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Peran Media Sosial Dalam Upaya Promosi Kesehatan: Tinjauan Literatur Emy Leonita; Nizwardi Jalinus
invotek Vol 18 No 2 (2018): INVOTEK: Jurnal Inovasi, Vokasional, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (716.292 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/invotek.v18i2.261


Kebutuhan informasi kesehatan yang akurat dan terkini semakin dibutuhkan seiring perkembangan teknologi informasi. Media sosial telah menunjukkan perannya dalam upaya promosi kesehatan di dunia. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab 1) urgensi pemanfaatan media sosial dalam bidang promosi kesehatan 2) Jenis media sosial yang digunakan dan kelemahannya 3) peran profesional bidang kesehatan melakukan promosi kesehatan berbasis media sosial. Penelurusan jurnal internasional dengan mesin pencarian 1) google scholar 2) since dirrect 3) sage publication 4) elsevier publication. Dari menelusuri 100 jurnal publikasi internasional, 85 jurnal yang relevan dengan topik yang dikelompokan menjadi 35 jurnal pemanfaatan media sosial, 33 jurnal karakteristik media sosial yang digunakan serta kelemahannya dan 17 jurnal peran profesional kesehatan dalam melakukan promosi kesehatan berbasis media sosial. Hasil Penelusuran mengungkapkan media sosial berkontibusi positif terhadap upaya promosi kesehatan, namun beberapa kelemahan antara lain: kurangnya penjangkauan terhadap audien pasif, informasi palsu dan tidak akurat, kurangnya interaksi dengan audien, keterbatasan kemampuan profesional kesehatan memanfaatkan media sosial sehingga tidak menjamin keberlanjutan program. Profesional bidang kesehatan perlu merancang model promosi kesehatan berbasis media sosial dengan mengintegrasikan media sosial dengan strategi promosi kesehatan serta strategi komunikasi kesehatan.
ANALISIS POLA ASUH GIZI PADA BALITA GIZI KURANG Muhammad Rahmad; Tri Krianto Karjoso; Emy Leonita; Novita Rany; Irwan Muryanto
Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masyarakat (Bahana of Journal Public Health) Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masyarakat (Bahana of Journal Public Health)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35910/jbkm.v5i1.336


Background: Nutritional parenting is part of the parenting style which includes household practices which are realized by the availability of food as well as health care and other sources for the child's survival, growth and development. One of the causes of malnutrition is the pattern of mother's care for toddlers, especially in terms of family nutritional intake, from food preparation, selection of food ingredients, to food menus. The purpose of this study was to obtain in-depth information about how nutrition parenting for malnourished toddlers in the working area of Sungai Parit Public Health Center, Indragiri Hulu Regency. Method: This is a qualitative analytic study with a phenomenal design. The data were collected by conducting in-depth interviews, observation and document review. The number of informants in this study amounted to 13 people, divided into 4 main informants (main caregiver / mother), and 9 supporting informants (4 families, 4 people in charge of the nutrition program, 1 cadre). Result: The mothers' lack of knowledge about nutritional care, the practice of giving complementary breastfeeding and dietary arrangements for children is still low, the implementation of health services utilization and poor sanitation implementation is still not good. Conclusion : The implementation of nutrition parenting in the ditch river community health center is not good, this is due to the low knowledge of mothers about nutrition parenting, the low level of exclusive breastfeeding for toddlers, the inaccurate practice of giving complementary breastfeeding to children, less varied dietary arrangements, application of utilization of health services that are not yet good and the implementation of environmental sanitation is still poor.
Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Computer Vision Syndrome pada Karyawan Bank Nopriadi Nopriadi; Yuharika Pratiwi; Emy Leonita; Erna Tresnanengsih
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 15 No. 2: JUNI 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.568 KB) | DOI: 10.30597/mkmi.v15i2.5753


Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a collection of compound eye symp-toms due to using a computer.According to the initial survey, more than three quarter officers of Bank RK in Pekanbaru who daily work usingcomputers experience CVS. This study aimed to determine factors associated with CVS. This type of study wasquantitative observational with cross-sectional design with amount of sample 117 respondents. Data analysisused was univariate, chi-square used for bivariate analysis and multiple logistic regression used for multivariateanalysis. Based on the chi-square analysis the results showed that Bank RK officers who experienced CVS complaintswere in the forms of tired and tense eyes at 54,3%, neck pain at 28,7%, shoulder pain at 27, 7%, headacheat 25,5%, blurred vision at 20,2%, seeing twins at 17%, watery eyes and difficulty to focus at 14,9%, back pain at11,7%, sore eyes, irritation pain at 5,3%. Variables related to CVS were vision distance (p=0.016), monitor position(p=0.011), lighting (p=0.001), working period (p=0.002), the length of work (p=0.000). Variables not relatedto CVS was age (p=0.561). Variable of the length of work with computers ≥4 hours a day was 9 times riskier ofcausing CVS in Bank RK officers. This study indicates that the most dominant factor influential to CVS is the lengthof work, while other factors that act as confounding that affect CVS are monitor position, the lighting of the workstation, the period of working with computer.
A optimizing the role of community leaders in the prevention and control of diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic Emy Leonita; Nopriadi Nopriadi
Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Komunitas Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/jpkk.Vol1.Iss3.1065


Indonesia is ranked 6th in the world for the number of people with diabetes. The current condition of the Covid-19 pandemic is barriers to the management of diabetes in all cities in Indonesia, as well as in Pekanbaru City, so that people are limited in getting health services. One of the efforts needed for diabetes management is health education. Health education targeting community leaders aims to increase the knowledge of community leaders about the management and prevention of diabetes complications so that they become role models in positive behavior change. Health education was carried out in Pekanbaru City to 30 community leaders. The methods used in education are online and offline lectures, discussions and health checks for participants. The result of the activity was an increase in the knowledge of community leaders in implementing diabetes prevention and control efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, community leaders were able to mobilize community members in preventing the incidence and complications of diabetes. The development and trainning for role of the community leaders in diabetes management in a planned manner needs to be carried out continuously to support the success of the program. ABSTRAK Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-6 di dunia untuk jumlah penderita diabetes. Kondisi pandemic Covid-19 saat ini menghambat penatalaksanaan penyakit diabetes di seluruh kota di Indonesia, demikian pula di Kota Pekanbaru, sehingga masyarakat terbatas mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan. Salah satu upaya yang diperlukan untuk penatalaksanaan diabetes adalah edukasi kesehatan. Edukasi kesehatan dengan sasaran tokoh masyarakat bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tokoh masyarakat tentang penatalaksanaan dan pencegahan komplikasi diabetes sehingga menjadi role model dalam perubahan perilaku positif. Edukasi kesehatan dilaksanakan di Kota Pekanbaru kepada 30 orang tokoh masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam edukasi adalah metode ceramah secara online dan offline, diskusi dan pemeriksaan kesehatan bagi peserta. Hasil kegiatan adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan tokoh masyarakat dalam menerapkan upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian diabetes pada masa pandemi Covid-19, sehingga tokoh masyarakat mampu menggerakkan anggota masyarakat dalam mencegah kejadian maupun komplikasi diabetes. Pengembangan dan pembinaan peran tokoh masyarakat dalam pengelolaan diabetes secara terencana, terus menerus perlu dilaksanakan untuk menunjang keberhasilan program. 
Persepsi Ibu Terhadap Obesitas pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Emy Leonita; Nopriadi Nopriadi
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 1 No 1 (2010): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.729 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol1.Iss1.9


Obesitas merupakan dilema kesehatan yang berisiko penyakit. Beberapa faktor penyebab obesitas pada anak selain genetik, pola makan berlebihan dan pola aktivitas yang kurang. Hal tersebut diduga adanya kesalahan persepsi orangtua terutama ibu terhadap obesitas sehingga berdampak pada pengaturan pola makan dan pola aktivitas anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk Menggali persepsi ibu terhadap anak obesitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam kepada ibu, wali kelas, guru UKS dan petugas dinas kesehatan. Observasi lingkungan sekolah dan rumah, food record dan activity record dilakukan terhadap anak. Untuk keabsahan data dilakukan triangulasi metode dan sumber. Beberapa kesalahan persepsi pada ibu yang mengakibatkan kesalahan dalam mengatur pola makan dan aktivitas pada anak obesitas antara lain adalah ibu beranggapan wajar saja balita gemuk, bila dewasa/remaja akan kurus dengan sendirinya. Ibu beranggapan makanan lokal seperti bakso, sate, siomay dan aneka mie bukan termasuk fast food. Ibu selalu mendorong anak untuk tambah porsi makan dan cenderung menuruti pola makan berlebihan karena faktor ketidaktegaan. Ibu tidak memaksakan anak untuk beraktivitas dan olahraga karena menganggap anak sudah lelah dengan jadwal yang padat di sekolah. Berenang menurut ibu bukan pilihan olahraga yang tepat pada anak obesitas, karena setelah berenang memicu rasa lapar pada anak. Diperlukan suatu strategi pendekatan promosi terhadap orangtua dan anak dalam penanggulangan obesitas
Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Padat Puskesmas Se-Kota Pekanbaru Emy Leonita; Benny yulianto
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 2 No 4 (2014): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.467 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol2.Iss4.65


The amount of medical waste comes from health facilities are expected more increasing. Based on Indonesia Health Profile 2008, amount of health centers reached 8,548 units. Management of medical waste from hospitals, health centers, clinics and medical laboratories in Indonesia is still under professional standards. In Pekanbaru city does not have accurate data on medical waste management in health centers, and therefore it necessary related research to see the extent of medical waste management health centers. This study aims to determine the medical waste management in health centers as the city of Pekanbaru. Type of research is descriptive qualitative, study was conducted in 20 health centers in Pekanbaru. The number of informants in this study were 21 people consisting of 20 holders of environmental health programs each health center and 1 holder of the environmental sanitation program at the City Health Office. Instrument research using in-depth interviews and observation sheets. Results reveal that a health center of Pekanbaru city has done a medical waste management ranging from segregation, collection, storage, transportation, yet at the stage of annihilation still less than the maximum. Constraints faced was funding the operation and maintenance personnel as well as there is no incinerator machine is not functioning properly
Penggunaan Obat Tradisional oleh Penderita Diabetes Mellitus dan Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Rejosari Pekanbaru Tahun 2015 Emy Leonita; Ariska Muliani
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 3 No 1 (2015): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.746 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol3.Iss1.101


Diabetes mellitus is a disease that can result in death, the current Government of Indonesia urged the public to consume the drug made from traditional because given the low side effects one of which treatment of DM. Based on a recapitulation of recording data related to disease dm known the number of patients dm most highest in public health center rejosari that is as much as the 228. The purpose of whether there is a traditional use of drugs by patients with diabetes mellitus and factors in the work that is associated puskesmas rejosari pekanbaru 2015. Type of this research is quantitative analytic observational by using Cross-sectional design. Research conducted in April to June 2015 in the region of clinics Rejosari Pekanbaru. The entire population is type II DM patients who live in the area of public health, the number of samples as much as Rejosari 150 people, sampling by taking note of the sufferer starts from the time closest to you, with the use of computerized data processing and analysis done in a univariate and bivariat with chi square statistical tests.The research results obtained as many as 78 people ( 52.0 % ) have used traditional and medical cures. Variable are associated with the use of medical drugs and is the education and traditional (CI=1,3-5,1), self motivation (CI=1,6-6,7), income P value = (CI=1,4-5,4), and cultural P value=0.016 , (CI=1,2-4,5).Is expected to puskesmas rejosari pekanbaru to hold the program BATRA , provided information about the type of traditional medicines appropriate for the treatment of DM, give testimony infirmasi by using people who use traditional medicine and medical.
Penyelenggaraan Pos Pembinaan Terpadu Penyakit Tidak Menular Di Wilayah Puskesmas Sungai Piring Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Nurlian Nurlian; Zulfan Saam; Agus Alamsyah; Novita Rany; Emy Leonita
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 6 No 3 (2020): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol6.Iss3.593


The increasing prevalence of non-communicable disease is a serious threat to development, because it threatens national economic growth. Public Health Center of Sungai Piring area is one of the largest Non-Communicable Disease of  Integrated Guidance Post (Posbindu PTM) distributions out of 28 Public Healh Centers in Indragiri Hilir regency, however, health screening at Non-Communicable Disease of Integrated Guidance Post (Posbindu PTM) was only 31.1% of the program target in 2019. Through it, early detection of Non-Communicable risk factors could be detected so that the incidence of it in the community could be pressed. The purpose of knowing the trends of input, process and output in implementation of Non-Communicable Disease of Integrated Guidance Post (Posbindu PTM) at Public Health Center of Sungai Piring Area, Indragiri Hilir Regency in 2019. This type of research was qualitative research that used purposive sampling technique. Research informants were the head of Public Health Center, Headman, the village head, the person in charge of the program, officers, cadres and users of Integrated Guidance Post. The Collecting data was interview, observation and documents related with a triangulation analysis of data sources and methods. The result of the research was in terms of input, the role of officers had been optimal, but the roles of cadres and policy makers had not been optimal, limited funding of Health Operational Assistance (BOK) funds and the infrastructure Public Health Center was not optimal. From the process of planning and coaching Non-Communicable Disease of Integrated Guidance Post (Posbindu PTM) had not been optimal, the types of activities were not in accordance with the Integrated Guidance Post concept, follow up the monitoring of risk factors had been carried out by Integrated Guidance Post officers and the basic Integrated Guidance Post criteria phasing. The output of evaluation in implementation of Integrated Guidance Post of Non-Communicable Disease at Public Health Center of Sungai Piring Area in 2019 was seen from the input and process there still obstacles. It should be necessary to increase socialization and support from related sectors to increase the utilization of Non- Communicable Disease of Integrated Guidance Post (Posbindu PTM).  
Analisis Perilaku Pasien Drop Out Pelayanan Fisioterapi Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Triyana Triyana; Tri Krianto Karjoso; Agus Alamsyah; Novita Rany; Emy Leonita
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Journal of Community Health
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The number of drop-out patients of Physiotherapy services at the Arifin Achmad Regional General Hospital in 2019 was 10 percent, while the target is below 5 percent of the 5,079 patients. To achieve the optimal result of physiotherapy, the patient must visit according to schedule. This research aim is to obtain in-depth information about the behavior of drop-out patients of Physiotherapy services at Arifin Achmad regional public hospital. This was a descriptive qualitative study about patients' behavior with a phenomenological design. Research data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews and observations. The number of main informants was 5 people and the supporting informants were 5 people and validated by triangulation. The results showed that the patient’s knowledge about Physiotherapy services was good, the patient’s perception of physiotherapy was good, patient motivation to physiotherapy was good, and the attitude of patients who do not follow a predetermined schedule. The phenomenon that occurs as the patient’s attitudes such as calling a physiotherapist to their home, buying equipment, do-self therapy at home, and move to another hospital nearby that has physiotherapy practice until evening. Advocacy to management was needed setting one man one patient and 2 shift service hours setting, advocacy enabling factors to add Physiotherapy tools, partnerships with first-rate health facilities to improve referral systems. 
Perilaku Petugas Farmasi Tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimal di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Awalbros Ujung Batu Toni Winata; Oktavia Dewi; Emy Leonita; Abdurrahman Hamid; Novita Rany
Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Komunitas
Publisher : STIKes Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25311/keskom.Vol7.Iss1.631


Pharmaceutical service is a direct and responsible service to patients related to pharmaceutical preparations to achieve definite results to improve the quality of life of patients as stated in Permenkes RI number 35 of 2014 article 1 paragraph 3. This research aims to determine the behavior of pharmacy officers regarding SPM (Minimum Service Standards) at the Awalbros Hospital Pharmacy Installation in Ujung Batu. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. This research was conducted at the Walbros Ujung Batu hospital installation in July 2020. There were six respondents. The results of the study show that the waiting time for finished drug services is following the provisions of hospital management, which is less than 8 minutes or faster than the service time in the provisions of the hospital and the Ministry of Health, the time for presenting the concocted drugs has not been running with the expected target of fewer than 20 minutes. Because of the numbers of drugs formulated and the limited number of workers working on it. There are no errors in administering the drug, this has been going according to the hospital's standard operating procedures, customer satisfaction has not run perfectly such as waiting time for concocted drugs that are not yet on time, prescription writing according to the formulary has been implemented properly and the formulary guideline document is continuously revised, and the implementation of minimum service standards consistently applied during the Covid-19 pandemic.