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Sains & Matematika Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Oktober, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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Kupang putih (Potamocorbula faba) dikenal sebagai produk perikanan yang potensial, tetapi juga berbahaya karena terkontaminasi oleh Pb. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh perlakuan konsentrasi dan waktu perendaman kitosan untuk menurunkan kadar Pb dalam daging kupang putih serta untuk menentukan kombinasi perlakuan terbaik dalam menurunkan kandungan Pb dalam daging kupang putih. Kitosan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah optimalisasi kitin hasil transformasi cangkang kupang dengan derajat deasetilasi 70,21%. Sampel kupang diambil dari muara sungai Kepetingan, Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan dua faktor, yaitu konsentrasi (0%, 1,5%, 2,0%, dan 2,5%) dan waktu perendaman (30, 60, dan 90 menit). Kadar Pb dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry). Pengaruh konsentrasi dan waktu perendaman terhadap kandungan Pb dalam daging kupang putih dianalisis dengan ANOVA dua arah dan dilanjutkan dengan uji LSD untuk menentukan pengobatan kombinasi terbaik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi dan waktu perendaman berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kandungan Pb di kupang putih. Kombinasi perlakuan kitosan yang dioptimalkan pada konsentrasi 2,0% dengan waktu perendaman 60 menit memberikan pengurangan Pb yang optimal, sebesar 94,53%. White Kupang (Potamocorbula faba) is known as potential fishery products, but on the other hand It is also dangerous because It's contaminated by Pb. This research aimed to describe the treatment effect of concentration and immersion time of chitosan to decrease the content of Pb in the white kupang's flesh as well as to define the best treatment combination in decreasing the content of Pb in the white kupang's flesh. The chitosan used in this research was optimized chitin resulted from the transformation of kupang shell with the degree of deacetylation 70.21%. The samples of kupang were taken from the estuary of the river Kepetingan, Sidoarjo. This research used completely randomized design with two factors treatment items, namely concentration (0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, and 2.5%) and immersion time (30, 60, and 90 minutes). The content of Pb was analyzed by using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry) method. The influence of concentration and immersion time to the content of Pb in the white kupang?s flesh was Analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Followed by LSD test to determine the best combination treatment. The results showed that the concentration and immersion time significantly affected on the content of Pb in white kupang. The combined treatment of optimized-chitosan at concentration of 2.0% with immersion time of 60 minutes gave the optimal reduction of Pb, amounting to 94.53%.
Sains & Matematika Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Oktober, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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The arylation of 2-iodo thiophene and 3-iodo thiophen with n-butyl germanium using complex palladium as catalyst in argon atmospheric condition was carried out. Products of arylation were tris(2-thiophene)n-butil germanium (1) and tris(3-thiophene)n-butil germanium (2). Compounds (1) and (2) were characterized using GC-MS, 1H and 13C NMR. The results showed that compounds (1) and (2) were colorless oil with the yield 20% and 25%, respectively. Both (1) and (2) have m/z 380. Measurement using 1H NMR gave different peaks of proton equivalent between (1) and (2) while 6 equivalent protons in (1) and 7 equivalent protons in (2). The measurement using 13C NMR gave 8 equivalent carbons both for compound (1) and (2).
Sains & Matematika Vol 3, No 2 (2015): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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Planaria termasuk spesies dalam Filum Platyhelminthes Kelas Turbellaria. Planaria merupakan hewan triploblastik aselomata dengan bentuk tubuh simetri bilateral dengan habitat perairan tawar jernih, perairan laut dan terestrial. Planaria berkembang biak secara aseksual dengan fragmentasi dan secara seksual dengan pembentukan gamet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tahapan perkembangan organ reproduksi seksual Planaria dari perairan lereng Gunung Slamet, Baturraden, Banyumas. Planaria diperoleh dengan menangkap menggunakan umpan hati ayam segar, lokasi pengambilan sampel planaria di perairan lereng Gunung Slamet, yaitu Curug Bayan, Lokawisata Baturraden dan Telaga Sunyi Baturraden, Banyumas. Sampel difi ksasi menggunakan Bouin, dibuat sayatan histologis dan diwarnai menggunakan pewarna Hematoxylin dan Eosin untuk mendapatkan struktur mikroanatomi guna identifi kasi tahapan perkembangan organ reproduksi seksualnya. Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Planaria yang diperoleh di perairan Curug Bayan didominasi ukuran kecil dan sedang dengan perkembangan ovary tahap 2 dan testis tahap 3 dan beberapa tahap 5. Planaria yang diperoleh di perairan Lokawisata Baturraden didominasi ukuran kecil dan sedang dengan perkembangan ovary tahap 2 dan testis tahap 1, sedangkan Planaria yang diperoleh di perairan telaga Sunyi didominasi ukuran sedang dan besar dengan perkembangan ovary tahap 4 dan testis tahap 4. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tahapan perkembangan organ reproduksi seksual planaria yang paling matang adalah planaria dari perairan Telaga sunyi yang didominasi planaria berukuran sedang dan besar. Kondisi perairan yang lebih alami dengan temperatur yang lebih rendah dan serasah yang melimpah pada perairan Telaga Sunyi memungkinkan habitat yang sesuai bagi planaria untuk survive dan berkembang biak. Planarian is species of Phylum Platyhelminthes, Class Turbellaria. Planarian is acelomate triplobastic animal, with a body of bilateral simetry and lives in clear freshwater, marine, and terrestrial as its habitat. Planarian reproduces asexually with fragmentation and sexually with gamet formation. The aim of this study was to describe planarian?s sexual reproduction organ development level in mount Slamet slope?s water, Baturraden, Banyumas. Planarians were obtained by baiting with fresh chicken liver; location of sampling on Mount Slamet were Curug Bayan, Lokawisata Baturraden, and Telaga Sunyi, Baturraden, Banyumas. Samples were fi xated with Bouin and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin for histological structure to identify the sexual reproduction organ development stage. The results were analyzed descriptively. Total number of obtained planarian varied, however it wasn?t signifi cantly diferrent among sampling locations. Planarians of Curug Bayan were mostly in small to moderate size with ovary development of stage 2, testis of stage 3 and some of stage 5. Planarians of Lokawisata Baturraden were mostly in small to moderate size with ovary development of stage 2 and testis of stage 1. Planarians of Telaga Sunyi were mostly in moderate and big size with ovary development of stage 4 and testis of stage 4. It was concluded that planarian of Telaga Sunyi, with mostly moderate and big size, had the most matured sexual reproduction organs development. More natural water condition including lower temperature and abundant litter in Telaga Sunyi allows suitable habitat for planarian survival and planarian breeding.
SPATULA DAN ALLIGATOR SEBAGAI IKAN EKSOTIK YANG DIPERDAGANGKAN DI SURABAYA Shaleh, Wahyu Khoirus; Fidya, Army Ista; Nikmah, Nurul Laily; Apriliana, Dwi Ulfa
Sains & Matematika Vol 4, No 2 (2016): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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Ikan eksotik merupakan ikan yang dimasukkan ke negara lain yang bukan habitat aslinya. Salah satu jenis ikan eksotik yang marak diperdagangkan adalah ikan buaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis ikan buaya yang diperdagangkan di Surabaya dan mendeskripsikan pandangan penjual dan pembeli ikan hias terhadap perdagangan ikan eksotik. Observasi dilakukan di sembilan pasar hewan di Surabaya. Identifikasi ikan buaya didasarkan pada karakter morfologi. Data tentang pandangan penjual dan pembeli terhadap perdagangan ikan eksotik serta data sekunder tentang ikan buaya diperoleh melalui wawancara. Selanjutnya data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ikan buaya yang diperdagangkan di Surabaya adalah  spatula (Atractosteus spatula) dan alligator (Lepisosteus oculatus). Sebesar 89% penjual dan 100% pembeli mengatakan bahwa ikan buaya boleh diperjualbelikan secara bebas. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak masyarakat yang belum mengetahui tentang larangan introduksi ikan buaya. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan sosialisasi sangat diperlukan.Exotic fishes are fishes that are indroduced from non-native-habitat country. One of exotic fishes that were frequently traded are alligator fishes. This study aimed to identify the species of alligator traded in Surabaya and describe the views of sellers and buyers of ornamental fish for exotic fish trade. Observations conducted in nine animal markets in Surabaya. Alligator identification based on morphological characters. Data about the views of sellers and buyers about the trading of exotic fish were obtained through interviews. The results showed that there were two species of alligator traded in Surabaya, namely spatulla (Atractosteus spatula) and alligator (Lepisosteus oculatus). Almost all of sellers (89%) and 100% of buyers argued that alligator can be traded freely. This finding indicated that many people have not got information that exotic fishes, including alligator fishes, are not allowed to be sold. Hence, some effort on socialisation should be done.
Sains & Matematika Vol 1, No 2 (2013): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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Utilization of Kayu Bawang (Protium javanicum) plant is needed beside its utilization for building material, especially the utilization of the leaves which easily to get. The aim of this research was to describe the potency of Kayu Bawang leaves as tyrosinase inhibitor, an enzyme which responsible to synthesis melanin as natural color of the skin. The leaves of Kayu Bawang macerated with methanol. The methanol extract then partitioned with n-hexane, EtOAc, n-BuOH, and water. All fractions were concentrated and tested its ability to inhibit tyrosinase with two substrates namely L-DOPA (diphenolase reaction) and L-tyrosine (monophenolase reaction). The result showed that n-hexane fraction could inhibit diphenolase reaction with IC50 value of 114.2 ppm. EtOAc fraction could inhibit monophenolase reaction (IC50 834.0 ppm). Methanol extract, n-BuOH fraction, and water fraction could not inhibit tyrosinase activities. The conclusion is nonpolar and semi polar compounds in Kayu Bawang leaves could be utilized as whitening agent. 
KARAKTERISTIK DIELEKTRIK KOMPOSIT POLY (VINYLIDENE FLUORIDE) PVDF/SIO2 PASIR VULKANIK KELUD Mufida, Nur; Rohmawati, Lydia; Istiqomah, Istiqomah; Hefdea, Ajeng; Wulancahayani, Entang; Styarsih, Woro
Sains & Matematika Vol 6, No 1 (2017): Oktober, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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PVDF yang dipadukan dengan bahan keramik akan memberikan pengaruh terhadap nilai dielektrik dan loss dielektriknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan sifat dielektrik PVDF/SiO2 dengan variasi penambahan massa SiO2 yang proses pencampurannya menggunakan surfaktan silika Tetramethylammonium hidroksida (TMAH). SiO2 disintesis dari pasir vulkanik Kelud menggunakan metode kopresipitasi dan dipanaskan pada suhu 800?C selama 17 jam. Selanjutnya SiO2 dipadukan dengan PVDF yang ditambah TMAH dengan manipulasi komposisi SiO2 0 wt%, 1 wt%, 2 wt%, 3 wt%, 4 wt%, 5 wt%. Setelah itu dilakukan karakterisasi FTIR, SEM, dan LCR. Hasil karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan silika memiliki fase kristalin (Trydimite 58.5%, Crystobalite 14.3%, dan Quartz 27.2%) dengan ukuran partikel 8.25 nm. Hasil FTIR menunjukkan fase-? muncul pada setiap komposisi komposit PVDF/SiO2. Hasil SEM-EDX menunjukkan bahwa komposit PVDF/SiO2 telah tercampur secara homogen. Pada uji LCR nilai dielektrik PVDF pada frekuensi 50 Hz sebesar 3.96x104 F/m, SiO2 sebesar 1.5x104 F/m, komposit PVDF/SiO2 sebesar 2.28x104 F/m dan loss dielektrik sebesar 7,52 dengan komposisi SiO2 4 %wt. PVDF which combined with ceramic materials will affect the dielectric value and dielectric loss. This study aims to describe the dielectric properties of PVDF / SiO2 with additional mass variations of SiO2 whose mixing process uses Tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) silica surfactant. SiO2 was synthesized from Kelud volcanic sand using coprecipitation method and heated at 800?C for 17 hours. Furthermore, SiO2 combined with PVDF was added by TMAH with manipulation of composition SiO2 0% by weight, 1% by weight, 2% by weight, 3% by weight, 4% by weight, 4% by weight, by 5% by weight. After that, the characterization of FTIR, SEM, and LCR was carried out. The XRD characterization results showed silica has a crystalline phase (Trydimite 58.5%, Crystobalite 14.3%, and Quartz 27.2%) with a particle size of 8.25 nm. FTIR results show that ?-phases appear in every PVDF / SiO2 composite composition. The SEM-EDX results show that the PVDF / SiO2 composite has been homogeneously mixed. In the LCR test, the PVDF dielectric value at a frequency of 50 Hz is 3.96x104 F / m, SiO2 1.5x104 F / m, the composite PVDF / SiO2 is 2.28x104 F / m and 7.52 dielectric losses with a composition of 4% SiO2 weight.
Sains & Matematika Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Oktober, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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Penggunaan pupuk hayati merupakan suatu pilihan untuk dilakukan dalam upaya meningkatkan penyediaan unsur hara tanaman, terutama yang ditanam pada lahan-lahan marjinal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh penggunaan pupuk hayati kemasan untuk tanaman kacang tanah. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan enam jenis pupuk hayati yang diberikan secara tunggal ataupun kombinasi, masing-masing dengan tiga ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, hasil polong, dan jumlah polong. Analisis kimia tanah sebelum tanam meliputi pH, C-organik, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Al-dd, H-dd. Parameter biologis yang diamati adalah jumlah bintil akar dan tingkat infeksi mikoriza pada akar, dengan jumlah sampel tiga tanaman untuk masing-masing ulangan. Analisis data menggunakan analisis varians dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata terkecil (BNT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mikrob yang diintroduksikan melalui pupuk hayati kurang dapat berkembang dengan baik, yang diikuti dengan pertumbuhan tanaman yang kurang baik pula. Ketersediaan air merupakan faktor pembatas bagi perkembangan mikrob dan tanaman sehingga pertanian di lahan kering perlu disesuaikan dengan musim. Rendahnya pH tanah menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri pembentuk bintil akar. Penggunaan pupuk hayati yang tidak sesuai dengan kondisi lapang, sekalipun tanaman kacang tanah mampu membentuk polong, namun tidak mampu membentuk biji. Pupuk hayati yang direkomendasikan untuk digunakan di lahan kering masam adalah yang mengandung bakteri pelarut fosfat dan mikoriza vesikular arbuskular. The use of bio-fertilizers is an option to conduct in the effort improving the supply of plant nutrients, especially those planted on marginal lands. The aim this study was to determine the effect of the use of commercial biological fertilizers for peanut at acid dry land. This research used a randomized complete block design with six types of commercial biological fertilizers given in single use or in combination, each was applied in three replications. Parameters measured were plant height, pod yield, and the number of pods. Chemical analysis of the soil before planting include pH, C-organic, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Al-dd, H-dd. Biological parameters measured were the number of nodule and level of the mycorrhizal root infection, the number of samples were three plants for each replication. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and followed by least signifi cant difference test (LSD). Results showed that the microbes that were introduced through bio-fertilizers were less well developed, followed by the growth of plants that were less good anyway. Water availability was a limiting factor for the development of microbes and plants, hence agriculture in dry land needs to be adjusted with the seasons. The low acidity of the soil inhibited the growth of nodule-forming bacteria. The use of biological fertilizer was not correspond to field conditions, even though peanut plants are capable of forming pods, however they are not capable to form a seed. Biological fertilizer that are recommended for usage on acid dry land is contained phosphate solubilizing bacteria and vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae.
Sains & Matematika Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Oktober, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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In this study has been made composite between polyaniline as one of conductive polymers that has good conductivity by using fly ash as consequence getting a new material with a wider application. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of the addition of fly ash on the electrical properties of polyaniline/HCl/fly ash composite. The method of fabrication that we used to get synthesis of polyaniline was chemical oxidation while the composite of polyaniline/HCl/fly ash manufactured by using powder metallurgy, with a composition of 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% fly ash. The composite was tested using FTIR to find polyaniline functional groups, LCR meter (f = 50-106 Hz) to determine the electrical conductivity and dielectric constant of the composite, to find the content of fly ash was tested by using XRF, where as the morphology of the composite was tested by using SEM EDAX. Based on LCR?s results, the electrical conductivity increased and dielectric constant decreased. The maximum electrical conductivity of the composite reached on the composition 20% fly ash was 3.86 × 10-6 S/cm. The maximum dielectric constant at 20% fly ash composition reached 2.01 × 104. 
STABILITAS TERMAL DAN KRISTALINITAS KOMPOSIT POLYVINYLIDENE FLUORIDE) PVDF/SIO2 PASIR VULKANIK KELUD Sholikah, Ria Inus; Setyarsih, Woro; Istiqomah, Istiqomah; Hefdea, Ajeng; Wulancahayani, Entang; Rohmawati, Lydia
Sains & Matematika Vol 5, No 2 (2017): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) merupakan material plastik yang memiliki konstanta piroelektrik dan piezoelektrik yang relatif tinggi sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan dielektrik pada superkapasitor. PVDF dikompositkan dengan SiO2 untuk mendapatkan stabilitas termal dan kristalinitas yang mendukung sifat bahan dielektrik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik stabilitas termal dan kristalinitas dari PVDF/SiO2. Komposit PVDF/SiO2 disintesis menggunakan metode inversi fasa dengan variasi komposisi SiO2 (1 wt%, 2 wt%, 3 wt%, 4 wt% dan 5 wt%) dan bahan dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRD dan analisis termal DSC/TGA. Hasil uji XRD menunjukkan bahwa puncak intensitas PVDF semakin menurun seiring dengan meningkatnya komposisi SiO2 dalam komposit PVDF/SiO2, ini disebabkan oleh kristalinitas PVDF yang mengalami penurunan akibat penyebaran partikel SiO2 pada komposit. Hasil uji TGA menunjukkan komposit PVDF/SiO2 dengan 2 wt% SiO2 memiliki stabilitas termal paling baik. PVDF murni memiliki persen kristalinitas terbesar dibandingkan dengan komposit PVDF/SiO2 yaitu 36.3%. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is a plastic material that has relatively high pyroelectric and piezoelectric constants so that it can be used as a dielectric material in supercapacitors. PVDF is composed with SiO2 to obtain thermal stability and crystallinity that support the properties of dielectric material. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of thermal stability and crystallinity of PVDF/SiO2. Composite PVDF/SiO2 synthesized using phase inversion methods with composition variations of SiO2 (1 wt%, 2 wt%, 3 wt%, 4 wt% and 5 wt%) and material characterized using XRD and DSC/TGA thermal analysis. X-Ray Diffraction measurement showed that the peak intensity of PVDF decreases as the number of SiO2 composition in the composite PVDF/SiO2, this happens because the crystallinity of PVDF decline caused by the spread of SiO2 particles in composite disrupt crystal growth of PVDF. TGA measurement showed that composite PVDF/SiO2 - 2 wt% SiO2 had the best thermal stability of the others composite. Pure PVDF had the largest percent crystallinity compared to composites PVDF/SiO2 was 36.3%.
Sains & Matematika Vol 2, No 2 (2014): April, Sains & Matematika
Publisher : Sains & Matematika

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This article discuss Cantor set, Cantor expansion and extended of Cantor expansion. These expansions are another ways toexpress a number except decimal system and binary system. How to express a natural number with Cantor expansion and extendedof Cantor expansion are discribed too. Some examples are given and we proved that Cantor expansion is special case of extended ofCantor expansion.

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