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Lembaran Ilmu Kependidikan Vol 38, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Paradigm shift in education which resulted in the change of role of educationalinstitution from non profit social institutions to profit enterprises indicates amanagement change. The change requires a management improvement to enable theeducational institution to sustain and develop. Based on the future needs, eacheducational institution should reform or transform itself to answer the demands of thesociety in general and labor market in particular. In line with the paradigm shift, thisarticle discusses the need to improve educational management from seven aspects: (a)knowledge, (b) technology, (c) power, (d) material, (e) people, (F) time and (g)finance.Kata kunci : strategi, pendidikan, dan managemen berbasis sekolah
Pengaruh Latihan Aquarobik Terhadap Jumlah Hitung Lekosit Pada Wanita Obesitas Di Kota Semarang Mukarromah, Siti Baitul; Susanto, Hardhono; Riwanto, Ign.; Rahayu, Tandiyo
Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia Vol 3, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The capacity of physical ability can be improved through doing an exercise which is according to the intensity, duration and frequency. Exercise can improve the immunity system and influence the leucocyte. The number of pheripheral leucocyte can be the resource of  information for the diagnostics and prognose the description of organ damage and the recovery  after physical training. The purpose of this study to investigate the influence of aquarobic exercises to  leucocyte count .This study is experimental with pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects for this study is a women Obese I, 45-50 years old, they were 24  person. The subjects of study were given aquarobic exercises until the reached the targeted heartbeats which is 75% of the maximum heartbeats, duration 60 minutes, 8 weeks aquarobics exercises. The physical activity was done for a moment. Before and after doing the activity, the pheripheral blood was taken to examine leucocyte count. The result of study reveals that there is significantly increasing a value of the average leucocyte count  before aquarobic exercises. Based on the result of study, it can be concluded that aquaribics exercises change leucocyte count on Obes I Women.
Pengembangan Aquajogger sebagai Peluang Bisnis yang Prospektif Dibidang Olahraga Kebugaran Mukarromah, Siti Baitul
Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Air telah dikenal sebagai media untuk terapi kesehatan serta pengobatan berbagai macam penyakit. Air memberikan banyak manfaat terhadap kesehatan, salah satunya memberikan efek pemijatan atau relaksasi secara alami. Fenomena ini kemudian berdampak pada makin tingginya minat dan kesadaran untuk melakukan olah raga air atau secara khusus adalah Water Fitness (Aquarobic) yang merupakan bentuk senam tubuh (Exercise) yang dilakukan baik dengan musik maupun tanpa musik melalui media air. Water Fitness (Aquarobic) bisa dilakukan dikolam renang terbuka maupun tertutup baik pada kolam bagian yang dangkal maupun pada kolam bagian yang dalam, oleh karena itu kemampuan dalam penguasan berenang bukan merupakan halangan dan prasarat untuk mengikuti latihan ini. Pelampung (Aquajogger), dirancang untuk membantu partisipan untuk tetap mengapung diair selama melakukan latihan, serta memungkinkan untuk melakukan gerakan-gerakan yang lebih variatif. Water Fitness (Aquarobic) sebagai bentuk olah raga aerobik sangat efektif untuk melatih jantung dan pembuluh-pembuluhnya, dimana gerakan alaminya relatif sederhana tetapi manfaat dan keuntungannya sangat besar bagi kesehatan, yaitu merangsang otot tubuh untuk terus melakukan gerakan secara aktif dan dinamis.
Effect of Aquarobic and Weight Training on Cortisol Levels in Obese Women Mukarromah, Siti Baitul; Susanto, Hardhono; Rahayu, Tandiyo
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 12, No 1 (2016): JURNAL KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT (KEMAS) JULY 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v12i1.5510


Exercise is physical stress which potentially causes disruption of homeostasis, especially in sports that is excessively done. Weight Training (LB) and Aquarobic Exercise (LA) can be modulators of handling stress. This research aims at investigating the effect of the difference between LB and LA to physical stress in obese women. The study was conducted in 2014. The method used in this study was randomized experimental pretest-posttest control group design in 36 obese women, aged 45-50 years who were divided into 3 groups, group LB 50% RM, 3 sets, 12 repetition, treatment two times a day for 8 weeks (n = 12), LA 75% HRmax, treatment 2 days for 8 weeks (n = 12) and control group (n = 12). Body Mass Index (BMI) and cortisol levels were measured before and after the treatment. Hypothesis testing was conducted using test (One-Way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis) and the mean difference test (Tukey HSD and Mann Whitney’s). The results of BMI is increased in the WT group and is decreased in LA group as compared to control group (p <0.05). The decrease of cortisol level is higher than in LA and LB group and controls (p <0.05). LB and LA affect the physical stress that is characterized by the increase in cortisol levels in obese women. Conclusion: LB is more dominant than LA in increasing physical stress.
Pengembangan Aquajogger sebagai Peluang Bisnis yang Prospektif Dibidang Olahraga Kebugaran Mukarromah, Siti Baitul
Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia Vol 4, No 2 (2014): December 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/miki.v4i2.5234


Air telah dikenal sebagai media untuk terapi kesehatan serta pengobatan berbagai macam penyakit. Air memberikan banyak manfaat terhadap kesehatan, salah satunya memberikan efek pemijatan atau relaksasi secara alami. Fenomena ini kemudian berdampak pada makin tingginya minat dan kesadaran untuk melakukan olah raga air atau secara khusus adalah Water Fitness (Aquarobic) yang merupakan bentuk senam tubuh (Exercise) yang dilakukan baik dengan musik maupun tanpa musik melalui media air. Water Fitness (Aquarobic) bisa dilakukan dikolam renang terbuka maupun tertutup baik pada kolam bagian yang dangkal maupun pada kolam bagian yang dalam, oleh karena itu kemampuan dalam penguasan berenang bukan merupakan halangan dan prasarat untuk mengikuti latihan ini. Pelampung (Aquajogger), dirancang untuk membantu partisipan untuk tetap mengapung diair selama melakukan latihan, serta memungkinkan untuk melakukan gerakan-gerakan yang lebih variatif. Water Fitness (Aquarobic) sebagai bentuk olah raga aerobik sangat efektif untuk melatih jantung dan pembuluh-pembuluhnya, dimana gerakan alaminya relatif sederhana tetapi manfaat dan keuntungannya sangat besar bagi kesehatan, yaitu merangsang otot tubuh untuk terus melakukan gerakan secara aktif dan dinamis.
Pengaruh Latihan Aquarobik Terhadap Jumlah Hitung Lekosit Pada Wanita Obesitas Di Kota Semarang Mukarromah, Siti Baitul; Susanto, Hardhono; Riwanto, Ign.; Rahayu, Tandiyo
Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia Vol 3, No 1 (2013): July 2013
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/miki.v3i1.2662


The capacity of physical ability can be improved through doing an exercise which is according to the intensity, duration and frequency. Exercise can improve the immunity system and influence the leucocyte. The number of pheripheral leucocyte can be the resource of  information for the diagnostics and prognose the description of organ damage and the recovery  after physical training. The purpose of this study to investigate the influence of aquarobic exercises to  leucocyte count .This study is experimental with pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects for this study is a women Obese I, 45-50 years old, they were 24  person. The subjects of study were given aquarobic exercises until the reached the targeted heartbeats which is 75% of the maximum heartbeats, duration 60 minutes, 8 weeks aquarobics exercises. The physical activity was done for a moment. Before and after doing the activity, the pheripheral blood was taken to examine leucocyte count. The result of study reveals that there is significantly increasing a value of the average leucocyte count  before aquarobic exercises. Based on the result of study, it can be concluded that aquaribics exercises change leucocyte count on Obes I Women.
Effect of Aquarobic and Weight Training on Cortisol Levels in Obese Women Mukarromah, Siti Baitul; Susanto, Hardhono; Rahayu, Tandiyo
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 12, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v12i1.5510


Exercise is physical stress which potentially causes disruption of homeostasis, especially in sports that is excessively done. Weight Training (LB) and Aquarobic Exercise (LA) can be modulators of handling stress. This research aims at investigating the effect of the difference between LB and LA to physical stress in obese women. The study was conducted in 2014. The method used in this study was randomized experimental pretest-posttest control group design in 36 obese women, aged 45-50 years who were divided into 3 groups, group LB 50% RM, 3 sets, 12 repetition, treatment two times a day for 8 weeks (n = 12), LA 75% HRmax, treatment 2 days for 8 weeks (n = 12) and control group (n = 12). Body Mass Index (BMI) and cortisol levels were measured before and after the treatment. Hypothesis testing was conducted using test (One-Way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis) and the mean difference test (Tukey HSD and Mann Whitney’s). The results of BMI is increased in the WT group and is decreased in LA group as compared to control group (p <0.05). The decrease of cortisol level is higher than in LA and LB group and controls (p <0.05). LB and LA affect the physical stress that is characterized by the increase in cortisol levels in obese women. Conclusion: LB is more dominant than LA in increasing physical stress.
Perspektif Olahraga Petanque dalam Mendukung Prestasi Olahraga Jawa Tengah Laksana, Gustopo Bayu; Pramono, Harry; Mukarromah, Siti Baitul
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 6 No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Study Program Education and Sports, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.752 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpes.v6i1.17319


Petanque merupakan olahraga baru dengan mempertandingkan 11 nomor sehingga jika dikelola secara baik dapat memberikan sumbangan prestasi yang cukup berarti bagi Jawa Tengah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perspektif olahraga petanque dalam mendukung prestasi olahraga Jawa Tengah ditinjau dari aspek organisasi dan manajemen, pendanaan, dukungan pemerintah, sumber daya manusia, sarana dan prasarana, pembinaan, dan penerapan IPTEK. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Sumber data diperoleh dari pengurus, KONI, atlet dan pelatih. Teknik analisis data dengan triangulasi. Data dianalisis dengan mengumpulkan data, mereduksi data, menyampaikan data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian: (1) petanque Jawa Tengah mempunyai struktur organisasi, legalitas, program kerja, dan manajemen organisasi, (2) Sumber dana tetap berasal dari KONI Jawa Tengah dan pengadministrasian dana yang tersususun rapi, (3) Dukungan pemerintah yang diberikan berupa pendanaan dan penyediaan fasilitas, (4) Jawa Tengah mempunyai atlet berprestasi dan 3 wasit berlisensi Nasional, (5) Sarana prasarana yang dimiliki yaitu 8 set bola besi, lingkaran pelempar dan lapangan latihan, (6) Jawa Tengah mempunyai 2 klub yaitu Unnes Petanque Club dan UTP Petanque Club dan program latihan tersusun rapi dalam latihan, (7) petanque Jawa Tengah menjalin kerjasama dengan Universitas dalam pembinaannya. Simpulan: petanque dapat menjadi olahraga yang mampu berkembang dan mendukung prestasi Jawa Tengah, disarankan segera melakukan sosialisasi dan pembentukan kepengurusan di Kabupaten/Kota dan mengadakan kejuaraan rutin.Petanque is a new sport with a fight for 11 numbers so that, if managed well will be able to contribute a significant achievement for Central Java. The purpose of this study to determine the sporting perspective petanque in Central Java support sports achievements in terms of aspects of organization and management, funding, government support, human resources, infrastructure, development, and application of science and technology. This study used a qualitative approach. The technique of collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation. Sources of data obtained from the board, KONI, athletes and coaches. Data analysis techniques with triangulation. Data were analyzed by collecting data, data reduction, relaying data, and draw conclusions. Results: (1) petanque Central Java has the organizational structure, legality, work programs, and organizational management, (2) Source of funding still comes from KONI Central Java and there are administrating funds tersususun neat, (3) government support provided in the form of funding and provision of facilities , (4) petanque Central Java has outstanding athlete and three referees licensed National, (5) Means infrastructure owned ie 8 set the iron ball, circle the thrower and the practice field, (6) petanque Central Java has two clubs that Unnes Petanque Club and UTP Petanque Club and No exercise program is arranged in the process of training, (7) petanque Central Java in cooperation with the University of coaching. Conclusion: petanque sport can be a sport that is capable of developing and supporting the sporting achievements of Central Java, recommended to the board immediately socialization and formation of leadership at the district/city and hold regular championship.
Kontribusi Motivasi, Kerjasama, Kepercayaan Diri terhadap Prestasi Atlet Sekolah Sepakbola Pati Training Center di Kabupaten Pati Apriansyah, Beni; Sulaiman, Sulaiman; Mukarromah, Siti Baitul
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 6 No 2 (2017): August 2017
Publisher : Study Program Education and Sports, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.151 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpes.v6i2.17358


Olahraga prestasi adalah kegiatan olahraga yang dilakukan dan dikelola secara profesional dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh prestasi optimal. Prestasi dipengaruhi aspek psikologi diantara motivasi, kerjasama dan kepercayaan diri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kontribusi motivasi, kerjasama dan kepercayaan diri terhadap prestasi atlet di sekolah sepakbola Pati training centre di Kabupaten Pati. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi regresi. Variabel bebas adalah motivasi, kerjasama, kepercayaan diri dan variabel terikat prestasi atlet sepakbola. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket untuk variabel bebas sedangkan prestasi menggunakan model penilaian keterampilan bermain sepakbola dalam small side game. Populasi berjumlah 33 atlet pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan korelasi regresi ganda dengan bantuan SPSS. Hasil penelitian: (1) kontribusi motivasi terhadap prestasi atlet PTC sebesar 24,4%, (2) kontribusi kerjasama terhadap prestasi atlet PTC sebesar 18,8%, (3) kontribusi kepercayaan diri terhadap prestasi atlet PTC sebesar 13,3%, (4) kontribusi motivasi dan kerjasama terhadap prestasi atlet PTC sebesar 24,4%, (5) kontribusi motivasi dan kepercayaan diri terhadap prestasi atlet PTC sebesar 24,6%, (6) kontribusi kerjasama dan kepercayaan diri terhadap prestasi atlet PTC sebesar 19,6%, (7) kontribusi motivasi, kerjasama dan kepercayaan diri terhadap prestasi atlet PTC sebesar 24,6%.Sport of achievement is a sport which is organized profesionallyaimed at reaching maximun achievement. The achievements influenced by aspects of physhology such as motivation, cooperation and confidence.This study is aimed at analysing the correlation of motivation, cooperation and self confidence with the athlete’s achievement of Pati training centre (PTC) football school in Pati regency. This research is quantitative research using regression corelation analysis. Independent variables were motivation, cooperation, self-confidence, meanwhile dependent variable was achievement the football athlete. Questionnaires was used for data of independent variable meanwhile achievement as the source of dependent variable data using assessing model on skill playing football in a small side game. This study used 33 athletes as population and all of them became samples particularly total sampling method. Data analysis technique used was double regression correlation which was computed in SPSS program. The results of study were; (1) the Contribution of motivation with football athlete’s achievement PTC club was 24.4%, (2) the Contribution of cooperation with football athlete’s achievement PTC club was 18.8%, (3) the Contribution of self-confidence with football athlete’s achievement PTC club was 13,3%, (4) the Contribution of motivation and cooperation with football athlete’s achievement PTC club was 24.4%, (5) the Contribution of motivation and self-confidence with football athlete’s achievement PTC club was 24.6%, (6) the Contribution of cooperation and self-confidence with football athlete’s achievement PTC club was 19.6%, (7) the Contribution of motivation, cooperation and self-confidence with football athlete’s achievement PTC club was 24.6%.
Pengaruh Latihan Senam dan Daya Tahan Tubuh terhadap Respon Nyeri Haid (Dysmenorrhea) Puspita Sari, Ika Endah; Rumini, Rumini; Mukarromah, Siti Baitul
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 6 No 2 (2017): August 2017
Publisher : Study Program Education and Sports, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (449.807 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpes.v6i2.17391


Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) perbedaan pengaruh antara senam pilates dan yoga terhadap respon nyeri haid (dysmenorrhea); (2) perbedaan pengaruh antara daya tahan tubuh tinggi dan daya tahan tubuh rendah terhadap respon nyeri haid (dysmenorrhea); (3) interaksi antara senam dan daya tahan tubuh terhadap respon nyeri haid (dysmenorrheal). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dalam rancangan faktorial 2x2. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling yaitu sebanyak 20 orang dari total populasi 27 orang siswa kelas X. Teknik analisis data digunakan uji ANOVA dua jalur dengan program SPSS 20 dan taraf signifikansi 5%, dilanjutkan dengan uji tukey. Hasil analisis data diperoleh jawaban hipotesis 1 yaitu terdapat perbedaan pengaruh antara senam pilates dan yoga terhadap respon nyeri haid dengan keterangan nilai Fhitung > Ftabel atau 74,462 > 4,20 dan nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Hipotesis 2 yaitu terdapat perbedaan pengaruh antara siswa yang memiliki daya tahan tubuh tinggi dan rendah terhadap respon nyeri haid dengan keterangan Fhitung>Ftabel atau 138,462 > 4,20 dan nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Hipotesis 3 yaitu terdapat interaksi antara senam dan daya tahan tubuh terhadap respon nyeri haid dengan keterangan Fhitung > Ftabel atau 5,538 > 4,20 dan nilai signifikansi 0,032 < 0,05. Uji tukey untuk perbandingan antar variabel dan diperoleh hanya 2 yang tidak memiliki perbedaan yaitu kelompok senam pilates dan tingkat daya tahan tubuh tinggi dengan senam yoga dan tingkat daya tahan tubuh tinggi dengan keterangan qhitung (1,520) < qtabel (2,27), dan untuk senam yoga pada daya tahan tubuh tinggi dengan senam pilates pada daya tahan tubuh rendah dengan keterangan qhitung (0,760) < qtabel (2,27).This study aims to determine: (1) the difference between the influence of gymnastics pilates and yoga on the response of painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea); (2) the difference between the effect of high endurance and low immune response against painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea); (3) the interaction between exercise and endurance to the response of painful menstruation. This study used an experimental method in a 2x2 factorial design. The sampling technique sampling techniques purposive as many as 20 people from a total population of 27 students of class X. The data analysis technique used ANOVA test two lanes with SPSS 20 and significance level of 5%, followed by Tukey test. Results of data analysis obtained one answer hypothesis that there is a difference between the effects of pilates and yoga exercises against menstrual pain response with the information value of Fvalue > Ftable or 74.462 > 4.20 and a significance value 0.000 < 0.05. Hypothesis 2 that there is a difference of influence between students who have high endurance and low against menstrual pain response with the description of Fvalue > Ftable or 138.462 > 4.20 and a significance value 0.000 < 0.05. Hypothesis 3 that there is interaction between gymnastics and endurance against menstrual pain response with the description of Fvalue > Ftable or 5.538 > 4.20 and a significance value of 0.032 < 0.05. Tukey test for comparison between variable and obtained only two that do not have a difference in the gymnastics group pilates and endurance levels high with yoga exercises and endurance levels high with a description qvalue (1,520) < qtable (2.27), and for gymnastics yoga on a high endurance with pilates exercises on low immunity with information qvalue (0.760) < qtable (2.27). The conclusions of this research are: (1) there is a difference between the effects of pilates and yoga exercises on response to painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), gymnastics pilates give better effect; (2) there is a difference between the effects of endurance of high and low immune response against pain (dysmenorrhea), and students who have a high durability is better; (3) There is no interaction between gymnastics and endurance to the response of painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea). Suggested gymnastics pilates and yoga can be applied to reduce menstrual pain response, this is because of both the exercisers had a good change to the conditions of the student menstrual pain.
Co-Authors Adi Imam Sarifudin Agus Wijanarko Alan Alfiansyah Putra Karo Karo Alan Alfiansyah Putra Karo Karo Aminoto -, Aminoto Anak Agung Gede Sugianthara Anggit Wicaksono Anies Setiowati, Anies Annafi, Naufal Aqiel Apriansyah, Beni Ari Yuniastuti Asri, Novri Azis Mardanarian Bambang Budi R Bekti Utami Candra, Adiska Rani Ditya Ciptaning Wahyu W, Imam Santosa Dani Nurdiansyah Darmayanti, Meita Dewi Marfu'ah Kurniawati Dewi Marfu’ah Kurniawati Dhias Fajar Widya Permana Didi Muhtarom Dody Tri Iwandana Eko Alwiyan Ektyara Pinkkan Etika Ratna Noer FA'OT, JACOB YOHANIS Fajar Ari Widyatmoko Fatona Suraya, Fatona Gustiana Mega Anggita Hadi Hadi Hana, Annisa Nasihatul Hanna Goenawan Hardhono Susanto Harry Pramono, Harry Haryatmi, Ika Ayu Heny Setyawati Heny Setyawati Ign. Riwanto K.S, Soegiyanto Khasanah, Alfi Khoiril Anam Khoiril Anam Kustiono, Arizka Dwi Kusuma, Donny Wira Yudha Laksana, Gustopo Bayu Leo Nacion Santillana Lestariani, Wulan Agustina M. Arif Ali Mohammad Arif Ali, Mohammad Arif Mulyanaga, William Giovanni Muttaqin, Yusuf Nanang Indardi Nanang Indardi Nanang Indardi Puspita Sari, Ika Endah Ribut Wahidi Rizqi Amalia Romadhon, Arifka Ronny Lesmana Rudobertus Talan Rumini - Sahara, Rizki Said Juanidi Said Junaidi Said Junaidi Salsabila, Unik Hanifah Sangheon Park Septian Bagas Panji Kurniaziz Septian Bagas Panji Kurniaziz Setya Rahayu Sigit Pramono SITI MAHMUDAH Slamet Imron SOEGIYANTO Soegiyanto Soegiyanto, Soegiyanto Suci Amanati sugianli, Adhi Sugiarto Sugiarto Sugiarto Sugiarto Sugiarto Sulaiman Sulaiman Tandiyo Rahayu Taufiq Hidayah Taufiq Hidayah Titis Pambudi Tri Rustiadi, Tri Trinanda, Aditya Widodo, Anton Widyarto, Adi Yulisa, Dinda Kartika Zainudin Amali