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Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Published by Universitas Islam Riau
ISSN : 14113570     EISSN : 25799525     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
Focus and scope is education field. Perspektif journal is published by the Faculty of Education Islamic University of Riau (UIR), as a vehicle of scientific information, Science Education, Teaching in the form of research and literature review, opinions, technical papers, short communications, and reviews of books.
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ANALISIS VALIDITAS TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN PENUNTUN PRAKTIKUM IPA BERBASIS MODEL PEMBELAJARAN COLLABORATIVE TEAMWORK LEARNING (CTL) UNTUK SISWA SMPN SE KECAMATAN BONJOL KABUPATEN PASAMAN: (Analysis of the validity of the Development of Scientific Practicum Developers Based on Collaborative Teamwork Learning (CTL) Learning Models for Students SMPN, Bonjol Sub District, Pasaman District) Ennike Gusti Rahmi; Rini Silvina
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/perspektif.2019.vol10(2).3929


Teachers carry out practical activities not yet using practicum guides. Practical activities carried out by teachers have tended to only provide instruction. This is because the school does not yet have a practical guidebook. Difficulties are also faced by students, because students do not know what practical activities will be carried out and cause a lack of preparation of students in practicing. This study aims to produce a practical guide based on Collaborative Teamwork Learning on life organization system material for class VII students in SMP in Bonjol Subdistrict, Pasaman Regency, which is valid. The type of development research (Develpomental research), the development model in the form of a descriptive procedural model which outlines the steps that must be followed to produce the product. The data collection technique used was a validation sheet questionnaire. The validity of the Collaborative Teamwork Learning practicum test conducted by material experts and media experts from the validation results obtained a percentage value based on aspects of didactic requirements 83.33%, aspects of construct requirements 84.72%, aspects of technical requirements 82.29% and aspects of language requirements is 89.58%. The overall validity test results obtained a percentage value of 84.98% with valid criteria. based on the results of the validity test the practicum guide analysis developed was valid for use in practical activities.
PENGEMBANGAN MULTIMEDIA INTERAKTIF MATA DIKLAT MEMPERBAIKI MOTOR LISTRIK GUNA PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR: (Development of Interactive Multimedia Course On Improving the Electric Motors For Improvement of Learning Outcomes) Oriza Candra; Fivia Eliza; Syaiful Islami; Yosri Alisman
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/perspektif.2019.vol10(2).3930


The purpose of this article is to improve the learning outcomes of students using interactive multimedia in the eyes of training to improve electric motors in SMK 1 Tanjung Raya. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest one group. The subjects of this study were students of class XII TITL of SMK 1 Tanjung Raya who were enrolled in the 2013/2014 school year consisting of 29 students. Data collection in this study used a test of learning outcomes (posttest) in the form of objective questions as many as 20 items. Before the test questions were used then a test was conducted to determine the validity, reliability, level of difficulty of the questions and the different power of the questions. The data obtained were analyzed using the Gain Score. The results obtained indicate that there is an increase in student learning outcomes that can be seen from the results of the pretest and posttest values, the average value of pretest before using interactive multimedia is 64.48 and the average posttest value after using interactive multimedia is 75.07. So it was concluded that the use of interactive multimedia learning media can improve student learning outcomes in the eyes of training to improve the electric motor.
PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN TASK BASED LEARNING DALAM PEMBELAJARAN SPEAKING: (The Effect of Using Task Based Learning in Speaking Class) Muhammad Ilyas; Yulianto Yulianto
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/perspektif.2019.vol10(2).3931


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan task-based learning pada mata kuliah speaking for everyday communicationterhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa semester pertama program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris FKIP Universitas Islam Riau (UIR). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dan desain yang diguanakan adalah desain pretes-postes kelompok kontrol subjek random. Peneliti mengambil dua kelas sabagai sampel penelitian yang terdiri dari kelas eksperimen dengan jumlah 38 mahasiswa dan kelas kontrol dengan jumlah 38 mahasiswa. Penelitian ini meliputi tiga tahap; pertama yaitu pretes yang dilaksanakan diawal pertemuan sebelum belajar dengan menggunakan task based learning dalam treatment.Kedua,Treatment (perlakuan) yaitu pembelajaran pada mata kuliah speaking for everyday communicationdengan mengaplikasikan task based learning yang merujuk pada Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS) yang telah disahkan oleh program studi pendidikan bahasa Inggris FKIP UIR. Ketiga yaitu postes yang dilaksanakan setelah treatment selesai dilakukan. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil pre-test dan post-test kedua kelas, dinilai denganmenggunakan scoring rubric untuk keterampilan speaking. data-datatersebut dianalisis menggunakan T-Test dan IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan task based learning terhadap kemampuan speaking mahasiswa, hal ini dapat dilihat dari skor rata-rata pada kelas kontrol yang mengalami peningkatan sebesar 8.8% sedangkan kelas eksperimen mengalami peningkatan sebesar 32.4%. Dan diketahui nilai sig. (2-tailed) adalah 0.000 yang tidak lebih besar dari nilai probabilitas yaitu 0.05, berarti Ha diterima. Artinya terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan task based learning terhadap kemampuan speaking mahasiswa.
EVALUASI PELAKSANAAN PENILAIAN AUTENTIK KURIKULUM 2013 MATA PELAJARAN KIMIA DI SMA NEGERI 1 BENAI: (Evalution of The Implementation of Authentic Curriculum 2013 Chemistry Subjects at SMAN 1 Benai) Julia Rozanah. MY; Rosa Murwindra,; Asregi Asril
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research is an evaluation study with a quantitative descriptive approach that uses the Stake evaluation model. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the 2013 authentic curriculum assessment and to find out the obstacles experienced by the teacher in carrying out the assessment in the learning process taking place on chemistry subjects in SMAN 1 Benai 1. The subjects of this study were 3 chemistry teachers at SMAN 1 Benai 1. Data collection techniques are documentation, observation and interviews. The data analysis technique in this study uses descriptions and uses the percentage formula to determine the assessment criteria. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the implementation of the 2013 curriculum authentic assessment on chemistry subjects in SMAN 1 Benai 1 obtained the percentage of implementation evaluation of 79.8% which was categorized as well implemented. The constraints experienced by chemistry teachers in carrying out authentic assessments are in the implementation of attitude assessments, the teacher feels difficulty in carrying out the assessment at the beginning of the semester precisely at the first 2 months to 3 months because it is not memorized by the names of students.
PERAN KOMPETENSI PEDAGOGIK DAN PROFESIONAL TERHADAP KENERJA GURU EKONOMI: (The Role of Pedagogic and Professional Competency on The Performance of Economics Teachers) Supriyanto Supriyanto
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/perspektif.2019.vol10(2).3988


This study aims at determining whether pedagogic competence and professional competence influence the performance of Economics teachers. For this purpose, a population of 23 teachers and 600 students was established, from which 23 teachers and 234 students were sampled. Data collection was by questionnaire for the pedagogical competence variable, while for professional competency variables and teacher performance was by observations made by researchers when the teachers were teaching. Data was analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of the study show that pedagogic competency and professional competence simultaneously have a significant effect on the performance of Economics teachers, because the analysis indicated that Fcount > Ftable. This can be seen from the figures of the Fcount which is equal to 31.404, while Ftable for dfn-k-1 = 20 (sig = 0.05) which is 3.493. Since R = 0.871 and R2 = 0.758 at p < 0.01, the indication is that the effect of pedagogic competence and professional competence on the performance of Economics teachers is very strong, because it is able to predict 75.8%, while 24.2% is predicted by other variables outside of the scope of this research. Partially, the results of a simple correlation analysis between pedagogical competencies and performance of Economics teachers show that r = 0.815 at p < 0.01, indicating that pedagogic competence has a significant effect on the performance of Economics teachers. Likewise, professional competence and performance of Economics teachers show that r = 0.800 at p < 0.01, meaning that professional competence has a significant effect on teacher performance
IDENTIFIKASI KESULITAN MAHASISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BIOLOGI MOLEKULER BERSTRATEGI MODIFIED FREE INQUIRY: (Identification of Student Difficulties in Molecular Biology with Modified Free Inquiry Learning Strategy) Evi Suryanti; Any Fitriani; Sri Redjeki; Riandi Riandi
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/perspektif.2019.vol10(2).3990


The aim of this study was to identify the difficulties learning by students in the modified free inquiry learning strategy of Molecular Biology and the causes of these difficulties. The method used is descriptive with a questionnaire technique. Respondents are 51 Biology Education students who contracted the Molecular Biology course in Academic Year 2017/2018 at one of the education institution in Kota Pekanbaru. The stages in the modified free inquiry strategy that are carried out consist of steps: 1) orienting students to the topics discussed by giving direct questions, 2) students make questions as the formulation of the problem, 3) proposing hypotheses, 4) collecting data and information for testing hypotheses, 5) communicating findings, and 6) concluding. Topics covered were DNA isolation, agarose gel electrophoresis, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in the lectures were complemented by wet and virtual laboratory activities. Research instruments in the form of a closed questionnaire with answer choices 'yes' and 'no'. Data analyzed are presented in the form of percentage figures. The results of data analysis showed that: (1) Students who experienced difficulty in learning Molecular Biology with a modified free inquiry strategy were 45.10% and those who did not experience difficulties were 54.90%; (2) The causes of difficulties are limited time (78.26%), not finding adequate learning resource materials (39.13%), unable to understand the learning resource materials found (39.13%), unable looking for adequate learning resource materials (21.74%), and not interested in the modified free inquiry strategy (17.39%); and (3) most students agree to apply the modified free inquiry strategy to other biology courses. The implication of the research is the modified free inquiry strategy can be applied in biology learning at the university level.
PROFIL KESULITAN BERTANYA PADA PROSES PEMBELAJARAN PERKEMBANGAN HEWAN MAHASISWA PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI UNIVERSITAS ISLAM RIAU PEKANBARU: (The Profiles of Questioning Difficulty during Animal Development Study Process for Biology Education Student) Suryanti Suryanti; Sudarmi Sudarmi; Salsabyla Fadheela
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/perspektif.2019.vol10(2).3991


This study aims to determined factors of questioning difficulty during learning process on Animal Development study. The type of study was survey, using questionnaire, interview, and documentation as study’s instrument. The population subject of this study was third semester student of Biology Education with total 70 students. Analysis method was using descriptive method. As the result of the study shown that questioning difficulty was affected by internal factor 56,21% categorized as adequately and affected by external factor by 61,14% categorized as high. The percentage of students who created question was 42,86% categorized, as adequately, students who were not raise question 57.14% categorized as adequately. During study process, student who able to make questions was at the level of: level C1 (9.64%), level C2 (67,47%), level C3 (14,46%) and level C4 (1,20%) Keywords: Questioning Difficulty Profiles, Internal and External Factors, Student who raised questions, Student who did not raise question, Question Level C1, C2, C3, and C4, Animal Development Study
PERAN ORANG TUA TERHADAP PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI DALAM PANDANGAN ISLAM: (The Role of Parents on Early Children's Education in Islamic Views) Denny Erica; Haryanto Haryanto; Mari Rahmawati; Irwin Ananta Vidada
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/perspektif.2019.vol10(2).3993


From an Islamic point of view, children are a mandate given by Allah to their parents, to provide good and healthy education, involving families is a place for children to learn, communicate, communicate, and behave towards the environment associated with it, and a children will always need a lot of attention and affection from both parents. The role of parents in the development of early childhood education from an Islamic point of view must be able to provide an explanation of all the children born in a state of nature, instill monotheism and aqeedah truly to children, teach children to help prayer, teach children to read the Koran, motivate children to always pray, teach children to always be grateful, motivate children to worship at the mosque, teach children to always be naked, teach children to always maintain the cleanliness of the body, and teach children to love each other God's creatures. By involving parents in providing education that contains Islamic religious values, it is expected that these early childhood children can support the process of adaptation to the outside environment, bearing in mind that these early childhood have strong character and faith in the process of development of growth and development for child.
ANALISIS USAHA MENTAL (UM) MAHASISWA SEBAGAI GAMBARAN EXTRANOUS COGNITIVE LOAD (ECL) DALAM KEGIATAN PERKULIAHAN PENDIDIKAN BIOLOGI: (Analysis of Student’s Mental Effort as an Image of Extranous Cognitive Load in Biology Education Lecture Activities) Iffa Ichwani Putri; Sepita Ferazona
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/perspektif.2019.vol10(2).3994


This study aims to determine the level of Extranous Cognitive Load (ECL) of students through mental effort in learning activities. Mental effort can be known and analyzed from external or foreign aspects, such as learning design and learning strategies undertaken. The source of the burden obtained in the learning process is known as ECL. The effectiveness of ECL is influenced by information and learning activities that contribute to the process of constructing students' cognitive schemes in learning process received. Good learning process happen if the ECL owned by student is in low category. ECL is measured by the mental effort of students in attending lecture activities. This research is a descriptive study, which was carried out on the fourth semester students of biology education who took part in the ethics and professional education classes. ECL measurements were measured using a mental effort questionnaire during the lecture. The data acquired is analyzed on the conversion of values in the low to high categories. The results showed that in the lecturing activities the student’s mental effort average was in the low category at 32.45. A low mental effort represents a low extranous cognitive load (ECL). It can be concluded that the learning strategies carried out in the ethics and education professional lectures can suppress ECL biology education students.
MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF DAN EDUKATIF PADA PENGAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS DISEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS (PERSPEKTIF GURU PADA PENGGUNAAN MEDIA): (Interactive and Educative Learning Media in English Language Teaching at Senior High School (Teachers’ Perspectives in Using the Media) Sitti Hadijah; Marhamah Marhamah; Shalawati Shalawati
Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Perspektif Pendidikan dan Keguruan
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25299/perspektif.2019.vol10(2).4020


Penelitian ini diajukan untuk memperoleh informasi terkait dengan penggunaan media pada pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Atas, serta untuk mengetahui jenis media yang digunakan untuk mendukung terlaksananya pembelajaran yang edukatif dan interaktif pada konteks pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris berdasarkan berdasarkan perpektif guru bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dekriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan data-data yang telah dikumpulkan secara kualitatif melalui lembar kuesioner yang diberikan sekolompok guru-guru bahasa Inggris yang telah memiliki pengalaman mengajar bahasa Inggris selama 1-5 tahun di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran yang diintegrasikan dengan teknologi sudah diterapkan oleh para guru, seperti menggunakan powerpoint slides, internet, komputer/laptop, film, permainan virtual dan tradisional. Selain itu, para guru mengemukakan bahwa media yang dipresentasikan untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sangat mendukung meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris peserta didik. Namun, para guru perlu untuk menggunakan bergam media pembelajaran yang terkait dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini sehingga kegiatan pembelajaran dapat berlangsung lebih efektif dan bermakna.

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