seen in the administrative service is still slowas in the data rendering the poor district of Kaimana in some wards, the coordination of work activities– activities of community empowerment. Based on the issue, then that becomes the goal of the research isto find out the effectiveness of the implementation of the duties of a clerk in the Districtof Kaimana Regency Kaimana of West Papua ProvinceThis research uses qualitative descriptive analysis with design. This design becausethe election as research purposes i.e. describes the effectiveness of the implementation of the duties of aclerk in the District of Kaimana Regency Kaimana of West Papua Province. Theinformant i.e. research people who understood by researchers havedata and information needed in thisresearch to describe the effectiveness of the implementation of the duties of a clerk in the Districtof Kaimana Regency Kaimana of West Papua Province. Then the informants have been interviewed inthis study a total of 10 peopleThe results showed that the effectiveness of the work of employees in the DistrictofKaimana Regency Kaimana of West Papua Province has not been fully achieved wellseen from theaspect of production, efficient use, satisfaction, adaptation and developmentKey words: effectiveness, Performance, Employee
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK Vol 3, No 038 (2016): Jurnal Administrasi Publik
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRACTThis research aims to get an overview or description of the implementation of the policy of the Ministry of health ofthe poor in the HOSPITALS of the city of Bitung. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitativeapproach method. Descriptive research aims to describe, summarize a variety of conditions, the situation or thevarious variables that arise in society which became the object of the research. Penelitiaannya focus on the factor ofcommunication, resources, attitudes andbureaucratic structure.Conclusions are in General, almost all indicators of policy implementation services Jamkesmas heldin Bitung city HOSPITALS already are good enough, the indicator of the system/equipment medical facilities arealready full enough. Meanwhile, implementing any policy stance is already pretty good and friendly in serving thepeople who came for the medication, but became the indicator needs to be fixed is the slowness of the distributionof the cards to the general wards of JAMKESMAS recipient JAMKESMAS card.Then there are some factor restricting the achievement of success of implementation of the policy of the Ministry ofhealth of the poor in the HOSPITALS of the city of Bitung IE from external factors, such as lack of understanding ofthe people about the ownership card JAMKESMAS.Keywords: Healthcare, Policy Implementation
Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Disiplin Terhadap Komitmen Organisasional Pada Karyawan Media Cahaya Pagi Wowor, Gerry
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK Vol 3, No 038 (2016): Jurnal Administrasi Publik
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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Abstract :Pada dasarnya setiap perusahaan yang didirikan mempunyai harapan bahwa kelak dikemudian hari akan mengalami perkembangan yang pesat didalam lingkup usaha dariperusahaannya dan menginginkan terciptanya produktivitas yang tinggi dalam bidangpekerjaannya. Untuk mewujudkan operasinya, sebuah perusahaan memerlukan beberapa faktorproduksi yaitu alam, tenaga kerja, modal dan keahlian. Dimana keempat faktor tersebut tidak dapatberdiri sendiri, melainkan harus saling mendukung untuk mencapai tujuan secara efektif danefisien . Dan diantara keempat faktor utama tersebut faktor tenaga kerja atau manusia dalam haliini adalah karyawan, merupakan hal yang terpenting karena manusia merupakan pemakai danpenggerak serta penentu segala aktivitas yang ada di perusahaan. Oleh karena itu keberadaan suatuperusahaan yang terbentuk apapun baik dalam skala besar maupun kecil tidak terlepas dari unsursumber daya manusia.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis regresi liner berganda. Variabel bebas adalahLingkunga Kerja (X1) dan Disiplin (X2) serta variabel terikat Komitmen Organisasional (Y3). Datapenelitian ini menggunakan data primer dalam bentuk kuesioner. Responden yang diteliti berjumlah30 orang. Untuk pengujian hipotesa dilakukan secara simultan dan parsial. Variabel LingkunganKerja dan Disiplin secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Komitmen Organisasional.Variabel Lingkungan Kerja dan Disiplin secara simultan berpengaruh tinggi terhadap KomitmenOrganisasional terbukti dengan nilai koefisien determinasi R2 = 0,856. Variabel Lingkungan Kerjadan Disiplin secara simultan memiliki hubungan cukup kuat dan positif terhadap KomitmenOrganisasional.
PERANAN KEPALA DISTRIK DALAM PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN KAMPUNG (Suatu Studi Di Distrik Buruway Kabupaten Kaimana Provinsi Papua Barat) Oruw, Maikel J; Kiyai, Burhanuddin; Ruru, Joorie Marhaen
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK Vol 3, No 038 (2016): Jurnal Administrasi Publik
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the role of the district development planning in the District Kampung BuruwayKaimana district, West Papua Province. By applying the method of descriptive and qualitative approach, teninformants selected as a data source (sources) to be interviewed, then analyzed using interactive techniques.The analysis showed that the District Chief Buruway quite instrumental in facilitating the preparation of theMedium Term Development Plan of the village, the village Government Work Plan and Budget Plan for the village;as well as facilitating the decision-making role in the village and the decision of the Head of the village. DistrictChief Buruway also always willing to facilitate the implementation of the tasks and functions of KampungConsultative Body (Bamuskam) and social institutions / other traditional institutions.It was concluded that the District Chief Buruway also instrumental in carrying out oversight throughmonitoring and evaluation of the process of preparing village development plans to fit with the vision, mission, goalsand objectives of the regional administration and the provisions of existing law. It is recommended that DistrictChief perlua enhance its role in safeguarding the implementation of programs of village development in order notto deviate from the plan that has been dipustuskan in Musrembangkam; and include hometown competentauthorities, especially officials Bamuskam for training village development plans, especially the preparation ofRAPBKam.Keywords : Role of the Chief District, Village Development Planning.
Fungsi Pengawasan Dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin Kerja Pegawai (Suatu Studi Di Kantor Camat Sario) Sumual, Meytha Margaretha; Ogotan, Martha; Sampe, Stefanus
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK Vol 3, No 038 (2016): Jurnal Administrasi Publik
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRACT :This study aims to determine whether the implementation of the supervisory function bycamat are being implemented properly and effectively so as to improve the discipline of employees workingat the district office Sario. This oversight also diamksudkan that the goals and objectives of businessactivities of governmental units can be achieved efficiently (efficient) and effective (effective), carried outin accordance with the basic tasks, functions, plan or program, the division and delegation of tasks, theformulation of the work, guidance implementation and legislation that berlaku.dengan good and effectivesupervision cultivated avoid deviations implementation, abuse of authority, leakage and wastage.Methods, research used in this study is a qualitative method, with the techniques of collecting primary andsecondary data were collected by interview, documentation and observation studies. As an advancedrespondent / informant of this study was Head Sario (key informants), Secretary of the Head and 3 of SectionHead (key informants), 2 staff of the District (informant extra), District Sario consists of 7 Village are:Village Sario New Town , South Titiwungen Village, Village North Titiwungen, Village Sario, SarioTumpaan Village, Village North and sub Ranotana Sario.The results showed that the monitoring of the Civil Service Head Office Sario who commits an offenseagainst the discipline of working hours it is already running, but not too maximum punishment provisionunder the rules of Regulation No. 53 In 2010, the application of penalties based on the achievement of theobjectives of employee has been running for some employees in carrying out the task set was still gettingguidance from superiors in carrying out its performance. Based on the interview can be concluded that theimposition of sanctions in the District Office Sario in accordance with the disciplinary rules of civil servantsand procedures for application of punishment or imposition of disciplinary sanctions in accordance withGovernment Regulation No. 53 Year 2010 which sanctions carried out in accordance with the level ofviolations committed by employees who abuse and still coordinate with the inspection team if the offense isat a level of moderate and severe disciplinary action.Referring to the discussion and conclusions on the proposed recommendation in this study are as follows:Application monitoring should be done more leverage, so that the utilization of the working time ofemployees will be more effective and efficient, along with its implementing regulations are strict and fair,need of socialization of Government Regulation No. , 53 of 2010 on Discipline of Civil Servants to allemployees at the Head Office Sario to be more aware of the rules of obligations and prohibitions andsanctions that would be acceptable if it violates these rules, supervision of direct supervisor should bemaximized so that the Civil Service to understand the actual legal and output which is expected in the processof enforcement of penalties. So there is no indifference / not stated if there are other Civil Servants in theworkplace that disciplinary offenses.Keywords: Increasing Discipline Oversight Functions In Employee Work.
Peranan Camat Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Rainis Kabupaten Kepulaun Talaud Majampoh, Alwein; Rares, Joyce Jacinta; Kolondam, Helly
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK Vol 3, No 038 (2016): Jurnal Administrasi Publik
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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Abstract : The purpose of this study was to determime how camat rolein empowering communities in the districtRainis Talaud islands district. The method used is descriptive gualitative method. The focus of research includes: The subdistrict govermments to encourage public participation in delelopment planning in the district; role toguide the work units implementing the orogram/community developmend activities in the district; successfulresearch informants interviewd as many as 10 persons namely : 2 sub-district government officials, 2 villageheads 2, 2 Orang LMP members, two community leaders, and two villagers data collection technigues usedwere interviews. Data was analysed using qualitative descriptive analysis technigues-interactive model of Milesand Huberann. Based on the results of the study conclude : (1) role toencourage public participation indevelopment planning in the discussion forum of development planning in the district has done fairiy weill; (2)role to provide guidance to the working units of government and community organization in the district havebeen done fairily well ; (3) role in empowering communities through the role to supervise theprogram/community development activities whether perpetrated by units of government work and civil societyorganizations have also done fairly well. Based on these conciusions suggested : (1) let more active inmobilizing the community to engage in development planning at the vollage and sub-district; (2) let moreeffective coordination meeting forum/consultation on guidance to the work units that acted uponprogram/activities of people in the district pemerdayaan; (3) let improve the implementation ofmonitoring/pemantauan and reporting systems on a regular basis about the implementation ofprogram/community development activities in the district.Key words : The role of community empowerment.
Fungsi Pengawasan Terhadap Keselamatan Penerbangan Bandara Udara (Studi Di Bandara Udara Kuabang Kao. Kab. Halmahera Utara) Tabaru, Makswel Y; Rumapea, Patar; Tampongangoy, Deysi
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK Vol 3, No 038 (2016): Jurnal Administrasi Publik
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRACT :To serve takeoff (departure) and landing aircraft (arrival) air is provided runway (run way).Takeoff or take-offs and landings are landing. The road connecting the runway to the apron. Apron is theaircraft parking area after landing and drop off passengers and luggage, further examination of aircraftengines, refueling (aviation fuel) into the air, then loading the luggage and waiting for passengers boardingan aircraft.This study dilakasanakan at the Airport Kuabang Kao northern Halmahera regency. This type of research iscategorized as research Kualitatif. Data retrieval in the form of primary data and secondary data, interviewsand images as well as air service profile Kuabang Kao northern Halmahera district. The results of the studymengunakandata results of research conducted during one month with a focus on the issue of aviation safetyoversight of airports Kao northern Halmahera district. Based on the findings in the study site activities at theairport penerbangann kaoefektit but not efisenya of government supervision. Based on data Pantawanconducted by researchers at the airport kao used as a farm business between the government and the airportof the proof when asked by the interview data sejaumana government's attention to airports kao, according toan employee of the airport that the airport has a lot of projects but no realizationKeywords: Supervision of Aviation Safety Air Kao
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK Vol 3, No 038 (2016): Jurnal Administrasi Publik
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of government officials in the village of EastHalmahera desa.Penelitian implementation of autonomy affairs is using qualitative methods. The government'sability village visits dar three indicators namely; education, training, and experience. Informants were takenfrom the village government elements Dodaga (village head and village secretary), in the village, the communityleaders / religious / cultural. The total number of informants who were interviewed are as many as 8 people.Collecting data using interview techniques, while the data were analyzed using qualitative analysis interactivemodel of Miles and Hubernann.The results showed: (1) Ability apratur village government Dodaga seen from indicators of education is quitegood, but not optimally. (2) The ability of the government apparatus village seen from the indicators of trainingis not maximized because not breathing is done either from the village administration or support you e heGovernment area . (3) The ability of the government apparatus Dodaga seen from the village of indicatorexperience thus even this is not too maximal.Based on these results ditarikkesimpulan that the capacity of Government officials in the implementation of theaffairs of the village of village autonomy in general has been running well but not maximum Deagan seen fromindicators of education, training, and experience.Based on the results of the research, put forward some suggestions to improve the government's ability toimplement urusan otonomi Dodaga Rural villages, as follows: (1) The village government should be allocatedsufficient budget to finance programs and activities. (2) The provision and improvement of infrastructure andfacilities Dodaga village government work needs to be done; and (3) Employee / village government officialsDodagaperluditambah, andquality SD officials / employees also need to be improved through education,training and experience relevant / program pemberdayaan.Keywords: Implementation of Village Autonomy in Delivering Government Apparatus Empowerment village
EVALUASI KEBIJAKAN REFORMASI STRUKTUR BIROKRASI PEMERINTAH KECAMATAN (Suatu Studi di Kecamatan Salibabu Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud) Mayore, Marsuki
JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK Vol 3, No 038 (2016): Jurnal Administrasi Publik
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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ABSTRAK : The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of strucral reform policies of thegovernment bureaucracy districts governed by the PP.No.19 of 2008 to realize the efficiency andeffectiveness of government administration districts,especially in Sub Salibabu Talaud Islands. The methodused is descriptive method-kualitatif. Imforman officials,namely : Head,the District Secretary,Head ofSection (4),Head of Sub Section (2). And plus resdents masyarakat (2). Date collection techniques used wereinterviews.Analysis date is done by a using qualitative analysis interacktive model of Miles and Hubernann.Based on the results of the study conclude : (1) Struktur Salibabu District government bureaucracy ( Theamount of organization and type of organizational units) are in accordance with the policy of reformbureaucratic structures Disrict government stipulated in article 32 PP.No. 41 Year 2007 and PP. No. 19 Year2008 on the district. (2) The structure of district Government Bureaucracy Salibabu meets the criteria ofeffectiveness and efficiency as a mandate PP.No.41 Year 2007,where the duties and functions ( TOR ) asdefined by the District Government can already be carried out by a unit/organization units (sections andsub-sections) which exists. (3) The structure of the Distict Government Bureaucracy Existing Salibabu iseffective enough to be able to realize the effectiveness and efficiency of the of District Government. Based onthe conclusions of the research results it is necessary to put forward suggestions : (1) structural reformpolicies of the Government Bureaucracy District such policy must be consistently in the structuring ofGovernment Bureaucracy District shoul be followed by reform of personnel resources ,and also by theprovision of adequate infrastructure tasks.Keywords : Reform the Bureaucracy Structure of the District Governments.

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