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Communautaire: Journal of Community Service
Published by Al-Qalam Institute
ISSN : 29639158     EISSN : 29639166     DOI : -
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service is published by Al-Qalam Institute, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia. This journal publishes research and community service results carried out by practitioners, teachers, lecturers, and researchers. The focus and scope of this journal include research results and services to the community in all aspects, including education, economy, society, culture, language, health, technology, law, tourism, etc.
Articles 10 Documents
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Community Empowerment of Pondok Kelor Village Through Shallot Processing Innovation Muhammad Musfhi El Iq Bali; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Nadifatul Mukarromah Nadifatul Mukarromah; Indah Zahrotul Awliya; St. Nur Halisah; Miladiana Miladiana; Agustina Dewi
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Al-Qalam Institute

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Shallots farming in Pondok Kelor Village, Paiton District,Probolinggo Regency is a potential that has opportunities forfarmers in the future, many farmers in the village plantshallots as a superior crop that gives high expectations fromtheir agricultural business. Based on these assets andpotential, it is necessary to have an innovation from theprocessing of shallot agricultural products to increase theincome of the shallot harvest. The form of service that will becarried out is community empowerment in makingprocessed red onions into ready-to-eat food products,namely Brambang Chips. Brambang chips are processedproducts that are made, namely a chip product made fromshallots. With the development of this processed product,shallot farmers can find out the potential and manage theirassets optimally so that they are able to support theachievement of the economic welfare of the community inthe environment.
Agricultural Education and Practices for Making Organic Fertilizer in Sempu Hamlet, Cowek Village, Purwodadi District, Pasuruan Regency Novia Nur Rohma; M. Syaikhudin Syaikhudin
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Al-Qalam Institute

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Organic fertilizers are fertilizers derived from dead plants,animal dung, other organic wastes that have gone through anengineering process, in solid or liquid form, can be enrichedwith minerals and microbes that are useful for increasing thenutrient content and soil organic matter and improvingphysical properties. soil chemistry and biology. The majorityof the people of Cowek Village, especially Sempu Hamlet,make a living as farmers. They rely on paddy fields and dryfields which are mostly planted with corn. Farmers still useinorganic fertilizers (chemical) in large doses without beingbalanced with organic fertilizers. The purpose of this activityis to increase the community's sense of responsibility toprotect the environment and also provide understanding tothe community about how to make organic fertilizer fromanimal waste. The method of service is to carry outsocialization and agricultural education as well as thepractice of making organic fertilizers. The PAR 2022 RealWork Lecture activity has been successfully carried out withthe output of raising public awareness about the importanceof maintaining environmental cleanliness and the use ofanimal waste into organic fertilizer.
Virtual Reality-Based Learning Media Design Training Tri Astari
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Al-Qalam Institute

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This activity aims to facilitate the design of learning mediabased on Virtual Reality (VR) for educators to be able topresent innovative learning in the classroom. The methodused in this mentoring activity consists of four stages: AssetBased Community Development called "ABCD". Thementoring training went smoothly even though only 44participants out of 184 registered. After the participantsparticipated in the mentoring activities, they could concludethat they already had the knowledge and understanding ofthe suitability of devices that could be used in VR. Inaddition, participants succeeded in making VR scenesaccording to the subjects taught in class and tried toimplement them for students. Thus, the learning processcarried out by participants can continue to experiencenovelty and innovation
Pelatihan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka pada Guru di Lembaga Paud Se-Kecamatan Madiun Rosyida Nurul Anwar
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Al-Qalam Institute

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The curriculum is essential in fulfilling an education'sdirection and goals. The curriculum is a school system toobtain the expected results in situations inside and outsidethe school. The Independent Curriculum is an additionaloption for learning recovery during 2022-2024. In efforts torun the Independent Curriculum to the fullest, the teacheroccupies an essential and central role in making thecurriculum run well. This community service activity aims toprovide an understanding of the readiness of teachers toimplement the Independent Curriculum in their educationunits. The method is through lectures and discussionsbetween participants in the Education unit. A questionnaireusing a Likert scale is a method of evaluating this activity. 42members of the IGTKI Madiun District attended thiscommunity service activity. The result of this service is thatthere is an understanding of participants in implementingthe independent curriculum, and participants feel thebenefits of this training activity.
Optimization of Mrs. Salimah's Terasi Udang Products Rosyidi Rosyidi
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Al-Qalam Institute

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Assistance to a micro business unit needs to be carried out,for improving the quality and quantity of the product, thedevelopment and progress will determine the economy ofthe local community, because the development of aproduction has led to good economic community. Thedevelopment of a product can certainly be realized throughvarious systematic and directed steps from themanufacturing process. The community service that has beencarried out in Nepa, Sampang Regency is an assistance to theproduction of Terasi Udang Bu Salimah. The assistance iscarried out in 4 aspects; production quality, productionquantity, management and marketing. This assistance hasmeasurable results, the development of the terasi packaging,becoming more attractive, and can reach a wider market,with good management. Based on good management canincrease the quantity of production. In this communityservice, using the ABCD method, because the asset orpotential existed in the community, the subject of this serviceprovides assistance, where with this assistance, thecommunity moves themselves in a direction towards theireconomic progress.
Penerapan Metode Ummi Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Bacaan Al Qur’an Cici’ Insiyah
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Al-Qalam Institute

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Reading the Qur'an is one of the noble deeds. A goodrecitation of the Qur'an will be worth a reward for the readerand vice versa; a wrong reading will get a sin. Before readingthe Koran, we must study Maharaj and tajwid properly andcorrectly because then we will be able to read the Koranfluently, sufficiently, and accurately. The approach methodused in this activity is by using the ummi method, which iscarried out to improve the reading of the Qur'an for childrenand adolescents in Astapah village. This activity was carriedout because the ummi method became an effective learningsystem. After all, it could listen directly and check tounderstand and correct the pronunciation of the hijaiyahletters for children and adolescents in Astapah village. Withthis guidance, the students can also be closer to thecommunity. Based on the results of communityempowerment activities, it can be concluded that there is anincrease in the knowledge and understanding of childrenand adolescents about makhorijul letters and tajwid aftermentoring and training on how to recite the hijaiyah lettersand the science of recitation so that students can read theQur'an properly and correctly, and help the institutionswhere the Qur'an learns to improve the quality of reading theQur'an for children and adolescents in Astapah village.
Implementing The Values of Moderation in Committing The Radicalism of Students in Muslimat Islamic Boarding Schools, NU, Central Java Nurul Azizah; Ahmad Munib; Muhammad Syaichu Zakaria
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Al-Qalam Institute

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The NU Muslimat Islamic Boarding School is a boardingschool under the auspices of the Central Java NU MuslimatEducation Foundation. Although in this pesantren, the studyof the yellow book is routinely carried out, it is also necessaryto strengthen it in countering radicalism. From this service,Islamic boarding schools make efforts to fortify students sothat they do not get carried away with radical ideas, namelyby conducting seminars and mentoring. From the activitiescarried out, there are several things that are emphasized forstudents, namely: strengthening morals, da'wah throughsocial media, strengthening knowledge for provision inpreaching, choosing teachers who are clear and credible intheir scientific knowledge.
Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Pop Up Book dalam Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar bagi Guru-Guru Paud Sarmauli Sarmauli; Matius Timan Herdi Ginting; Yoan Colina; Oktani Haloho
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Al-Qalam Institute

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The independent learning curriculum for early childhoodeducation is used by PAUD teachers for PAUD/TK learning.Although currently, the independent learning curriculumcannot be implemented in Tewang Sangalang GaringDistrict, Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan. Inimproving the ability of PAUD teachers, good learningmedia are needed so that PAUD/TK students easilyunderstand them. One of the media used is the developmentof Pop Up Book media in storytelling learning. The benefit ofthis research is to find out how the pop-up book media ineducation is used by PAUD teachers for PAUD/TK learning.
PKM Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Guru SD IT Assalam Jeunib Bireuen dalam Pembuatan Modul Ajar Kurikulum Merdeka Muhammad Rizal; Muslihin Muslihin; Wahyudi Wahyudi; Rahmi Rahmi; Novianti Novianti; Muhammad Reza; Rahima Rahima; Dhiaurrahmi Dhiaurrahmi
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Al-Qalam Institute

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This article aims to discuss the development of teachingmodules in the independent learning curriculum. Teachingmodules are standard in the independent curriculum as asubstitute for lesson plans. The independent curriculumteaching module is a substitute for lesson plans that areformatted and varied in nature which include learningmaterial/content, learning methods, interpretation, andevaluation techniques which are arranged in a systematicand riveting manner to achieve the expected indicators ofsuccess. The teacher develops teaching modules beforecarrying out learning in the classroom. One of the functionsof the teaching module is to reduce the teacher's burden inpresenting content so that the teacher can have a lot of timeto become a tutor and help students in the learning process.
Sosialisasi Situs Sejarah Rumah Tgk Chiek Awee Geutah sebagai Cagar Budaya dan Destinasi Wisata Religius Melalui Penyebaran Informasi Digital Muslihin Muslihin; Wahyudi Wahyudi; Aisyah A Rahman; Rahmi Rahmi; Cucut Satria Barona; Khairunnisa Khairunnisa; Cut Iwana; Izzatunnisa Izzatunnisa; Umaiza Hanum
Communautaire: Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Al-Qalam Institute

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The Tgk Chik Awee Geutah housing complex is veryappropriate to be used as a cultural heritage site by thegovernment to preserve Aceh's cultural heritage. In thecomplex of Tgk Chik Awee Geutah's house there is Tgk ChikAwee Geutah's grave, then there is also Balee Kalut which issouth of Tgk Chik Awee Geutah's house. Balee Kalut is notfar from the Tomb, Balee Kalut is a building in the form of anoctagonal pyramid in the form of a stage. This place is a placeof worship to Allah Almighty to cleanse all sins.Visitors/tourists who come apart from visiting Tgk ChikAwee Geutah's house also make pilgrimages to the tombsand some perform religious services. Therefore, this placecan be used as a religious tourism destination. The currentgeneration is considered less familiar with the local wisdomof their own region. The Cultural Heritage Site of Tgk ChikAwee Geutah's house needs to be preserved, one of which isby introducing this cultural heritage to the community andstudents, of course. By introducing the wisdom of Tgk ChikAwee Geutah's house, it is hoped that the current generationwill know and know the identity of their ancestral heritage,by knowing and knowing them they will love the culturalheritage of their ancestors and then by loving it will protectand preserve this cultural heritage site. As for introducingthis cultural heritage site using digitization, namely takingpictures and making videos of Tgk Chik Awee Geutah'shouse and also making learning videos that teachers can uselater.

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