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Public Health Perspective Journal
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Public Health Perspective Journal publishes original papers, reviews and short reports on all aspects of the science, philosophy, and practice of public health. It is aimed at all public health practitioners and researchers and those who manage and deliver public health services and systems. It will also be of interest to anyone involved in provision of public health programmes, the care of populations or communities and those who contribute to public health systems in any way.
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Problems Focused Coping Penderita HIV Positif Priharwanti, Ardiana; Budi Raharjo, Bambang
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2017): August 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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HIV / AIDS merupakan masalah besar dan baru-baru ini menarik untuk diangkat sebagai penelitian psikososial, terutama pada subyek yang beresiko tinggi.  Sejumlah kasus sindrom kejiwaan telah diidentifikasi dalam kaitannya dengan infeksi HIV Penderita HIV cenderung menggunakan mekanisme koping yang maladaptive dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapinya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif di Kabupaten Batang yang difokuskan pada problems focused coping penderita HIV Positif. Informan awal ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling, selanjutnya ditentukan dengan teknik snowball sampling. Metode pegumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) terhadap 5 informan utama penderita HIV positif, teman sebaya, keluarga penderita dan 3 informan triangulasi yang terdiri dari KPA Batang, Manajerkasus FKPB, dan pendamping HIV positif.Selain permasalahan menurunnya kesehatan fisik sebagai stressor pertama, penderita HIV Positif dihadapkan pada permasalahan stigma di masyarakat yang cenderung menyebabkan penderita melakukan koping strategi salah satunya adalah problems focused coping.HIV / AIDS is a big problem and recently has become an interesting topic for psycho-social study, especially for high-risk subjects. A number of psychiatric syndromes cases have been identified in relation to HIV infection. The complexity of the problems faced by people with HIV can lead to the lower quality of life. People with HIV tend to use maladaptive coping strategies to solve their problems.This study is a qualitative study in Batang District with a focus on problems focused coping of people with HIV. Initial informant was determined using purposive sampling, then further informants were determined using snowball sampling technique. The data were collected using an in-depth interview to 5 key informants (people with HIV), peers, family and three triangulation informants consisting of AIDS Control Commission of Batang, FKPB case manager, and HIV patient companion. In addition to a decline in physical health problems as the main stressor, HIV people are faced with the problems of a stigma that causes them to form coping strategiesone of which is focused coping problems.
Adolescent Sexual Behaviour At Risk of Unintended Pregnancy And HIV/AIDS S, Risa Rahmatin; Laksono, Budhi; Rustiana, Eunike Raffy
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2018): August 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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                 Irresponsible sexual activity in adolescence around the world puts teenagers at risk challenges to various reproductive health problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to the adolescents sexual behaviour at risk of Unintended Pregnancy (KTD) and HIV / AIDS in a Senior High School of Konawe Islands District. The type of the research was mix method research which was a combination between quantitative and qualitative research with sequential explanatory design. The population of this study consisted of 867 people with quantitative samples of 269 people and qualitative samples of 5 people by using purposive sampling technique. Quantitative data analysis technique used Chi-Square test, while qualitative data analysis technique used data reduction, data display and data verification. The Research results showed that there were 5.9% of adolescents had risky sexual behaviors toward the unintended pregnancy (KTD) and HIV / AIDS. Bivariate analysis using chi-square test showed that there were six variables that significantly correlated with adolescents sexual behavior at risk of unintended pregnancy (KTD) and HIV / AIDS; which were knowledge (sig .0,010), adolescent attitude (sig. 0,000), parent role (sig .028), peer influence (sig. 0,000), courtship style (sig .023), and information media (sig. 0,000). Qualitative analysis showed the attitude variable as the factor that gave the highest risk in risky sexual behavior among adolescents. The conclusion was that there was relationship between knowledge, attitude, parent role, peer influence, courtship style and information media. It is suggested to the Schools to improve good and appropriate basic knowledge and understanding of adolescents about the prevention of risky sexual behavior, and good and strict supervision and guidance on the adolescents' activities for well controlled adolescents behavior. Kata kunci: Remaja, Perilaku seksual, Kesehatan reproduksi.
The Effect of The Perception of Unnes Public Health Study Program Students on Early Detection of Breast Cancer Using Bse (Breast-Self Examination) Fadhila, Efina Daitia; Kuswardinah, Asih; Sri Ratna Rahayu, Rr.
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Breast cancer is the leading cause of death of women in the world as well as in Indonesia. Nearly 70% of patients come to the hospital in an advanced stage, so it causes death. The most effective prevention strategy is early detection. BSE is a way of early detection with breast examination by self to detect any abnormalities that exist in the breast. Health action plans are grown with individual beliefs and perceptions of the diseases described through Health Belief Models. This study aims to analyze the effect of the perception of UNNES Public Health Study Program students on early detection of breast cancer using BSE.The study design used analytic with cross sectional approach through survey method. The population was all of undergraduate students of Public Health Program UNNES of fifth and seventh semester in 2017/2018. The samples were 74 respondents with the sampling technique used purposive sampling was continued quota sampling. Chi square test results show that there is significant an effect of perceived susceptibility on early detection of breast cancer using BSE (0,007); there is significant an effect of perceived severity on early detection of breast cancer using BSE (0,009); there is significant an effect of perceived benefits on early detection of breast cancer using BSE (0,003); and there is significant an effect of perceived barrier on early detection of breast cancer using BSE (0,000). Logistic regression test results show that perceived susceptibility has p-value 0,036 and OR 4.002; perceived severity has p-value 0,018 and OR 4.744; perceived benefits has p-value 0,004 and OR 7.247; and perceived barrier has p-value 0,048 and OR 3.435; concluded that the perception of benefit is the most influential variable to the the early detection of breast cancer using BSE. This study provides benefits as a thought contribution to the development of science in the field of reproductive health, disease concept, and behavioral science related to its application in early detection of breast cancer using BSE.
Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan tentang Keamanan Jajanan terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Anak Mulyawati, Isti; Kuswardinah, Asih; Yuniastuti, Ari
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Keamanan jajanan merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang harus diperhatikan, karena jutaan manusia dilaporkan keracunan pangan dan masyarakat yang sering mengalami keracunan pangan adalah anak sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan  tentang keamanan jajanan terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap jajan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian eksperimen semu dengan metode pretest posttest group design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 54 responden yaitu siswa kelas IV dan V SD yang ditentukan dengan purposive simple random sampling. Tehnik pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu uji T-test untuk mengetahui perbedaan dan regresi untuk mengetahui pengaruh. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu ada perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap sebelum dan sesudah mendapat pendidikan kesehatan dengan nilai p 0,000, dan ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan dengan nilai R Square 0,007. Saran peneliti yang direkomendasikan adalah pada penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat lebih menambah pengetahuan dan sikap anak dengan metode pendidikan kesehatan lain yang lebih baik lagi. Safety of snacks is one of the health issues that must be considered, because millions of people reported food poisoning and people who often suffer from food poisoning was a school children. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health education on the safety of snacks on knowledge and attitudes snack. This type of research is quantitative with quasi-experimental research design with pretest posttest group design method. The sample in this study amounted to 54 respondents are students of class IV and V primary school were determined by purposive random sampling. The technique of data collection using the questionnaire. Analisys applied that test T-test to determine differences and regression to determine the effect. The results obtained are no differences in knowledge and attitudes before and after receiving health education with p value 0,000, and there is the influence of health education with the value of R Square 0,007. Researchers recommended advice is the later study is expected to further increase the knowledge and attitudes of children with health education methods other better.
Analysis of Escherichia Coli Existance Factors in Street Food at Primary School in Nggrogot Distrct Nisa, Ihda Farihatun; Woro Kasmini Handayani, Oktia; Raffy Rustiana, Eunike
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Food availability and security are basic human rights. Lack of attention to food security such as unhygienic food processing can cause health problems. National Food and Drug Agency stated that 27.92% of school children snacks contain hazardous substances ranging from physical, chemical and microbiological. The survey results of 36 primary schools in the Ngronggot District do not have the criteria for a healthy canteen, it causes the access of street frood are increase freely in the Primary School environment. Most of them didn’t have a food production legacy from Health Office or National Food and Drug Agency. The purpose of this study was to determine the most dominant factors among other factors, namely environmental sanitation, sanitation equipment, food handler personal hygiene, the condition of food raw materials, the condition of food storage, and the condition of serving food to the presence of E. coli. This research was quantitative method, with cross sectional approach. The research sample was 48 samples with simple random sampling technique. The instrument used was observation sheets and laboratory test results. Data collection techniques used interviews, observations and laboratory tests. Statistical analysis used Multiple Logistic it is found that the most dominant variable among the other variables is food handler personal hygiene = 0.003. The presence of E. coli indicates microbial contamination in food which results in food borne illness. It is recommended to increase supervision in food processing to reduce bacterial contamination.
Analisis Pengaruh Fase Pengobatan, Tingkat Depresi dan Konsumsi Makanan Terhadap Status Gizi Penderita Tuberkulosis (TB) Paru Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas se-Kecamatan Genuk Kota Semarang Nurjannah, Nurjannah; Made Sudana, I
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 2, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Infeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis dapat menyebabkan penurunan berat badan. Status gizi yang buruk meningkatkan resiko infeksi dan penyebaran penyakit tuberculosis (TB). Selain itu, seseorang yang telah didiagnosis dengan penyakit TB paru akan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mengubah pola kesehariannya. Kenyataan harus mengonsumsi obat sepanjang hidupnya menyebabkan lama kelamaan sebagian dari  penderita TB Paru akan mengalami depresi.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh langsung dan pengaruh tidak langsung fase pengobatan, tingkat depresi dan konsumsi makanan terhadap status gizi penderita TB paru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional Study serta menggunakan analisis jalur (Path Analysis). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien TB paru yang terdaftar sebagai pasien rawat jalan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Se-Kecamatan Genuk sejumlah 46 orang, sedangkan sampelnya menggunakan sampel minimal sejumlah 30 orang yang tersebar di 2 puskesmas yaitu Puskesmas Bangetayu dan Puskesmas Ganuk. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan fase pengobatan berpengaruh langsung terhadap kadar hemoglobin sebesar 15,7% dan kadar albumin sebesar 34,9%, namun fase pengobatan tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap IMT dan LILA. Tingkat depresi tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap IMT, LILA, kadar albumin dan kadar hemoglobin. Konsumsi makanan berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap IMT sebesar 40,1%, LILA sebesar 29,6% dan kadar hemoglobin sebesar 23,3%, namun konsumsi makanan tidak berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap kadar albumin. Fase pengobatan berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap kadar hemoglobin yaitu melalui konsumsi makanan sebesar 7%. Sehingga pengaruh total fase pengobatan, tingkat depresi dan konsumsi makanan terhadap IMT sebesar 40,1%, LILA sebesar 29,6%, kadar hemoglobin sebesar 46% dan kadar albumin sebesar 34,9%.Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections can cause weight loss. Poor nutritional status increases the risk of infection and spread of the disease tuberculosis (TB). In addition, someone who has been diagnosed with pulmonary TB disease will either directly or indirectly change the pattern of her everyday.  The fact should be taking drugs all his life cause he Pulmonary TB sufferers from some will experience depression. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of direct and indirect influences of the treatment phase, the level of depression and food consumption against pulmonary TB  sufferer nutritional status. This research uses a quantitative approach with approach Cross Sectional Study and using path analysis (Path Analysis). The population in this research is the entire pulmonary TB patients are registered as outpatients Clinics in the region all-Sub Genuk a number of  46 people, while the number of the samples use the sample at leasta number of 30 people scattered 2 clinics Bangetayu health centersand clinics, namely Ganuk. Sampling is done by accidental sampling techniques. The research results show the phases of the treatment effect directly against the levels of hemoglobin and albumin levels 15.7% of 34.9%, however the treatment phase has no effect directly against the IMT and LILA. The rate of depression has no effect directly against the IMT, LILA, the levels  of albumin and hemoglobin levels. Food consumption take effect directly against IMT amounting to 40.1%, LILA of 29.6% and hemoglobin levels of 23.3%, but do not affect food consumption directly against the levels of albumin. Phases of treatment effect in directly against the levels of hemoglobin that is through food  consumption amounted to 7%. So the influence of the total phase of the treatment, the level of depression and food consumption towards IMT of 40.1%, LILA of 29.6%, 46% of hemoglobin levels and albumin levels amounted to 34.9%.
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Public Health Perspective Journal

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Hipertensi tidak terkendali merupakan penyakit degenerative yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pembuluh darah, jantung, ginjal, otak dan mata. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi tidak terkendali pada penderita yang melakukan pemeriksaan rutin di Puskesmas Kedung mundu Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan surveian alitik dengan pendekatan kasus kontrol, dan dilakukan kajian kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam. Sampel berjumlah 88 responden, 44 kasusdan 44 kontrol diambil dengan car apurposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat danbivariat menggunakan ujichi square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi tidak terkendali yaitu umur (p=0,022;OR=2,956), status pasangan (p=0,001;OR=4,610), konsumsi garam (p=0,001;OR=4,173), konsumsi kopi (p=0,033;OR=2,528), stres (p=0,0001;OR=6,333), dan konsumsi obat anti hipertensi (p=0,010;OR=3,095). Faktor yang tidak berhubungan yaitu obesitas (p=0,280;OR=1,598), konsumsi alkohol (p=0,502;OR=1,579), merokok (p=0,265;OR=1,651), dan aktivitas olahraga (p=0,509;OR=1,338). Saran bagi masyarakat yaitu melakukan modifikasi gaya hidup dan menghindari factor risiko hipertensi tidak terkendali.Uncontrolled hypertension was a degenerative disease that can caused damage to blood vessels, heart, kidneys, brain and eyes. The purpose of this study was to identify factors that related with uncontrolled hypertention on check up patient in Kedungmundu health care center, Semarang. This study was an analytic survey with case-control approach, and conducted a qualitative study with in-depth interviews. Samples 88 respondents, 44 cases and 44 controls were taken by purposive sampling. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate by chi square test. The result from this study showed that factors related with uncontrolled hypertension were age (p=0,022;OR=2,956), partner status (p=0 ,001;OR=4,610), consume of salt (p=0,001;OR=4,173), consume of coffee (p=0,033;OR=2,528), stress (p=0,0001;OR=6,333), and consume of antihypertension drug (p=0,010;OR=3,095). There were not significant related between obesity (p=0,280;OR=1,598), consume of alcohol (p=0,502;OR=1,579), smoking (p=0,265;OR=1,651), and exercise activity (p=0,509;OR=1,338). Recommendation for public to modify lifestyle and avoid risk factors of uncontrolled hypertension.
Kajian Implementasi Kebijakan Ruang Laktasi di Sektor Pemerintah dan Swasta Kabupaten Purbalingga Sugeng Wijaya, Prawiti; Soesanto, Soesanto
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2017): August 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kebijakan ruang laktasi di tempat kerja sudah ada, namun implementasi kebijakan tersebut masih banyak menemui hambatan.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan ruang laktasi yang diselenggarakan pemerintah dan swasta di kabupaten Purbalingga. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan 10 informan awal dan 2 informan tambahan. Hasil penelitian adalah  Implementasi kebijakan ruang laktasi yang diselenggarakan oleh sektor pemerintah dan swasta di Kabupaten Purbalingga belum dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada (1) perusahaan belum mempunyai aturan internal mengenai laktasi (2) penanggungjawab ruang laktasi belum memenuhi syarat menjadi konselor ASI (3) pembinaan dari dinas hanya dilaksanakan di perusahaan swasta (4) strategi pemanfaatan ruang laktasi belum optimal (5) Dukungan pendanaan masih berfokus pada sarana prasarana (6) fasilitas ruang laktasi PT Royal Korindah masuk kategori cukup (54,2%), sedangkan di KPP Pratama Kabupaten Purbalingga masuk kategori kurang (33,3%).Lactation space policy at the workplace already exist, but implementation of these policies are still many obstacles. The purpose of research is to analyze the implementation of lactation space policy organized by the government and private sectors in Purbalingga district. Qualitative research with 10 initial informant and two additional informants. Results of the research is the implementation of space policy lactation organized by public and private sectors in Purbalingga has not been carried out in accordance with the provisions of (1) the company does not have internal rules regarding lactation (2) The person in charge of space lactation has not met the requirements to become a breastfeeding counselor (3) construction of offices were conducted in private companies (4) strategy is not optimal space utilization lactation (5) Support funding has focused on infrastructure (6) lactation room facilities PT Royal Korindah categorized enough (54.2%), whereas in STO District purbalingga in the category less (33,3%).
The Effect of Walking Exercise on Blood Pressure in The Elderly With Hypertension in Mulyoharjo Community Health Center Pemalang Yulisa, Dinda Kartika; Mukarromah, Siti Baitul
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 3, No 3 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia at the age of 18 is 34.1%, lower than that of in Central Java, which is 38.4%. One of the causes of hypertension is lack of physical activities. One of the physical activities that can reduce hypertension is walking. This study aims at determining the effect of walking exercise on blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension of obesity nutritional status. This study used a control group time series design involving 10 samples consisting of 5 respondents with hypertension of normal nutritional status and 5 respondents with hypertension of obesity nutritional status. The results of this study showed that the blood pressure of the elderly with hypertension before doing walking exercise was 152.20 / 95.80 mmHg and after doing walking exercise was 147.60 / 93.60 mmHg in average. Walking exercise decreases blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension of obesity nutritional status. The results of the study can be regarded as a consideration in taking community health program policy for the elderly with hypertension on the effectiveness of walking exercise as one of the means in reducing blood pressure.
The Influence of Knowledge, Motivation, and Attitude Toward The Behavior of Housewife to Eradicate of Aedes Aegepty Mosquito Nest (PSN) Yunika, Regina Pricilia; Laksono, Budi; Deliana, Sri Maryati
Public Health Perspective Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2018): August 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Semarang city is the region with the highest dengue hemorrhagic fever cases in central java province. Eradication of aedes aegepty mosquito nest is one of the efforts considered appropriate in the prevention and eradication of dengue hemorrhagic fever. The active participation of housewives is necessary, the participation of housewives depends on the knowledge, motivation, and attitudes of the community towards the disease and its prevention. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of knowledge, motivation, and attitude toward the behavior of housewife to eradicate aedes aegepty mosquito nest (PSN). This research methos is quantitative with cross sectional design.Population of all housewives in Bulustalan Village Semarang, the sample amounted to 90 samples using purposive sampling technique. The results showed that there was an influence between knowledge on the behavior of mosquito nest eradication (p = 0,000). There is an influence between motivation to the behavior of mosquito nest eradication value (p = 0.012). There is an influence between attitudes toward the behavior of mosquito nest eradication value (p = 0.000). Logistic regression results showed that the more dominant knowledge influenced the behavior of mosquito nest eradication (p = 0,008) and Exp (B) value 4,365. The conclusion of housewife who has knowledge, motivation, and good attitude affect the behavior of housewife to eradicate aedes aegepty mosquito nest (PSN) 

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