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Proceedings of the 1st UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
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Articles 110 Documents
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The Effect of Sled Towing or Speed Cord Towing Exercises on Speed of Riau PPLM Athletes Sulastio, Agus; Syahriadi, Syahriadi; Sitepu, Ahmad Syukur
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Based on observations in the field, the symptoms of sprinting are found when running speed, lowering feet and soles of the feet against soil contact is not optimal, step speed and step length are still slow and not maximal. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Sled Towing Exercise or Speed Cord Towing for the speed of PPLM Riau athlete. In this study, researchers took a population of 21 people. The sample in this study used a total sampling technique, where all populations were sampled. Data obtained from a 40-yard speed test category. Data were analyzed using the t-test. Based on the research that conducted on the sample by doing pre-test (initial test) by running in 40 yards, then proceed with treatment (Sled Towing or Speed Cord Towing) for 16 meetings. After that, it was post-tested (40-yard run), the results obtained from the pretest and posttest were analyzed by t-test. Hypothesis testing results show that the result of t-count is 7.364 with t-table 1.725 then H0 is rejected; Ha is accepted, at the alpha level (α) 0.05. It can be concluded that there is an effect of Sled Towing or Speed Cord Towing training on the speed of Riau PPLM athletes.
Computer-Based Instrument for Evaluation of Professional Teacher Program (PPG) Roza, Yenita; Siregar, Syarifah Nur
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The Teacher Professional Program (PPG) is one of the program created by Government in empowering teachers and teachers candidates in conducting a good teaching. The curriculum and evaluation for this program was developed by the government. There are 12 aspects that will be evaluated for each participant, an evaluation forms are available to be used by the instructor. The problem encounter by instructor in doing evaluation is time consuming and calculation error because the number of aspect to fill in the form. This research is aim to developed computer-based evaluation instrument that not only easier to fill but also less time consuming and prevent the error calculation. This development used 4D Model which included define, design, developed and dissemination. Analysis of available instrument is done in defining phase, it found that the indicator of scoring is needed to have a better grading. Based on this finding, scoring indicators are developed along with computer based form in design and develop phase. There are nine form were developed by adding the indicators and revising the appearance, five of them used for document analysis, four used for observation. The computer-based evaluation forms that been developed are recommended to used by the PPG isntructors.
Teacher Assessment of School Readiness on Motoric Aspect of Children Ages 5-6 Years in State Kindergartens in Pekanbaru Chairilsyah, Daviq
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This research is to know teachers assessment of school readiness for children aged 5-6 years in state kindergartens in Pekanbaru (Motoric Aspect). The population in this research is all children aged 5-6 years in all state kindergartens in Pekanbaru amounted to 325 children with total sample of 150 children. The method used is quantitative descriptive method to know the teachers assessment of school readiness in children aged 5-6 years. Data collection technique used observation sheet. Based on the results of data analysis, it was obtained the findings that the percentage of 6 indicators of school readiness in children aged 5-6 years in allstate kindergartens in Pekanbaru such as: Children can run (72.36%) at state kindergartens in Pekanbaru is high,so the motoric readiness of children in kindergarten can be categorized as Developing As Expections, Children can kick the ball (75.27%) is high, so motoric readiness of children in kindergarten can be said Developed As Expectations, Children can balance the body in plank board (72.72%) is also high so motoric readiness of children in kindergarten can be said Developing As Expectations, Children can play fingers (72,90%) pertained high, then the motoric readiness of children in kindergarten can be categorized Developing As Expectations, Children can ‘meronce’ (string up) (76.36%) is very high, so then the motoric readiness of children in kindergarten can be said Very Good Developing (BSB), and indicator of Children can color a certain image pattern is very high (76.36%), so motoric readiness of children in kindergarten can be said Developing Very Good. The overall of readiness in motoric aspect at state kindergartens in Pekanbaru iscategorized high (74.33%), so motoric readiness of children in kindergarten can be said Developing As Expectations.
The Issues of Our Science Education: An Auto-criticism Zulirfan, Zulirfan
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Cognitive Learning Outcomes of Gas Kinetic Theory Based on InquiryApproach Pramudya, Clara Tarania; Islami, Nur; Zulhelmi, Zulhelmi; Nor, M.
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The purpose of this study is to find the result of students cognitive through the implementation of gas kinetic learning media based on the inquiry approach of XI MIA 3 SMAN 4 Pekanbaru. This research form is pre-experimental with one shot case study method. The data of this study is student’s cognitive score by the post-test . The analysis conducted on the student’s cognitive learning outcomes in the form of study absorption, learning effectivity and the percentage of students pass of each tested indicator. The result obtained from this study are, from 36 students, 3 students have a very good study absorption, 23 have a good study absorption, 8 have a good study absorption, 1 has a less good study absorption and 1 fail. The learning effectivity is in a good category with a percentage of 69 ,4%. The conclusion is physics learning with inquiry approach goes well.
Gender Perspective Learning Methods: An Alternative in Learning Drama Appreciation for Students Syofiani, Syofiani; WS, Hasanuddin; Ramadhan, Syahrul; Isnanda, Romi
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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This article describes issues related to gender perspective learning methods. Theaimed of this study is to improve drama appreciation learning for students. In the learningprocess of drama appreciation with a gender perspective, it gives students an understanding thatthe position and role of men and women in various family and community life are consideredthe same. The components that are the focus of the discussion in this article are namely theessence and the characteristics of drama appreciation learning and learning methods ofappreciation of innovation drama thus the students feel they have new insights in the learningprocess, especially in drama appreciation learning. The students not only understand drama as aliterary and performing arts, but they also understand that gender issues are something that canbe used as a reference or model in drama appreciation learning. In learning process, the lecturershould also be able to choose or obtain the drama texts that place the position of women at leastequal to men.
Development of Teaching Materials for Reading Comprehension Skills Using the Graphic Organizer Media Kurniaman, Otang; Zufriady, Zufriady; Noviana, Eddy; Afendi, Nofrico
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The development of teaching materials for teachers facilitates the learning process as a learning medium to transfer knowledge to students. Graphic organizer is a visual communication tool to express ideas and concepts to convey meaning. The development of media-based reading teaching materials graphic organizer uses development research methods by passing the defining phase which is carried out by two-aspect analysis, namely analysis of the needs and analysis of students, and the development stage is analyzed by the readers technical concepts and exercises in the reading process. The next stage of teaching materials is validated by experts and practitioners about the feasibility of the content obtained an average of 87 with the category Very decent to use in learning to read comprehension in class IV elementary school.
The Development of Microsoft Excel-Based Computer Simulation to Improve the Student’s Concept Understanding on Buffer Solutions Khaldun, Ibnu; Hanum, Latifah; Habibati, Habibati
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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The utilization of computer as a learning media is very important especially in this sophisticated era. With the help of computer, the learning process will run more effectively and efficiently. But in fact, chemistry learning has not been utilizing the IT facilities widely as a medium of learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of computer-based simulation learning media on the subject of buffer solution in terms of validity and effectiveness of Microsoft Excel-based computer simulation that was developed to improve the students’ conceptual understanding. Media development method in this research used ADDIE model which includes Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The results showed that computer-based learning media simulation of Microsoft Excel on buffer solution in terms of validity was feasible to use. The percentage of media worthiness was 81.00% according to the material experts and 81.57% of the media experts. Microsoft Excel-based computer simulation media developed effectively against conceptual understanding of buffer material. The students’ conceptual comprehension increased with N-gain value 89.17%.
Analysis of Student Higher Order Thinking Skills in Solving Physics Examination Elyana, Elyana; Islami, Nur; Yennita, Yennita; Fakhruddin, Fakhruddin
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Analysis Of Student Higher Order Thinking Skills In Solving Physics Examination. This study aims to determine the percentage of national physics exam questions that were categorized Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and to know the ability of high-level thinking students. The method that was used in this research is descriptive research. The subjects of this study are 129 students of MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru. The data obtained in this study was percentage of Physics 2016 with HOTS category that was analyzed using indicator problems according to Thomas & Thorne is 15%, and data analysis of students high thinking ability on the matter of national exam physics obtained through student answers in answering the questions with the percentage of students able to answer 46%. Based on the data analysis can be concluded that the national exam of physics is able to measure the ability to think high-level students who average were categorized as low average.
Father Resilience in Siak District, Riau Province Novianti, Ria; Puspitasari, Enda
Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences 2018: Proceedings of the 2nd UR International Conference on Educational Sciences
Publisher : Proceedings of the UR International Conference on Educational Sciences

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Father play important role in children live. Not only to fullfil children needs but also to take care and protect his children. In Indonesia, some fathers do his main role as a breadwinner and often leave the responsibility to raise the children to mother who takes the role to raise the children and spent most of the time with them. But there are still fathers who are involved in child rearing. To do so, father should be able to overcome stress and bounce back from difficulties, which called resilience. Because stress and problems can affect the relation between father and children that make him unable to create warm and loving relation with children. The aims of this research is to describe father’s resilience in Siak Kecil District. The sample in this research are 347 father who has children between age 0-6 years old. The methodology used is descriptive quantitative approach. Result that can be concluded from the data analysis, the higher percentage of resilient indicators is reaching out 89, 09% the lowest percentage is emotion regulation 72.09%.Fathers is able to be related with others and ask for support when required.But they still need to develop the abilty to control emotion to be able to have a healthy relationship with others, especially their children.

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