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Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (Orkes)
Published by Badnur Medisa Group
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Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) is a national scientific journal that is open to all learning and sports and health studies for innovation, creativity, and renewal published by the Badnur Medisa. The purpose of this journal is to facilitate scientific publications which are the results of research conducted by students, teachers, lecturers, academics, and researchers. Journal of Sport and Health is published every April, August, and December by publishing research results in the Field of Sport Health, Sport Medicine, Sport Nutrition, Sport Therapy, Sport Physicology, Sport Massage, Sport Injury, Sport Education, Sport Tourism, Sport Recreation, Sport Industry, Sport Technology, Sport Management and Policy, Sport Science, Public Health, Health Education, Health Nutrition, Health Tourism, Health Physcology, Ocupation Health and Safety, Health Epidemiology, Environment Health, Reproduction Health, Health Information and Statistic, Health Technology, Health Management and Policy, and Health Science.
Articles 87 Documents
Implementation Of Hypertension Management Program In The Work Area Of The Ri Sidomulyo Puskesmas Pekanbaru City 2022: Implementasi Program Pengelolaan Hipertensi Diwilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ri Sidomulyo Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2022 Yuli Wulandari; Jasrida Yunita; Welly Sando; Ahmad Hanafi; Zainal Abidin
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : Badnur Medisa Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56466/orkes/Vol1.Iss2.26


Hypertension is an increase in systolic blood pressure 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure ≧90 mmHg. In addition, in primary medical practice hypertension is one of the most common diseases found. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) believes that one in three patients has hypertension. This study aims to find out how the implementation of the hypertension management program in the working area of the RI Sidomulyo Public Health Center in 2022. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive research design with in-depth interviews, observation and document tracking methods, to 5 informants consisting of the Head of the Public Health Center, the Person in Charge of the PTM Program , Head of Administration, Doctors, and Nurses. This research was carried out in Mei 2022 at the Indonesian Health Center Sidomulyo Pekanbaru City. The results of this study indicate that human resources are adequate but the coordination and cross-programme are not running well. Facilities and infrastructure are still inadequate, such as the unavailability of a technical guidebook for the discovery and management of hypertension and no instructions for implementing the hypertension program. covid-19, in addition to the puskesmas itself, the visit, judging from the achievements, the SPM is not too good, because many people are lazy to seek treatment and do not care about their health and the implementation of the PTM Posbindu in the Implementation of the Hypertension Management Program in the Work Area of the Indonesian Health Center Sidomulyo was known before the pandemic Covid-19 activities at the Posbindu implementation have been going well, but during the pandemic the activities did not run and were not optimal, apart from the lack of Posbindu.
Factors Related Nurse Work Productivity In The Inpatient Room, Pekanbaru Medical Center In 2022: Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Produktivitas Kerja Perawat Di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Pekanbaru Medical Center Tahun 2022 Nurhaliza Yuriski; Hetty Ismainar; Aldiga Rienarti Abidin; Abdurrahman Hamid; Arnawilis Arnawilis
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : Badnur Medisa Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56466/orkes/Vol1.Iss2.27


Every job demands human resources to improve the quality of their work. The importance of work productivity for nurses is an evaluation material to make continuous improvements for all hospital components, improving the quality of work results by hospitals. According to Kepmenkes No. 129 of 2008 regarding hospital minimum service standards, in the inpatient unit, patient satisfaction with an indicator of 90% while at Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital the level of patient satisfaction is 77.5%. This study aims to determine the factors related to the work productivity of nurses in the inpatient ward of Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital in 2022. This type of research is quantitative with a cross sectional design. The population is all nurses in the inpatient room totaling 65 people with a total sample of the entire population. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Data analysis was carried out univariate and bivariate with chi square test (α = 0.05). Bivariate results showed a significant relationship between motivation (P = 0.000 < = 0.05), work discipline (P = 0.000 < = 0.05), income level (P = 0.000 < = 0.05), and work environment with work productivity. So the conclusions and suggestions for the Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital are to increase the work productivity of nurses in providing health care services to the community and as an evaluation material to increase the work productivity of nurses.
Determinants Of Occupational Fatigue On Nurses In The Intensive Department Of Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital In 2022: Determinan Kelelahan Kerja Pada Perawat Bagian Rawat Inap Di Rumah Sakit Pekanbaru Medical Center Tahun 2022 Rohmatu Alfiah; Zulmeliza Rasyid; Yessi Harnani; Aldiga Rienarti Abidin; Syukaisih Syukaisih
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : Badnur Medisa Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56466/orkes/Vol1.Iss2.28


Work fatigue is a tired condition felt by someone which is also characterized by a decrease in work productivity, workers, especially nurses, are likely to be at risk of experiencing work fatigue. From the results of the initial survey it was found that nurses experienced work fatigue such as lack of adequate rest because they always had to control patients often, felt bored and bored, felt back pain, dizziness, difficulty controlling emotions, drowsiness, caused by workload, working period, and also work attitude. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors causing work fatigue in inpatient nurses at Pekanbaru Medical Hospital. This type of quantitative research with a cross sectional study design was carried out at Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital in March-May 2022. The sample in this study were all inpatient nurses, as many as 60 respondents. The sampling technique used is the total sampling technique. The analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed that P-Value < so that the factors related to work fatigue were workload (P = 0.006, OR = 6,500), years of service (P = 0.018, OR = 4,297) and work attitude (P = 0.020, OR = 4,030). From the results of the study, there are conclusions and suggestions, that there is a relationship between workload, work period and work attitude with work fatigue in inpatient nurses at Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital in 2022. It is expected that nursing staff, especially those who work at Pekanbaru Medical Center Hospital to find out more about the signs and symptoms as well as the focus that affects the occurrence of work fatigue, so that later productivity and performance will be even better.
Level of Physical Freshness Extracurricular Volleyball SMAN 1 Bangko: Tingkat Kesegaran Jasmani Ekstrakurikuler Bola Voli SMAN 1 Bangko Suci Muhammad Ridho; Mimi Yulianti
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : Badnur Medisa Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56466/orkes/Vol1.Iss2.29


The purpose of this study was to determine the level of physical fitness in volleyball extracurricular at SMAN 1 Bangko. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with a population of students extracurricular volleyball SMAN 1 Bangko totaling 12 people. The sampling technique used was total sampling, so that this study amounted to 12 people. The instrument used in this study was the Indonesian Physical Fitness Level (TKJI) 16-19 years old test, namely running 60 meters, lifting elbows bent, lying down for 60 seconds, jumping straight, running 1200 meters. The data analysis technique used is the conversion of physical fitness test scores. Based on the results of data processing, it can be concluded that the level of physical fitness of volleyball extracurricular at SMAN 1 Bangko is classified as Less Once with an average of 8.
Waste management at Waste Bank Mutiara (The Gade Clean & Gold) Tuah Madani District: Pengelolaan Sampah pada Bank Sampah Mutiara (The Gade Clean & Gold) Kecamatan Tuah Madani Juwita Oktavia; Benny Yulianto; Denai Wahyuni; Syukaisih Syukaisih; Novita Lusiana
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : Badnur Medisa Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56466/orkes/Vol1.Iss2.30


Mutiara Waste Bank (The Gade Clean & Gold) is a Unit Waste Bank in Pekanbaru which does not have waste management data in National Waste Management Information System since 2019. Several problems related to waste management in this Waste Bank were found, namely : re-sorting Waste Bank managers from waste that has been sorted by customers, piles of garbage that fill garbage storage area and irregular waste transportation. The purpose of this research was to find out in-depth information about waste management at Waste Bank Mutiara. Data were collected using interview guidelines and observation sheets, then analyzed using triangulation techniques. The research subjects were 5 people, 1 key informant, 1 main informant and 3 supporting informants. The results showed that waste management at Mutiara Waste Bank was not optimal. There were facilities and infrastructure have not been fulfilled, such as uninsulated waste storage areas and unavailability of containers equipped wish label/signs. The transportation at Mutiara Waste Bank is carried out if several types of waste have reached one car or at least half a car, causing the accumulation waste in the waste storage area. Recommended to the manager of the Mutiara Waste Bank to complete the facilities and infrastructure, as well as to socialize and implement a reward system to increase public interest in waste collection which can affect the increase of frequency of transportation.
Class VIII Students' Interest in Taking Physical Education Learning at SMP Negeri 10 Tualang: Minat Siswa Kelas Viii Dalam Mengikuti Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Di Smp Negeri 10 Tualang Kristin Pardede; Merlina Sari
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : Badnur Medisa Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56466/orkes/Vol1.Iss2.31


The role of education is very influential in the formation of a person's body, mind, and morals from birth until dies, where education can be useful in the future. Physical education aims to develop knowledge, skills and exercise, improve physical health, physical fitness of children, and moral actions of children through physical education lessons. Physical education is one of the media to shape the achievement of overall educational goals. The purpose of this study was to determine the interest of class VIII students in participating in physical education learning at SMPN 10 Tualang. This type of research is quantitative. The population of this research is class VIII students at SMPN 10 Tualang, totaling 120 students. The sample technique is Proposional Stratified Random Sampling, with the number of samples with a sample of 75 students. Questionnaire indicators of interest in learning Physical education are: 1) Interest, 2) Attention, 3) activity, 4) family, 5) School, 6) Environment. This instrument has been validated and tested by producing 27 statements. The results of this study are the interest of class VIII students in participating in physical education learning at SMPN 10 TUALANG with indicators of interest 73.2%, attention 64.2%, activity 71,9%, family 67.9%, school 70.5%, and Environment 71.8% with an average of 70% in the preety category.
Factors Related To Eye Fatigue In Computer Users In The Regional Office Of The Ministry Of Religious Affairs Riau Province: Faktor – Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kelelahan Mata Pada Pengguna Komputer Di Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Riau Septiani Sustri; Firman Edigan; Raviola Raviola
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : Badnur Medisa Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56466/orkes/Vol1.Iss2.32


Eye fatigue is a strain in the eyes caused by a long-term disturbance of the sense of vision which is usually accompanied by an uncomfortable viewing condition. Based on interviews with 8 employees who work using computers daily, they generally work > 2 hours per day in front of the computer, experiencing headaches, pain in the eye muscles and blurry eyes. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between employee characteristics and work devices with eye fatigue in computer users. This study is a quantitative analytical study using a cross-sectional study design, with respondents of employees using computers at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Riau Province. The total sample in the study was 71 employees. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. The measuring instruments used are questionnaires, and measurements. The analysis used is univariate and bivariate with Chi-square statistical test. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between refractive abnormalities (Pvalue=0.011, OR value=7.636), computer use duration (Pvalue=0.041, OR value=8.769), eye visibility on the monitor screen (Pvalue=0.007, OR value=16.792) with eye fatigue. The results showed no significant relationship between length of service (Pvalue= 0.231, OR value=3.426) and eye fatigue. So there is a significant association between refractive abnormalities, the duration of computer use and the visibility of the eyes on the monitor screen against eye fatigue.
Implementation of Medical Record File Processing at the Petala Bumi Regional General Hospital, Riau Province in 2022: Implementasi Pengolahan Berkas Rekam Medis di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Petala Bumi Provinsi Riau Tahun 2022 Rahmi Oetari; Welly Sando; Yesica Devis
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : Badnur Medisa Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56466/orkes/Vol1.Iss2.33


The processing of medical record files has an important role to support the achievement of administrative order in efforts to improve health services in hospitals. This study aims to see how the process of processing medical record files at the Petala Bumi Regional General Hospital, Riau Province 2022. The research method used is qualitative analytics. The informant consisted of 6 people, namely the Head of the Medical Support Services Section, the Head of Medical Record Installation and 4 medical record officers. How to collect data with in-depth interviews and observations at the Petala Bumi Regional General Hospital, Riau Province. Research shows that Human Resources in Medical Record Installations are still lacking and medical record file processing training has not been carried out thoroughly to officers. Facilities and infrastructure to support the work of officers are inadequate. In the assembling section, there are still incomplete documents. Coding officer had difficulty in reading the doctor's writing and the diagnosis was not found in the ICD-10 book The process of indexing medical records has not been carried out in full. In the reporting of the hospital SIMRS is still in the process of being refined. The analysis section has not been intense in the communication of the medics with the medical records officers. The filling part of the medical record file storage system lacks storage racks and narrow storage space. It is necessary to add medical records officers and infrastructure in the Medical Record Intalation. The process of processing medical record files needs accuracy and clarity in terms of completeness and diagnosis. In the filling section, it is necessary to add a medical record file storage rack and expand the storage space so that the medical record file processing process can run effectively and efficiently.
Analysis Of Hazardous And Toxic (B3) Solid Waste Management At The Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Duri District Mandau: Analisis Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Bahan Berbahaya Dan Beracun (B3) Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Duri Kecamatan Mandau Tahun 2022 Prasika Nilasari; Raviola Raviola; Nurvi Susanti; Emy Leonita; M. Kamali Zaman
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : Badnur Medisa Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56466/orkes/Vol1.Iss2.34


Hazardous and Toxic Materials hereinafter abbreviated as B3 are substances, energy, and/or other components which due to their nature, concentration and/or amount, either directly or indirectly, can pollute and/or damage the environment, and/or endanger the environment. health, and the survival of humans and other living things. The Mandau District General Hospital (RSUD) has a bed capacity of 172 beds with a total of 439.991 visits in 2021. With the high number of inpatient beds, it shows the amount of waste generated every day. Waste income at the Mandau District Hospital in 2021 for medical waste amounted to 21,298.5 kg and medical waste for syringes amounted to 7,693.3 kg. It was also found in B3 solid waste management that was not in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry No. 56 of 2015. This research method used a qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that there are policies and SOPs even though their implementation is not appropriate, human resources are sufficient according to the background of S1 Environmental Health, the use of PPE is still incomplete, there is a reduction process that has been carried out such as recycling jerry cans as a substitute for syringe safe boxes that are not used. has a clear symbol or code, the segregation of waste is not appropriate because the plastic used is only in the form of 2 types, namely infectious and non-infectious, temporary storage is carried out in cold storage where there is an infectious and non-infectious plastic wrapping in the waste which is made into a single bond.
The Relationship Of Characteristics And Work Attitude With Low Back Pain Complaints On Nurse Of Regional Public Hospital Petala Bumi Riau Province 2022: Hubungan Karakteristik Dan Sikap Kerja Dengan Keluhan Low Back Pain Pada Perawat Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Petala Bumi Provinsi Riau Tahun 2022 Muhammad Ade Setiawan; Herniwanti Herniwanti; Mitra Mitra; Riri Maharani; Ikhtiyaruddin Ikhtiyaruddin
Jurnal Olahraga dan Kesehatan (ORKES) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Agustus 2022
Publisher : Badnur Medisa Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56466/orkes/Vol1.Iss2.35


Low Back Pain is one of the occupational diseases that often occurs and can hit all people of the same sex age and work, medical facilities especially hospi-tals are defined as the environment in which ergonomics-related activities take place including lifting push pulling and carrying objects and handling patients. This study aims to determine the The Relationship Of Characteristics And Work Attitude With Low Back Pain Complaints On Nurse Of Regional Public Hospital Petala Bumi Riau Province 2022. The research method used is quantitative research with a Cross Sectional research design. The number of samples in this study consist-ed of 59 nurses in the inpatient installation room, ICU and IGD. Sampling using the Total Sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires, Data analysis uni-variately and bivariately with chi-square test with a confidence level of 95%. The results of the Univariate analysis were 27 (45.8%) respondents who experienced Low Back Pain and there were 32 (54.2%) respondents who did not experience Low Back Pain. The results of the study obtained there were 4 variables related to age with value (P-value = 0.033) with POR = 3.750, gender with value (P-value = 0.034) with POR = 4.472, length of work with (p Value = 0.032) with POR = 3.717, and work attitude with value (P-value = 0.030) with POR = 6.548 and 1 unrelated variable, namely the length of work with the value (P-value = 1,000) with POR = 0.821 with complaints of Low Back Pain. It is recommended to the Petala Bumi Regional Public Hospital, Riau Province, to provide occupational safety and health counseling related to work ergonomics to nurses and direct them to stretch every 5-10 minutes.