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IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education)
ISSN : 27218805     EISSN : 27218791     DOI : 10.37567
IJGIE publishes research paper in the field of: Islamic Education, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Educational Management, Counselling Education, Special Education, and Cross-Border Education in Southeast Asia - Teaching of Islamic Education - Islamic Early Childhood Education - Islamic Primary Education - Islamic Educational Psychology - Islamic Educational Guidance and Counselling - Islamic Educational Management - Islamic Educational Philosophy and Thought - Islamic Educational Policy Analysis - International Cross-border Education - Multicultural, Intercultural and Cross-cultural Education - Sociology and Anthropology of Education - Family Education - Character and Moral Value Education - General Education
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 94 Documents
Planning Of Islamic Religious Education With A Scientific Approach In SD Negeri 1 Mentawa Muspian; Aslan; Kamil
IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Departement Of Master Of Islamic Education Graduate Programme Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Institute Of Islamic Studies Sambas, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/ijgie.v3i2.1310


The learning process of Islamic Religious Education uses a scientific approach that is carried out includes three domains, namely: attitudes (affective), knowledge (cognitive), and skills (psychomotor). Innovative and effective through the realm of attitudes, knowledge, and skills that are interconnected. The learning process of Islamic Religious Education at SDN 1 Mentawa uses a scientific approach where every activity needs a good plan if the goals are to be achieved. Educators need to make a PAI learning plan with a scientific approach; educators prepare planning tools such as porta, promissory notes, syllabus, lesson plans, learning methods, media, and evaluation.
Kyai's leadership model in Islamic educational institutions Pondok Pesantren: A literature study Iwan Kurniawan; Eneng Muslihah; Encep Syarifudin; Supardi Supardi
IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Departement Of Master Of Islamic Education Graduate Programme Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Institute Of Islamic Studies Sambas, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/ijgie.v3i2.1311


This paper analyzes Kyai's leadership model applied to Islamic boarding schools. The method used is literature study. Related primary data were obtained from reference books and secondary data from several scientific articles from international and reputable national journals. Data analysis was carried out by collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions. The analysis results can be concluded that the Kyai leadership model applied to Islamic boarding schools consists of individual and collective leadership models. Some of the findings also found that there were spiritual leadership styles and charismatic leadership applied by Kyai in Islamic boarding schools. Further discussion is discussed on the subject matter of each topic.
Strategic Management Of Diniyah Madrasah In The Development Of Characteristics Akhmad Aflaha; Ulfiah; Ujang Nurjaman; Ahmad Khori
IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Master of Islamic Studies Masters Program in the Postgraduate Institute of Islamic Studies Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/ijgie.v3i2.1313


Facing the challenges of an era full of changes in various sectors, including globalization, does not abandon the basis of the Qur'an and Sunnah. The current phenomenon is the moral crisis of school children. The demographic bonus era requires graduates who have knowledge, skills and exemplary attitudes. The focus of this research is the strategic management role of Madrasah Diniyah management in an effort to develop morals. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects were the head of Madrasah, teachers, guardians of students and the community. The object is the management of Madrasah Diniyah in fostering good morals. Data analysis used descriptive type of analysis technique. The conclusion is that the Independent Active Normative Innovative Polite Strategic Management (MANIS) model is the art of utilizing people to carry out work effectively and efficiently through realizing goals, visions and missions through planning, implementation and evaluation. The process of fostering good morals through the methods of understanding, habituation, uswatun hasanah, Targhib and Tarhib (praise and punishment). Through this Strategic Management model, significant results were obtained in increasing the practice of religious, social and cultural values. Madrasah Diniyah are very representative of conducting moral development and almost all students have good morals towards God, teachers and friends in the Madrasah environment.
The Title Should Be Concise, Informative And Clear, Allowed To Include A Subtitle Academic Supervision Management Of School Principles To Improve Professional Competence Aliyah Madrasah Teacher In Bandung Regency (Case Study On Ma Ar-Rosyidiyah And Ma Al- Nur Asyiah; Ade Tutty R Rosa; Hanafiah; Supyan Sauri
IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Master of Islamic Studies Masters Program in the Postgraduate Institute of Islamic Studies Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/ijgie.v3i2.1321


The general objective of this study is to identify and describe the academic supervision of the principal to improve the professional competence of Madrasah aliyah teachers in Bandung Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach and descriptive method. Collecting data using interviews, study documentation and observation. The results showed that the planning was prepared referring to the identification of problems faced by teachers based on the results of the previous year's supervision such as assessment, coaching, assisting teacher difficulties, and SWOT analysis, then poured into the Academic Supervision Plan (RKA) program according to the needs of the teacher; Organizing is regulated and allocated among stakeholders so that organizational goals can be achieved effectively, as well as the principal's work program plan through the RKA and RKM in the annual program. Academic supervision by the principal is carried out in three stages, namely: an initial survey before conducting academic supervision, class visits, reviews and solutions. Evaluation, including job descriptions and documentary evidence. Evaluation is carried out at the end of each semester. In improving the competence of teachers, principals also found several obstacles in the field, an effort to solve the inhibiting factors is to organize training based on the needs of the teachers. Guidance through teacher training to improve the competence of principal teachers also found several obstacles in the field, the solution effort was to organize training based on the needs of teachers.
Management of Character Education Quality Improvement in Realizing the Noble Morals of Middle School Students in Boarding Schools Kartono; Iim Wasliman; Waska Warta; Deti Rostini
IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Master of Islamic Studies Masters Program in the Postgraduate Institute of Islamic Studies Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/ijgie.v3i2.1339


The current decline in the moral quality of the nation is characterized by widespread practices of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN), conflicts (between ethnic, religious, political, youth), increased crime, decreased work ethic, and so on. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, supporting factors, inhibiting factors and solutions. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and data collection techniques through interviews, observations and documentation studies. The findings of this study: (1) the planning for improving the quality of character education in realizing the noble character of students has been structured quite well and systematically, but there are obstacles, namely human resources, (2) the organization has been running even though it has not been supported by adequate job analysis, (3) its implementation has been going well but has not paid attention to the resources owned, (4) the supervision has been carried out and according to the program but has not had a significant impact on improving the quality of character education, (5) supporting factors, the commitment of leaders, professional human resources, adequate facilities and infrastructure, derivative policies and partnerships but have not fully improved the quality of character education significantly, (6) inhibiting factors, weak management, commitment to human resources, inadequate infrastructure, policies, and partnerships, (7) solutions, with rotation of leaders and effectiveness of management, training and human resource development , support adequate facilities and infrastructure, strengthen derivative policies, and a partnership
INTEGRATED QUALITY MANAGEMENT TO CREATE A SCHOOL AS A CENTER OF EXCELLENCE AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN BANDUNG CITY (Description Study at SMP Negeri 5 and SMP Negeri 3 Bandung) Ridwan Nurpalah; Sutaryat Trisnamansyah; Hanafiah; Ida Tejawiani
IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Master of Islamic Studies Masters Program in the Postgraduate Institute of Islamic Studies Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/ijgie.v3i2.1340


Schools are providers of formal education and centers of excellence for human empowerment. Salis stated that Integrated Quality Management (MMT) is “a philosophy of continuous improvement methodology, which provides a set of practical tools for every educational institution in meeting the needs, wants, and expectations of customers, current and future”. In general, the purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the concept of developing quality schools as MMT-based centers of excellence with the development of excellent services. This study uses a qualitative approach and data sources through interviews, observations and documentation through the principal, vice principal, teachers, and students. The results of data analysis showed that the principal's leadership in implementing MMT in SMP Negeri 5 and SMP Negeri 3 Bandung was quite effective in accordance with school planning. This is marked by the principal's continuous efforts to make improvements and changes as a whole in achieving quality, so that schools are realized as a source of excellence. The general conclusion is that the principal has management capabilities that are implemented in schools as a place for comfortable, harmonious, fun and quality education, as well as being highly competitive and having effective management supported by superior human resources to produce superior human resources with target achievement. set.
IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Master of Islamic Studies Masters Program in the Postgraduate Institute of Islamic Studies Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/ijgie.v3i2.1342


This research is motivated by the moral decadence of students related to various forms of juvenile delinquency such as fights between students, rampant cases of bullying, low levels of honesty, decreased ethics in attitudes and characteristics of identity to implement the norms and values ​​of Pancasila. This research approach is a qualitative research with case study method. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the planning of strengthening character education in realizing student profiles carried out by the school has shown quality because it has been stated in the RKS, Implementation of strengthening character education in realizing student profiles has not maximized work programs, Supervision of strengthening character education for Pancasila student profiles has shown quality to make activities Intra Curricular and extracurricular as a medium to build culture in all educational activities in schools, Evaluation has shown quality because it is carried out in two stages, namely short-term evaluation and long-term evaluation, Barriers to strengthening character education in realizing the profile of Pancasila students consist of internal and external obstacles, and The solutions that have been implemented have not shown quality because they have not been able to maximize the quality standards of improvement.
Academic Supervision of The Head of Madrasah in Indonesia: A Meta-Analysis AH Sahaludin; Wawan Wahyudin; Agus Gunawan
IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Master of Islamic Studies Masters Program in the Postgraduate Institute of Islamic Studies Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/ijgie.v4i1.1593


One of the efforts to improve teacher performance can be made by applying academic supervision. This article aims to analyze the academic supervision of madrasa principals in Indonesia. A meta-analysis is used as a research method. A total of 20 nationally accredited journals were selected to be the journals analyzed. Through the search column, 51 articles related to academic supervision were found. These data are collected, categorized, displayed, and concluded. The results of the analysis found that madrasah heads need to determine the right strategy to overcome the problem of teacher professionalism through academic supervision. Academic supervision activities are a series of activities carried out by the head of the madrasah to help teachers explore and develop their competencies to manage learning activities properly.
Learning Design Subjects Of Criticism In Class IX Online and Offline MTsN 1 Sintang Yuyu Wahyudin; Sukino; Erwin Mahrus
IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Master of Islamic Studies Masters Program in the Postgraduate Institute of Islamic Studies Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/ijgie.v4i1.1709


The purpose of this study was to determine the suitability of the RPP for Akidah Akhlak class IX teachers with the principles of developing online and offline learning during the Covid 19 Pandemic based on KMA No 183 and KMA N0 184 of 2019 which were issued by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. In this study, the researcher attempted to interview a teacher of Akidah Akhlak at MTsN 1 Sintang whose name was Mrs. Suchudianti, S.Pd.I. She compiled a Learning Implementation Plan with the theme of Online and Offline Learning Tools for Akidah Akhlak Class IX for the 2021/2022 Academic Year.This type of research is field research, while the method used in this study is descriptive qualitative, namely the research produces descriptive data in the form of the suitability of the teacher's lesson plan with the principles of development based on KMA No. 183 and KMA No. 184 of 2019. The data and data sources in this study are in the form of 3 RPP Akidah Akhlak teachers from three (3) different Madrasas, namely 1) MIN 1, 2) MTsN 1 Sintang, and 3) MAN 1 Sintang. Data collection techniques in this study used techniques (1) document collection (2) interviews (3) observation. The results showed that the suitability of the teacher's lesson plan with the principles of elaborating the idea of KMA No. 183 and the syllabus was not appropriate because there were many factors that influenced it because the KMA included online student learning tools, namely using tools through the Whattsapp group, Goegle Meet, and E. Learning. Because during the Covid 19 pandemic all learning was carried out online, forcing all educational components to adapt to this very difficult situation. Parents are required to prepare tools for online learning, namely handponds so that children can learn remotely.
Islamic Religious Education Teacher Management In Developing Students' Al-Qur'an Reading Culture (Case Study Of SMA Negeri 10 and Sma Yas Bandung) Diah Agustina Rachman; Sofyan Sauri; Helmawati
IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): March
Publisher : Master of Islamic Studies Masters Program in the Postgraduate Institute of Islamic Studies Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/ijgie.v4i1.1420


One of the characteristics of religious education is the activity of reading the Qur'an, the reality in PTQ's 2013 research showed that around 65% of Indonesians have not been able to read the Qur'an, steps are needed to develop a culture of reading the Qur'an. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of PAI teachers in developing students' Al-Quran reading culture. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that (1) Planning, with meeting activities, cultural programs for reading the Qur'an inside and outside the classroom, evaluation, facilities and infrastructure, availability of PAI teachers, and making BTQ schedules. (2) Implementation, by conducting Al-Qur'an guidance, exemplary, creating a conducive environment, communicating activities, encouraging parents and teachers to learn to read the Qur'an, habituation of students at school and outside of school, and student involvement in peer guidance (3) Evaluation, consisting of reading, writing, memorizing the Qur'an, and tajwid, (4) Supporting factors are PAI teacher commitment, student commitment, parental support, student support, students learning Al-Qur'an Qur'an to his parents and ustadz. The inhibiting factors are few PAI teachers, the level of student intelligence, limited time, parents are busy working, there is no decree to guide students and there is no incentive fund.

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